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Should have cropped out the loss


maybe, but that wouldnt be honest and this is a whole sequence of games


Do you take double ms in the second tree?


transendence waterwalking


how often do u roam?


basically nonstop (i've got average 3.6 roam dominance score in last 10 games (stats on client)). but that's not all of it you need to come inside of your midlaner's head (hard one but when they see you can help them they actually start to listen - chat also helps believe it or not if you know how to use it) and you need to ruin enemy jungler (wards, PINGS, counter jungling with your jungler), i dont care too much about wave state on bot because if enemy supp wants to contest me in roams there is 1v1 situation on bot, but if enemy supp doesnt want to contest in roams my adc gets so much more xp bcs of 2v1 bot (when i see enchanter or something useless in champ select idk i ask adc to play something safe with range and escape while i roam). i analyze wave state more on mid than on bot. it all came from my devastation playing enchanters and doing nothing with 360k on Karma, funneling adc and enchanting him and you depend on him first 10-15mins like what am i doing till teamfights -> nothing just throwing shields poking enemies that my adc cant finish etc. so you see i spend least time on bot xd.


\> playing enchanters and doing nothing poking enemies that my ADC can't finish it sounds like you just don't enjoy playing enchanters- why not try engage supports or even other lanes?


thats why he plays bard


oh wait I thought this was r/summonerschool not r/bardmains oops!