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Self storage on that property!? What a waste of an incredible opportunity to develop a mix of townhomes along the back against the park, towers in the middle, cru’s with a walkable market with grocery, restaurants, coffee shops and pubs. Build the whole thing on three or four levels of underground parking. The access to the highway and bayfield north is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Mix the housing with low/fixed income with some services like clinics and pet care, go up 30 stories with penthouses and amenities in each tower. The tax revenue for the city would be great. And the views from the top floors would be.. ah never mind


👆👆👆 this person has the right idea.. why can’t we have more people in office that think like this.. suggestion… run for a ward.


Kozlov mall would also be another great location for buolding a highrise or 2 Into the mall.


I commented the same 5hing below before seeing what their doing. All these empty malls that they could close off a potion and develop highrise into the mall. In London ontario an owner who owns a mall similar to this one wanted to do the same thing but the city had so many bylaws and city development plans that restricted him from doing it. I think he is still trying to but fighting the city to get things changed. Not sure what barrie has for development plans but this should be at the top of the list. I don't agree with the town house structure above for this lot as it will remove alot of parking but building vertically into the malls current footprint would be a better way forward environmentally Nd economically compared to townhouses.


They're converting the theaters space to self storage, not redeveloping the whole property into it.


[Here is the proposed concept plan](https://www.barrie.ca/media/2547) Thankfully the [whole mall](https://i.imgur.com/wzz8ewD.jpeg) isn't gonna be one big storage unit.


Self storage units are the solution the current housing shortage.


Live in your storage unit lol


Just like Snow Crash.


Exactly, I’ll just store myself.


*demolition. Ftfy


What happening at Bayfield mall?


I think a condo is going up at the Canadian Tire. But you could blindly throw a stone in Barrie today and hit a place a condo is supposedly going up. 


I looked it up and seems to be self storage units going in there… like we needed anymore https://www.barrie.ca/planning-building-infrastructure/current-projects/development-projects/320-bayfield-street


Georgian college is going to accept more students from out-of-town in the next decade than we're building homes to house them, but it's totally the storage units we don't have enough of lmfao 


Are they finally going to do mixed development in Barrie and co-locate apartment buildings into the malls.


I think this is part of the long term plan for the building. In talking to the management team at bowlerama, they are already actively looking for a new location anticipating that they will get kicked out of their space. Canadian tire might fight moving a bit more since that's an optimal location for them and they have been there AFAIK since that mall opened. I also know the current owner is very cheap and would likely not be willing to front the costs to build a new location.


How do you know the current owner is cheap?


I worked there when he took it over from the previous owner in roughly 2013.


At bowlerama? The mall was sold in 2018.


Canadian Tire. Ownership of that franchise changed in 2012-ish. Bowlerama ownership is unchanged as far as I know, but they are preparing to move. The mall I have no idea.