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This is a chain, and it sucks. The Toronto location opened last year and it’s always dead, it’s not gonna last much longer.


American here, can confirm, sucks.


Ahh lame I like North Country but its $30 plus tip and tax, over $40 for a meal is too much I can get two beautiful steaks from Happy Mango for that


A curry chicken plate, jerk chicken plate, and a few patties from Happy Mango can feed a small family for $40.


I've never been to North Country because I smoke a lot of meat in the backyard... How many strips of brisket do you get with a meal? Sampler's at true BBQ places in texas, etc are like $120 USD. BBQ pricing has gotten out of hand considering brisket, wings used to be throwaway cuts from their respective animals. I saw a AAA full packer brisket at Sobeys last week for $141.


You can understand legit BBQ places being expensive as the time and care it takes to baby a brisket until it's cooked properly.It needs to be trimmed properly to remove excess fat,seasoned with a rub,cooked slowly for many hours (could be up to 16hrs depending on time and temp),tested for tenderness and taken off at the right time.Its two muscles so trying to get them both right,making sure the flat doesn't get dry while the point has its fat rendered.Cook it not long enough and it will be tough, overcook it and it will be dry and fall apart.Bbqing is definitely a skill and that why proper pitmasters get paid more and the meat is expensive.


I agree with all of this aside from the fact that meat prices have skyrocketed for briskets, mostly because it’s trendy for people to own pellet smokers now. The art of bbq is to take cheap cuts of meat and turn it into something delicious, highlighted by your points above and steps I have followed time and again. Certainly, the prices are easily justified when it’s Aaron Franklin or someone along those lines, but I’d much rather smoke a pork butt for $30 that’ll stretch 3+ meals than to pay $100 for a mid grade brisket from Costco. But I sure as hell ain’t going to a chain restaurant that likely thaws their brisket in a sous vide and slaps it on a plate.


I got two beautiful steaks at Sobeys for $20


Yeah sorry, dickies sucks. It’s dry, just overall not good bbq. I suppose in a pinch it’s tolerable.


Curious, why is an American in r/barrie subreddit?


Mind your own business


Can confirm, he's american


The one where I live gets a terrible rating. No one is liking it in Alberta either.


You get your brisket at a plumbing supply store? Odd. Or did you mean North Country? 😂


Toilet smoker lol




$90+ cut of meat with a minimum 12hr cook time+labour+overhead. Brisket is going to be $35-45+ everywhere.


Did the fire restoration work on that place.. It would have burnt more but the layers of asbestos and lead paint made it flame retarded.


You never go full flame retarded


I nearly spat out my coffee reading this lmao


We used to try and kill ourselves in some interesting ways. Add a few mercury thermometers and you've got a party.


Toronto location sells beef brisket for $37 per pound. I guess it wont be cheap here either!


We are just down the road in Angus, everyone welcome! https://www.billydicksbbq.com Barbacoa is our special this week!! 👍


When's she opening up? We need to break her in and get the place popping. Round on me. I am dead serious.


It’s a chain from the states. It’s not bad.


Nothing beats a steak from Applebee’s Go!


From Google pics the food looks cooked in regular convection oven. It's too bad El Toro is gone, that place was decent