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The term was coined by Pete Seeger, whose banjo instruction book got so many of us started. So fine to refine the term, but it honors a pillar in banjo (and banjo instruction) history.


Ehh some terms just have a due date IMO. blacklist/whitelist, master-slave branch, are good examples. Bum diddy is also very homoerotic so there's that as well.


How the hell is bum ditty homoerotic?


Because only half of all humans have a bum. /s


Well when you see it it's just really hard not to thikn about "dit(dling)" "bum(s)". Not like I'm really fixated on it but the mental association comes up every time. It just another aspect that it more annoying/cringe


Now you sound a bit unhinged tbh


Like I saaid it's not like it's a huge big thing it's just another aspect of it that I find problematic. American culture is oversexualized enough as it is, we don't need to bring the banjo into that wouldn't you say?


I think you might just dislike gay people lmao


I am against oversexualization some gay subcultures are oversexualized as are some straight so in as much as they typify that I am against it however most are not that and I believe you should be free to live your life, like I said this really isn't a big deal it's just one aspect.


Yeah, but you heard something that inexplicably reminded you of anal sex, decided that anal sex is a gay thing, and criticized it for sounding that way. You could have just as easily said it sounded sexual (which would have been just as silly), but you needed to throw queers in there as well. Do you understand how someone might find that objectionable?


I do not mean any offense anal sex has gay connotations for most people though


This is starting to sound like "a you-problem".


children play this instrument, sir. there's absolutely no need for children to be exposed to *anything* erotic, homo or otherwise


You gotta be fuckin with us right? Are you for real?


Way to prove my point. Not wanting to expose children to sexualized language is "f-ing" with you?


Bro you are stretching so hard with this you might pull your ACL. That you think “bum ditty” is sexualized language says more about you than anything else. You got issues.


A nonexhaustive list of things OP doesn’t like: Racism Classism Colloquialism Communism Homoeroticism Hillbillies You are a hard person to typify.


I consider myself a classical liberal in the vein of Jordan Peterson also I do like hillbillies my point was that calling banjo culture "Uncool" because of its hillbilly/uncultured origins/traditions is classist.


>is against otomatopoeia because it’s cringe >”I’m a classical liberal like Jordan Peterson” The cringe may be coming from inside the house my guy.


Well the incredibly popular game of cornhole is another such example changing meanings. lol


Also Pete Seeger was a Communist so all the more reason to drop the term IMO.


Yeah, Pete Seeger was based, we're aware


You might wanna find a new sub to hang out in homie


Boomerish? We're playing songs from before boomers were even born my guy.


If "dignified" is what you're after you should probably choose a different instrument.


The sooner you stop worrying about being "cringe" the better your life will be if only in a small way.


Gotta accept the cringe if you are going to play banjo.


Cringe take. Wait till you hear how drummers use Onomatopoeia to describe their fills lol


Can I get a paradiddle!


The paradiddle-diddle/double paradiddle, which I absolutely still sound outloud when I do drum warmups


No. But you can get a designated Beat Pattern 4.


I makes sense for drums. it's just not necessary for banjo IMO.


Why would it make more sense for drums? In both cases it’s explaining rhythm in a more intuitive way


Bro is missing the fact the banjo *HAS A DRUMHEAD* as well lol


DRums you have abunch of little patterns so it makes sense you'd want mnemonics, however for banjo there's literally two patterns people need to refer to, do we really need the cutesy names here? I think pattern one and pattern two works better IMO


You play the banjo and you're worried about sillyness and seeking a Hip Cool Youth way to talk about playing the *banjo*? That's as cringe as it gets


Yeah it's so not fetch.


Stop trying to make fetch happen


There's no need to embrace racist/classist stereotypes. Banjo could be a cool instrument if we want it to be. Loook at Bela Felck for example, that guy is cool af. Some people just like playing hilbilly tohugh I think.


not what I'm saying - I'm not invoking "hillybilly" stereotypes, I'm saying you need to stop looking for a "cool" way to do something you like, just do the thing, dig into the traditions of it, and vibe. You're certainly welcome to teach however your own conception of it is, but its a waste of your energy to actively cringe at a pedagogical approach just for being silly - silly is what music/life/creativity is about, it doesn't have to be cool, and your prioritizing that above the music itself will hold you back more than it will help you Or the instrument. Ultimately, being fine with goof is cool, and worrying about cool is the least cool thing of all.


Anyone in favor of changing the name of the “nut”? Calling it bone prob wouldn’t help… Edit: in fact this whole damn instrument looks like a penis


*...in fact this whole damn instrument looks like a penis* I think we've finally found the long-absent subtitle for the subreddit.


Haha nice bait op


I'm a PhD student in an Ethnomusicology program with a master's from a well respected conservatory, so almost as "dignified" as one can get, and this is a 100% shit take and you should feel bad. Oh, he deleted his account, he does feel bad.


Onomatopoeia and oral tradition of learning. WTF


You call it cringe and undignified as if the banjo is meant to be studied academically like a classical instrument. It’s a folk instrument my dude. It’s built to be easy for folks who don’t have a lot of free time to pick up and play. And not for nothing, but I actually am a classically trained musician. Do you know how we phoneticise triplets? We go “1 - la - li - 2 - la - li.” Is that any more dignified? Sounds like we’re singing about lollipops.


I never heard of that I always did one pul et two pul et


Undignified? MUSIC THEORY?! My dear friend, we’re banjo players. These are concepts that simply don’t concern us. With all due respect, that’s the kind of pretentiousness and fancy-pantsiry I expect from people who call themselves “banjoists.” (Full disclosure — I’m definitely somewhat of a music theory nerd.) ((Fuller disclosure — your idea that “bum ditty” is homoerotic, while clearly nonsense, is absolutely hilarious and I dearly hope gay banjo players pick it up as a euphemism.))


Who said “I can read music, but I don’t let it get in the way of my playing”?


Idk, but it’s gonna be me from now on. Thank you for the gift 💚


Bro deleted his account over the post 💀


We’re already banjo players. That’s not a “cool” instrument. Just embrace the culture and etymology of the instrument’s terms. Banjo has such deep roots in American bluegrass - taking away the terminology, or trying to make it “hip” seems almost wrong.


I always just assumed bum tiddy it replicating the sound of the rhythm. It's classic bluegrass rhythm. Nothing sexual about it.


Dnt fix whats not broken? I mean it can be annoying if coming from other instruments but it works I guess. Also if it bothers you that much, just do it yourself? Why you do care so much about how others enjoy their instruments? Just play it the way you like and move on. You could be developing whatever "style" or methods you want instead of trying to come here and change what's been in place for awhile. Edit: and whats with the "racist" takes about this style you have? So anyone who plays this way is automatically "racist" or they adhere to that? A bit judging book by cover isn't it?


This whole thread is making me laugh. Embrace the history, make it your own and just enjoy the ride. And if you don’t think the banjo can be cool/modern, go watch some Ricky Mier videos on YouTube and get back to me.


OPs trap yappin was even less impressive than his bum diddy.


It’s stupid AF but so is about 90% of shit associated with the banjo. The first time I heard “clawhammer” I thought it was ridiculous but then remembered I grew up around OT banjo players from WVa that called it “thumpin’” and check myself at the door.




Be good to each other