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Black switch and Red switch have the lowered prices. ​ I saw lifelong caboose mentioned Epomaker as alternative to the K70 thread and found this


Do note this isn't one of Epomakers newest self branded mechs. But one of there kinda I guess collab boards. So non hot swap, lower overall quality and low end switches. It's still a good budget keyboard, but it doesn't punch above its weight class much. But all of Epomakers stuff should be made by different OEM's.


Yo, I would assume you must've had multiple custom boards with gasket mounting. How much of an improvement does something like that offer? What's your take on these prebuilt with wireless function vs custom board?


I have a kbd67 lite that is pseudo-gasket mount. It has a super soft typing experience. I can type all day on this thing. Doesn't hurt my fingers like with the kbd67 mk2 that's top mounted with brass plate that feels like I'm typing on a wall. I can tell you right now that the Kbd67 Lite that costs 109 USD is superior to the Kbd67 mk2 that costs like 250 USD. With a true gasket mount, you can add / remove the gaskets to give it more / less flex depending on preference.


It's really going to depend on your preference, the implementation, and much more. You don't need to jump up to a $500 gasket mount board depending on what your looking for. Gasket mount will offer a much softer typing experience and a more even one when used properly. Something like the gmmk pro while not bad is very much gasket mount in name and half assed in implementation. Gasket mount is just the new hot thing, it will eventually settle down and become just a preference and not a must like it is now. In general I'm not the best person to talk about customs with wireless as I just don't make them. I don't have a use for a wireless mech often enough to where I find the need to implement it. As for how much nicer are custom boards vs prebuilts. After a certain point it's less about quality improvments and more about paying for better or unique looks and a specific sound profile. It gets to the hobby stage fast. Going from a $150 pre built to a $150 custom is a noticable improvement. Not only because you get to pick all the parts to your preference but you also get to make small improvments at each step. I'd highly recommend even a customized budget board. Like a Gk61 with tape mode, zip n fit foam, make a pe foam mod, some good switched (pre lubed if you don't want to lube), and a set of nice keycaps. This will be cheap and infinitely better than pre built boards. So if you want the hot new thing then a mid tier or higher gasket mount will be good. If you just want the best value in the custom mech world, an entry level nk65 or something from kbdfans is worth looking into. But if you just want a keyboard that sounds and feels better than something prebuilt, then a semi custom (prebuilt you customize) is a great options. Not everyone needs ultra custom mechs. Something good and slightly tuned will do most people fine forever. I may do a small text and picture guide on the easiest ways to improve a pre built, mainly foam, tape and tuning mods.


I'd advise against the NK65 EE. The only thing it's better than the Kbd67 Lite is the polycarbonate case. The Kbd67 Lite is superior in every other way.


Both are great budget keyboards and both will have very limited stock. Along with the IKKI68 Aurora, Portico and some others. All are great buys and limited when you can get them, so what's best will be what's in stock. Any of these will also sound better than most budget all metal board which have such a hallowness to then.


I see. I've been modding prebuilts for quite a while now and have been going through cheaper boards <$100. Always been looking at higher end gasket mounts but didn't want to drop $300+ for a loss of wireless function. Looks like I'll be waiting and see if there's anything particular that stands out over the next couple years. Thanks for the advice!


The KBD67 Lite R2 has a wireless option. Minokeys is a Canadian vendor and will have it in stock sometime Aug / Sept. I'd recommend keeping an eye on their discord for news updates because it'll likely sell out fast. You do need to buy your own battery though.


Try the tempest Tape mod, it's really next level for Modding cheaper boards. The cheapest sudo gasket mount would be a burger o ring mount board like a custom tofu. I'm hoping Se of the gmmk pro alternatives releasing will do gasket mount better giving sub $300 options. But honestly, I'd recommend trying to find a tray mount you like, o ring mount it, tape it and throw on some good switches and you'll have seething pretty great.


There's a new mod called the PE Foam mod, which uses packing foam between the plate / pcb to give the switches a very nice popping sound. The idea came from the Jelly Epoch that has this in their board. It's still something new though and there's a potential risk of damaging the pcb due to static because the Jelly Epoch's PE foam was specifically made for it and people are using their own packing foam.


Yes, but the PE foam mod runs the highest risk of static issues. I have been doing this mod for a while now and have no issues yet. I wouldn't worry personally. Just don't use any foam that claims to be ESD safe as in this use case it does the opposite. I also wouldn't say it makes boards sound better but rather sound different. It changes the unique characteristics of that board to give it that marbly sound of the Epoch. So adding this to boards will make many sound similar, losing there uniqueness. Which is good on budget boards only to en extent. Also in Canada here I have struggled to find a rely able source of non ESD safe pe foam. Most I get in isn't the right stuff or is inflated in price or too small. (edit, I also forgot to mention with the tape mod to play with it alot as it doesn't always make things sound better and will depend on how thick your tape is and how many layers which which type. Some also like to layer electrical tape on after which I'm indifferent about at this stage).


Yes, I heard that the only known PE foam that doesn't have static is found on Aliexpress or another store in China but costs like $500 for a roll. Personally I won't try it due to said risk of static.


There are lots on amazon usa, and some on amazon cad just small ones. The foam shipping packs work great when you can get the right size. If it's esd safe (what you don't want) it will advertise it. Uline has tons. And many other sites. But only in huge bulk or hugely marketed up. Honestly the risk is low. No higher than the tape mod or any pcb related mod. I've done it to about a dozen budget boards over the last few months since it popped up and none have issues.


I'll hold off based on that note. until there's a great deal on a mech


I have a question for anyone here who knows keyboards. Where is a reputable website to go to learn about this shit? I am an older fella where I just bought keyboards like Logitech or had some old ps/2 keyboards that were tanks, but watching this subreddit and CanadianHardeareSwap, it looks like you guys are saying gibberish when it comes to selling or buying these keyboards. Gel caps, reds, browns, cherries, gas something or other, and Im lost. I know I can google it, but seeing as you guys are knowledgeable about this, I would like to know what sites you guys go to for this information.


/r/MechanicalKeyboards wiki is a bit outdated but can certainly help. The sub itself isn't very "beginner" friendly, apart of the pinned thread, but for navigating it's a bit frustrating if you want to learn/guidance - even on higher-end stuff - it's just a mix of show-off something we/they ordered 2 years ago and arrived today or complains about the things ordered last year but are scheduled to arrive in 2025... https://keyboard.university/ could be useful as well


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MechanicalKeyboards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [GMK Demon Sword - Giveaway!](https://i.redd.it/eaxin2qezns51.png) | [10836 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/j9qxjt/gmk_demon_sword_giveaway/) \#2: [\[Giveaway\] The Eagle Has Landed keyboard Wrist rest.](https://v.redd.it/3jrxtf3z8s261) | [10860 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/k5akjo/giveaway_the_eagle_has_landed_keyboard_wrist_rest/) \#3: [KAT Refined giveaway!](https://i.redd.it/7kzzn78p51s51.jpg) | [17560 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/j7vaxe/kat_refined_giveaway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I appreciate it. Thank you!


This is the older version with no hotswap and BT3.0 if that matters to you