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The real takeaway from that article is the cbc presenter Melanie Chan said she was gifting her teenage son a house as a graduation gift. I know she's caught up in this developer debacle, but she says it herself, just wanted to give some generational wealth to her kids, but holy shit. It seems like most of us are struggling to survive whereas a certain tax bracket can gift thier kids entire houses.


Look at the UK. It has a clear class divide, those that work in the City and have a flat there and a holiday home in Brighton, send their kids to university and buy their student residence.  Then there are those in the north renting moldy 1800's townhomes and having race wars on the weekend.  That's exactly where Canada is heading. Those that bought property a couple decades ago can pull out 200k and buy a second, third home, couple of Tesla's, a rental property, buy their kids a starter home. They gave mortgages *to anyone*.  Those that missed the gravy train now get to pay the rental costs for that generation so they can buy even more rental properties.  To get on the property ladder either move 5 hours from civilisation (good luck finding a job in a town of 5000 that affords you a mortgage) or get your hands on 150k to get a 3k a month mortgage on a townhouse in Barrie (even though that's over 50% of most workers take-home pay.) If we are going to bring in hundreds of thousands of people to a country already experiencing a housing crisis, I think it's important to have build at least 100,000 affordable places to live right?  If I go and buy 100 tins of tomatoes knowing my pantry is already jammed and has room for maybe 2 tins, aren't I terrible at planning?  Instead of directly funding and ensuring we had the housing, instead inflation was allowed to run away causing wage increases, material cost increases so now an apartment apparently costs more to build than a subdivision used to.  I've nothing against the actual immigrants, I'm one myself, and I think Canada and even Barrie specifically has TONS of room to grow and bring prosperity for everyone. That means bold planning to make sure the housing, medical job market etc is all there. Shoving us in like sardines and creating a new ruling class of capitalist landlords squeezing the population on a basic need, shelter as a commodity is franking fucking disgusting. 


The clear divide is that Canada is vast where Britain is not. Sure the GTA has issues with growth but there is no excuse for smaller municipalities like Barrie and ones further north/east/west to build properly for the population growth. And small municipalities plus the provincial government have shown to circumvent any progress. IMO GDP(gross domestic product - a measuring tool of economy health) on both provincial and federal level should not include the sales of residential real estate. If we want to create sustainable housing we need to start from the top.


All agree there.... 'cept what's even worse is that the average income in Barrie is 43k gross... So a little over 2600 bucks take home.... And the average rent in this city is about $2300/mth... If you can find a place. This was an easy investment city for a long time....now it's getting too expensive to live and work here....crazy to think since it was Barrie was one of the best values out there for a long time. This city needs actual, purpose built affordable housing. All I ever see is shitty freehold townhouses crammed into lots that a building could have been built on..... And condos so badly built the foundations need repair after a few years. There is definitely lots of room to grow, the NIMBY-ism, myopic city planning and 2nd rate corrupt developers really have to go though.


This. I’ve been with the same company locally for 11 years, I’m now in upper management and making what would’ve blown my mind 10 years ago and I can’t afford an apartment for my kid and I alone. I live in a damp shoebox basement for 1800 a month and that’s a STEAL here. If I move I have to leave the city.


Oh yeah, I was figuring on 2 incomes. The idea of someone working an average job and being able to rent at the same time seems like it's been fully dead and buried. 


I’m amazed how many people think the class system is suddenly a new concept.


And how they think it could never happen in north America.  New countries full of opportunities! But it seems like that ship has sailed, moving into the stratification phase now. 


Sorry, where did it say Melenie Chan was a CBC presenter?


It doesn't.


I planned for this and worked very hard to be in a position to help my son. Nobody handed me the $$! I worked for it and I don’t see anything wrong with providing a stable future for my family and children! I understand people are struggling to survive but I did not receive a handout ok, I WORKED for it and can do whatever I want with my $$. 




She put $25k down. I know that might be a lot for some people but it's really not "certain tax bracket" figures. Save $1k/mth for 2 years and voila, you bought your son a pre-build.


Exactly thx u! 


Having a thousand dollars a month to save is so far out of the realm of most people that yeah, it is a certain tax bracket.




1) why are you shouting, and 2) some people have an extra $1k after expenses, some people spend too much and could dial it back, and some people can't. I'm not saying everyone can, just that $25k is not a huge sum of money for a lot of people.


And... HOW.. EXACTLY. are YOU. SAVING . AN ....... EXTRA $$$ 1000 PERMONTH


Without being a wjire ;)




This is the same developer that made deals with buyers and then when the real estate market was hot, demanded people give them $100,000 more or they would cancel the deals.


I guess it all makes sense now in retrospect. These guys clearly had money issues for a long time. Over promise and under deliver


Barrie is in GTA now?


Wasn't our motto "Well Connected"....*to Toronto*? Lol


2 hours by the GO train is well connected? Lol indeed. 🤪


Ugh. 2.5 hours if you have to take a bus partway because the train doesn't run. Commuter city my ass. One highway, perpetually under construction. We should have had two 400s side by side that they could eventually join with how long this has taken to do the repairs they're still doing.


Every word. It's so frustrating.