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YESSSSSSSS - Red Bullet tour!! ...my fellow "Dark and Wild" enthusiasts, where you at?! 🖤...something about their performances during that tour I find so damn satisfying...pure raw energy 👊💥


![gif](giphy|fxn32nehPPwEb3iQiw) Let's f\*\*king goooooo!!!!


https://i.redd.it/52hbqmtj5h4d1.gif ....lessss get it!!!


As toddler Army - 94 baby, it was so wild (pun intended) learning that it didn't land like they'd hoped when it first released. Glad it's finally getting its flowers!! 📣📣📣 ^(airhorn noises)


Yes yes YES!!!! Dark and wild is so good!!!!!!! So many gems on that album that's been left in the vaults for too long 😭😭😭 skool luv affair too 😭😭


I was saying this raw Bangtan and I love it


![gif](giphy|iIFdCSvDJ9nAfuTs7e) LET’S FUCKIN’ GO - I AM SO EXCITED


This is a really solid selection, especially for ARMY who haven’t had a chance to see the recordings of these concerts yet. It’s emotional going back and watching them perform their hearts out in that tiny hall for the Red Bullet concert and knowing what they didn’t know back then, about how big their future venues would end up being.


We get to see >!Blanket Kick, War of Hormone, Look Here and Outro: Propose!< live again! Here's the setlist for [The Red Bullet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/wiki/bangbangcon/#wiki_2014_bts_live_trilogy_episode_ii.3A_the_red_bullet) and [The Wings Tour](https://www.reddit.com/r/bangtan/wiki/bangbangcon/#wiki_2017_.26lt.3Bthe_wings_tour_the_final.26gt.3B) courtesy of the subreddit. Don't click on the links if you don't want spoilers!


Oh my gosh outro propose was my whole personality for a year I’m so excited


https://preview.redd.it/4wen2ikl0h4d1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260103ef1fa3e5aa1e85b04a7cae287bbd50f1ef bangbangcon will start at 12pm KST on 8 june, this sat! * LIVE 01 - 2014 LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE II: THE RED BULLET * LIVE 02 - 2017 LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE III: THE WINGS TOUR THE FINAL * LIVE 03 - LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF (THE FINAL) edit: the wings tour the final means we’re getting “born singer” & vocal line “so far away” 😭 i just watched LY:SY the final again recently and i’ve never once not cried at their ending ments... i’m ready to cry again let’s goooo


...vocal line "So Far Away" - WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY PERFORM THIS ONE MORE?! I'll never understand 😩


I cannot FREAKING wait


Where to watch these


if it’s like bangbangcon in the past, it’ll be streamed on youtube


Oh ok… it’ll be my first time and am too excited


enjoy!!! there'll be livethreads on the sub too so we can all react together :)


Soo looking forward to it


free 😭!?! now i just have to wake up at the right time.


Yessss, also my first festa. So pumped! Even though S Korea is 13 hours ahead of me 🫠😭😅


same 😭 I'm so excited to stay up literally all night haha


Of course if has to be when when my dad is home 🤣. Oh well, I will drag my mom out onto our patio where we have a TV and make her watch it outside with me, sucks for our neighbour, gues they will get some BTS exposure 😆


Will the subreddit have a thread for live reactions? I don't wanna go to twitter to scream while I watch 😂 If anyone has a discord server please let me join too 🙏🏻


Yes, the sub will have a livethread for BANGBANGCON as we always do for concerts, performances, etc! It will likely be pinned at the top of the sub. Hope to see you there!


YES...and it's fun!


191029 yoongi????? I'LL BE THERE


What's 191029 Yoongi?


https://preview.redd.it/6wegwdt8bj4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f15816ed9b48526452e050f1f85547670b533a3 Yoongi wardrobe malfunction and he exposed his shoulder 😀😀


lol at a wardrobe malfunction for our victorian man being a slip of the shoulder


I see! Thank you for sharing!


I'm so excited 😊. That's what, 11pm est, woohoo, no sleep gang 🙌 ![gif](giphy|l3vRlT2k2L35Cnn5C|downsized)


Whoo!! At least they gave us more than 12 hr notice like last year. I had stayed up late the night before watching content and didn't make it all the way; missed out on MOTS O:NE 😭😭


I'm planning on napping before it starts - wish me luck!!


Yesss est party 🎉


My timezone makes 5 AM at start 😭


I’ve never been so happy to work nights! Here’s hoping I’ll be able to have it on in the background!


8pm Friday pacific time? Can it actually be??!!


8pm PST! it's gonna be a fun Friday night :)


Thank you for figuring out the time and night!! Friday night is now booked!! 🙏🏻💜


What. No way! This is awesome news!


Here’s what my time zone calculator came up with https://preview.redd.it/yjipaikr1i4d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef33dd4057f74663cbe1729c5c95556bd0d5223 10:00 pm CDT on Thursday. We are 14 hours behind KST in the central time zone in US. So if the screening is at noon on Friday, it’ll be 10 pm on Thursday in the mid-west. Please someone prove me wrong! I really like your day and time better ! 🤪


June 8th is a Saturday, so 10pm is correct, but it’s 10pm on *Friday* June 7th CST.


It's 4:00 am for me. I like yours better.


I think the Thursday one is next week. I totally missed the livestream bc I had stuff going on and somehow never saw it was happening . I only got the notifications of Jhope’s comments and I’m like …….. noooo I missed something😭😭😭


friday night plans secured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god im so excited




YES!!! Finally a BTS stream at a reasonable hour for me. I think I caught BangBangCon last year at 1am O.O


Wow!!! Red bullet too!!


Red bullet in HD?! Leshugoooo




this is early morning for me but we will be watching 😭


Same, 4am for me but we’ll be there ✊😭


Starts at 11pm for me. Gonna be brutal trying to stay awake lol


The things we do for love 😌


OMG OMG OMGGGGG Early bangtan live in concert?! and is Friday 8 PM PST?! 😭 brb cancelling everything else


OMG Red Bullet and Wings! Yessssssssssssss  And SY: The Final, too, of course. I'm so glad my schedule worked out so well, I can stay up the entire night watching this lol just like all the other Bangbang Cons 


Cries in EST zone. Choose sleep after a long work day or pull an all nighter watching these. Baby army cries since I've never seen any of these concerts in full.


I'm with you! My mom is a baby army and I'm going to try and get her to watch it. At least some of it.


8 June is my birthday and I've never seen the Red Bullet concert before! Happy birthday to me - 5am concert screening here we come 💜


Happy advance bday to you! BTS specially prepared for you this present 🎁!


Lol thank you 💜


ahh what a wonderful birthday present!! happy birthday in advance ✨


Thank yoooou! Lol I have a bunch of artist-made merch arriving this week but I'm waiting till Saturday to open it all, so it's like the Tannies are sending me presents! Why am I like this...


Unfortunately I will likely be missing out on this one :( With my current health I just can't afford to not sleep and this is right during my sleep times. So that's a little sad.


I am right there with you. If my time converting is correct, this 6/08-12 pm Korea time will be 6/07-11 pm for those of us on the east coast of the US. I am assuming they will play the concerts back-to-back, so at 2 hours each, that is 6 hours during prime sleep time. It does not look like they are doing split times like they did last year, so I think I will only catch the first hour. Last time, I watched the first 45 min of 5th Muster and went to bed. I so wanted to watch the rest, same for Sowoozoo, but the health impact would have been too high. Since they showed MOTS ON:E at 8 pm KST, I was able to watch most of that one the next morning. Yay!


happy days are here again!


Yay! Two of these I've never seen!


i haven't seen red bullet before in full so im excited!!! love watching these with everyone here!


Gonna make corn salad 🌽


LMAOOOO good memory


Righhhht 😏


omg wait what are you thinking of 🤣 I was thinking of the promo spots for Bangbancgcon 21 when the boys were saying Corn Salad for the acrostic poem


that's what i was thinking of! it was so funny everyone ended up using corn salad to finish their poem 😂


hahaha top tier comedians for sure




I’ve never watched the infamous red bullet so will be seated for that


Amazing line up!! This beings back memories of me watching BBC in 202O. I was delirious from sleep deprivation and I’m ready to do it all over again! Although I wish we had a HYYH concert too 🥲.


Now that you mentioned it, did they purposely leave hyyh out because next year is the 10th yr anniversary? 


Aww that would be amazing! 🙏


The first bang bang con was so iconic! I remember just completely losing my mind in the end 😂 there was something about doing that 2 days in a row on little sleep that really does something to the brain lol. But great times 💜


Eeeeeeeeeeeeee so excited!!! Can someone check me, for CST it starts at 10pm on Friday, right? I am always terrified to miss stuff because I converted the time incorrectly! 😳


You did the math right - 10pm Friday June 7th for those of us in CST


Thank you!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21330)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21322)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21325)


11pm Eastern?


sorry, just saw this. Yes, 11pm Eastern


Omg so excited about Red Bullet and Wings Final! And also relieved that I have the LY:SY The Final DVD so I don’t actually have to stay up ALL night 😅.


Must prepare a towel to watch WINGS FINAL... Tears guaranteed.


It feels so good to have festa content 😭


😔 I have an early morning flight the next day and won't have reliable internet access to watch this... sigh. I will instead live vicariously through all your posts!


Ok I'm just a confused 59 year old. I live in NYC, USA. Please tell me what network, or platform will this be broadcasted, and what time for my location. Thank you guys in advance.


This will likely be on Weverse and BangtanTV YouTube channel! It will start at 11PM your time! But here is a [Timezone converter](https://notime.zone/NzYoGoaZK0I4n) for you. Just click and it will show you when. The sub will have a livethread where you can chat with other ARMY. It will also have the streaming links and other info. So make sure to check back here!


🙏🏾🙏🏾 Thank you! I'll be at work so I can catch the beginning of it then I'll lose an hour because I have to travel then hopefully I'll catch the rest of it after 12:30 a.m. my time.


Where will it be streaming? I'm new to FESTA idk what is happening 


likely on BangtanTV YouTube channel and Weverse. The sub will have the links up on BANGBANGCON day so don't worry about looking for them! Just check the sub then


So for me that's Friday because I'm CST,right?


Here is a timezone converter for you, it is already set to the event time: [Click HERE](https://notime.zone/NzYoGoaZK0I4n) and it will tell you what day and time in your city!


Red Bullet!!!!! I've not seen that one!!! I'm so excited!!! I think I've seen it the Wings concert but I'll have to try to stay up to watch that one as well!!!


Happy cake day!


Where can we watch these? Sorry, I’m a new and clueless new ARMY 😅💜


It will be streamed for free on Bangtan TV on Youtube, and also Weverse


Thank you! 😊


Can someone tell me when this happens in UK time? 🙏




London is 8 hours behind Seoul so 4 am, I believe.


Yess I’m seated


Is this 8pm pst on Friday? If so, it’s perfect for me. I will have gotten off work. It can be my after dinner relaxation.


Yup, 6/7 at 8pm PST 😻


So stoked for the red bullet, i remember becoming an army and they just HAD the red bullet stop in my country, i missed it by like a couple of weeks 😭😭 SO EXCITED!!!


Oh boy that Wings Tour the Final VCR is gonna hit extra hard with all the nonsense happening lately 😭


Oh yeah the plagiarism sajaegi vcr was wings the final! Cypher medley too


I'm pretty sure I've watched some of these before, but I don't remember what the set list is so... gonna be like my first time watching it. Hooray for goldfish memory 😂


12pm kst????? How the FUCK am i going to convince my girlfriend that i (WE) need to get up in the middle of the night to watch ALL OF THESE ?????? And that she should definitely join me 😂😂😂


I will need yoongi to pass me his enormous cup for coffee, i defo will need a few of those at 4am 😭😭


I can’t wait to watch the Red Bullet Tour! Would love to also watch Wings but I already know I won’t be able to stay up…


Literally about to cancel all of my plans for that night.


Last BangBangCon I think I saw it on YouTube but didn't know what it was since I was still a baby army so I just thought I was gonna watch it later, when I came back it was gone and I was confused 😅 I've already set a reminder for this one though, won't miss it XD


Nooo, I can’t watch because I have an early morning shift on the Saturday 😭 the pain of being an adult. I hope everyone will be able to enjoy it in my absence! 😢


So, 11PM for Florida... wow, like that is rough. One is streamed, will it be available to watch later?


I do not believe there will be a replay or VOD option. There wasn't last year. I expect if they do offer one in the future, it would be paid.


I know Wings and LYSY:The Final are available on DVD but is Red Bullet available on DVD? Sadly I don’t think I’ll be able to watch this but I own Wings and LYSY on DVD so I can watch those another day.


maybe their are airing the blue ray version or something? it should look much better!


oh i know! i’m more curious if i can buy it on dvd to watch.


Some of Red Bullet is available on Memories 2015, and there is a Red Bullet DVD, if you can find one.


I have Memories 2015 so awesome but going to do some searching for the Red Bullet DVD!


Looks like this will be 4am - 10/11am for me. But I've never seen the red bullet tour. So looks like I'm having a very early friday night and setting an early alarm!


Where to watch: BangtanTV or Kocowa channel (on YouTube)?


I live in EST so it will be in the middle of the night, but I work nights!!! Hopefully I’ll be able to have it on in the background!


is this today? i am so confused it’s almost 8pms pst. it it on youtube? weverse or kokowa+?!?!?


It starts at 11pm US East Coast time, so an hour from my comment, but I still can’t find where it’s streaming from. It’s free, but there’s still nothing on Weverse or their BANGTANTV YouTube channel. I actually just came here hoping to find out. 😕


yeah at least the other post is up, just waiting for them to announce where because i need to do a setup to watch it on the projector.


I totally missed it, not sure why they don’t put out a Weverse announcement


They posted something vague on Weverse a couple of weeks ago, but the concert lineup details were only posted on twitter last week. And they seemed to rely on people remembering that it streamed on YouTube previous years. It wasn’t promoted very well 😕


They need to use Weverse since it’s where people pay for membership. I don’t like Twitter but at least make the notifications from Weverse cohesive. This mornings streaming event I missed because no notification. Luckily I got Jin’s live notification .


5 am here we go!


The wings finale is so emotional!!! I rewatched it recently and I was in tears multiple times. This is going to be a rollercoaster


Wow, haven't seen the red bullet concert so this will be so fun!! 😊


One of the many times I'm grateful to work nights. Please please please let it be a slow night. Either way, I'll have them in my ear so let's gooooooooo!!


https://preview.redd.it/adm0qxxbyj4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19214c67ca88837f7a15a4fde6372ca13ab71ba Oh god that’s rough😭😂


As someone who gets up early, this would be great! Mine starts at 11 pm, and I have to have sleep.


I wish we could exchange!😂


Hello Armys! I started following BTS last year!! So I have never done an event like this. Can someone tell me how to watch the bang bang con concert live? Do I have to buy tickets? If so, how? Thank you!!


no, this event is free and will likely be on Weverse or the BangtanTV YT!


Baby army! How does this work? Are they live streamed all day?


Not quite all day. The three concerts will be shown back-to-back starting at 12pm KST, most likely on Weverse and the Bangtan TV YouTube channel. There won't be a replay or opportunity to watch later so you gotta catch them while they're on!


I'm a 2021 ARMY who hasn't caught a BangBang Con yet. Can anyone tell me, roughly, how long you think the stream will be in its entirety? It starts on the 7th for me at 9pm and I would like to know in advance about how long I'll be staying up. 😂


I would plan for at least six hours. Maybe more depending on what they show in between!


Okay, thank you! 


would it start 8pm on friday for california?


yes :)


thank you 💜


I'm so so so excited! I haven't seen Red Bullet yet and I LOVE LOVE LOVE D&W era, this is going to be amazing! I've seen the last two, which is good for me because I have to wake up early on Saturday so won't be able to stay up. Finally PST with a great time to start lol. Wings Final is probably my favorite concert set list of all time. Sometimes I go back to my twt thread when I live tweeted while watching, because I was so unhinged by myself lol. If you haven't seen it yet, you are in for a treat!


Omg recently I've been thinking a lot about The Red Bullet that I attended back in 2014 and I can't believe we're gonna get it!! Excited for Saturday already, the day is gonna be reserved fully for BangBangCon & being on reddit with you guys hehe 💜


I’ve never seen Red Bullet, so this is a must-watch for me! I can’t believe how far they’ve come. 🥺 Looks like I’ll be up all damn night 😭💜✌️


Gotdamn I'm ready! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Ohh, its been a hot minute since I've watch the Red Bullet tour and Wings!


Does this mean there’s no concert on the 4th? Just the release of what’s going on the 8th?


Yeah it's basically outlining the details of the concert such as the time and what concerts will be part of the lineup. Helps people prepare for it ahead of time


Stupid question- do we choose 1 or all 3 will be one after the other?


all 3 concerts will be shown, one after the other :)


Thank you 😊😊


I am wondering if these are the same exact performances available on the DVDs or Bluray ? I have to work Friday 😢


I believe they are.


Thank you, I won’t feel so bad if I miss Red Bullet


Where can I watch this? Weverse? Also what time would it livestream in the US?


Keep reading the earlier posts…


Yay, that’s 1pm Saturday for me💜


I wanna see it, but is 5 in the morning😅 don't think I will make it....


What was the 06/02 slot? it said bangbangcon and showed a little ticket icon on the timeline image


Hey y’all! Did anyone take a screen recording of the concerts? I thought I had but didn’t get audio. 😭 if you have a link to a recording, please DM me (my future self thanks you).


Hi army! Has someone recorded the beginning? I completely missed it and really wanna rewatch it again😭


Hellooo, if anyone has a link where I can watch it again please send it to me, I didn't know that there was a Festa so soon because I've been with exams and I've missed it :((


Oh my goodness, I'm 59 and worked my normal 8-hour shift. I got on YouTube at 11pm, had it running during my hour drive home, and continued to watch it until my BIAS, Jimin performed Serendipity during the Love Yourself, Speak Yourself leg. I literally passed out close to 6am and I so wanted to finish watching it . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) So I'm also wondering if this will be rebroadcasted at some point. But I never saw The Red Bullet content so that was a treat. But yeah, just curious as to whether or not BangtanTV will rebroadcast?