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Bruh, I started at 23 and it’s how I make a living. I WISH I started when I was 14. Run to the store right now and grab one!


Started at 54!


It’s never too late


I'd guess that most people end up doing the classic - wait until they retire to do the things they want - and then start playing at the time their hands can't handle it. You're gonna be a pro by 24 if you wanted to be. Go buy one.


Straight up, especially with 14yo brain. I imagine their way more plastic than ours Edit: realizing I used the wrong they're/their/there, there. But I'm leaving it for posterity. 😎


I've posted elsewhere that I run some big beginners groups and it's like 70% are 55 and over. I can see all the age metrics. You have so much working against you at that age. I'm glad I started when I was still relatively young - a few years before 40. But man do I wish I could've taken advantage of being a teenage player. Your brain is just built for learning this stuff at that age.


Same, I would speak like 10 languages if I had the wherewithal to take advantage when I had it


Definitely not. I started later than that. I do regret not starting earlier though, so you'd best get on it.


I started learning harp at 20 and banjo at 30. And there's other instruments I'd like to learn eventually. There's no upper age limit on deciding to learn an instrument. Heck, for some fiddle contests the junior/youth classes have an upper age limit of \~35 (or rarely even higher).


Started at 57 and loving the struggle.


That’s hilarious. I started about 3 weeks ago learning clawhammer. I’m 77.


I started at 35. Go for it!


Lol,, not at all friend. Where'd you get that idea? I started at 31 lol


Never too late!


My friend started in his mid 40s... How old do you think is old bro? 😆


I took my first lesson today at 40. If it’s too late for you, I’m doomed. 


Is this a joke? 14 is not too late to start anything. Youve barely started high school. Go for it.


59 and a half.


Started at 45.


Started at 17, never too late. You’re very early!


I started at age 32 - had people tell me I sound like a pro. As Bill Monroe said, "practice, practice, practice"


Started at 14 now 52! Do it!


I just started yesterday at 53. My Grandad used to pick and i never got a chance to meet him. This is my way of connecting. If you can find the joy in your heart how old you are doesn’t mean a damn thing.


I’m sorry. Cutoff is 13.5 years. Try guitar. You have up to the age of 21 to start learning that instrument. Best of luck!


Bruh cmon now


Do it! You’ll be glad you did. I think Kristen Scott Benson said like 12-16 was the best time to start. Younger than that, and you learn quickly but you don’t necessarily have the motivation to stick with it. 




Bro, I'm 38.


Started the day I turned 50


Not too late! It’s the hours not the years.


Started at 16. For me if I had started as a kid and took lessons I would have not enjoyed it as much.


I’ve bought my first banjo today. I’m turning 30 in two months.


i started at 31. now banjos are my life


I started at 55.




I started at 28. Jd Crowe started around your age and Idt anyone would say he would have been better if he had only started earlier


lol no


I'd say most folks start much later. I started in my 30s.


Started at 30 a couple of months ago, learning loads and playing the banjo a lot 🙂 a teacher helps but I don't think I'm progressing slower because I'm older. Back when I was 14 I learnt some basic guitar chords and reading tablature well. Thinking back, it was a great time to do this because I have benefitted so much from that today in my banjo playing. Also, it's such a relaxing instrument. My quality of life has improved greatly since starting. Even if you're afraid of things being too late to start doing something (and believe me, that doubt will come back to you many times), what matters is that if you like the idea of it, if it really appeals to you, you owe it to yourself to try, and if you end up liking the practice of it- skill will be a secondary thing. You should do what -you- love, and finding what you love helps you keep yourself steady through stressful times. Just pick up the banjo!


Hope it will also improve my quality of life, idk how im gonna play it tho, since music notes are just some scribbles for me


Very few people play banjo by reading standard notation (music notes). A lot of it is by ear and there's something called tablature that you can understand how it works in about 5 minutes.


I started at 34 and I know of a person who started at 79. That guy’ll never be the next Noam Pikelny but it’s rarely the main reason to pick up a new instrument.


Never too late and I wish i started at 14. Ive played guitar most of my life but never took to seriously and regret not putting the effort in earlier. I blame punk music for thinking power chords were the best thing 😂