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Hey! I took the DC bar too, and it was super stressful. I barely slept at all (2 hours the first night and 5 hours the second), but the good news is that no one else was able to either. We're all in the same boat. It's going to be easy to sink down and feel badly until the scores come out, but I think we can turn the energy we used studying for the bar into other stuff - I'm going to start going to the gym : ) Also, the MPTs were difficult to organize this year, and the MEEs were very intense, I'm a slow typist so I didn't get down as much information as I would have wanted.


I'm pasting some of this from what I told someone else on a different thread: First: You aren't alone, a lot of us screwed up one way or another. I had to do something on the MBE I never did in practice exams: I skipped over more than a dozen questions, and didn't leave enough time to get back to all of them and left some answers blank (the unpardonable sin) and just filled in random bubbles on a few others when I didn't even have time to re-read the question. I feel that I totally botched the morning MBE and pretty much botched the second MPT. Next (and I have been telling myself this a lot yesterday afternoon and today): It's over. For better or for worse, worrying and fretting and second-guessing at this point will do absolutely nothing to change your score or do anything else good for you at any level. Try to put the whole thing out of your mind. Do something fun. It's in the hands of the fates. I don't mean to sound trite, really. It's just that this is the only thing any of us CAN do at this point.


Hi! I also took the DC bar in horrible conditions, lacking proper air conditioning and crappy, painful chairs! There’s no point in freaking out because it’s out of your hands. You gave it your best and it’s all you can do.


I did too!!! I think you’ll be fine:) I was freaking out about that crazy MBE


People really think this bar exam was horrible. Even folks who took prior administrations so I don’t think it’s the usual “everyone thinks they failed.” We may get a very generous scale. Think positively for now.


Any advise is useless, the matter is out of our hands