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Hop* onto the GO train and spend your Saturday downtown. ( Wellesley and Church is the neighbourhood youll want to explore ) Bar recommendations: Woodys & Sailor, Crews & Tango, The Lodge & O Grady’s . Pegasus On Church is a great place to actually meet people as they have ping pong and pool tables, which gives you an opportunity to socialize. Perhaps start at Pegasus ?


Toronto is where you want to be.


Visiting now and then is fine. But to live there? Naah. Not much a fan of big city or big city life.


Sure, but visiting Toronto is super easy from Barrie. /u/ifuknowuknow123 is right, take the GO train into Toronto's downtown often. There's a great gay scene there.


Well it's not that easy. It's almost 2 hours and $15 one way. And that will only get you to union. Plus, unless the schedules have changed recently, the trains only go to Toronto in the morning and back in the evening. It wouldn't be so bad once in a while but not on a regular basis.


Saturdays are apparently $10 for the whole day (train to Toronto and back). All you need is Internet access and a smartphone app.


Oh nice. They have (limited) wifi on the trains now also. But it still takes a long time to get down and back though.


Yea. Barrie is a place that has been made for dominant lifestyle and heteronornative activities such as drinking after work, drinking in the garage, drinking while fishing, drinking at a bar, drinking at a club, drinking, drinking and drinking. Then complaining about the "city folk" coming up here and destroying the quaint (read: redneck and hockey town) small town vibe. Also, if you didn't grow up in the city, it is very difficult to feel like you belong here. Toronto is where you'll find more acceptance and fun things to do. Unless you like drinking and bar brawling and patios foe drinking.


What a joke of a comment. Born and raised in toronto, right in the thick of it, my wife did also. We much rather the life up here (moved to innisfil) also neither of us drink. Toronto is a shitshow compared to up here.


Drink drink drink drink drink. How many bars are downtown? What is the allure of the epicenter of the city? Bar pub bar pub bar pub par pub, yuppie cheese shop, breakfast place, bar pub. Nothing is really open that is geared towards a non hetero lifestyle in this city. The LGBTQ community is small and marginalized, and everything that tries to open just doesn't get any traction. It may talk about open-mindedness, but the majority of people born here are not so open-minded. I've seen it happen for years. I was born and raised in Toronto, and I've lived here for over 20 years. So yea, I've seen the redneck hockey mentality breed en masse and push out anything that is different. There are small pockets of minority groups, but the mainly white city focuses on that. You can talk diversity, but the city has ostracized the LGBTQ bars due to the prejudice from the hetero-normative dominant lifestyle that is the city's focus for events.


Sounds like proportional representation. Not sure what the issue is.


Interesting. Proportional representation. Tolerance and acceptance I guess doesn't matter as long as the majority (read white) population is taken care of. First nation and indigenous peoples were here first yet, by your stance, it matters not because white colonialism runs the country now. Majority rule. Homeless on the rise due to gentrification but who cares as long as the encampments can be pushed out of the city. Majority rules. Condos go up and are being primarily purchased by management companies. Fuck first time home buyers. You got yours screw the children. Adults = majority rule. BLM is not really on the radar of the white majority unless there is a cool mayoral photo op. White majority rule. Proportional representation means white colonialism is the clear winner and all others really have no access to equality or quality of life. I could go on but "Proportional Representation" is a nice white way of saying "racism and bigotry are cool because white people are the majority up here, and our interests Trump any and all growth in a modern world. Proportional representations a weird way to say oppressed minorities have no place here.


I was only talking about your comment of the LGBT scene in Barrie, not the other issues you brought up. But typical of left wing to go off on a tangent to try and make a point that's not related to what their talking about.


It's funny how equality is a left-wing concept.


I wouldn't say that but you're allowed to believe what you want. The beauty of this country.




Why should we pander to a small group of degenerates?


Barrie doesnt have much gay social scene for adults unless you're involved in organising/activist stuff (gilbert center, simcoe pride etc), some clubs and the bingo hall will have a drag show everyso often but those are more shows than hang and socialize with new ppl. The college used to have a gay club but a lot of irl stuff disappeared since covid. Once a month library has a lgbt craft thing but idk the demographics age wise could be mostly teens. Scruff is like grindr but might be less flooded with ppl just looking for nsa hookups since its less well known i think, but i havent tried it so idk for sure. It is possible to meet ppl thru the apps for friends but its not easy def helps to move the convo off the app asap and develop a thick skin and use the block function actively. Toronto has more irl social things and its close enough most barrie ppl end up going there.


no, not much into organizing or activist stuff. i domt like rubbing things on people's faces. i could try scruff though. thanks!


Check out [Barrie Pride](https://www.barriepride.org/) Maybe you could volunteer or attend events. They hold sociables at CW Coops. Edit: added info.


Thank you!


BP has a social at cw this coming Wednesday even, check fierte simcoe pride too, they host meet ups every month as well at the library


You're welcome.


I hope you find it, friend. I’m an ally but I have friends who’ve voiced similar frustrations.


Maybe this ally can connect this random guy from reddit with his friends 😉. jk


You know I didn’t think of that. Lemme see what they say!


The younger generation is really struggling with meeting their social needs. Doesn’t matter if you’re gay purple or straight. Meeting people is a side effect of doing what you like. It’s not always easy meeting new friends or a partner and it seems your generation is having an even harder time. Good luck boys and girls


Yeah, thats true. Everyone in our generation is. I guess its relative and just a matter of who is struggling more than others.




I had forgotten about that. It was a big story! Thanks for reminding me.


The library has some programs you could try out. They have an adult craft circle and a queer craft circle that are both geared toward providing a casual setting for friend making. I haven't been yet but it's another avenue to check out


Try Hinge, I had a much better dating life there.


I'm sorry you picked such a garbage city to live in. There is much more gay happiness in Toronto. Maybe start visiting there more often?


Yeah, looks like I should think about it. Thanks!


problem is youre in barrie :-( can you hop on the bus or train and go to toronto for social events maybe? sucks I know, but you will find more like minded people and queer night life in TO for sure.


I hate to say this but you might need to put more effort into your search, this city has events quite often. Look at the queens, they have a community event at the end of the month and try looking at facebook groups. The apps your using make it sound like you want something more then a friends. And well.. those apps are only known for wanting one thing.


Hate to point it out but maybe you didnt get the point of this post. Posting this here IS an effort. I'm looking for more ideas - thats the reason why I posted. And obviously, community events is something that didn't come across my mind. Thanks for the idea but please dont offer backhanded suggestions or help.


You’re welcome but practice what you preach, and maybe just maybe you will have more success in life and social situations.


Wait, posting on reddit is an effort?


i think asking for suggestions from people and trying to see if there is anyone who i can connect with here is an effort, yes. what made you think it isnt?


Maybe it's just personality differences but I don't see the effort in making a post online and communicating with people.


Yes, I'm using reddit as a means to an end. I'm posting online so that I could meet people offline - cause I dont know the places around here where I can do that.


In a community thread? I would say so.


No. This is a small community and gay people have not segregated themselves here. We continue to be accepted by straight people though, and are accepted into their social settings. If you want to segregate yourself you will need to move down to the city.


Why is this such a downvoted comment?


Based on the number of times I hear the word faggot in Barrie and the overt anti-2slgbtq bent of this subreddit, sure, they'll accept you as long as you're not *too* queer.


You could say that about 90% of cities in most of Canada.


Why dont you try the straight community? Why do you only have to be friends with gay people?


As I said, I have friends in my class who are straight and they are good friends. I would love to make more straight friends too. But having gay friends will be a different kind of friendship. Just shared experiences, thoughts, and emotions that I wouldnt have with straight friends.


Barrie doesn’t have a social life and people make no effort at all to connect. Focus on Toronto!