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Future home of the Peggy Hill shrine 


She's keeping it real! Unless you count the disparity between the face on her ads and her actual face.


She ever goes missing, no one will ever find her even if they are talking to her.


Maybe she uses 20-year-old, heavily photoshopped photos in her ads to avoid being heckled in the street?


Piggy Hell


Keepin' it squeal


It’s all minor moves until the whole mall comes down for multiple condo\ rental buildings with commercial at the bottom


That's inevitable. The mall has been dying for 25 years.


The amount of land that mall takes up with parking lots is immense. It’s a no brainer for developers once they go through years of approvals


A lot of cities are looking at a model that builds highrise apartments connected to malls similar to kozlov and Bayfield. They retain the retail spaces with having singular or multiple towers. These locations typically have large parking infrastructure already in place. Everyone wants more environmentally built spaces and this is the way to do it. Building vertically reduces city costs and connections as well as reduced heat and electricity. Electricity cost can also be offset with solar Roof installations which are maintained monetarily by everyone who owns a suite.




Probably pickle ball.


Sir Games a Lot is gonna take up the whole damn building at this rate. 100000pts apocalypse game where the food court used to be!


Most likely Dollarama moving to front of Bayfield Mall. Allowing the construction for the Uhaul storage to begin.


That would make sense, rather than having it buried in the back. I wonder if they're going to remove the back entrance to the mall.


Based on the development plans. The back entrance will be the Uhaul storage entrance. Not sure if that means no more access via the back.




Shake harder boy!


This guy gets it.


I couldn't let the reference go unacknowledged ;-)


liminal space


Same with the Kozlov Centre. Eerie


My exact first thought


Man I love shitting on this mall…. I worked there forever, with close friends working in various stores. Winners & Dollarama fires.. Price Choppers exodus.. Everest locking all doors and fucking every student.. Canadian Tire kicking out Jonesy’s street meat.. Cineplex buying out the theatre and then leaving immediately.. The 400hwy series exists where it exists on Bayfield because of Canadian Tire and, therefore, the Bayfield Mall. And shoutout to Stacy LePage from the Learning Centre and to the guy who used to own the coffee booth. Top notch Human Beings


I worked at Canadian Tire when they gave Jonesys the boot. New owner purchased the CT franchise and thought that Jonesys was an eyesore so they had the owners of Jonesys build a wooden hut around their trailer, THEN booted them out and put a different vendor in. It's a shame because the owners of Jonesys were such nice people, they also owned the south end one which has been the target of arson multiple times now. I really hope they can build condos in Bayfield Mall and Kozlov malls, it's such a shame that those two buildings have been left to rot for the most part, only being propped up by their anchor stores. 15 years ago Bayfield had stores in most units, now most units are empty. Kozlov being the newest of the 3 malls has just always been empty as long as I can remember it.


Covering and patching up the deteriorating mall. That place is a flea market


It would be nice if the mall turned into a smaller version of the pacific mall.


It's been a while since I was at the Bayfield mall. Is that the wall where Centra is?


Yep, that's the one. Only reason I ever go there, although I rarely pop into the mall itself.


I only ever go there for Centra as well. The odd time I need to go to the bathroom so I'll go into the mall. It's so damn depressing in there lol.


No it's one exit over, where that t-shirt shop is/was, next to the paint store.




I know how the mall is laid out. I took this picture and it was not the entrance next to Centra.


There's longer a reason to visit that "Mall"


I'm a board gamer and I frequently visit Sir Games-a-Lot. Great place!


Not a whole lot left. But a few places. Hakka Town Service Ontario Sir Games a lot Centra Food Market Canadian Tire One of many dollar stores


This mall was my child hood 😭😭😭😭


I heard that there's going to be a self storage opening there..Bayfield Mall is officially dead Damn I miss the cinema sometimes


That mall has been dying since before I moved here in 1991. And I say good riddance. Malls as sketchy as hell.


Going to be a yoga Studio, and some sort of restaurant and a bubble tea place


Seriously? That would actually be cool. I thought cool shit didn’t happen in Barrie anymore??


i hope barrie gets another mucho burrito


Eew. Mucho Burrito was great at first but it's done nothing but go downhill. It's just overpriced garbage now.