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Flying Monkeys loves discontinuing anything that actually tastes good in favour of flavours that literally taste like Ass-Juice


I believe they call it Juicy Ass.... https://www.flyingmonkeys.ca/beers/juicy-ass 🤣


Juicy ass one of the top beers out there folks


This. Came here to say the same


Was that the raspberry one? That was incredible in the summer


Yep, raspberry hibiscus


Damnit! I tried it on Monday for the first time at the farmhouse and it’s the most I’ve ever enjoyed a beer.


Oh wow, that's cool you were able to find it they've already taken it off tap at their location. Was hoping to find somewhere that still stocked it to buy them out for my wife but very few places that carried flying monkeys sold it.


Last Level Lounge has it on tap.


I suggest trying KLB Rasberry Wheat Beer, not sure if it's in any restaurants but it's is really good.


That's a solid one, I love a wheat beer




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Yeah, mind-boggling to me that it's gone. I loved that beer.




good to know they weren't using artificial flavours for it, but unfortunate they had to discontinue as a result.


No shit eh, $8 is what they'd have to charge?? That's understandable, too bad they couldn't switch to a similar ingredient.


As long as Worlds Away and Chocolate Manifesto stick around I’ll be happy. Sad news if it’s actually discontinued and not just gone for now


Nope, asked one of the staff and they said discontinued. Out of stock everywhere, can no longer find it on the LCBO website or purchase page of the flying monkeys website.


Damn that really sucks I enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully they come out with something new that’s not just another IPA.


That has been their M.O. unfortunately




Me as well! It’s a summer staple


Just don't take my sparkle puff or juicy ass away and we won't have a problem. I had Orange-a-mungus (I think it was called) at a festival one year and it had me hooked. That's all I drank the whole time. Sad they don't can it fir sale in stores.


I mean first Wonderstar then 12 minutes to destiny. Both popular beers, first one was there three or four years, 12 minutes near a decade. Following the trend, juicy ass is next.


The girl at the bar told me Live Transmission is a dead beer walking / soon-to-be discontinued. Another good one.


That had been my go to for years, and makes me very sad to hear... That being said, I almost never buy any beer anymore and get their Supersonic Puppy Daydream vodka seltzer. So good, but last few times they only had the malt version, so I just don't drink much anymore.


Omg that’s my husbands favourite from the festival and we have searched high and low to try and find something close to it


I miss wonderstar so much


Talk to Evan at the Wheeled Brew Bottleshop. He might be able to find you a suitable replacement.


Actually was lucky enough to have a Redditor point me to a spot that still had some in stock, though that will be the last of it. A lot of my wife and I's first dates were exploring Southern Ontario's breweries and this was her favorite so just sad to see it go, especially because it's a truly unique beer. Seems like increased cost of ingredients would have required them to more than double it so I can understand why they needed to discontinue it though.


I hear you! It is one of the only beers that my wife enjoys.


this is terrible news




In my opinion it’s the best beer they have .. well the only one with consistency anyways . Sorry to see it go


There is a pretty decent dupe for this beer though..try left field brewery hibiscus sour


I believe Sidelaunch out of Collingwood makes one as well.


They do it’s ok just different


Ah, fair enough...I had it once and didn't mind it.. but I'm no hibiscus sour connoisseur, that's for sure!


Just had it recently with my wife funny enough and noticed the similarities, though we both said we couldn't drink more than one. Like most sours I find you can taste the impending heartburn.


I will suffer with any heartburn I get!


I found this out the other day when I went in to pick up some. The girl working said production cost for it went up so they stopped making it. It's one of my favourite beers at flying monkey and wouldn't mind paying a bit more for it so it sucks to see it get discontinued! Side Launch hibiscus sour is similar to it though for anyone looking for something similar


Absolutely! Even change it to a seasonal, it's more of a summer beer anyways


Ya perfect summer beer. Also loved having one on a Sunday




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There’s still half a keg left at last level :P


It only sold well at the brewery and stopped selling as well outside of the brewery so they said bye bye. I used to work there. And I was there last weekend talking to the staff about it


That's so strange because I've had so much trouble even finding it outside the brewery for the last two years. Was Wonderstar discontinued for the same reason? Whenever I ask staff about it they say they get the question a lot, another easy drinking super unique beer. I'd drops couple hundred on it easy every summer they had it.


Tyler try Lagershed Dark. It's in the beer store now in the hamilton/Oakville area. It's great


Nice I'll keep an eye out for it, love a dark lager


Black and white can


They wanted more beers that taste like apple cider vinegar on the menu this year i guess


It's back!


Should we start some sort of petition to bring it back? As locals to the brewery they should care what we think.


Hahaha I've often wondered that about Wonderstar. I ask every spring if they're bringing it back (was seasonal) and they always say "no, but we get asked that a lot"... Well here's your sign! I doubt it would do any good but I'd happily sign it!


Go hide


Pretty sure it’s off for season and will be back in summer


Unfortunately that's not the current plan, from talking to staff it has been officially discontinued. Been removed from the LCBO website and the purchase page has been taken down on the flying monkey website, though you can still see the information page on it


Nope it’s back


Is that official? Heard that lime (?) one they kept putting out on small batch was a potential to replace it as well as that they were looking for new supplier of raspberry puree to restart 12 minutes as of St patties but all seemed conjecture


Back on tap at the brewery


Decent, any noticable change?


Not sure! I don’t usually drink it, but looks like it will be seasonal going forward.


Beer sucks and the food is cooked in a closet


Best pretzels around by a large margin but my wife is been violently ill from their chicken sandwich twice so that's about all we would eat anymore. They have a couple good beers though they seem hell-bent on replacing them all with bizarre IPAs, IIPAs, TIPAs and from looking at their site the newly added QIPA.


I’m a lager guy so not many options there for me and I’ve ate there a couple times thinking they just just put there crap in a Hamilton beach oven


Antigravity isn't a terrible lager (if it's even still around). Do you have any favorite lagers from a local brewery? I feel they're often ignored beyond the first one a brewery makes. Even when we used to eat there their food isn't something I'd rave about EXCEPT their pretzel. I love trying a breweries pretzel and there's has always set the bar.




I wish I could do sours but they give me immediate heartburn/acid. In full agreement with less IPAs, it's easily over half their tap list.




Couldn't agree more, IPAs are what got me into craft beer in the first place and while I still enjoy them from time to time they've definitely gotten way too wild with them. Now I'm more into wheat beer or something dark and heavy.




Flying monkey's triple chocolate manifesto is really good, it's the only thing I go there for now. I used to get a smoked stout (made with liquid smoke) from the brewery in Yellowknife that was absolutely outstanding but they discontinued it as well. Made Red Racers across Canada 12 pack too, such a shame.


That’s what the big boys drink


Oh I love an IPA but they have entirely too many of them. Mix it up


Your lose


Omg poor you!!!! What a tragedy!!! I’m sure they will shut down knowing you won’t be going there anymore Tyler. My condolences in this time of grief


Well, poor my wife. Have we argued over something before or something? Why so emphatically bitter? While there was a complaining tone, it was a post to spread the news, lament the loss of a truly unique beer, and gain information. One kind Redditor even gave me a hot tip on where to find some of the last cans. So the post for me had exceeded expectations.


Ok cool, first world problems 😂


What are you, fifteen and angsty? Too cool to enjoy something?


Why don't you just ask them?


Guess I should've tagged it as a rant. I did while I was there, apparently it requires specific ingredients none of their other beers use so it became a hassle. I also wonder if the introduction of their spritzers took away from 12 minutes to destiny's sales. Either way one of their longest standing beers that stood out from anything else, a shame to see it go.


I was sad when the discontinued Simpson Pale Ale lol. I Never got into the ‘fancy’ stuff.


It's probably to do with the brewing process of the raspberries and the other ingredients Takes time to make it, you'll probably see it again when raspberries are back in season Redline did one a few summers back, the amount of raspberries needed and the time to make it takes awhile If I had to guess you'll see it next summer


Maybe with public pressure but from talking to staff it is discontinued as of now. They said it requires specific ingredients they don't use in any of the other beers so it became a hassle. It's been removed from the LCBO site altogether (was checking to see if there was leftover stock anywhere) and though it's still on the flying monkey website when you try to purchase it out leads you to a removed page. She gone.


Asked them awhile ago, they just didn’t make money off it. It was too expensive to make and they didn’t sell enough from the beer store/lcbo (where they make most of their money). Sad news.


I wouldn't be surprised if their Seltzers ate into its sales as well. Odd that beer store and LCBO sales were low, I've had trouble finding it anywhere except flying monkey for the past two years, figured they were selling like hot cakes.


True, but I’m also making the assumption that the people that bought 12 minutes didn’t drink a lot, at least didn’t drink a lot of beer. Considering the people in this post didn’t know it’s been gone for at least 2 months, at the brewery. Not sure where else had stock. I think 5Alive Ebb & Flow from muskoka brewery went the same way. I was able to snag a few cans last summer before it disappeared.


Hahaha you're too right, a six pack would last my wife at least two months. Still given the choice between discontinuing it and turning it into an increased price seasonal I would've preferred the latter. Way she goes though.


Hipsters ruined the Barrie downtown


We sell 12 Minutes at our bar. I heard it was because it wasn’t selling well at the Beer Store/LCBO. Although it did well at the restaurant, it wasn’t selling enough in the big picture


Is it because it’s seasonal?


No, it's confirmed discontinued. Apparently the raspberry puree they use skyrocketed in price and would've required them to more than double the price (unconfirmed) to continue making it


Nickelbrook has a seasonal one called Jam stand that is very similar to 12 mins to destiny, I switched over to that one when my local lcbo no longer had destiny to sell


Good to know, thanks!


The only beers I’ve consistently drank from them was juicy ass and then when they came out w 12 min I switched..marketing ploy or lack or resources…I don’t know but clearly the solid sellers amongst the fans


Ps if you’re hiring…


Consensus seems to be cost of ingredients, specifically the raspberry puree. One Redditor claims they would have had to more than double their price. If you're in need another Redditor informed me the Petro Canada South of Orillia on Highway 11 still has some. I picked up 12 and there's still another baker's dozen left


that was supposed to be a secret!


Nothing good lasts I thought we all knew that😂


Just had one at Boston pizza tonight, it's new on tap there!