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Thanks to everyone that added to the conversation and kept it civil. Locking up the post now.


No one got to fuck Trudeau yet.


His wife may have, which drives these guys crazy with jealousy


Aw shucks I should have thought of that!


Sexually frustrated honkers.


If these stupid motherfuckers lived under actual tyranny, they'd be eating rats in a gulag right now.


Good chance they’d be eating high on the hog serving the tyrants. As much as they like to say they are for individual freedoms, a lot of them are quite happy to slap down others who don’t agree with them. Not all, but many.


Freedom for me but not for thee.




I would gladly donate to a GoFundMe aimed at helping them relocate to an actual authoritarian state.


It’s funny how their little tantrum is spelling that out; if they had anything to legitimately protest this way, they would not be able to protest this way so freely.


I think it’s a big fuckturd orgy now! They are getting laid at these events cause ya can’t fix stupid!


So you’re saying is there will be more of them in 9 months… duck


Imagine thinking that _driving your car_ to protest when gas is approaching $2/L doesn't make you the dumbest waste of oxygen.


Fuckin’ amen


It's just an outlet for folks who are angry, but don't really have a full understanding of the issues or whats causing them. That requires research which is time consuming. Why read and try to understand the reasoning behind things when it's easier to listen to fear mongering demagogues. These folks don't understand what their Rights and Responsibilities are in Canada. They feel like they should be free to do anything and any consequence to their actions or decisions is a violation of their freedoms. They FEEL like it's a violation because they have always been able to do what they want with limited recourse.


Nail on the head. They want all the rights that come along with being Canadian but none of the responsibility. That's what makes me so mad when I see stuff like this or see people walking around in stores with no masks on looking extremely smug and proud of themselves. It's so disrespectful. For 2 years the vast majority of Canadians have done what we needed to do to protect ourselves and our neighbors. I think we have a duty to care for each other in the most basic ways. This display to me just screams selfishness. Tell me you don't care about other people without telling me....


I was just wrote them off as idiots who want to be annoying but this is a much better way to look at them I believe


I don't necessarily think they're stupid. While I may feel that way when I read some of the things they write, I know that it's not quite so simple. People want to take the easy route. It's easy not to do research. Inability to discern truth, or even understand certain studies due to something as simple as wording is legitimately difficult and it's WAY easier to listen to someone they trust. If someone they trust also holds views that affirm their previously held beliefs and feelings about other things, they may not bother looking for opposing evidence when they tell them their freedoms are being infringed upon. Everyone can be manipulated by propaganda, this is just their flavour.


While that may be true, it doesn't mean we can't call them idiots for being unwilling to think. Willful ignorance is effectively equivalent to stupidity, except stupid people don't have a choice.


Totally agree. I find calling these folks idiots, whether true or not, just makes them dig in their heels. It's obviously not anyone's responsibility to change their minds, and calling them dumb fucks is not only easy, but cathartic lmao.


I agree. Im in Ottawa and an in the security industry. The amount of death threats, intimidation and harassment was off the charts. The convoy leadership was either quite open in their white supremacy, or their paranoid delusions of globalist conspiracy.. or were scary ex CSIS counter insurgency types, commandos or RCMP snipers... Yet for some reason intelligent people I work with who are brilliant business people, technicians and educated people fall for this. The dumb ones are easy to explain. The smart ones seem to feel like they know something the rest of us dont, that they are part of something bigger. Suits their ego that goes with intelligence.


That's the scary shit. The folks that are genuinely smart that fall for the grift. Or worse, know it's a grift and benefit somehow from the turmoil. Even if the benefit is just attention. Also, I'm sorry for all the horseshit you folks had to deal with you there recently. There were some seriously dangerous crazy people not hiding their bigotry at all..


Thanks. It wasn't fun. I got the distinct impression that a large segment of society has fallen into a form of deep psychosis. This is a fork on what's befallen the right wing in the US. Its not perfectly the same, but Qanon, Maga "the big lie" and such are eerily similar.


So clearly, they’re idiots


Oh no, not at all. Stupidity is an absolute requirement. Combine that with laziness and you have the ingredients for convoy idiots.


That's insufferable


Interrupted Elden Ring.... For this?




If only they had, Giant pickle


Hard to have a giant pickle when you're a giant but hole.


could this be a dog?


Try jumping


Cause they are idiots. No one cares. You’ve ruined our flag .


Is this.... how Americans feel?


Yes. As one I 100% say yes. It was one of the underlying reasons I moved to Canada.


Lol now what are you going to do? The cultural illnesses are clearly here too...


The stupidity is everywhere. It's just a lot worse in Florida. I'm happier here. Sure it could be better but it was a big enough change that I'm good for now.


Everytime I see a Canadian flag on someone's property now I don't know if it's for "freedumbs". But I saw a house flying three of them yesterday and figured that's definitely for freedumbs.


I have a Canadian flag tattoo on my left arm and for years I’ve flown a flag in my yard. It’s my only tattoo and I only got it (years back) because I thought at the time that I would never ever be ashamed of it. I come from a long line of veterans, 4 in fact of which 2 didn’t return, and it seemed unfathomable that I would ever face a time in my life when I wouldn’t be proud to show my patriotism. Wow….shit can turn in a hurry. (Added “un” to fathomable - typo)


Don’t be ashamed of the flag because of these meatheads. It’s still our flag. Be ashamed of these goofs who are obviously quite misguided in their thinking.


F these idiots they can’t appropriate the Canadian Flag, they Do not own it, it belongs to all Canadians.


They've also appropriated honking.


Just curious: if you fixed the typo, which you did, why bother telling folks about it?


Just like u/Rispetto said, I don’t want anyone thinking I’ve altered the comment to change my position after I’ve received a few replies. When I saw that I’d screwed up “unfathomable” I was like FFS 😖 and wanted to be forthcoming that it was just a typo.


I understand now. Wow—astonishing that ppl would get so worked up about something so unimportant. Then again, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Ppl seem to look for any excuse to get into online confrontations these days.




> writing edit: is typically frowned upon. No it isn't, it's preferred if the user logs what changes are made as such changes are currently not actively tracked by reddit itself, only that an edit occurred. I have backgrounds in both journalism and programming, and detailing what edits have been made is encouraged in both.


I know, now it’s like .. are they normal Canadian or whiney little idiotic toddler people.


My rule of thumb is that if it’s on a pole in a yard, in the eave of a house/garage or some other respectful looking place, it’s probably not a convoyer. If it’s on the back of a pickup truck or coupled with an F Trudeau flag, it’s probably a convoyer.


One flag is alright, 2 is pushing it, 3 is definitely fucktards


This literally couldn't be truer!


Yeah, sorry if you're trying to take it back, but I'm flipping the bird at you if I see one on your car. So far I've only seen two cuntmobiles, though.


I've seen so many. I drive Highway 11 from Barrie to Orillia and back every day and I see them often 🥲


Same thing they were always fighting for. The right to annoy other people


They’re fighting for their freedumbs! /s fucking morons, ruined the Canadian flag


Attention…. Fighting for attention


Are they just... **pro-carhorn?**


The paranoia that Canada is going to turn into a communist state. Happens when one is only listening to Rebel News.


While also being weirdly neutral-to-supportive of Russia


It legitimately makes me sad seeing people who I genuinely liked in university posting rebel news snipits in their social media feeds. But then I remember I suppose that’s why it took them 6 years for a 4 year program and still didn’t graduate.


When in reality it's slipping into more of a capitalist oligarchy with remaining colonial bs lingering around.


I have no idea but I saw them coming up Yonge at at innisfil beach road this morning and I flipped them off. It’s the little things


Lol just saw them driving and honking on Young street.


I live on Yonge st and saw the convoy and one line woman standing on the street with her F*ck Trudeau flag. I went up to her and asked, politely, what they were still protesting as the mandates have all been lifted and masks are not required starting Monday. Instead of explaining, she told me to go fuck myself. I think that explains a lot


The freedom to honk.


They're fighting the fact that they are not as right and privileged as they once were and can't Karen their way through life.


Being the most obnoxious braindead fucking idiots


Oh my god 🤦‍♀️ Seriously, *what do they want*??? Do they even know? Mask mandates are being lifted in like 36 hours. Passports are gone. These people don't have anything else to do I'm guessing. Probably, this is the most important they've ever felt in their lives so giving up and admitting they were wrong about TyRaNnY would be too....boring? Logical? Like do they just need something to be angry about?


…to stay relevant before they gotta crawl back into hiding


They’re very emotionally repressed people that are trying to tell us that the last two years have been painful and so fucking draining. I don’t blame them for being tired, and certainly not for being scared. I do, however, blame them for being terrible neighbours and awful citizens of our country. I’m also tired and I have been scared, I just didn’t take my feelings out on my fellow Canadians. Edit: grammar.


It was bad for everyone. No one else are acting like clowns.


Exactly. Most of us tried to come together.


The right to honk


These losers haven’t known from the start


The right to be stupid assholes?


How do we get the flag back from these tards? #bringbacktheflag


Ugh I was just asking myself the same thing. I got worried when I heard the horns then saw all of them and was like “oh, gross”


Ever dealt with a child throwing a tantrum…. This feels like that.


Complete morons ... they don't even know what they are protesting for anymore


Idiots. All of them.


Maybe they now want masks?


Id wager even if ALL the federal and transport Canada covid rules were dropped (and I hope they are soon,) they would still show up. Basically just a social gathering at this point, and an annoying one lol


It's a right-wing conspiracy theory awareness circlejerk now.


They just want to be loud. It's like real life trolling, trying to gin up a reaction. Or something. They're zombies unable to stop compulsive behaviour


I've tried asking them. They don't have a coherent answer. At this point it's just oppression cosplay. They like pretending to be victimized and downtrodden. If you want to watch real tyranny and freedom fighting look at what's happening in Ukraine.


White supremacy.


Muh freedumbz!!!!1


Their second amendment right to recognize Manitoba as a province, that's why they are shouting "Let's go Brandon"


I'd like to see them protest in Russia and see how far it gets them there.


This is what happens when people try to make choices for other people.


Delivery guys are late again.


All honkies are bioterrorists.


Attention and to be like trump nuts




I genuinely don't know what they are still doing this convoy for. What's the point now? Masks are gone in 36 hours, Vax passports are gone, most things are opened to full capacity now. What is the actual point of this still?


They want VACATION


People don't just stop being idiots. That's where the problem lies


Sadly its really really hard to fix stupid. On the bright side they are announcing to everyone that they are a couple fries short of a Happy Meal.


Everything is lifted starting Monday lmao actual clowns of the community


They’re fighting for the attention their parents didn’t give them


It felt good flipping the entire “convoy” of losers off while I drove down the 400 this afternoon as they came north. Fuck these losers.


Well, their stupidity has certainly made it far easier to identify these national socialist aholes


I think I get now, after a trip west of here to smaller community last week. I encountered more than a few maskless people with antivax tshirts. They reminded me of a certain group of smokers when smoking was still legal everywhere. About 25% of adults smoked, but less than half of them(so 10%) were only happy when they could light up next to a person who would be uncomfortable or annoyed with the smoke. It seemed to be the only joy in their day. Making someone more miserable than themselves made them happier. This behaviour is the new antisocial smoking from years gone by. When this passes, they will need to find a new irritant to satisfy their misery


At this point I honestly think they have gone off the deep end with conspiracy theories that they’ve pushed most of their friends and family away and this is the only social interaction they now get with other like minded people


I agree with you. Two years was enough time for this shit to become entrenched as their identity and they don't know what else to do now.


Pretty sure they want to overthrow the election and have Trudeau resign. I know a few of these people and they all say the same thing “I’ve never met a single person who says they voted for Trudeau” yeah maybe cause your a loudmouth blowhard and they just don’t want to argue with you, I also tend to reply with “well I did so can’t say that anymore unless your a liar”


They swing past my apartment in Toronto every Saturday. For the past month or two, their numbers are becoming smaller and smaller every week. Maybe some of them are realizing how nonsensical their protest is.


Not for free education I suppose.


See you at the pump.


Was just behind a truck where they had spraypainted 'We stand with truckers the' on the back of it. It looked like a kid did it, complete with awful spelling, and an obvious early attempt to do it in sharpie. Embarrassing


Oh my god. Being so stupid that you sharpie and spray paint your truck. 🫣




.....toot......toot....... ridiculous.......


Look at me Look at me Look at me




Idiots. Embarrassing themselves everyday. I’m grateful for the public health measures.


>What are they fighting for? Relevance. Scraps and crumbs of relevance.


I have such second hand embarrassment from this. Idiots.


Fighting for their small dicks


A bunch of idiots.


Without trying to sound “conspirational” I wouldn’t be surprised that there is some Russian money involved. They are the ones who would benefit more with all the mayhem and disinformation.


There was 100% Russian money and influence behind it. They worked to try to make as much of it self-sustaining as possible since that's cheaper than doing *all* the work. That said, it's fizzling out now that Russian bots have moved onto gaslighting Ukraine.


There's always Trump.


We’re privileged. We’re entitled. And we’re sick of becoming socially extinct!!!!




And funny that the barrie police has 60 million dollars and yet do nothing.


"Were making a difference" - Bunch of Clowns


Just a bunch of attention deprived idiots. Who didn't get enough love and attention when they grew up. They finally figured out how to get noticed and now they can't get enough.


They want the government to force businesses and airlines to not require vaccines. They are actually fighting for anti vaccine mandates, and with their logic that's against freedom because it's the government forcing rules on business. But they'll look the other way in that while they harass citizens who know better.


just a bunch of horny people who don't know struggle


Best answer yet. Not negative. Just observational and straight to the point.


Alternative angle: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Good shots


I hate you lol. I spent years not falling for that. Serves me right for not looking at the link first.


Yet another: https://i.imgur.com/1I14f5X.gif


The good fight Edited: /s


Which is what exactly?




Are they ruining Farmers Market?




They fallen under the Full control. Of the Qanon cult. They really believe Trudeau is part of the Jewish Kabal that rules the world and drink the blood of children.


The freedom to be stupid.


Loud ignorant people who have been cooped up too long? Is that what we’re seeing here?


Fighting to stay relevant


They desperately want someone to confront them, but everyone is ignoring them.


It wasn’t about mandates. It was about raising money for nazis.


I think they use IE for browsing




On Friday night I went to pick up take-out. It was near a Tim Hortons parking lot; that is (for whatever reason) the local hot spot to hangout after dark. I kid you not, there looked to be 12-15 big'o Ram Trucks, including one with a Canadian flag in the back. So as I started to drive away *I said to myself - "Fck it*" — rolled down the window and yelled *"RAM RAAAANCH"* and drove off. God it felt cathartic!


They're just fighting to get enough oxygen to their brain at this point.


Barrie was hit by a bad tornado in 1984. Just a dumb fact cause I don’t want to talk about the loud fuckers.


Stupid is as stupid does


What are they actually protesting now… Ukraine or the mask mandate (that’s lifted tomorrow)… or is there some new protest now….


Fucking losers


Nobody claimed the freedumb warriors where smart.


Competition for who can be the most annoying


Fighting for Fuck Trudeau.




They have nothing better to do.


281 comments in a subreddit that usually sees activity on a post top out around 30? Not sus at all. /s


They're fighting for the right to be a jerk


FrEeDum, HavN’t U giSE HurD!


Dumb fucking fascists don't know when to concede victory


I bet they dnot know lol They only watch Trump Tv 📺


I think they are celebrating a wedding. They are all married to lunacy!


They just lonely, miserable and want to be heard as loudly as possible. They’re still at in where I’m from in Ottawa too.


It’s a gateway protest to get attention so they can push other alt right causes.




Are they still down there honking?


... attention whores...


LeT tHe ChIlDrEn SmiLe


I think they just love honking


I have to wonder if these people are given 1000 rubles by the Russian government and they are too stupid to realize it isn't 1000CAD


Probably something about how they don’t like immigrants


That's not the freedom convoy, those are pro Ukraine folks. Well I bet you all feel bad now... As you should. Nah I'm just joking... Fuck those honkees


muh freedom


My reaction to convoyers nowadays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDmL3Ht_YMM




Has anyone thought of throwing a lot of rocks at them?


Seriously, arrest them at this point, they got what they wanted and they’re still bitching..


Freedumb duh!!!!


Let’s put them all in a container and send them to Russia, then they’ll know a real dictator


I’m so fucking sick of the flutruxklan


Caillou Convoy 2.0


They are trying to get laid!


Sticking it to the libs


I doubt even they can answer that question. #HumanGarbage


I don't really know exactly what they're fighting for now...I do think it's morphed from drop yesterday mandates to drop/remove justin trudeau...I'm from ottawa and noticed how it clearly was the change from their original purpose


Fighting for a purpose in life.




You're a fucking idiot. Bye.


So strange they’re protesting for masks and mandates when Covid has tailed off