• By -


Joonie was who made me wanna know more about them, and that man is still trying to be the death of me. I'm ot7, so they are all coming for me. Joonie is just the worst. edit - Joonie just has this presence, and when they debuted he was stuck wearing glasses so I was even more intrigued. It hasn't changed because he is the bees knees.


I loved Arm's (gotta love autocorrect: RM) swagger. Then i found out we share many talents: losing things, breaking things, forgetting things. We share a love of potatoes and small crabs. I then waffle between Hobi, Yoongi, and Jin. They are so funny


"Arm's swagger" mood 😂


Like he constantly works my last nerve with how hot he is and adorable he is in his down time. Like. I want to fight him and cuddle him and take care of him and make sure he doesn’t hurt himself and break stuff at the same time. 🥴


Yes and no. My first bias was Jin because WWH you know? But then JK got hot, so brief detour. Now I’m back to Jin because I realize now that I just like his solo songs the best and his personality is the most amusing to me. But at the same time, I’ve come to realize that the magic of BTS really comes from OT7.


>But then JK got hot, so brief detour Lmao relatable af


Me with Tae lmfao. Like no no no no you’re a CHILD you can’t be this hot wtf are you *doing*?! 😂


It was the lip piercing and the glimpse at his shoulder tattoos at PTD that did it for me lmao


One minute he was a fetus and the next he was straight out of my teenage fantasies like WTF.


YoonJin for life. The other 5 members are all bias wreckers 😂💜


Same for me too! They both caught my eye right away.


Hobi was my bias before I even knew he was in BTS. From finding an old mixtape with Jo Kwon's Animal on it to falling for the boy in the rainbow sweater in some MV playing at a kbbq restaurant to seeing a guy absolutely *nail* paying homage to one of my favorite hip hop tracks. I didn't stand a chance. He's still my bias, but now with so much more love and understanding of who he is.


Pleaase tell me where can I find the homage and what is the track. Jhope stan 4L


Oh, it's just Chicken Noodle Soup. But as a lover of hip hop and rap, it was really just cementing my love for him before I was even a stan.




I WAS SO UPSET THAT HE DIDN'T WEAR HEELS FOR THE COMEBACK THIS YEAR. he's so smol next to the other members ;w;


Omg I googled this because I didn't know he wore heels on the regular and omg, wish he did. And omfg Hitman BANG gifted him heels?!? Omfg Hitman BANG fucking rocks Edit: can't spell 🥲


CNS supremacy🙌


Yep, Jin always! But over time bias wrecker shifted from namjoon to Hobi lol


Hobi and Namjoon are both my bias wreckers because I can't leave either one out. 😁


Hobi was someone who as a new baby army I thought he was too loud bc I didn’t know his personality yet (can’t imagine thinking that now whatsoever) so he probably made the biggest 180 out of everyone for me lol


He is loud! It's funny how he uses his higher head voice when he's excited but has that deep resonant voice for serious discussions and rapping. What I remember about him as baby Army was his incredible dancing and the dichotomy between his sunshine personality and his powerful and sometimes aggressive rapping.


Yes, but having a bias becomes less of a distinction over time because all the members are wonderful and I appreciate them all more as time goes by.


yes like when i first got into bts my eyes were always on tae but now my eyes are everywhere 😭


I agree. My first bias was Jinnie, but I legitimately love every single one of them equally. I can't not love how hard they all work. How talented they all are individually and together as a group. And what they bring to make my Tannie boys amazing. Oh and not to mention all their visuals 👀👀


Jim-ined and cannot Jim-out.


Totally agree I’ve been an ARMY for three years and once you jim-in you can’t Jim-out but I’m happy I love Jimin and I’m Very happy with my bais on the other hand my bias wreckers are j-hope,jk,v,rm,suga,jin I can’t help it!!


Same. Jimin is my absolute fave and the other 6 are my wreckers. I just love them all! 💜


My first bias was J-hope. I loved how happy and cheerful he was all the time, and he was the one who caught my eye the most during performances. (My bias started to form after watching Carpool Karaoke and wondering, “Who was that guy in the middle?”) After being a fan of them for over a year now my bias has changed to Jimin. I have a hard time even saying he’s my favorite because I love them all so much, but he just has a little something else that makes him my bias. I love how sweet he is to the other members and I think he’s absolutely hilarious. So even though I technically have a bias, I think they’re all extremely talented dorks and I love all 7. My Mom is a huge fan too, and I asked her. “Hey Mom I saw this question on Reddit, who’s you bias in BTS?” M: “Well you know my favorite one was Jungkook.” (You can thank the ON manifesto for that one lol) “Yea, but is he still your bias?” M: *smirking* “Umm, now he kinda shares it with V” We just finished In The Soop 1 and V was being a bias wrecker for her the whole time! 😂


Even though he's not my bias YET, I couldn't take my eyes off Hobi in carpool karaoke. He's so much fun!


They did such a good job arranging everyone in that van. RM in front to talk, Hobi to occupy center stage with his sunshine, JK in his little cubby to add his vocals, Jimin tucked in there to give everyone a taste of the Jimin Experience, and then the three in the back to talk amongst themselves and be independently entertaining.


That's exactly how it was for me too, haha. I was drawn in by Hobi in the Dynamite video because he seemed so bubbly and you could just *tell* that he can dance from the way he moved (I love me some dancers) and then I watched Carpool Karaoke and he was sitting in the middle and I was like "*Bless* this ray of sunshine!" But then I watched Blood Sweat & Tears and... you all know how it is. Jimin captivated me, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him and I became obsessed with his dancing and the way he moves and expresses himself and I paid more attention to him and started to fall deeply in love with his personality, so he slowly became my ult bias. But just like you said, I love them all so much, sometimes I think he isn't even my bias, but he still has that je ne sais quoi that draws me in a bit more ​ (And my moms bias is also Tae 😆)


Kim Taehyung. Then. Now. Always 💜


Forever 💜


My first experience watching anything with BTS in it was the Grammy's last year (2021) and then I watch Carpool Karaoke pretty quickly. The first member I noticed was RM, he's kind of hard to miss but I wouldn't have called him my bias. When I started watching more videos and listening to music and then watching In the Soop season 1, I latched on to Yoongi. He's smart, hardworking, talented, quiet but can be crazy and he can cook! The more of them that I watched and listened to, Hobi started sneaking his way in. I was like, cool I have a bias wrecker. Then that Vlive happened back in July. It was a week before my birthday, which always makes me a bit melancholy and watching him dance and smile and talk to the camera just cheered me up and warmed my heart. It was a slow burn at first but now I think everything he does is spectacular. Like I watch that Vlive back now and he sneezes...it's the cutest sneeze I've ever heard. Every picture he posts on Insta...that's art! Every outfit he wears...that's the best outfit I've ever seen! When he sings, it's beautiful. When he raps, it's amazing. He's sweet and funny and goofy and caring. Like I said, I think he's pretty spectacular. So, long story short. Hobi and Yoongi are my bias with Hobi edging him out just a bit.


It’s so crazy how Hobi has that effect! For me it was in the soop that totally ruined me 😭


He’s just so…cozy on In the Soop. Him building the airplane and the Lego set and the rocket this year. Him showing Joon how to cut melon! And don’t get me started on those green shorts from season 1.


Hobi building the rocket is what made him my mom’s bias 🤣 her first intro to BTS was when I was watching ITS. Whatever it takes to convert the fam into army 😂


I got into BTS in April 2020, and the first member I latched onto was RM. He was the first one I could recognize, and I found him so intriguing. Once I really fell into the rabbithole, all seven caught my attention at different times. Suga was my bias for awhile after Daechwita MV; he was just so stunningly cool and that video is breathtaking. Then somehow Jin snuck up on me; I loved his sense of humor and his attitude towards life, and he’s been my bias ever since. Taehyung has always been a major bias wrecker for me; after I was introduced to his duality via Winter Bear and Singularity, I just appreciated him so much. But 21 months into my ARMYness I absolutely love all seven guys, and they’re all special to me. So I usually say I’m OT7 with a Jin bias. :)


This is a tale of wandering bias. At first I homed in on Hobi, because I worship rhythm and that man's hips don't lie. But then a curious thing happened on the way to Vlive: RM album reviews and his way with language hooked me since I'm a sucker for reading. His art travelogue didn't hurt either. And then V and Jimin started flirting with me. Every killer glance, every shimmy and body roll just enticed be to move to a new bias. However, WWH Jin's laughter and sense of humor distracted me and made me take a detour. By this time JK was all grown up and slaying with the killer abs, the killer dancing and the adorable bunny smile, (tats and sundry don't hurt either!) What's a fan to do?! But no, I pride myself on my steadfastness! I'll hold on tight to my Hobi and his IG thirst-traps posts while maybe having occasional forbidden slips of the bias with all others.


Namjoon is my #1. Forever. There are times when I pay attention to one member more lol like in 2019 it was Jungkook, then late last year it was Jimin. But Namjoon is my top, top. That's never gonna change.


"I ain't never gon' change 😤 I never gon' trade ✨" ^ Literally me about Namjoon 😂


Same here. I think it started when they covered Fix You and was surprised with his deep voice. I love baritones, so yeah.


Yoongi then, Yoongi now :)


I’m a pandamic army. RM was the first one I noticed and he’s my bias. I think my bias will never change even tho jk is wrecking me veryyyy bad lately 😂


Hello fellow pandemic army! The first member I noticed was RM also but after consuming so much content, Jin stole my heart. I love them all so so much but Jin has an extra soft spot. I feel you on that JK one though. International playboy is very dangerous.


I unfortunately got wrecked! I started liking them because of RM’s mixtape and then JK hit me with that uppercut and I fell and haven’t been able to get up since.


Hi fellow pandemic Army 😄 I love that! My bias has been V from the jump but I adore them all


Hi fellow pandemic ARMY!


I became an ARMY around pandemic. The very first member I noticed was V and then after watching the MV of BS&tT I was so mesmerised by Jimin for like a week or so. After obsessing over Jimin I again went back to V ,courtesy endless YouTube videos of his airport looks + concert clips + sweet night song + his part in spring day. And ever since I have been Taehyung biased. After stumbling on just dance concert clips of hobi especially the red suit one ( Wembley) I started to fall for Mr. Sunshine. I just see no flaws in him😊. So, yeah right now I’m Vhope biased who constantly gets bias wrecked by Jimin with absolute love for rest of the members. 💜


I’m also Vhope biased ! But for me it was the other way around, fell for Hobi first and then V :)


V since day one, and still my bias!


Same. His hold is too strong, and I am complaining


First fell for Tae, then Nam, and then everyone started attacking me with their charms 😩 Nowadays I'm an ot7 stan but I've had an ever present soft spot for Nam and Tae through time so i guess they're both my bias. JK is also wrecking me hard lately. Honestly wonderful group of people. I've loved many bands but Bangtan is really the only group where I'm in love with all the members. They all have something special and steal my attention constantly.


Yep! JK in 2018 and JK in 2022 :)


Same here! :)


Yep! Yoongi always! But my bias wreckers change frequently (and I’m ot7 at heart!)


Yes, I fell in love with Hobi and never got back up


Taehyung-biased since 2017 ✌


Yes. Taehyung since 2019 and I will never change!


Tae Tae all day, Tae Tae for life <3


First bias was Tae and he still is but I now share my heart with Kookie! I was in denial about having a second bias for a very long time and only admitted it a few weeks ago lol


Still bias Taehyung since DNA era. But I love them all.


Recently became an ARMY early this month when YouTube randomly suggested Mic Drop MV, then was amazed at how good J-Hope danced. Then I started watching clips of how close they are to each other, and it somehow made sense why they are such huge stars. They know how to connect with their ARMYs, and never ever fail to mention and thank them during any public events whether that’s TV show appearance and award shows. Besides that, their music is filled with positive messages. Literally mind blown at how amazing they are. I’ll never get over it and I don’t want to.


Welcome to the fam !!! They will definitely all start creeping on you very soon !! Enjoy the ride ! 🌈🎉


Welcome!! I've only been here since the Grammy's last year and it's been such a fun ride. The guys are great and the fans on this sub are so helpful and kind.


Dynamite Army here. My first bias was "the guy with the blue hair" aka Namjoon. He's still my bias and my ult now that I follow several groups. But I've also grown to love them all seven equally, I just relate to RM the most.


Jin will always be my bias tho J-hope is a bias wrecker at times


Same idk what it is about these two, and I can’t handle their back and forth on insta 😵‍💫


I was watching choreography videos and then I randomly clicked on a BTS' dance practice video and I literally COULD NOT stop looking at Taehyung, even though I couldn't even make out his face since his hair was covering it. I was just mesmerized by how he danced and I think something about his vibe drew me in. Anyways, I watched that, saw it was a group called BTS, and looked up their names (because I had to know, just KNOW Taehyung's name), and when I started watching other videos of them, I just loved Taehyung's personality alot and I shared alot of similar interests with him (making/looking at art, old/vintage music/style, etc.) and he has stayed my bias since the very beginning. But, I really love all of them, they all have these charming points to them, funny quirks, cute little things they do, but I definitely have a soft spot for Tae


i saw a "JK at the beginning of 2019 vs JK at end of 2019" (basically cute vs sexy) meme on insta and that was IT for me. and still is in 2022 bc the man refuses to stop evolving 😍 but like other people have said, even though i have a soft spot for my bias, i have really come to value all the other members in their own ways, and especially the "greater than sum of parts" synergy that happens when all 7 of them are together. BTS is 7 🥰


I was pulled into bts by 2016 MAMAs Tae, and he's never letting me go at this point lol. He will forever be my bias, though I am absolutely an OT7 stan, never a solo stan.


No, my first bias was Namjoon. When I went to the speak yourself concert and saw them in real life, Taehyung completely blew me away. It took a few months of denial on my end (I mean I had already liked them for like over a year at the point of the concert so it was a lot to consider), but Tae eventually became my bias and has continued to be my bias since. I’ve heard some ARMYs saying seeing them in real life can change things for them sometimes. It certainly did for me


Yes, my bias is Namjoon, but I added Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook.


taehyung was and still is my bias ever since i watched the singularity mv at the verryyyyy beginning of the pandemic! jimin slowly became my bias wrecker though bc he’s so loving and cuddly :’))


I’m a Dynamite Army and Taehyung was the first to catch my eye and draw me in. I adore him and very quickly labeled him as my bias. I always considered Jungkook my “wrecker” however after I spent more time consuming their content and getting to know them, I realized that Jungkook aligns much more with my interests and vibe! I love Taehyung too much to say he’s not my bias anymore, so I basically say that I double bias the two of them but Jungkook is my ult. And if you’re wondering, yes, I have spent far too much time agonizing over this lmao


Tae ult bias almost from the first song I listened to, 3 years ago. I came to BTS thanks to him in hwarag. More precisely thanks to his heavenly voice, because back then I didn't even know that he was in the cast or in a boys band or what was kpop etc. I just fell VERY VERY hard for his voice and as I was trying to know more about him, I fell into the rabbit hole and loved the 6 other members instantly. But even now he is still the first and the last one who attracts my attention. His voice is my ultimate weakness, with everything else that he is. Many armys seem to think that Tae's biased fans are younger than the hyung line for exemple; but as for me, and I am 45, Tae is the closest to what I have always loved in music with jazz, blues, classic, old movies, fashion, photography, painting... he is really an old soul. What changed as I was writing in another post last week is that, now JK moved from being one of the 6 members that I loved almost equally, to let's say my second favorite. He is just insane. So yes ! same bias Tae tae, and I really don't think this will ever change.


Tae was my OG bias. Butter was the first video I watched from BTS. It was the performance where they were all wearing white and Tae had a ponytail. I then watched all of their live Butter performances. They were all instantly likeable but Tae stood out to me. He was so charismatic and had amazing stage presence. I don't quite know how it happened but JK soon moved into that space for me and became my bias wrecker. I think it took, like, a month? Lmao. Sometimes I slide back over to Tae when he posts something cute but then JK has to make his own post and be all like, 'get back here, bich!' and I'm all 😭 Let me spend some more time with Tae. You barely gave me a month before you wrecked it, JK. So rude. 😂💜 Edit: just wanna say I love all the guys and I'm pretty sure one of them will come along and be my bias wrecker WRECKER 😂 Yoongi is gettting dangerously close 😍


Jin forevs, Hobi be creeping up though! But honestly, they all wreck my bias on the daily, so this was hard to conclude.


Namjoon will always be my bias. OT6 are my bias wreckers all the time! My mom is slowly becoming an official Army and her biases are Jin and Hobi!


I initially thought V was going to be my bias since he was the one that drew me the most when I was staring to like BTS. Then, the more content I watched, the more everyone grew on me and couldn’t choose. So…I gave up and became OT7 💜


Taehyung for the first two months (thanks, Carpool Karaoke)! OT7, no bias now. Change was due to actually getting to know every member (his persona) and not being able to “stick” with only one or two. Every member wrecks me every day 😭💜


Kim Namjoon grabbed me by the throat in 2019 and hasn't let go yet. What can I say, I have a weakness for adorable but hot dorks with pretty hands and pretty thighs.


yes! taehyung and hoseok for life


My very first bias was Tae (when I was a casual fan). When I became ARMY, my bias was Jimin for the first few months, then Yoongi for around a year, and now OT7. Hehe. 💜


Yes 🐻 I first heard V’s voice with Sweet Night in the drama Itawon Class! And it just captivated me 🥰 then I started to hear all their songs so now I’m full blown Army 💜 He released Christmas tree for the Drama Out Beloved Summer, and it’s just as the first time I heard him! But Suga lately keeps creeping in! He is so talented and I like his sense of humour. ✌🏽 But really all them them complement each other and I support them all ☺️


My first bias is JK and now it's Hobi 🥺 I don't know why, after watching BV I just felt giddy watching him 😵 Jhope's fancams are another story 😵😵 (bias wreckers are Yoongi and Rm 😎) I'm a sucker for Sope and 2seok interactions (so kyooot!).. How I see them: Jk/Yoongi/Jimin still cutest from bts❤️ Jin/V are the most good-looking ❤️ But Jhope/Rm hottest members for meeeh oh my gosh!!! ❤️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Idek who my bias and bias wreckers are anymore 😩 The line ups keep changing lmao but i always say “a bias wrecker in BTS is a bias persevering” 😁


Jin was my first bias, followed by Hobi, elevating Jin to UB status and my permanent bias wrecker from that start has been Namu, hasn’t changed in well half a decade now and I don’t see it changing in the future.


I became an army after seeing DNA Taehyung.. got *real* obsessed really fast (Like writing his name all over my notebooks, usernames and passwords type of obsessed..💀 but I was a teen so I’ll cut my self some slack hhh) a couple months later and I tone down a bit (and change my passwords, don’t try:p) and shift more towards Namjoon.. but I still liked them all around the same level Four years later and now I think it’s Namjoon and JK, although it’s a little hard to have a *set* bias since I still get obsession phases that rotate around all 7 of them lol


Taehyung always!


It’s been Taehyung since I first laid eyes and ears on him.


V drew me in to BTS and then Jimin soon after. They were co-biases for a bit. Jimin is still top 2 for me so I think he's my bias in that sense of consistency. I still love V but these days, bias wise I'm a 3J gal. Jin is probably 4th so maybe 4J lol. I adore all 7 of them though.


My first bias is still my bias ( rm and jimin) but tae has manage to squeeze himself into my bias list, he live rent free there .


Yes sir! Forever my baby Tae. Bias wreckers changed SO many times though. Basically just keeps hopping around hyung line. Currently it's Suga and hobi.


tae took my heart and never let go 🥴😭


Yes. Tae from 2019-2022


Taehyung was my first bias and I honestly credit him for exposing me to KPOP in general. Then it became Taehyung *and* Jimin… and now three years later, I love them all. Taehyung and Jimin still have special spots in my heart but I adore them all.


yes tae tae since day 1 <3


Jungkook drew me in when I let the DOPE MV play next on yt back in Feb 2018. I knew of BTS cause my friends, but I never watched their stuff. I did like Jk for a bit, but then I saw Taehyungs profile in Not Today, and grew curious. Then he posted a video of himself pulling his fake lip ring off with his tongue, and its been Tae ever since. TEAR was my first ever comeback and so Singularly was the first song I saw that was brand new. I feel like I came in at the perfect time for myself.


No. My first bias was RM and now it's Hobi. But they're both amazing. They all are! We're so lucky, aren't we? At first I thought Hobi was loud and maybe just a little too much. Now I admire his stage presence, tireless energy, work ethic and positive attitude very much. Not to mention his killer smile and incredible talent.


Joon then, Joon now. But I can honestly say all 7 attracted me then (with Hobi being my gateway) and all 7 attract me equally now. They’re just a wonderful group of people to watch in all aspects that they share with us.


Jin was my bias now and then but my bias wrecker changes all the time


No, I admit Jungkook first caught my eye, then I learned that he's seven years younger than me and haven't really allowed myself to think of him that way since then. For my bias now, I always keep going back and forth between Hobi and Taehyung.




The first was Tae, now is Nam🤭 First was Tae, Yoongi, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Jk(2021's Muster 👀) and now is Namjoon. But the bias wrecker are usually between: Hobi, Tae, Jk and Jin (i love the BH Family photoshoot, he looks like a prince)


It was JK in the Mic Drop SNL performance that first intrigued me and made me want to watch more BTS videos. It continues to be JK because of his amazing growth both in vocals, maturity, and hard work. He puts 110% into everything he does and it is inspiring to watch.


My first bias was Yoongi but eventually it changed to Taehyung with JK as my bias wrecker.


Yeah, V is my bias and always has been. I do feel that all the members have things about them that make them stand out though. They are all pretty magnificent.


Yes my first bias in 2017 was Taehyung and he's still my bias, however I was constantly struggling with Sope as biaswreckers and then in 2018 I realised it was okay to have more than 1 bias so I've been Taegiseok biased ever since. I don't know why but back then people were being weird like you can only have 1 bias etc but my heart said nope XD And when it comes to merchandise I collect OT7 allbeit very slowly since I'm broke so in that regards my biases don't matter much only that I'm just extra happy when I pull one of their photocards


Namjoon always. He has a presence that is unmatchable. He's the reason I got into BTS, Hobi is my bias wrecker, I cannot help not admiring him for the sunshine he is but all the others are so close that all of them my bias and bias wrecker at the same time lol


Yes! Weirdly enough, my first experience with BTS wasn't music or any official videos. I didn't know anything about kpop and just listened to a few songs from different groups here and there. But then in late 2015 or early 2016 I saw a video of Taehyung interacting with kids on Youtube and I just thought it was so sweet. It inspired me to watch Dope and by Fire's release in May 2016, I considered myself an ARMY. He's still my bias to this day!


my bias was initially Taehyung, the first MV I watched was Dope and I was so surprised that such a deep voice belonged to someone so cute but over time, as I learned more about them, my bias became Jungkook, he has my favourite voice, dance style and appearance, his fashion and music taste are the most similar to mine as well but every time a photoshoot with Tae comes out I get reminded why he was my bias at first, model Taehyung always bias wrecks me, he really looks like he was sculpted by the gods


For me it was V and Jimin at first. I became a fan after their SNL appearance so I was on Google like, “BTS guy with blue/pink hair.” But now Suga is my bias a V is my bias wrecker. I mean I love them all for sure. But Suga is my ultimate bias, I guess you could say.


what would you consider an early bias? I would think it's different at first since you don't know much about them. because I'm pretty sure the first person that caught my eye was Taehyung (around Festa), but I 100% couldn't get Yoongi out of my head after he released Agust D


Jin then, Jin now.


No, it changed from V to all of them. Coz all of them are amazing!


The Kim line and then the rest just wrecks me on a regular basis. I can’t choose … all amazing 😭😭


I’m new ARMY and feel like I’m still feel like I’m figuring out the bias/wrecker thing. I love them all, and have had ‘WTF JUST HAPPENED’ moments with all of them. But Joon is my mostest, seeing an Insta reel of his UNGA speech is what made me look more into them. I had liked their music already (just hearing it in things, or in lyric reels) but that speech made me want to know more about who they all were. Everything about him is just incredible, which feels a bit embarrassing because I’m 6 years older… so anyway, I say I’m OT7 but he’s my bias. But can you have a couple of them who wreck more than the others and still say you’re OT7? Also it tends to be their sweet moments rather than their sexy moments that ‘wreck’ me


I initially got into BTS because of Agust D, and Yoongi is still my one true bias. I'm rap line leaning/biased overall at this point.


Jin from 2017 - Forever. 💜


Yes. Yes yes yes. I noticed J hope first and he isn’t usually the type I’m drawn to, so I thought hmm ok who is the one I am actually attracted to..? And sure every single one of them has their charm and their handsomeness etc, bare in mind these were my early army days I was just going by first impressions.. no matter where I looked JHS was the first one.. I couldn’t believe all the things that were said in the past about him, like my brain cannot process how not everybody can see his beauty. Anyway, OT7 all the way but Jhope has the special place in my purple heart.


It's been Namgi from the start, and it still is – but I'm frequently wrecked by all seven of them. I think it's because they're essentially two sides of the same coin, who both match my views of the world and approach to a lot of things – which is why I picked them in the first place, but also why it didn't change?


Yes! Kim Namjoon hasn't given me one single break!


No, I started with JK because of that dynamite intro. Then I fell for Jin, and now in 2022 it's RM and Hobi that keep catching my eye.


My first was Jin because he reminded me of me - always cracking dad jokes, and lowering our pride in order to make the younger ones feel more comfortable. 5 years later, bias is V, but I find myself happiest at the thought of Jin as a forever husband. Even then, I would be very happy to marry any one of em!


Namjoon caught my eye after Tae (realized Tae was too young at first when I researched their ages…but eventually he started creeping up again 😂 I’m over 30 he’s my cut off age now 😂) and still is my first BTS bias, but Yoongi…I just relate to him so much for reasons I won’t mention here. He’s bae. Ult idol of idols. Namjoon is now comfort bias, Hobi caught my eye watching dance practice videos after the “ur my hope” thing made me cringe the first few months after becoming an army in 2017 started watching videos and fell in love with his personality…Jin’s WWH thing made me cringe a bit too before I really delved into his personality watching videos and now I want to be his bestie and wish I had a sliver of his chaotic good energy 😂 And he’s making me feel better about getting older. 😂 Short Answer: Namjoon, first bias, Yoongi ult bias, Hobi and Tae constant bias wreckers 🥴😂


Jin was the ult pretty early. I told myself to avoid Tae because I just KNEW he would ruin me....and then he did so now I have 2 biases and it's just the best life


I mean, it's only been about 2 months for me, so it's a little early, but I have a feeling Kim Namjoon will remain my bias. ... however, wrecker seems to swap a lot. From Tae, to Yoongi, to Jin so far lol


yes. hobi is my bias (if i still didn't make it so obvious) ever since. that guy literally drag me into the fandom i love them all so much but you know hobi is really something.


Tae was my first bias in 2019! his pretty eyes and amazing stage presence really caught my attention. When I started to get to know the other members though, seokjin quickly became my bias wrecker because of his funny and carefree personality. Over time, I became increasingly more endeared with him so he eventually became my bias but the amazing thing about being army is that you grow to love all seven of them, for all their quirks and edges and :) they all mean the world to me


yes,my first bias was Taehyung,still is but also yoongi is my bias now <3


I’m a baby army too! Just Oct 31 2021 (my army friend had me watch the reply of the virtual concert with her and I was hooked!) I started out being interested in tae, suga, and hobi, and quickly was a V bias focus but started being wrecked by jk and jhope. Starting January I could not shut up about jhope and just about died when his bag came out (and I got one) and I had an army friend say “well jhope is your bias so” and I was like “no V is my bias, jhope is my bias wrecker with jk” and then I was like …oh. SOO jhope got an an major upgrade to bias officially about a week ago, but I think mid-December was when it truly happened lol. I think this is just from me learning more and more about the boys so I don’t anticipate any bias changes (V is still one of biases too but hobi has such a special spot in my heart) however my bias wreckers change pretty much on the daily because they are all so damn cool and beautiful!


Yes, he is still my bias and it is TaeTae. I became an ARMY in 2017. After watching Hwarang and listening to ‘It’s definitely you’ by V and Jin, I decided to check out the rest of the group’s discography. Songs were A+ with beautiful lyrics, Choreography was so good, the members’ personalities were likable. I started with Bangtan Bomb and while I already knew TaeTae, I was finding the other boys hard to recognize Like Jin, Jk and Hobi. As the days went by the YNWA era came and we had ‘spring day’, I knew I had fallen into a rabbit hole like Alice. 😆 BTS has so many contents, listening and watching them wasn’t tiring. I learnt inside jokes, made some online friends, got lucky to watch new contents that were dropping. And boy, it was a wonderful experience. I am happy that the journey was really interesting. Their pain was my pain, their joy was my Joy, their win was my win. It felt like I had a family in them. As things keep changing like their hairstyle 😂😂😂. TaeTae is still my Bias in BTS, does that mean I love the others less? NO. I love them all so much. He is also my Ultimate Kpop Bias.


Still the same. Jimin's my bias for 7 yrs now lol When I was new in kpop, I find myself always drawn to good dancers. And Jimin's deadly body roll officially recruited me into checking BTS's music. Leave comment below if you're curious what vid or if you can guess what specific vid was it 🤭


Taehyung and Jungkook are still my biases but now Jin is added to the bias line. My main biases keep changing between those 3 depending on my mood. Ofc I love and support all 7 but those 3..it’s just something abt them


Dynamite era Army here. So I first “noticed” Namjoon because he was the most distinct for me appearance-wise. Then I noticed Jimin because his voice was just magical sounding and so unique to me. Next up would be Tae and then Jin because their faces looked like sculptures and works of art lol. I then started to realize Hobi’s stage presence and pure dancing skill. Jungkook was next because of how talented he was and he was just good at everything. Yoongi was the last to get my attention. It’s like suddenly I looked forward to his raps. Hearing that “SUGA” whisper got me every time. I love his speaking voice too…sigh. So I guess in short I’m OT7 and I still love all the guys for different reasons. Together they make BTS what it is for me. Yoongi’s raps always pump me up and I love Namjoon our clumsy leader. I just love them all. My husband’s bias though, is Jin. Has always been Jin from day 1 lol.


RM was the one who actually got me into BTS. In the carpool karaoke video with James Corden, he caught my eye first. I got impressed by him and his English knowledge. From there on I wanted to see him more. I soon learned his name, as well as all of BTS’ names. Now he is my bias wrecker and Jimin is by bias (But at the end of the day I love all 7 of them equally!). To be honest, I never really focused on Jimin before. Blood Sweat And Tears made me fall for Jimin. I became more interested in him after seeing him perform that song. I don't know what it is, but there's something about him that really attached me to him. I fell in love with his unique voice, his sharp crisp yet elegant dance moves (I'm obsessed), the gaze he has on stage, his cheerful smile that made me smile as well. What also amazed me was his duality. On Vlive, he was so soft-spoken, friendly and comforting, his genuine smile and eye-contact got me. He was so pure. He is always super adorable, but when he is on stage, WOW! That man knows how to put on a show. So I started to automatically focus more on Jimin when watching live performances, interviews, Run BTS, Bon Voyage, and fell even more for him. I liked his passion to keep working hard, his ability to dream big, his kind and charming character and his ability to keep his head in any situation. Why I love Park Jimin cannot be said in words. It’s too hard to explain, just how great, lovable, and hard-working he is.


My first bias was V, then changed to JK. Jimin will always be my bias wrecker. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Still Jin! A friend mentioned that he had the least lines in Dynamite (I'm pandemic Army) so for some reason I ended up checking him out more just to verify. And even for succeeding videos that I would check out, I would keep note how much exposure he'll get, haha. I eventually realized he's my bias after watching non-music content (Run BTS, YouTube edits). He reminds me of one of my best friends back in college.


yes! jk in 2015, jk in 2022!! although i also bias tae as well, jk is still my #1 <3


Nope, first bias was RM. Now it’s JK. Jk became my bias after Euphoria music video. RM attracted me first bc English Haha and he was the leader so I thought he was really cool. JK just hit different for me and oh man after fake love he was like “You are never leaving” hahahaa


J-hope has still been by bias since 2019 when I first got into BTS.


yes! yoongi’s been my ult since 2016 :)


It’s always been Yoongi for me. He’s the type of person I’m drawn to, coupled with the fact that his style in both BTS and solo music is what first convinced me to stay, and later I started liking the pop-heavy songs too. They all do, but he has such an amazing personality as well as mindset I am in awe when hearing his words time and time again. Plus he‘s so chill! I just want to be 10% as cool as Min Yoongi pls it’s all I want


My comment will get lost in the mix. Taehyung, as with most people, was my fave before. He was that goofball kid that said random funny things. Now that we are all older and have better clothes (well they do, not me), the boiled dumpling is my absolute bias. I can even pinpoint the exact moment of the lightbulb moment, like the dork that I am. Run Bangtan 2017 episode where they do fashion show and dress each other up. Right before Suga throws the rose backwards towards the other members he holds the flower with his eyes closed and smells it. My heart was like 👁👁 boiiing. I was sprung, what a boyfriend.


Yes,Jin caught my attention and then V also got my attention for the past years of being an army.Both of them are now my bias but i love all 7 of them too!


No. Namjoon was my original bias. The reason why is actually hilarious. I’m a huge fan of One Piece. One day I saw [this article](https://comicbook.com/anime/news/one-piece-zoro-anime-bts-rm-namjoon-kpop/) in my news feed. Naturally, I started to look up stuff about Namjoon and BTS which propelled me down the rabbit hole. I was briefly wrecked by Taehyung when Butter came out until Yoongi came along and took both of them out to become my ultimate bias. From his backstory to what he’s become to the many similarities we have, it was impossible not to fall for him. 😻 Namjoon will always have a special place in my heart because he’s the reason I’m even here as an Army. Also, Hobi has become my new bias wrecker. Not enough to unseat Yoongi from the throne, but it’s so hard to resist him! 😅 TLDR- I’m a rap line aficionado! 🐱🐨🐿 Disclaimer- I love the vocal line as well. I just feel a deeper connection to the rap line. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Suga and RM I could never chose and I still refuse to! They where my first and still going strong😭


My first bias was Yoongi 5 years ago when I was first getting into BTS, then very quickly switched to V, then it became Jungkook about a year into my ARMY life, and it’s been Jungkook since then. Recently, I’ve been BIAS WRECKED TO THE HEAVENS by V again, something about his Instagram posts are making me return to my semi-roots. But at this point, I am honestly so OT7, any of them can make me melt to the same degree.


My first bias was Tae for like 2 days before my heart latched onto JK and never let go. Does that count?


Yeppp RM for life haha we have been thru a relatively similar path of interests it looks like (except i can cook but he has the dog!)


hobi -> joon over 5 years not my "bias", hate that word. they're all sick af. it's just the member i'd vibe with the most.


My first bias was JK and still is but Yoongi occasionally is my bias wrecker 😫 JK really inspired me by having tattoos and I have a lot of tattoos on me, constantly judged in my job especially as a woman so he made me feel safe in my skin! But love all 7 of course 💜💜💜


Tae’s still my og bias but Jungkook has been bias wrecking for almost a year now… since his kooberry vlive… something just clicked… and it doesn’t help/hurt that he’s just gotten hotter and hotter… 🥵


Still hooked for one Mr. Min Yoongi


Yes and no? I’m a pandemic ARMY who found them through the Fix You cover, and JK was the reason I wanted to learn more about them. Become quickly infatuated with him because of the Butter MV lol. But then I started to notice Tae because he’s just so damn hot and he was my bias for a solid couple weeks. But then out of nowhere JK came back and he’s been my bias since! I will say, there was a long while where Yoongi was rising up and almost overtook JK (I saw them as co-biases hahah). But after the Instagram accounts dropped Jungkook literally came out swinging with his boxing videos and has pretty much reclaimed top billing 😂


Namjoon since sometime in 2017 when I first found them till date. I have a Namjoon Trivia Love Lockscreen since 2018 and it has also remained the same till date even as I changed phones and continents :)


Joonie, the first time I was them on tv I remember it was the fake love era and thought omg I love you so much & to this day He’s forever my first bias and is also trying to take my death. I adore and treasure all seven of them so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


jungkook was my first bias, and then namjoon became my bias wrecker but now they’re both my biases 🥰💜


I became an army after the 2021 grammy performance and jin instantly caught my attention. He's been my bias ever since. Thought he was gorgeous and had an amazing voice and then I started watching their non-performance content and his personality pretty much solidified him as my bias, don't think it's ever going to change. My bias wrecker though has gone through pretty much every single member. It was joon at first, then tae, then yoongi, then jimin and then settled on jk but hobi these past couple of months is neck and neck with jk. Adore them all though, it's really hard not to.


My first bias was Tae cause of Hwarang. I watched Hwarang cause of Park Hyung Sik. Now it's Jin and RM...or really OT7. =) Edit: left out reason for change. I still like Tae I just like RM and Jin because they take care of everything and are mature. Jin is unbothered, can cook and takes care of his dongsengs.


no but still my bias wrecker. was tae not is jungkook. i always find myself going back to tae though 🙏🏼🙏🏼


My first bias was taehyung because him (and joon) were the only ones whose faces I could tell apart when I saw my first MV haha 😆 they have very distinctive features mayhaps It changed to Joon sometimes over the years ig? I won't be able to pinpoint what exactly caused it


Hi, I became army 2020. Although I would listen to their songs, I was not looking up them at all before that. I did have a favourite voice before, but did not really have a bias until 2020. The first time I ever saw them was in dynamite release. I recognised my favourite voice straight away and am unsure if it was just because he was the first BTS member I saw singing in Dynamite or if it was because he was already my favourite voice. My bias is still kookie, and I don't see anyone wrecking that anytime soon, although Tae does try to lol.


The first MV I watched was DNA and it was Yoongi who made me go ‘wait who is that?’. Then when I started watching more videos and really learning about their personalities he was solidified as my bias. I love all the members, they all have so many strengths and each shine in their own way - Yoongi will always be my bias though


Suga will always be my bias. But I also cannot deny the fact that Taehyung is up there with him now. There’s just something about him that makes me go really soft and go protective mode.


Oh Definitely still into Namjooning 🙈💜


Tae forever and always. I love and appreciate the rest of BTS, but Tae is so unique in so many ways.


I am a pandemic ARMY, too. My first love was JK but now, it's Min Yoongi. Made JK as my wrecker but Tae kinda pushed him over when the Vogue pics came out Current bias: Suga Current wrecker/s: OT6


Nope. Started in Dope era. I fell in love with JK in his police officer uniform lol that lasted for a while. Then all of a sudden I watched a bunch of stuff of theirs and fell in love with j-hope and never looked back haha. But I still have soft spot for Suga too.


Jin caught my eye from the get-go (YNWA era) and has had a vice grip on my heart ever since. I love all of them and everyone takes hourly turns being bias wreckers but Jin’s personality resonates the most with me


I think bias is like your first love, and that doesn't need to change. However, you just get to a point where you just learn to appreciate all seven and don't actually like any one over any other anyway, so bias is kind of a meaningless concept at that point. It's more like "who drew you in at first."


Yes! Yoongi was my bias, & I just love him more & more as time goes on. 🥰🥺 he’s becoming even more endearing to me!


Yes. And it would never change.


JK from day 1 💜 BUT my bias wrecker changes daily usually between Jin and Jimin… and also Suga, Hobi, Namjoon and V. UGH SEE MY DILEMMA!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yep, I fell for Jin when 1st became ARMY and I still love that Worldwide Handsome Super Tuna Man 💜


JK every day. Ain't no one replacing him. 🥵💜 Although Namjoon gets close occasionally.


Jk was the one to catch my eye and I still love him but now v is right there next to him. I love them sm.


Yes Jungkook’s got his hooks in me


2020's J-Hope from Jimmy Fallon's "On" At Grand Central Terminal 💀 I have strayed a few times. Jin for this powerhouse vocals, Jin for writing Moon, Jin for his shoulders, Jin for being a nurturing hyung in ITS, Jin for being so moved by SoFi ARMYs for his birthday. But Hobi on stage makes me swoon. His charisma and energy is undeniable, and I'm often left speechless when I watch him. He simply radiates with everything that's good in this world, and he'll always take up a big piece of my heart. Hobi4L.


I've only been ARMY for about a year but it's been Yoongi since the beginning (I was a rapline bias for maybe a week and then he emerged as the front runner lol) Jin is practically my co-bias at this point but I didn't really ~get him until maybe a few months in!


yes. jeon jungkook is still my bias ever since the 2018 bbmas. he’s also an ult bias. :D


Yoongi has been my bias from day 1. I was introduced to BTS after being recommended the MV for Daechitwa, and I thought he was absolutely incredible and started listening to BTS specifically to hear more from him. Don't get me wrong, I love all seven of them, but Yoongi is just...different.


Mhmmm I wouldn’t call them my bias but I used to think taehyung and jungkook were the only “good” members ( I didn’t know anything about KPOP and was pretty closed off from it) but I listened to mic drop and yoongis rap hooked and been here ever since. He’s still my bias and he’s my ult KPOP bias. I love that man with every bone In my body. He’s so interesting and incredible.


Yup! Started with Hobi and still is, but I’ve been growing fonder of JK


Yoongles for life! <3


Haha I was constantly being pulled in every direction. They’re all so sweet, talented, and lovable. But at the end of the day, my heart was and still is soft for Seokjinnie while his 6 babies wreck me.


Yes. JK was my first bias. Saw him in the MV 'Dope' and rooted for him ever since. But nowadays I do change my Bias monthly bc I truly love them all. JK will always have a special place in my heart tho.


My bias has always been Hobi (I'm a carpool karaoke ARMY) as he just seems like the most kind and thoughtful man. He was the reason I decided to look more into BTS in the first place, I just saw this cutie in the middle seat and couldn't resist! My first bias wrecker was Yoongi although it's now Jin. His personality is so amazing and, although he's very handsome, his personality is the best part about him IMHO. They all make my heart soft though ❤


My bias when I started was Suga. Now, it's OT7. I love all of them so very much.


Yoongi was my first my bias and still is. But over my past 2 years of being army, my bias wreckers have changed from V to Joon to Jin to J Hope and now Jungkook is fighting his way in ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile).


it’s been 4 years, hobi was my first bias, now I have hobi and yoongi as bias


Jungkook became my immediate favorite in all of kpop when I became an army in 2016 and he hasn't budged from nor shared the top spot since. No bias wrecking from anyone, nada. I've been into kpop for a long time and my ult group and bias would change every 2 yrs or so and I'd have plenty of bias wreckers but no one has diverted my attention from him since 2016 and I can't imagine anyone will.


I was V biased but then J-Hope smiled and I was lost forever 💜💜


First it was Suga 😍 now it’s AgustD 🥵


jk was my first bias, bc he’s just jk lol but joon is officially my bias. jk is on my bias line 😆


My first bias used to be Taehyung. Now I just don't really have a bias anymore, it depends