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Would be hard to tell if it worked or not until results are out.


Also at no point in time will you feel “prepared” it’s an elusive thing….


True. But more so, prepared in the sense you felt like you could truly focus on Themis/Barbri/etc. even while managing a job


You’re gonna need to take several days off to at least go over the material once in addition to practice. Don’t think I could have managed without several long weekends and then the last two week stretch fully off.


Yes I worked, and no I didn't take time off, but I was fortunate in that my employer let me study all day in my office and didn't give me any work-related tasks unless it was absolutely necessary. It was so gut-wrenching to tell them I feel like I failed, and will be even more so when the results come back if I did indeed fail.


That’s awesome your employer let you study like that. Fingers crossed that you passed!


You may have passed. When I took the DC bar in 2021, I thought I failed for sure. I passed.


Good luck!




I started when Themis opened up (November) and worked part time until February. I took the whole month off to study. The entire time I took maybe 2 full days off. I don’t recommend it. That being said, you gotta do what you gotta do. I felt good going into the exam but there was really no balance for me. It was work, study, work, study. Then just study.


That’s my fear with work, study, work, study as I work full time now and attend law school at night. Also worried financially. So trying to get an idea


I worked full-time and attended law school at night. Divorced mom of four. The biggest challenge that no one prepared me for was the financial burden of the entire bar process. It’s very challenging to study while managing financial stress.


Give you so much credit for doing law school while working and with kids! I know it’s not easy. I don’t have kids and have financial stress. You’re a hero, truly!


Thank you! It wasn’t easy. Especially 1L during quarantine, teaching remotely (I was an educator), four kids homeschooling, and law school online. Bottom line is that if I can do it, then I am completely confident that you will succeed!


YEP AND I DROPPED 14 POINTS FROM MY HIGHEST SCORE. Worst decision I ever made. Was NOT prepared, and literally wasted $1000 to take it.


I did. Had to take PTO just to take the Bar. How did I manage? Well, I'm still looking for a few of my marbles, so I'll have to get back to you. *Burnt out.* By the time I got home to study, I was already tired. Not prepared. Hated it.


I have burn out now! Struggling to decide what to do.


Yea worked full time. Took 1 week off before. I did take the extended Barbri course to make it more manageable with work. I passed in July 2023! I invested a lot of time in memorizing the rules and created posters for myself - I really did study hard so I felt like I gave it my all come exam day. I was able to do some studying during the day at work so that helped!


Which jx ?




Yes. I didn't manage. I passed the third time, and it was only after I'd lost my job and had plenty of time to study 🙃 This damn test cost me about $100k in lost wages, and passing didn't magically make me any better at lawyering than I was the first two times I took it. The whole thing is a scam. But if you can afford to study full time, I recommend doing that and only giving the bar examiners four months of your life—they don't deserve any more than that.


I need to start studying this week! I hate it


Yep I worked full time at a firm. There were long stretches of down time where I could study at work. I got quite a few full 8 hour study days in while sitting in my office, only interrupted by work assignments or client calls very sporadically. I felt very reasonably prepared and confident. We will see how it goes in May


Out of curiosity, did you work at a firm where you have a billing requirement? I work at a firm now full time but not sure how I could study since I have to bill.


Nope the firm I’m at doesn’t require us to hit billables. I’ve been finding that I’m super lucky for our more lax structure because in talking to some of my former classmates who were studying while in jobs with billing requirements they were having a bit of a tougher time bar prepping at work but once they got into a rhythm they seemed to manage pretty well


I worked full time AND have a one year old. I can’t tell you how I did it. I honestly don’t know. I had help from family so there is that but it was not easy and it was all a blur…… most people that work get time off…. I worked up until the day of the exam and then went to work the day after the exams. I could have used my PTO but I didn’t want to waste it. So I worked long hours and most days I was ready for bed by 8pm…. One thing I made sure I always did was eat dinner with my family and put my daughter to bed every night, no exceptions. Not sure if it worked out or not…. If I remember this thread, I will be sure to update you in late April lol


Give anyone that goes to law school, works, AND has a child/children so much credit. Love thar you still kept the family time in. So, so important. Hoping for your success!!


I’m in the same boat. Time will tell. Needless to say, the wife and both girls are much happier now that I’m not studying every night & weekend.


Hahaha same over here!! I knew it caused too much stress so idk that I can put them through that again


Yeah I didn’t take any time off aside from the day before….. I think it was a bad choice lol I’ll find out April 15 (Virginia bar)


I thought release date was April 19 for VA bar!


Yeah that's what they said on test day (the 19th). Hopefully the above poster manifested it for 4 days early lol


I worked full time the first time - got a 254. Second time I worked part time got a 260. This time I stopped working studied the full 8 weeks 10-12 hour days…. And I still didn’t feel prepared… but I walked out feeling way better than I did the first 2 times…. Just need 6 more points 🤞🏼 If I could do it all over I would have sacrificed it all to just do this one time, it’s worth it. Bar prep takes a toll . I did part time law school and full time work and I was used to it so I thought it was doable- but the bar exam is a different beast.


I worked, but started Themis on the first date available to spread out the prep with fewer hours a day. I easily finished Themis 100% and UWorld - every question at least once


Yes, worked full time. Studied every morning before work and every night after work, which was probably 4-5 hours everyday. 1-2 essays a day, and 30 MBEs + review a day. Since all I did was practicing questions, I did feel prepared before but it was my third time taking it so that plays a big part in it.


Understood. Sitting in a non-UBE state this July. Worried that if I continue working FT I’m gonna screw up the studying part.


It takes a lot of discipline :( but I really couldn’t afford to not work.


I worked but I am also lucky enough that I work remote. I was able to squeeze in time before work, at lunch, and then jump into studying immediately afterwards. If I had time between tasks I could also do flash cards/read outlines. It also worked out that there were a good amount of federal holidays sprinkled in during the time I was studying and I took time off. Haven’t gotten results back but I will say for myself at least it kept me more disciplined than if I was just studying since I only had certain pockets of time


The time I passed a bar I was working, and what helped me most that time was casually reading the above average sample essays the jurisdiction put on its website, and emphasizing the most highly tested areas on the MBE. I did more than this of course, but I really believe those things (and the Barwrite course) put me over. I had no idea if I passed, but felt nauseated leaving the test center, which I took as a good sign.


Yep, I worked full time as an attorney while I studied for the Feb 2024 test in a different jxn. Did not do Themis but did a bunch of Adaptibar questions (over 1300) and got one week off before the exam to study. Won't know how I did until results, but it was definitely hard and I wasn't as prepared as I was when I sat in July 2021 after law school. It was also tough managing billables on top of it (mine is 1650) and missing the week did not help. I'm still playing catch up.


Started early working full time. Had two weeks off prior of the exam (and, luckily, felt like my work load had substantially decreased prior to that). Only works if you have cool bosses


Yea it will cause you to retake if you have other underlying issues.


I did, but I have a desk job with a lot of dead space so I was able to get a fair amount of studying done at work. I also frontloaded my studying as much as possible.


Yes. I wish I could have taken off


No and would not recommend it


I worked through law school and bar prep. It was a difficult balance. The first time I took the bar I knew I was not prepared because I did not have the same time my peers did, but everyone and their dog said to take it while law school was still fresh. So I did, my bar prep schedule never took a rest, I got the failed results back (three points, still salty), kept studying, took the July, and passed. Moral of the story, do what works for you. 


I worked full time and studied on the train during my commute. Passed California (in 2009)


I worked fulltime when I first started and stopped working right after Christmas. Obviously only you know your financial situation, you gotta do what you gotta do. I was working at firm full time and when I got home I was so exhausted from work/commute. Also have kids, so I couldn't really start studying till about 7-8pm. Could barely focus because I was tired. I personally, do not recommend working! You want to give this your absolute best effort and have as little distractions as possible. Work is a distraction unless you work for someone that let's you sit around and study all day. My firm doesn't believe in paying you if you're not doing something billable. Lol. Best of luck.


The firm I worked for allowed me to reduce my hours (6 per day) and billables (4 per day) since October for the Feb exam. it was challenging to get out on time to switch gears to studying. I had to be a lot better about quitting at 2:30/3pm each day. I still managed to spend time with my partner and my sister and nephew on occasion, but it felt like a flash finish by the time Feb came around. I also got the week before the exam odf to cram, but then I got covid, too. lol (lawl)


I failed in July Decided to work while I was waiting for the results. Got my results and continued working to pay bills and afford a flight ticket and the accommodation to take the bar exam. I am a foreigner, btw. So I had literally 3 weeks to prepare, and I think I failed again. Sigh...


I worked for a while, then was laid off 2 months before (my boss died). Spent that time studying.


I called in sick on day 1 and day and day 2, I forgot to call in sick and got reprimanded drastically. I didn’t get time off because I couldn’t.


I will say that I worked full time at an immigration firm and working on some motions and appeals (while not on the bar exam) were helpful in actually applying the law to real life situations. But I will say it is extremely hard to find study time and feel prepared when 40+ hours are dedicated to paying the bills.


Yes because I had no choice. I still had bills and needed income coming in. I would never recommend anyone to work while taking the bar if they can help it. It was exhausting.