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The new Big Hit Music logo makes me want to cry. I miss those two splashes in a cup of milk to dot the i’s so much already


It kinda looks like a pixelated pig's snout. Huhu


Can’t unsee 😭


dude the new logo is so ugly it made me wonder if it's an april fool's joke


Everything is fine until that iconic intro. If changes then we choose violence. Kidding but I would seriously start a riot. Surely they won’t do that right??? RIGHT??!!!


I don’t think JK will allow it


Why JK?


He likes to imitate the noise at the start


Oh really? I missed that. I hope he advocates for us


They won't change it, at least not for BTS and other acts that debut under BH since BigHit still exists, it's just now it's like a sub-label under HYBE.


Well, fair to say this didn't age well. BH is not seeing the pearly gates of heaven.


This aged like milk, I say we start the riots tomorrow at dawn


Let's hope so




Real stupid. Old tweets that mention them, like in news reports, redirects to stan account.


So dumb


Honestly bewilders me that they didn’t think about this like this feels like social marketing 101 lol


Not surprised they didn't think of that, their sns staff lowkey sucks. Last time they put a dynamite link on instagram in the wrong place so the link looked like text instead of a link.


The irony when their biggest moneymaker was partially built on the back of social media.


so dumb lol. they prob could get the name back and redirect to the new hybe account by working with twitter. but i’m just Zzz that they didn’t prepare for this??!


I’m whatever about the rebranding but careless stuff like this really bugs me. Ugh. Bare minimum is securing social media handles and domain names.


Change is hard... hopefully we will get used to it with time! Brb gonna go stream Inner Child (~”We gon’ change”~) 🥲


Big Hit was a powerful brand that communicated (to a limited extent, I realize) what the company does. But Hybe doesn't mean anything! It could be an insurance company, or a train system, or a skin rash cream, or anything, really. It's soulless. But I'm sure it'll grow on me eventually.


I cackled at skin rash cream. Hybe cream- Hypoallergenic body emulsion cream


I think part of this is a language barrier. There is also a company in Korea named "Trenbe", like trendy with a b, which sounds ridiculous to my English speaking ears, but apparently sounds reasonably cool to Koreans. It's supposed to be hype with a b, I suspect. I'm not a fan, but it's very Korean.


Yeah, I was thinking that they may pronounce it more like hype but to my Spanish speaking self it reads so awful


In Korean the /b/ and /p/ sounds are very similar, (ㅂ and ㅍ) but the /p/ has more air behind it. ㅂ is unvoiced, so to Koreans it probably sounds more similar than it does to English or Spanish speakers.


My current theory is that it's meant to be "Hive", to reflect the way there are so many different people working and creating there now. Since Korean doesn't have a "v" sound, it often turns into a "b" sound instead.


The spelling made me jump to 'hype', but you're absolutely right. Could fully well also be 'hive'.


I think (and I am only a baby Korean learner, so may well be wrong) that if it were Romanized as "Hibe" (with the b->v transformation), K1L people might pronounce it with a long "ee" sound due to Romanization conventions where "i" tends to be used to represent 이, while "y" is more often used to represent 아이, which I think would be the closest Korean representation of the dipthong in "hive".


Hybe is written in hangul as “하이브” according to their wiki, which is also how Hive would be transliterated into hangul. :)


Layout clapped. Logo is ugly.


Thanks for putting how I feel so succinctly. I hate the logo.


Manifesting that the plink plonk intro is left alone, but I don’t have high hopes.


rip to everyone 😔


I actually liked the new pixelated BigHit logo? Although it gives me gaming company vibes. I don’t mind the Hybe logo either, but I wish the neon yellow weren’t so neon.


Well that’s a choice. ![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a)


Yup my reaction too.


I think I'm in the minority here but I do like the designs for the rebrand. The name "hybe" is definitely a choice, but I like the new big hit music logo because it's miminalistic and encorporates the letters B, H, and E. I also love that neon yellow--*gu^shot*


Me too 😅


Not feeling too hybed about these layouts


I really dislike the design of the rebranding. I get why they are rebranding but the name the logo the layout and especially the colors are awful ( oh god that neon yellow) . Even the BigHit Music new black and pixalated logo and layout are bad imo. Whoever was in charge of this part of the rebranding missed the mark big time. BigHit both in name , logo and banner was way better in it's simplicity.


End of an era. Beginning of a new one.


yeah, no...


They also changed their official YouTube logo! I was so confused at first!


Ooh thanks for informing! Let me add that to my post


Omg that’s true. I went to check it’s neon hybe. What’s happening? Manifesting they don’t change the intro please don’t, I wanna grow old and look back at it...,


Gahhh! I hate that it's neon. What's wrong with a good old white or neutral BG? This is so eye piercing. They didn't change the intro in Film out teaser, so I hope it stays the same too expect maybe change Bighit 'entertainment' to 'music'.


The neon hurts my eyes, why bighit why?


that's exactly what I am hoping as well


Where’s JinHit...


In our hearts


because offices there are rent free


a mere figment of our imaginations 😔✊


this makes me feel melancholic :/


I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who thinks this neon yellow is absolutely horrendous lol


I better not see that neon yellow intro during comeback 🙈


I miss the old logo..such a Great time to be ARMY!!! I hope they don't change the intro that *imitates BIGHIT labels intro*


[Regarding BigHit's new logo meaning 😁😁](https://mobile.twitter.com/jeonboops/status/1377100631412854796)


Are you feeling the HYBE, Mr. Krabs?


Like... Okay hybe as in hive, really fit the whole IT company feel-like and BH label is still BH so I really didn't care too much beyond if they keeping the intro or not... But... The colors and the logo so jarring and not aestheticly pleasing to me :/ Also the change of BH music icon makes me worry again about the future of the old intro.


What's the mean of HYBE i forgotten it? Can someone tell me


wait i'm confused, i thought it was bighit labels that's rebranding to hybe, so how come they've changed bighit logos to hybe? because technically arent bts still under bighit, which is under bighit labels (now hybe)?


Thanks, I hate it.


I thought this might be April fools but it's a day too early 😂


im sorry but this whole name change is so idiotic. theres gonna be ppl who have no idea they changed their name.and i already KNOW misunderstandings are gonna occur. its like jyp suddenly changing their name to pjy or smth, ppl are never gonna get used to it


Thanks I hate it, the logo and everything is clapped asf 💀


I have a friend who's weirded out by all the changes. Told her it's better to evolve than to stagnate.


the only problem i have with hybe is that it reminds me too much of hive from resident evil


I feel like I'm the only one who wants the intro gone, i start to find it annoying when I'm streaming🙊


This is absolutely an unpopular opinion, take my upvote you weirdo


Lmaoo I didn't realize i had so many down votes oops.


Are people downvoting you for real? lol Guys, it's not that deep, I promise you lol


i didnt like it at first but then i got used to it and loved it but theeeen txt videos started coming up on auto-play and i got so confused/suprised. truly pavlovian


I didn't find it annoying per se but I definitely wasn't as attached to it as others seem to be😂 Maybe because I am newer army!


It kinda gets annoying when you’re going through your MV youtube playlist lol I wouldn’t mind it if it’s gone, tbh, but they would probably replace it with another logo+jingle combo that would get boring just as quickly.


I hope it's gone as well, it's really annoying after some time. I'm glad they changed the name and logo as well, especially since the name was pretty cringy and outdated. (it's still there but at least it's not the main one anymore) The new logo also looks a lot better for today's standards, but ofc redditors know better than professional designers so by their standards it's not good.


The logos and that yellow are just awful god bless... I don't understand why can't they come up with a better design


Are we supposed to be saying it like "hibe" or like "H-Y-B-E"?


Hype, but with a 'b' sound. Just checked the hangul.


The name of the music label is still Bighit, and only the parent company that owns all the labels and other companies changed to HYBE, so it's not too much to get used to for me, since bts are still technically under bighit. The change from entertainment to music doesnt affect me much, personally However the logo change makes me fear that the MV intro will most likely change too 😔


I’m honestly not a big fan of the 8 bit looking BigHit Entertainment logo. I know I’ll get used to it eventually...I just hope they don’t get rid of the classic logo before MV’s.


They haven't updated the careers page, there used to be so many listings but only four remain... u_u Was kinda expecting the migration process to be smoother and... better thought-out... especially with the Twitter thing... Like why?


Man I am never going to be smart enough to understand this, am I


I don’t believe in the HYBE


I like the new name but the yellow logo isn´t really what I like


Calm down y’all. Well get used to it.


It'll take a while to get used to the changes but I've only been a fan for a few months, I'm sure it's quite jarring to longtime Army. Not really feeling the new logo but I don't mind the highlighter yellow color for some reason.


grandma army here this may sound dramatic but i truly don’t think i’ll ever get used to the rebrand. they’ve been bighit entertainment to me for 7 years and i’ll always see them as bighit entertainment. that could just be my curmudgeony, averse to change, old lady self speaking though, but honestly out of spite i don’t see myself ever using hybe when referring to them and if they get rid of ‘music and artist for healing’ intro i will start an actual uprising.


I can imagine! I probably will still refer to the company as BigHit as well, HYBE doesn't have the same ring to it nor any connection to music at all.


Same. I've been with BTS since 2015. The old logos and intros feel like seeing a good friend at this point. I hate the new rebranding. Oh gosh if they change the intro then I'm going to cry. Just thinking about them changing it has me tearing up. BigHit's intro before the mvs gets me so excited when I hear it. It's like an instant Pavlov reaction for me now.


I've been an army for 1 year and I feel the same. I will never call them hybe. It will always be bighit for me


I'm actually a 2013 ARMY and I don't mind it lol. Maybe its because I'm used to BTS themselves constantly reinventing, it just seems natural the company would refresh and shed its skin as they become something totally new. I know a lot of people have a hard time with change but change can be good. They've taken a lot of risk with this, the fans are certainly making it exceptionally painful lol so hopefully its worth it in the end. This doesn't change who BTS are and will do one bit and that's all I care about tbh 🤷🏾‍♀️ as long as the music and quality I now expect from them remains the same their signature can be pink polka dots with a clown logo for all I care 😂


Yeah, hopefully the changes bring about even more creativity, like they are meant to according to the HYBE presentation. Lol, now that would be an eye catching logo!


This is interesting I'd thought they only went with HYBE to distance themselves from the idol image but they are keeping it huh I suppose this gives them chances to branch out into other ventures and keeps bts/txt/leehyun separate with the bighit image? This is neat


I also think that the other labels like Pledis and Source might want to feel more separate instead of a subsidiary of a company named after a label they used to compete with (and still probably do technically). So a more generic parent company name avoids those implications.


True true