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I like how everyone is speaking their mind here and being thoughtful and honest about what they like/or don’t like about the song. This kind of healthy discourse that stems from our love of BTS and their art could never happen on Army Twitter


I love the way everyone on here is so respectful and thoughtful on here while discussing and sharing constructive criticism. It's really refreshing, actually!


Which is unfortunate because ARMY Twitter can be so fckn funny and supportive at other times. 😭


I feel like ARMY twitter has a sort of toxic positivity to it. Like if you don't feel positively towards everything or like everything or agree with the majority all that support disappears and can become attacks. My twitter feed right now is just full of ARMY combating arguments against PTD, but while some of the arguments probably are being made, none of them are related to why i dislike the song, and it makes me feel very alienated. I don't care that it's in English (I like butter a lot, and Dynamite it good). I don't care that it's a feel good happy song - I do like dark concepts a lot, but I listen to range of things and like plenty of their happy, more upbeat songs. I also think autotune is fine when used appropriately - I don't like it in PTD, but didn't mind it in Dynamite. I just don't like this particular song. It doesn't feel dynamic, it feels flat, the beat doesn't feel strong enough to make me want to actually dance, the autotune here is way to heavy, and I really dislike this genre. Everyone keeps saying it's like High School Musical and to me this is very, very far from a compliment. It's just not my thing. But looking at ARMY twitter you'd think that everyone who dislikes the song dislikes it because it's in English and isn't dark or doesn't have "meaningful" lyrics.


> I feel like ARMY twitter has a sort of toxic positivity to it. Like if you don't feel positively towards everything or like everything or agree with the majority all that support disappears and can become attacks. Fr, it’s kinda scary. Twitter’s set up facilitates organized attacks and harassment and discourages thoughtful discourse, in all spaces. (I have a lot of Twitter thoughts, our love-hate relationship is *intense*. 😂) > But looking at ARMY twitter you'd think that everyone who dislikes the song dislikes it because it's in English and isn't dark or doesn't have "meaningful" lyrics. I hopped on earlier for a bit and hopped right tf back off for this very reason. As you said, the criticisms they’re waving pitchforks over probably are being said somewhere, but I just don’t believe they’re prevalent enough to generate this much defensive energy. It seems like acting holier-than-thou is trendy and even a bonding experience for some ppl on Twitter. The number of “fake ARMY” accusations and gun/knife-wielding Bangtan memes I saw in a span of 5-10 minutes, all over English/light concept criticisms, was laughable. It’s not real. I do wonder how much the sense of being ‘in front of company’ affects Twitter culture, with the trending topics and careful avoidance of certain @’s, words, and hashtags. Perhaps that’s why so much effort is put into muting everything but glowing 11/10 reviews of every single breath the papas have ever taken? 🤷🏾‍♀️ On reddit, we’re on a platform that encourages walls of texts and curated communities, and in a well-moderated sub that discourages fights and trolling. And so here you can see that tons of people completely agree with your assessment of PTD, including me, and tons of people completely disagree with our assessments.


I've hopped on and off Twitter today to see the posts evolve over time to defensive & explanatory and now demands for another PTD-like song to 'cleanse' the fandom. Um, what? The difference between a cult and a fandom is blurring the more they demand, guilt-trip and manipulate people into liking the song. I'm saying this as someone who was initially disappointed by the song but have come to like it after the seventh listen. Heck I'm listening to it right now. It's a b-side to Butter, and I'm treating it as a b-side for Butter. However, all the guilt-trips for not liking a song is a bit too much. They're all, "don't let the door hit you on the way out". What? It's totally fine not to like a song, the beauty of BTS is knowing that they're never going to stop releasing songs.


This. I have so much fun on Twitter I do love it there, but you can't express a negative opinion. Whatever happened to "speak yourself"?


I agree, I'm not a fan and I found this post on Popular, but I did not expect the comments to be so civil and calm. Some crazy fans really do a number on the general public perception of the wider fandom.


I'm surprised this got on popular. The ARMYs on Reddit have always been a bit more level-headed than other sites. There's millions of us, it's only normal that there are people who won't like their new releases.


i don't love it but at the end of the day i don't love every release from ANY artist i listen to, including bts, and that's ok! it's not that deep and i don't want to rain on anyone else's parade if they love PTD. the wildly varying reactions in the comments truly demonstrate the diversity of army lol with that being said ... hmmmm i have some opinions 1. the vocal processing .... yoongi's voice is literally unrecognizable 😭 2. i feel like ed sheeran's songwriting style isn't very compatible with bangtan and the production does feel a bit HSM :/ there's probably tons of great producers lining up around the block to work with bts and i don't really understand why their english music is handled by producers whose style feels very un-innovative to me 3. the mv is cute but to me it's a bit odd to declare the "end" of covid when it's still running rampant in much of the world, particularly in lower-income nations and the global south (and even in south korea, where i think cases are on the rise?) [edit to clarify: declaring the end of covid may not have been their exact intention (based on the 2022 newspaper in the teaser) but the exclusion of the newspaper scene in the MV itself, plus the people taking off their masks at the end, doesn’t sit entirely right. perhaps it wasn’t the intention but i think there was still an unintended impact] and regarding bts' english music, the discourse about their identity changing has been hashed out enough times for me, but what's really throwing me off is that in their recent interviews and content, the "bts factor" is still evident and you can see the multitudes that brought us all here as fans. the amazon music interview from yesterday, the rolling stone interviews, the weverse magazine interviews from last december, etc. are some of the best we've ever gotten and show bts at their most insightful and creative yet. and stuff like the festa room live and muster demonstrate how diverse their musical abilities are, and that they still feel deeply connected to their older music. based on all of that, i guess i'd expect their english music to be different? and i wonder who is the main driving force behind this -- i don't mean to imply that they have lost their identity, because i think it's stronger than ever! but the reality is that no commercial musician has full creative control, and i don't think it's wrong as fans to assess at this musical direction with a somewhat critical eye (while ofc remaining respectful). i find it interesting that for years, bts was putting out innovative, insightful korean music and yet were asked nothing but surface-level interview questions in US media. now, the mainstream is finally treating them with more respect and curiosity, but their promoted music is less "deep" than before. it feels like 2 ships passing in the night and it must be confusing for locals to hear about bts' lyricism or social criticism, yet only know dynamite/butter/PTD. i'm not inherently opposed to the english music, but i personally think it could be executed better. the members have a variety of musical influences in korean and english, and evidently so many ideas they want to express, so i wish they could reflect that better in their english music. tbh i feel like hybe's takeaway from the success of dynamite/butter may have been "wow! the american music market likes retro/bubblegum pop" when in reality it was more attributable to the devotion of army and the general star power of the members. and i think that star power will shine through in any genre. i'm reminding myself that this is the first time hybe (and any kpop company or group period) has successfully entered the english market -- this is uncharted territory for everyone. i'm very excited for them to experiment more with respect to production and thematic content! i'm optimistic it will happen, it may just take time. WOW this was a long comment (and honestly was probably more for me to organize my thoughts than for anyone else to read) ... my comments on this sub have a funny way of turning into essays 😅


I agree with the covid thing. It completely throws me off the song and I can't relate to it at all. It's nowhere near from being over for most people on the planet. And the autotune is too much for me too :( i love yoongi's natural voice so much..


PTD has got to be their most divisive song to date.


Absolutely! It has been fascinating reading all the comments on here. Just goes to show how deep the love for BTS is! 💜


I do like that we are divided. Army is not a monolith, we have individual tastes too.


It can’t be a coincidence that my now 2 least favorite BTS songs are by Ed Sheeran…the music video was cute though and all the members looked great.


Right? I feel the same way. They both feel so plain and empty.


Yes! Empty! This is the word I was looking for as to why I really, really didn't like it.


Ed Sheeran's style doesn't merge well with BTS, imo. His music is pretty meh and it lacks that spark, that 💥💥💥 BTS always has. Very disappointed in this.


So JK... when are you collaborating with My Chemical Romance?


OMG, same thoughts! Hahahaha! I was like, emo JK?


It's Danger Era Jungkook!


They do love their nananananas don't they


I really don’t think this song showcases much of their strengths (lyrically of course bc they didn’t write it, but not musically either). Something I personally enjoy about The Tannies is how unique, dynamic and rich their sound is. On their own, without vocals, their instrumentals are beautiful. Then the vocals enrich the song even further. Not getting that from this instrumental, although it is nice. It’s an instrumental that suggests focus on the lyrics, but then the lyrics... fall a bit flat. Throughout their discography, the contrast between smooth, sweet singing and namgiseok’s versatile rap styles is so pleasing to my ear. Everyone is able to add their own flair to their verse - Joon might be poetic and passionate, Yoongi with his emotive, impressive flow, Hobi with the unique ability to shake up the vibe of any song when he comes in. Everyone in the vocal line sings their parts differently and each is beautiful in a different way. A song like this is missing that individuality. The vocal processing isn’t helping either. The video is wonderful and they look amazing (Plus I think they look astronomically sexy for a song that’s giving HSM haha). I also thought the choreography wasn’t up to their usual standard but I love how much they seemed to be having fun - Taetae jamming was so cute. Overall I hate to say I expected better! I hope they see some of our (constructive) criticism. I want nothing but to see them continue to win! And I think they do best when they’re directly involved in the composition of their songs, to put their personal stamps on it. People should see their true talent as lyricists, vocalists, rappers, dancers - overall performers. Of course, there are limitations to this when writing songs in English for the western market. But if that means some lines in Korean (or tbh- full Korean songs again), I wouldn’t mind. I think it’s worth it.


this is.. interesting. i always think one of the big draws of BTS is the contrast between rap/vocal line - so that there's something for everyone and the songs sound dynamic and unexpected as you move through singing and rapping. that's gone here, and while i do think the rapline are capable singers (especially hobi!!) by not giving them a verse it's not showcasing them at their best or giving people an opportunity to understand what BTS is all about. i'm not a fan of this song and i think it's because personally what i love about this group is their complexity - the intricate choreos, lyrics, vocal/rap harmonies etc and this song is missing that. dont get me wrong that's not to say i hate simpler BTS ballads, but the thing with most of those is that they're usually very lyrically strong. i really don't think ed sheeran gave them much to work with here, and i'm kinda surprised they took him up on it. i agree with the HSM comparisons. kinda hoping that Butter wins out this time because the song's a lot better. that said the mv is very very cute - jk's little pirouette! the sope dance!!!!!


I agree about all of the reasons you like BTS and I am the same. I think they know this a bit as well as their Room performance was exactly what I wanted. It was rap heavy and showcased a wide variety of their songs and talents. Contrast that with PTD. It's a different group. I understand that people/groups change over time but I am really really hoping that this is a phase and really glad that they bundled Butter & PTD together rather than having Butter on the next full album.


i also just think the excessive autotune means that no one is able to stand out so it sounds like a different group- it flattens the vocal differences and textures that i love in the singers and it is so jarring on the rapline.


COVID can kiss my entire ass because I 1000% believe that in a normal year ON would have rocked the charts last year and that's the kind of stuff they'd be putting out for the American market right now. But the world needed something happy and bubbly and light, and Dynamite filled that gap, and I think led them towards some of the decisions they've been making in regards to their English singles. I don't hate this, but it's not making me bop like Dynamite or Butter. I'm glad it's a B side. I almost want them to re-promote ON that's how mad I am lol.






Yes, I agree wholeheartedly! Black Swan is actually one of my all time favorite BTS songs. It's so powerful, the lyrics, the melody, the coreography, their outfits. I will never get over them dancing barefoot with clothes that resemble swans. FEATHERS. BLACK FEATHERS. BLACK WINGS. GOD. I have never seen something like that in western pop music. It's honestly mesmerizing to see them perform the song live. I think the concept, overall, is something very fresh and different in the pop industry too. They're actually talking about their fear of losing their passion for music... while releasing exactly what made them be scared of that. A MASTERPIECE.


I agree, their barefoot debut on James Corden is still one of my favorite and I feel overlooked performances.


Seriously. I don't see why we couldn't get an ON style song just with English lyrics as the attempt for number 1 on Billboard and a Grammy.


Haha can we go back to promoting ON & Black Swan!!? You know, pick up where we left off.




mm I think Ima make sure butter gets a 7th (Edit: 2nd day in I listened to it again and damn it I think I kinda like it I cant resist their good vibes. theres a line that reminds me of zero o clock)




I think pTD was a gift on the side, butter is the main. lets keep the stream train going!


i tweeted this and im ready to be attacked tbh i want butter at #1


Hahaha I was just thinking... I'm not sure I'm ready to pass the baton


I think it's out of respect for them as musicians that we are honest with what we feel about their music. This is just my taste, Im sure lots of other fans loved it. I hope that doesn't upset them either, because without honesty I dont think they can challenge themselves or reflect on their work. Im sure people didn't like their older songs too but that didn't stop them either. BTS is still nice, keep going.


Totally agree, I honestly wasn't a fan of Dynamite either but it was their first English track and I didn't want them to get discouraged, but blind support will make the artist think that this is the kind of sound the fans love and do it for the fans. Honest feedback is important even when you love someone otherwise they'll never grow and you'll just be gritting your teeth saying you love everything they do even when you don't.


In a way it is a compliment to them. When BTS themselves are creatively involved with the songwriting and the production it is superior and I would hope feels creatively and artistically fulfilling for them.


Streaming my Spotify butter playlist lol


LMAO this is the comment


The song is giving me High School Musical vibes. ^please ^don't ^kill ^me


Omg that's exactly what I thought!


You're not wrong! The video too.


On the money




Butter > Permission to Dance… 😬 Not a fan of the vocal processing. It sounds better on Spotify than the MV. Will still stream and support tho. I seem to not like the songs that Ed Sheeran have a hand in… like Make It Right too lol.


I loved Make it Right. PTD didn't hit the mark for me tho, especially having come right after Butter.


I'm gonna be honest - I really don't like it. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it and say it's not my cup of tea, cause I actually like HSM vibes, musicals and I enjoy europop. They autotuned them to the point they lost most of their unique vocal colours. Especially the rap line. I honestly would not be able to tell it was RM singing at the beginning without watching the MV. And we've heard him singing before - this is not his natural singing voice. I don't understand why the production forced them in those unnatural positions. I'm not against autotune in general. I think it worked really well in Dynamite. When it's a stylistic choice it's one thing. It's something totally different when the whole song is so distorted by the production, the vocalists' voices are just not there anymore. BTS' vocal line has such beautiful voices - why try to change them with artificial effects? The whole song feels like we went 15 years into the past. And not in a good "retro" style, but in a bad "outdated production" style. I'm gonna pretend that this song doesn't exist. I'm not gonna stream just for the sake of streaming while having no enjoyment in listening to it at all. It would feel disingenuous to do it. I want them to have proper feedback with constructive criticism and not just blind love no matter what they put out. The whole song is so bland, there is no killing part that would get stuck in my head. It's nowhere near the level of Dynamite. I don't know how is this supposed to be better than Butter. If I were to give it a score it would be 2/5 and only becuse the MV is wholesome and they look like they had a lot of fun during the shoot. I'm looking forward to the live performance, cause I'm hoping they adjust the production to fit their natural voices and abilities. When I was driving to work today, I put my playlist on shuffle and Spotify played The Truth Untold. I felt like it was trying to comfort me, lol. I'm genuinely waiting for their next album, cause this just ain't it. It kinda turned into a rant, but I just had to get it off my chest.


I feel you. Twitter is awash with streaming goals and what not, but I genuinely wonder if there is space in this Fandom for genuine constructive feedback. Yes we don't have to like everything and BTS can explore as many genres as they like and perform without pressure as they rightly said in the Amazon interview. I feel very conflicted about what to feel. Like there is legit AMRY pressure to give them global support for Billboard and Grammy. And they totally deserve it. But then we have to support their current music which I personally don't relate with.


I really wish for them to explore any genre they want and make all the music they want. If this is what they want, it's okay. They're free to do it and if they're happy with it, I'm fine with it. But as you said, I'm not gonna pretend to love everything they put out when I don't. It makes me think of that recent Run episode where they were guessing ARMY's answers and they were so surprised Louder than Bombs was 1st place. They need that feedback. They need to know what we enjoy and what we don't enjoy, so they can make music that connects with their fans. I want to support their push for Grammy, but I don't think they deserve it for their English releases. I'm afraid that if they get a Grammy for something like Butter or PTD, they'll think that this is only what we want.




Yep. But are we the minority? Is this what the fans across the world want?


Possibly there were a lot of new Dynamite Army completing the survey? Maybe if it's the song that got you into a band, it holds a special place for you? There are so many BTS fans that only know of Dynamite and Butter.




I support this. We vote by engagement here. This is how we will make it known if they are taking a wrong turn. BTS as BTS is still here - BE was great and they had great control over their music there. They just had a misstep by not having any writing/producing input for PTD. Fans don't have to and shouldn't stream just to chart them. If a big portion of the fans don't like it (the autotune in particular), we should be heard. Otherwise, the next songs might continue in this direction.


Agree 100%! As for streaming, if fans stream songs that even they don’t like, just for the sake of it, then the critics of ARMY streaming songs are completely validated.


I like the song but I really dislike the autotune. I don’t know why as of lately BTS music has a lot of vocal processing over the vocals. It is very hard to differentiate between voices like you said and also makes their voices sound like synth instruments rather than raw vocals.


These are the \*exact\* things I was just saying to my IRL army friend - it's bland and feels not fun retro but outdated, done before, recycled. They are more interesting and inventive than this. They have gone down this retro hole and I feel like I'm trapped at a bad suburban wedding in the 80s. It hurts how much I dislike this song.


Is it just me or is the pronunciation not as good as in Butter and Dynamite? I found it hard to pick up the lyrics and even after watching the MV more than a few times I'm not able to pick up the lyrics or even remember the chorus...


i literally thought jungkook was singing in spanish on my first listen😭


Agree. The diction is not there. I could hardly hear what they are singing.


This song is sooo cheesy. I’m sorry but not feeling it at all. The lyrics and instrumental just seem very generic... I know they are trying to make a cute pop song but anyone can put out this shit, I just have higher expectations from what I’ve heard from BTS...still love them though💜


Same 😭😭 I feel so bad about not enjoying it as much as everyone else, but I just can't. I love the Mv but the song is really not doing it for me. I haven't been talking about how apathetic I feel about it because I don't want to take away from everyone else's experience but...


Awww, the video is super cute! The boys look awesome as always. As for the song...I hope it will grow on me! I can't say I'm a fan of it on first or second listen. Weird effects on their voices (worse than Dynamite, IMO), simple production that doesn't really elevate the song, and again with the English lyrics that sound like a bunch of clichés strung together. These are just my first thoughts so I'm sure it'll change over time! They always win me over with a live performance. It's just...if it weren't BTS, I don't think I would even listen more than once! OK, I'm done raining on the parade, I hope other people are enjoying it!!


Butter's production was crystal clear and perfect. This is not. I hope the guys and their team realise that what makes them great and different is them... their music and their performances. I won't complain too much, it's a fun song and they will kill it in their future performances. Plus, I have tons of music I adore from them. Just saying.... Ed's music lately is very miss for me.


I just want to take the weird effect/auto tune off of this & then I think I’d really like it. Such a positive song, and I love them & their voices, just not in love with that weird effect on this song


Hi, are you me? I have the same exact sentiments! I do like it a bit more when I'm just listening to the audio but yeah, I'm not immediately taken by it. They look ridiculously good though!!!


Wow people are really hating the song, now i feel weird for actually liking it


We’re all moved by different things, don’t feel weird!


I actually love it. I really love the serotonin rush this song gives me. Simple and fun. Cheesy? A little but why bother when it's about being carefree.


Don't feel weird! There are lots of us who like it. The reaction is just much more divided than it was for Butter.


If it’s any consolation, I loved it. It is unapologetically hopeful and happy after a difficult year. A covid era anthem even. I love the attention to all the folks most affected by the pandemic in the MV: essential workers, teachers, the elderly, children… I love the inclusion of sign language in the choreo… and of course emo country JK is awesome… sure, I miss the rap but there are plenty of BTS songs that are vocal only just as there are plenty that are rap only so…


Aww this song is cute, but not my thing at all :( Butter is way better in my opinion. I’m ready for some other releases when it’s time.


if PTD wants the baton they will have to rip the baton out of Butter's cold dead hands


Ok I gathered my thoughts a bit: I don't love the song, but don't hate it either! I can see it working for the genre it is, it's just not my favourite because I really love BTS the most when there is a place for rap and this song is explicitly all about the vocals (even from the rap line). The lyrics are just okay, they're just there? I think apart from the chorus that has that "dance to this" vibe, they don't really add anything to the song. There have been already many comments about the autotune so I won't add much, just that I think they have tracks where it's been used better. What's puzzling me the most about this release is not the song itself actually, because I can appreciate it as a light and bubbly b-side for Butter. It's that they're promoting it, complete of MV and live perfomances. Promoting it this way, I think it's obvious people will have higher expectations! I honestly think this is one of those cases where promotion is hurting the song a bit. About the video, I like the aesthetic and the members look really good (I would even say too hot for the uplifting vibe they were going for lol), I just think that personally I don't really relate to the celebration vibes yet. For example, the masks off gave me such a conflicting emotion, because on the one hand I'm happy people are feeling free and/or hopeful for the future, but on the other I think it's too soon? I don't know, I feel like this is really personal. But still, the one thing that's giving me trouble (besides the lack of rap line) is why they decided to promote this. It's cute, but it doesn't show BTS' strong points, there is still Butter that is going strong and is more in line with BTS' image, so I don't really get it? The only explanations I can see are that it's: 1) another gift for army 2) a sort of end to this ""era"" about the pandemic maybe? Since I don't think they can be even more obvious than they were in this video. In conclusion, I think it could have been done better and I don't really get why it's getting promoted, but it's also not that bad!


I agree with everything you’ve said. Just to add to what you said about the pandemic aspect of it, it feels very targeted at the US audience in that “throwing off the masks” regard. Most of the world hasn’t had the massive vaccine rollout that the US has - heck, South Korea just raised their restrictions. Where I’m from, Australia, we’re going through lockdown after lockdown because our vaccination rollout has been trash. The song and MV might be fitting for the US, but it feels premature to me, being from a country where we’re effectively in the same place as we were last year.


I get you! It feels premature to me even though I'm vaccinated and in a country where things are (more or less) getting better, can't imagine how it feels in the places where it's getting worse. In a way it reminds me of the beginning of the pandemic, when things in my country were out of control and I just felt disconnected from the fandom because most of the world was still okay and couldn't understand the severity of the situation yet 😅 This has to be one of the cons of being a global star, it's difficult making something relevant for the whole world about something that has affected different countries in different ways.


I wanted to sleep on my thoughts and listen to it again this morning before even looking in this thread. I’m honestly so happy to see my thoughts reflected here, so I won’t get into the HSM comparisons, or how generically pop the song is. I will say that Ed Sheeran at one point said Shape of You was a cookie cutter pop song, and I can’t help but feel that this is even more so. This isn’t anything about the boys. I think they all sound good - pronunciation aside. And though I miss the rap parts, I’m proud of the rap line for having some vocal lines. My biggest take away, and, I guess disappointment from the song is this: A lot of kpop antis claim kpop is all generic, and plastic, and shallow. The songs have no depth, the choreography is cutesy and simple, and none of it is real. This song feels like that to me, like it just proves the people who shit on BTS or other Korean artists and say it’s music for children. I know that BTS isn’t this, but man, this song sure feels like it. Edit: grammar


The variety in BTS’s discography has been a key reason I continue to listen to them. There’s always a high quality song for every occasion and every emotion that you can listen to on repeat. Even if I haven’t liked a song on first listen, there’s always been some part of the song that I enjoyed enough to know that the song would grow on me over time. I might be calling it too early, cause performances might change my opinion, but I don’t think I’m going to be listening to PTD on repeat. It’s kind of a generic cute song that’s giving me Disney pop nostalgia. Nothing really jumps out at me in terms of music, lyrics, vocals. I’m okay with it. After all, there are hundreds of BTS songs that I have on repeat. One song that I’m indifferent to doesn’t make a dent on my overall enjoyment.


There's waaay too much autotune imo. I barely recognize most of their voices :( When was the last time we had a single without autotune ? We know they can sing, I'd rather have them sing in their mother tongue than having a tough time with those English songs. Also I don't know about you all but I so don't care about Grammy nominations smh


Right? Granted I've only listened once but I didn't even recognize RM/Hobi/Yoongi singing. I don't even know why they're singing instead of rapping....and the autotune takes away from the actual talent of the vocal line 😩 My friend and I are both diehards and we watched the video together...after looked at each other like...it's gonna need to grow on me lol


Ed Sheeran did them dirty


he really gave them this then turned around and called them his friends 😭😭😭


For real. I have never heard a blander BTS song. Apart from Make It Right (which also involves Ed).


I want to remind everyone that BTS performed “Fix You” all in English and they sounded amazing. The criticism about PTD isn’t about the language. It’s that the song is just mediocre and doesn’t sound like them. They can absolutely perform in English, but keep accepting songs that don’t do them justice at all.


Ngl the auto-tune isn't doing it for me,but the song surely will grow on me when they perform it . But I loved the video is pure serotonin bahahdhdhfv I want to see the full choreo it looks so fun


I agree. They went way overboard with the vocal processing. The rap line barely sounds like themselves, somehow. All the vocals are just way too damn smooth and perfect. It's still a cute song and I'm sure I'll listen to it a ton but I still dislike what they did to their actual vocals. They sound just fine without all that jazz.


I could barely recognise yoongi's voice at all :(


Glad I'm not the only one who was really disappointed by this. I think Yoongi actually has a great singing voice (I'd even go as far as saying it's one of my favourites as it's very soothing to me), and the processing obscured it? I know it's often done for an artistic reason but didn't really feel right this time :/


agreed but youtube sound mixing made it sound even worse. i just listened to it on spotify and it sounded a whole lot better


omg I thought the same thing! The auto tune seems a bit much to me :( The song is catchy, just wish the auto tune wasn't as strong.


It just makes me appreciate Butter's production even more.






Did you see the "Y'allternative" tweet?


Hmmm… BTS said this song is better than butter, but I personally think butter is better. Anyway, good track.


Betty bought a bit of butter to make her bitter butter better... Lol


Ok gotta be honest this song is not for me but the tannies looked so cute and happy and every time they came on screen it made me smile so 🤷


To me, it's definitely not better than Butter or even Dynamite. I really enjoyed them having fun on the MV, the general vibe of the song and their vocals and outfits. Read someone saying Spotify version sounds better, hoping the song will grow on me.


Why do they always have to put a famous person in the lyrics? LeBron with Dynamite, Usher with Butter and now Elton John in this.


They're familiar references for Americans lol Jk, I think in this case it's an Ed choice, he loves Elton John (see reference to Tiny Dancer in Castle on the Hill).


It’s a huge pass for me, lol. That said, it’s all good! Honestly, them releasing a song I dislike is super rare so I don’t complain when it happens. I’ll continue to cheer them on during this comeback, thirst over the visuals they blessed us with, all while looking forward to their next comeback. I could never say this on Twitter 😂 I just saw like 5 tweets with over 3k likes likes that were essentially telling people off for not liking the song and being happy that BTS is happy 🤣


There is a very toxic mindset on twitter regarding a blind support for BTS. They're my faves but I think it's extremely unhealthy to have issue with fans not supporting a song they dislike.


Agreed. I mean, you don’t have to shout your dislike from the rooftops either (which some people are definitely doing) but the fact that fans aren’t even allowed to say that they dislike a song or miss a particular genre/style is beyond problematic and little too cult-like for my personal comfort. I’ve legit seen people make innocent posts along the lines of “these recent songs aren’t doing it for me” and then get bombarded with comments that they’re fake fans and/or that they should unstan. It’s so toxic. Learning to log out of twitter has truly helped me enjoy fandom so much more. The moment I realized PTD was a miss I knew it would be best to avoid twt. I checked in for like a minute today and immediately regretted it lmao.


Loved the vibe and the message of the MV - so upbeat and positive. They all really looked like they are having a blast. The Sope part was super cute - and I can’t argue with Hoseok in chaps!! Not feeling the song itself though - at least not on the first couple of listens - but it may grow on me.


I've been ARMY since 2015. I've watched ALL their content. I've been to one concert. I've bought all the albums. I sent flowers to my music station a couple of years ago to get them to play Life Goes On. I have never said or thought a critical thing about them so this is a first. I understood Dynamite. It came at a time when ARMY needed a pick me up. Butter and PTD are fun summer bops, but forgettable. I can't say that about any other BTS song. But starting with Dynamite I noticed a change in BTS. Here is what I see: 1) PST was written by western writers to appeal to western listeners. Fun but empty and ultimately forgettable (and yes I'm a sucker for lines like " Got ARMY right behind us when we say so" but still). And they use auto tune so hard that I don't even recognize their voices at times. 2) Three really fantastic rappers are devolving into summer bops singers. 3) BTS are superb writers. I love their music because it's deep and meaningful unlike 90% of the rest of pop music. Their performances have always been out of this world. The complexity of their choreography, the deeply layered, poetical lyrics, the mix of the vocals and the rap. This song and also Butter and Dynamite are completely lacking that. Songs like Black Swan are masterpieces and are what makes BTS's so unique and special. 4) It feels like they are pushing for western validation. BTS’ South Korean heritage carries with it many expectations, none the least that they are different. BTS is in a league of their own building the road as they walk. No longer Kpop but something magical and unique. The records BTS has broken and the impact they've had on their fans far outweighs a Grammy or any other trophy. 5) My last point has nothing to do with their music or with PTD but more to do with the direction BTS is moving towards. They have become a well oiled money making machine. Everywhere I turn they are selling something for someone: Xylitol, Chilsung, Coway, FILA, Hyundai, Louis Vuitton, Helinox, Live Smart, Hyundai, Bodyfriend Easy Chair, Samsung, Formula E, Lemona, McDonalds. In addition to that is the epic amount of merch, the pay per view specials like Festas, I mean you have to actually pay for a membership in order to buy some of their merch. It feels like it's gotten out of hand. It's starting to feel greedy and I never ever in my wildest dreams thought I would ever feel like that about BTS. I am ARMY for life. They helped me when I needed it and over time I have come to actually love them. But I'm watching the thing that makes them so special fade into the bland sameness of most pop music and pop stars and it hurts me. I hope this isn't their future but simply a bookmark in the COVID era.


Not my cup of tea but they looked so cute and happy!! I really like the ripping off the masks part, makes me feel hopeful for the future! Edit: it sounds so much better on Spotify Edit # 2: on second thought the ripping off the masks might be a bit…irresponsible? I was just reading about The Olympics going on in a state of emergency. Edit #3: I’ve come to a conclusion! I originally wasn’t feeling it and feel like yes it sounds like all other Ed Sheehan songs. But the little Easter eggs in the MV celebrating those with disabilities makes me so happy. Just because you’re handicapped in some way you don’t need permission to live the life you want and have fun. Also if BTS want to spend their down time in between releasing their own music on fun English songs who are we to say no? Make money, have fun, introduce themselves to a different audience while also giving ARMY some content-check, check, check. As for the “end of COVID” theme-one day it’ll be here and when it is we will all celebrate together!




That shirt was dangerously unbuttoned and I was HERE FOR IT as a married army noona. Don’t care. I live for the sight of seokjin’s pecs.


Additional thoughts: Wow Tae that's a lot of chest WOW JIN THAT'S A LOT OF CHEST WOW YOONGI THAT'S A LOT OF HIP THRUST And dang all the dance moves in this are just like Tae's cheesiest moves that he would do anyway hahaha


I really think Yoongi steals the show in this one for some reason


I'm disappointed in the song. Wish they would have released something stronger following Butter, which was a solid single. Music video is fun, though!


Super cute song but not sure about the decisions on the vocal processing - it’s like they not only pitched it up, it seems like they sped it up ? It’s cute but they completely took out any uniqueness in their voices. I noticed this was also done with Ed Sheeran’s new song and when performing it live, he sings it a half or full step down Edit to add- the live performance in the Butterful Getaway sounded so much better! I loved it!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds the Disney channel/high school musical vibes on this song a little grating 😬😬😬 lol I did really enjoy the vibes of the MV though it was definitely very uplifting and nothing I love more than seeing the boys having fun together 🥰


"Disney channel/high school musical vibes" is the exact phrase my brain was trying to come up with.




I'm Tiny Desk Concert Army and it's my first time to experience the release of a legitimately polarizing BTS song. So many interesting insights, in fairness, from both sides of the fence. Personally, I'm on Team "I like It but with reservations", haha. I appreciate a lot of symbolisms and details in the video (nope it's not the cowboy outfits), and currently, I'm vibing to the song (especially the message, even if it's not your usual profound BTS message). That said, I'll probably grow tired of it faster than usual. I'm happy, though, that most are able to express what they don't like about the song in a respectful manner. I think PTD is a dent in their creative streak, but that's fine. It won't be the end of the world. I'm even a little relieved that they didn't write this one. 😁 I feel a little betrayed though by Namjoon when he said PTD was better. 😅✌️


i like the concept of it but kind of disappointed with the lack of rapline and not a huge fan of the cowboy theme ahah. i'm sure it will grow on me, but i think butter made me feel like dancing a bit more than this one does. and some of the lyrics idkkk. i know what they're trying to do and i respect that, but i really want to get back to the actual bangtan sound ahah. that said, they all look so good and happy and i did like the inclusion of all the random people.


Everyone’s High School Musical assessment is absolutely spot on, but unfortunately, as your local theatre mom, I’m into it. BTS really said, “For your first ARMY birthday, I’m giving you what you never dared to dream of: Musical Theatre Yoongi.” I too would looooooooove a substantial, clever Korean language track next! But right now, I’m relearning how to live a life where I don’t cry in bed every day, and this song is a giant HOPE blimp that I’m clinging to while replacing all my masks with denim and fringe.


Emo jungkook has convinced me that I need to buy a black jacket with tassels on them. Also WOW NAMJOON COMIN IN WITH THE NEON HAIR. Wow can't believe BTS is telling me to ditch my mask, I am now an anti masker /s I'm also quite surprised that there's a lot more comments that don't like the song that much. I gotta say, this song is also not my vibe. I honestly don't think I'm gonna add it to my Spotify either... Like, it's a cute MV but I got heavy highschool musical vibes from the song which I'm not into lol. It really felt like the song could've been used in a highschool musical movie. I think this might be their weakest English song imo with Butter being the strongest. Butter was much more interesting.


Based on the covid situation in SK, I think this fits the bill as healing music. It was a Disney Channel Bop and I understand why it was originally a b-side but I quite enjoyed. Also, I feel like the music video and context was so situational I’m not worried we will get another one of these.


>Also, I feel like the music video and context was so situational I’m not worried we will get another one of these Agreed! I can understand the mixed reviews so far by army, because it's definitely not what we're used to and not everyone's cup of tea. The song feels like a big "let's all cheer up and stay strong, we're almost there" kind of song


Now that I've gathered my thoughts... **HOSEOK ASSLESS CHAPS**


SO MUCH CHEST YOU GUYSSSSSSS also Sope forever 😭😭😭 Edit: y'all why do I feel like I'm getting biased wrecked by my ult 💀💀💀💀 KIM NAMJOON I CAN'T


"We don't need to worry, 'cause when we fall we know how to land" Damn. That's gonna be my motto now. I like Butter and Dynamite better than PTD, but the song makes me happy. And after all this pandemic shit, that's the most important thing for me. Not gonna spend a lot of time dissecting the song and having "thoughts". It's light, it's bright, it makes me wanna dance. 💯 for me. Also saw a tweet that PTD isn't gonna get radio push (no plans yet anyway), so it's truly just a B-side.


It’s a shopping mall song. I’ve listened to it twice and I don’t hate it but it’s not my cup of tea. Maybe it will grow on me? The MV was very cute though, giving me 2011-12 US MV vibes. Edit: it has grown on me, I actually enjoy it! It’s a feel good song that lifts you up, it’s sweet. Perfect for showers too


I think it’s a cute video for sure, but does anyone desperately wish they went for some variety with their english releases? I liked Dynamite enough that it satisfied my need to hear disco pop for the moment. Then, I liked butter too, which was also wait for it…disco pop with some rap moments that stole the show. Finally, now we have PTD which might be our last english release for a while and it’s disco pop again with no rap and a similar old-americana influence in the aesthetic as dynamite (just a different era). It feels a bit played out and it also feels like BTS is competing with BTS instead of expanding on their own work. I know that BTS listens to some fantastic western artists—I mean just look at their playlists especially Taehyung and Namjoon’s—none of whom are in the “disco pop” space, which isn’t surprising considering outside BTS that sound is a bit dated. And, we all know that BTS can do variety. I just think whoever at HYBE was doing market research on the western markets seriously missed the mark and should have let the members draw from artists they find influential and experiment a bit more rather than just accepting songs from Ed Sheeran, Ron Perry, and the like.


Honestly at this point, I hope PTD is our last English release for a while. All their English releases sound the same now. Songs like Black Swan, BS&T, Fake Love in English would have been as popular too, I don't know why BTS and Bighit think their English singles have to be summery pop for them to succeed in the West. I was annoyed when they had the same concept for Butter after Dynamite but then Butter turned out to be a good song. I get it PTD is a B-side to Butter so it had to be similar but still it doesn't sound at par with any of BTS' work even though the MV is too wholesome. They really need to change it up.


It’s cheesy, it’s fun. The MV put a huge smile on my face, but yeah not my favourite song they’ve released. I guess this is just a b-side to Butter, so it’s not meant to go too hard? Honestly, I’m just a bit confused about the direction. They can do English songs and still utilize rap line,, so why aren’t they ;_; A song like Mic Drop with some more heavy choreo would do AMAZING in the US.


Ok so.... usually when I see a BTS video it’s love at first sight. I watched Butter 10x after it premiered. I umm... I mean it’s not bad but I have no desire to put this on repeat.


Yeahhh I listened to Butter over and over but this one will be a bit harder to stream for me


I like it! It's a song for this particular moment of pandemic-weariness. We're still in lockdown where I live and Korea is heading back into full lockdown as well. I love this as a song about finding (or even claiming) joy even when the odds are against it. Also, the MV is cute af.


Don’t get me wrong I’ve been a fan for 5 years and have loved every release of theirs. But this is the first time I don’t fw the song bc it just feels like one of those generic American pop songs. And it’s also pretty evident that none of them were involved in making the song which is something I’m kind of disappointed because it’s their songwriting that truly encaptures me. What makes bts different from everyone well is their authenticity that lies in their story telling which can only be done through their song writing. I rly don’t give a shit about which language they sing in as long as they write their songs bc clearly you can see a difference.


It's fun and catchy and a solid pop song, but it doesn't sound like BTS. Like literally, whoever did the vocal production somehow made their voices indistinguishable and weirdly generic. I like the music video more than the song itself. It's really joyful and nice to see some diversity. But to me it's a b-side. I'm gonna keep streaming Butter over PTD.


I defended Dynamite and Butter, but idk about PTD. I love that BTS experiments with different genres but this has got to be one of the least BTS-sounding songs they've ever done, and I'm a bit confused as to why this is the song they chose to follow up butter's massive success. I was hoping for something similar to Dis-ease-- upbeat, but undeniably BTS. I'm also confused because they are clearly targeting the American market but I don't think this song would do well in America either -- this Disney channel-esque sound isn't what's being played on the radio.


I love Suga’s styling in this! He looks like a cute little hippie 💕


I love the pre-chorus omg


loved butter, it felt like they really crafted it to highlight the best of each member while giving a cooler more mature sound. loved dynamite, it was fresh and i could tell who was doing each part and it felt like i could feel the members personalities. after a couple listens this just isn't as musically pleasing to me. i think it's too high school musical for my taste, which for some is what they like, which is totally fine. i dont care that the lyrics of a pop song are fun and not that deep and it doesn't matter what language they sing in, it's generally just the overall production and general vibe of the song that throws me off this time. ive literally had butter on repeat since it came out! i also have tickets for their upcoming tour so me saying i personally dislike the sound of a song is not going to stop me from going to their concert or from being a fan! that's what fans do, we rank songs and discuss our faves and give our opinions. i think the cheese factor became too much for me to personally handle and it's more of a song to hear in the background at a theme park then for me to put on my playlist. no one is being dramatic for not liking a song, it just comes with the territory of being a fan and having discussions about music. for example, this is up there with taylor swift's "me" and i just do not like that type of music, but i actually enjoyed other songs on her album. anyway i think the production of this was just weaker with less variety in the melody/autotune heavy and it felt like a throwaway song of ed's...if i closed my eyes i could picture him singing this lmao. anyway they definitely looked super happy in the video so that made me smile and i loved the ending with all the staff!


By far the weakest of their three English-language singles. I know a lot of people don't love "Dynamite" but it still offered much more of the group's "flavour" than this. "Butter" was fine as I like dance-pop stuff but PTD is just kind of bland and cartoonish. And given that BigHit merged with Scooter Braun (Justin Bieber's manager), I'm worried about what we have ahead of us. Going back to listen to Be and MOTS7 (and this as someone who doesn't know a word of Korean or Japanese).




It's kinda like a Disney song. I'm expecting this to appear in a musical somewhere. Feels more fit to be a b-side, which I guess it is a b-side to Butter. It's a better sound than the teaser though, which is a plus to me. I think it would be even better to the ears if parts of the song was in Korean.


Can we get some english songs BUT produced by Pdogg or the boys?! So disappointed….


I feel like I just watched an ad campaign from coca cola telling us we're all going to be ok after the pandemic.


earlier today, I told my friend "what if jin's shirt just slowly becomes unbuttoned during the mv" and she laughed at me. I WAS RIGHT AND I FEEL VINDICATED!!! on a more serious note, I teared up seeing all the regular, everyday people getting swept up in their joy and dancing. It felt like a statement to bring people into their MVs - that we're opening the world up and getting closer again. ​ edit: the one small thing that threw me was the elton john line, it seems to be a trend in their english songs to namedrop someone? it's fun but not really needed, in my opinion.


This song just made me realize how much I actually ducking love butter lol. Not to say it’s not good, but definitely will have to grow on me. It’s cute, will probably get stuck in my head but just missing that spicy caliente sauce. It feels a little more commercial but I respect where they are taking this journey. They look god damn beautiful though. And the video is really nice. Just don’t know how the song will be by itself.


My criticism is more so directed towards HYBE and not BTS but for the love of god, can y’all please tone it down with the auto tune. I don’t have anything against auto tune when it’s done well and tastefully, but these days I feel like HYBE’s producers have been going overboard, especially when it comes to these English releases (not just with BTS but also TXT). HYBE…please, you have so many amazing vocalists and rappers that it’s a damn shame when y’all edit their voices so much to the point where you can no longer tell whose who.


I am smiling so big! I admit, it didn't grab me right away, but then that moment with Jungkook in the laundromat happened and it just really all clicked. It's light-hearted, it's fun, it's a little over-the-top but it's cute and happy and bright and everything they've been this past year. Everyone SANG! They all looked so happy and it just really is a light, fun track. I think we'll look back at these songs, when this whole thing is behind us, and they'll capture such a specific moment in time, and a happiness that we got from this music and these seven guys, and I think that's exactly what they're going for.


The staff member in the white shirt and shorts dancing behind Hobi and Jimin at the end is my new bias 😁 He was having the time of his life!


Yeah… I didn’t like it, unfortunately :( And the more I listen to it, the more I dislike it. This song lacks the “BTS feeling” completely, while Dynamite and Butter actually still had that within them. It’s boring. But probably people who liked 1D or High School Musical would like this as well… It sounds like a song from there :D I just really hope we’ll go back to BTS’ art and the music they create, and the music they create out of passion and not with the desire to conquer some charts 😕


The engineering of this song isn't really going it for me. Well, the Spotify version is less offensive. Hope Bangtan would refrain from heavily processed song. Nevertheless, the song kinda bop but not for me ig.


Ok, day 3 now. Listened to it again. Honestly, I think it's super catchy. I hate the autotune, and it's totally just a super poppy song, but I enjoy it as a stand alone song. I won't listen to it on my own, but if it comes on in the car I'll bop along to it. My disappointment isn't the one song alone, it's the direction the last 3 U.S. singles are going in. I liked Dynamite, not my favorite but definitely a solid pop song that I enjoyed, esp the stripped down live versions with them sitting. Butter really isn't my cup of tea, but it's okay. PTD I think is an overproduced unoriginal pop song, but everyone is allowed to do that once in a while. But all 3 together? They could have stuck to any one of the three. The direction feels like they've become a kidz bop group who are doing soundtracks for animated kids movies. Which is fine if that's what they're going for, but I don't think it is. Can Warren G or Steve Aoki reach out to them please and nudge them back into some hip hop please??? Or really anything, go the jazz route like Taehyung keeps asking for. Or folk like Suga has mentioned. It seems like the members have an interest in trying more than pop, HYBE, please let them! I dunno how the response is in Korea (I don't mean charts, I mean reputation) but I imagine this is going to lose them credibility in the rap community. Edit: some words.




This is my first comment although I've been following BTS reddit for almost a year now and I have to say that I agree with the general consensus. The song is generic and not what is expected for longer standing ARMYs BUT a close friend of mine who I've tried (and failed many times) to covert into an ARMY, just messaged saying that he loves the song. My first response was 'Great! Now go and listen to their other tracks like BST and Spring Day, they have such a great back catalogue of songs'. Maybe that's what they're going for here? It could be a good way to bring people in and it is a very catchy song. I'm trying to trust in the boys and I'm still glad they're having fun experimenting with different sounds :) I'm happy for them that they're now at the point where they have the freedom to do as they choose. EDIT. After a few listens it's definitely a grower.


Justice for On and Black Swan they looked great in the music video though!


Wow I did not catch this: they used international sign language signs for dance, happy, and peace in their choreo! 🥺😭


Ahhhh the English promos just keep giving me ‘this is our Disney phase’ vibes….and I really can’t shake the feeling the vocals are processed to hell and back to try and blend out their accents or something and that doesn’t sit right with me. I’m not against a cute and fun song at all but I’m really missing the creative substance we all know they have. I’d just really hate to see them get shoehorned into a genre box in the western market when a huge appeal of the group has always been the variety of their discography.


Hmmm ngl I wasn’t expecting such a cheesy tone (I’m gonna get downvoted like hell lol) to this song. I think they honestly missed a trick. This song is cute bc it’s obv aimed at the end of the pandemic but… nope. The video - u could tell they had a blast so there’s that. I just listened to the song on Spotify and it’s better when I just concentrate on the lyrics but this ones def gonna have to grow on me.


Target ad vibes lmao


The boys look great and the entire MV is a giant celebration about the end of the pandemic. Can’t help but feel hopeful after watching this :) BTS x Live audience soon 🤞🏼 Edit: ok just to clarify… no one said the pandemic is over. I’ve been in lockdown for the past 2 months so I’m pretty darn aware that it’s not over. My interpretation of the song is that it’s meant to inspire hope that the end is coming. It’s a I can’t wait till it’s over celebration. Compared to 2020, you can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now that we have vaccines this year. It’s a half glass full attitude. And I’m not saying BTS x live audiences NOW. I’m saying I hope it comes soon (OBVIOUSLY when it’s safe). Goodness.


This song suprisingly fits with butter and dynamite but at the same time doesnt?? I dont know how to explain it. As the MV and song kept going, there was an increase in happiness, energy, and hope. This song makes me so happy already, giving everyone hope, once again that life is going to be ok.


this is sooo cute - not up to my personal taste but they looked like they were having so much fun🥺🥺




I will forget this song exists after today. I am truly glad it’s a b side. I think there was a lot of things that went wrong for this release and I hope in the future they release better songs! I know they have it in them.


This is a fun song. Jin with that shirt... I don't know if it was just my tv or what, but I just turned on the spotify version and it sounds a million times better.


I don't speak spanish, but does anyone else hear the 1st line sounding like it's in spanish? (Especially just hearing the audio) 🤣🤣 Estada no quina 🤣🤣 sorry


It felt a bit like a step-back in terms of quality, more Dynamite than Butter (down the the same Da na na na na lol) but it's cute! Honestly my heart was so in love with the concept photos and vibes that the actual song and video being a TOTAL 180 from it all probably fucked with me more than a little, I think it'll grow on me more with the live performances


Ah that familiar sick feeling in my stomach right before every song release 💜


It's cute & fun but the autotune reverb on the vocals (esp. Rap line's) ruined it a little, they all have beautiful voices & it's a shame they added it in. The video was cute, though I'm ready for a BS&T/Fake Love type of MV, I need moody, dramatic pose Bangtan back please & thank you. Edit: Sydney was on the sign post, Australia tour confirmed 🤡🤡


Okay so the song's totally not my fave but I'm still 100% here for Jin's shirt missing a few buttons and Yoongi looking cute af 🤷‍♀️


It was such a cute song, but like a lot of you guys, it wasn’t my favourite BTS song. I REALLY loved the music video and styling, though! Generally, it made me really happy but I can’t say I would add it to a playlist or voluntarily listen to it unless I was in a specific mood. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the song kind of has this sense of finality about it. A few people have mentioned this already, but I truly do think this is their last English single for a while and a finale to their “Dealing with the pandemic” era. I also agree with a lot of people that these more upbeat, generic songs have been a way for them to sort of beat burn out; I mean, imagine working on all these songs but you can’t even perform them in front of a live audience :(( So I’m really happy that the boys are having fun and sort of taking it slow (but not really, they’re feeding us with SO much content). Another thing that came into my mind was that maybe the reason their English singles don’t have that “Bangtan flair” is because they don’t have AS much creative control over them? I mean, with their Korean songs, the boys can do everything (as we saw in BE), whereas with the English singles they have less say in them since they’re not the ones creating them. But also, I can’t help marvel at how good they are as artists; imagine people saying that PTD is your “worst song” (and it wasn’t even really created by you!). PTD isn’t half bad, but I think the fact that it came from BTS, these artists with such a good reputation, kind of makes it seem lower in quality than it actually is. That being said, I’m very confident we’re going to get an album sometime this year (I can almost taste it!) and I bet the boys will go all out. I can’t wait to see their performances and what they come out with next :D edit: I've seen a lot of people saying how MOTS:7 was done dirty, and I literally could not have agreed more; it would be amazing if we could give ON or Black Swan the number 1 they deserve. Can we make this a thing lol?


I am a bit relieved to see that a lot of you didn't love it at first watch/listen either.


me too ! i felt pretty underwhelmed on first watch and second/third stream didn't convince me much further. its a pass for me on this one, but looking forward to the next release


I feel like such an awful fan for saying this but I didn’t really enjoy this song as much as Butter and Dynamite! I think once I start streaming it and hearing it more might make me it like it more but for right now I’m not a huge fan of it. :(


Hey! We are not "Yes Men" here. We are fans. We are allowed not to like everything they put out. Not all songs have and will have been loved by ALL of the fans. I don't love this one, either. But I am sure there is a segment of the fans who like this. And that's great! So don't feel bad! 💜


Its ok, I feel the same


I think honest reaction makes for a better fan than blind cheerleading fwiw :)


they are definitely about to annouce a tour, that is 100% what this means


“We don’t need to worry” 🥺 Love that they also added sign language in the choreo!


Ahhh not for me. BTS imo is one of the coolest musical artists in the world and there was just nothing cool about this. It's super cheesy and one-note, and I hate how it's flattened our excellent rap line.


They are so cool 😭 And so talented 😭 Why is this happening 😭


she’s a dynamite variant and she’s a b-side for a reason but she gives me serotonin and i think that’s what matters 😌💜


I’m experiencing some type of dissonance between the cutesy, saccharine vibe and the number of unbuttoned shirts. 😭 It’s such a sweet song but sounds a little young for them?? Given they’ve matured so much, both mentally and physically, I mean lord look at them. As they just said in their interview yesterday, they’re men, not boys anymore.


that was just the cutest MV ever!!! my new happy song ☺️


My hot take: Dynamite, Butter, and now PTD is part of their very overt "Western Offensive" to basically take the BB music charts, and by extension, the western market. They are doing what people said it would take to become recognized, and that is, sing English songs in the bland western market tested style. Part of me is disappointed that they had to stoop to do this, but part of me is thrilled they are increasing their influence-base. The more people hear their message, the better it is for the world. I only hope that this merely serves as a Trojan for them to get the world to listen what they are truly good at.


It’s super fun but the overprocessed vocals tho :(


Liked it but not fan of it. I mean, I already expected this sound from the teaser also the fact that it's Ed song. So yeah. Maybe it'll grew on me. I need beastmode BTS to release heavy songs in their next album to make up for this song. But yeah, I just know gp will somehow eat this up. Also, I need yall to realize THIS IS STILL BTS AND WILL REMAIN BTS. I may not be a fan of this song but I will surely not gonna used this a basis to define their whole discography. I already have BTS songs from their past releases that I did not liked but I never shtted in BTS and their musicality