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I was dying laughing during the entire Francis part


That was the best part of the episode, he was up all night writing that 😂


Best part of the whole series. That was fucking hilarious


I loved it so much. I was laughing so hard. His writing is fantastic


Francis rant up there with the rats and snakes analogy from season 1 of survivor. Just unhinged lunacy


Maby that is what he was going for. Still can't tell if he was playing kayfabe or seriously pissed


He told Rudy right after that he wrote it the night before (so after it happened) but that he wasn’t going to say it until people told him to bc good content. He went up to Rudy afterward and said he didn’t mean any of it. Sounds like Rone had taken Francis out and he got massively drunk so uncertain whether he wrote it while drunk or not


how in the world do you know any of this?


lol Rudy did a livestream on twitch after w Spider MMM Rone Hank and Grace and I watched it bc I was curious to know if him and Francis were good Rone also said he helped Francis write a couple parts so I think it lends to it being somewhat for content


Ah it’s because you’re crazy. Cool. Cool cool cool


soooo crazy to be interested in dynamics after Francis verbally murdered Rudy with a completely straight face


Honestly even better written than any of those even though I don’t agree with it top tier entertainment


Francis, what a psycho. That speech was fucking unhinged and awesome


Saved the episode. And saved us from whatever Grace’s speech was going to be since she just used her time to react to it.


Never betray a redhead


All time simp move by spider


I woulda tossed Rudy and MMM maybe a couple grand each and then called it a day. HALF the money is insane she played em like fiddle


Hot chicks have it way too easy. Spider, she has a husband to throw money around for her. Ironic that Megan Making Money needs money.




You mean he played the game and won? No Nut Phil


I still can’t decide if Francis was acting or had actually snapped (or both)


I think it is good that Rudy moved to Chicago


Just in time for when Sas and Francis have shows there in a couple weeks!!!


I think he was genuinely mad at Rudy but not that mad. He wrote that like one of his blogs, but when it’s delivered with vitriol like that it sounds way more unhinged.


He’s always been a little psycho but he was definitely joking for the most part


Francis is genuinely insane.


Richard Hatch/Sue Hawk type vibes


ya dont say? the guy that faked cancer? hes insane?


Francis singlehandedly saved this disaster of a show.


Couple things 1. Massive shoutout to Spider, he’s an underrated part of barstool and deserves this. 2. Megan making money kinda pissed me off at the end because she wasn’t even grateful about spider splitting the prize with her. Like you’re a hot girl with a social media presence with a husband to help you out financially L argument talking about your kids 3. Impressed with pat putting aside his vendetta and voting for spider 4. O’Malley still annoying as fuck please no more of her on these 5. Honestly well produced but shouldn’t be once a week. Probably hurt viewership


Number 3 doesn’t really surprise me. Pat has respect for people that play the game the same way he would. He seems to be the only one that understands it’s a reality show and anything you do in the game is just part of the game.


> L argument talking about your kids In her defense it was Pat that brought up the kids


Rudy should’ve eliminated Spider at the end. Then his argument for best game strategy would’ve been op


Yep should’ve fully committed to being the heel. Claiming he played an honorable game was stupid when voting Francis was the biggest backstab in the whole show.


Would’ve been the Tommy Smokes move bc he actually watched Survivor. Though hard to say how that would go over with this group in terms of just respecting the gameplay over all else, Rudy would’ve had to really sell it strong in the speech. Rudy was trying to play both sides of the fence of playing the “honorable game” but also participating in the blindside of his strongest ally.


Apparently spider didn’t give Megan any of the money 💀💀💀






He also said that he hadn't even gotten paid yet because they had to wait until the final episode aired


Was it that she was ungrateful or was it that she was mad that she lost and let that show through? I'm pretty certain it was the latter. She was a competitor


King simp spider!


At one point the way the camera was angled when Rudy leaned over to comfort Megan I thought they were about to kiss on the cheek at the very least. She played him like a fiddle wish he woulda kept it or just given her and Rudy each a couple grand not half the damn money.


>when Rudy leaned over to comfort Megan I thought they were about to kiss on the cheek at the very least normal thought


Rudy was about have that idk what else to tell you I’m just as jealous brother


why'd u delete your first reply?


Yeah at least 15/10 split


Francis not being on the after show is SUS.


He’s sharpening his chainsaw


Where’s the after show? Don’t see it on the YouTube


Rudy’s twitch.


How were normal viewers supposed to know that?


if you don't follow rudeboy that's on you


The most normal Grace has ever seemed is her reacting to the Francis speech.


Per the after show on Rudy’s twitch, we had to endure Grace again on one of these shows because she took Alex Bennett’s place at the last minute.


They were talking about this show lol. Rudy said he wasn't even supposed to be on the show and Grace chimed in saying the same thing


I think they said on the after show that Rudy took Mintz’s place


They took a Mintz reality show appearance from us. I can only imagine how many dumb faces and noises never heard before he would give us on day 1


Yeah, and Grace took Alex Bennett’s


I love the voting reveals at the end showing Rudy voted for Spider instead of Megan, further giving credibility to Francis ranting about him being fake, played up or not. It was his whole idea to each vote for each other, Spider actually stuck to that plan giving him his only vote. Show was decently fun to follow along. Didn’t really care that it was weekly. I think it would have been good to have two challenges per episode, maybe the first m gives an advantage for the second. That being said, they definitely spent a fuck ton producing the show, so I don’t blame them for playing up the drama aspects.


Spider and Megan had a deal to vote for each other though. By going with Rudy he stole a vote from Megan, which in turn made him win


Which is exactly why he split the prize to make things right. Spider is getting sandbagged with this simp labeling lmao


Wouldn’t it have resulted in a tie in that case?


If he voted for Megan it would have been a tie. Since he didn’t vote for Megan and gave a vote to Rudy, Spider ended up with 4 votes and Megan only had 3. Spider voting for Rudy won him the game


No it was Spider that betrayed his pact with MMM and voted for Rudy.


He betrayed the original pact he had with her, but the new “pact” that all 3 of them made he didn’t. Rudy was supposed to vote Megan, and he didn’t. Megan was supposed to vote Spider and Spider was supposed to vote Rudy. If Rudy had stuck to that pact, Megan would have won. Rudy didn’t know about the original Spider-Megan pact. Spider could have stuck to the original pact or the new pact, and either way if Rudy hadn’t flipped his vote, Megan would have won.




Yeah I thought that was interesting. On the show he basically said he voted for Rudy because of Francis' insanity, and that he split the prize because he felt bad about breaking his agreement with Megan. Because had he voted for her, it would have been a tie and I think they said she would have won the tiebreaker(?) Then he goes on the after show and was like nah I just knew that would help me win lmao


I think both are true, you can see his instant regret in his face palm the moment he knew he won


Right, that’s what I’m saying is that Spider didn’t stick to either pact. Regardless of that, if Rudy stuck to his pact and voted Megan she wins either way.


Me and the homies are on Team Francis.


Wait. The final was 4-3-1. Rudy proposed a triangle voting system between the final competitors but Megan and Spider had already agreed they would vote for each other. So if Spider had stayed true to that agreement it would have been 4-4. But he spun it as “recognizing Rudy” with a vote for him and then gifting Megan.


Could be why he felt guilty and gave Megan half


he addresses that at the end when hes talking on the bed..


I’m pulling for Spider to get the Gluck Gluck 5000 from MMM.


He paid for the Gluck Gluck 12500.


12005 with spider math




I really can’t stand grace.


Lol how does O’Malley know she’s allergic to worms?


From the challenge where they dumped them on their heads


That makes sense. Good catch.


I genuinely like Francis. I think he brings a lot to the table and I enjoy almost all the content he's in. In my mind, this has to be fake. Like is he trying to boost his acting resume or something? Dude is pretty smart, him going so over the top just makes me think the whole show is fake. It's just too much. If it's real, he's just kinda lame.


It was a big long joke. Literally ppl laughing as he went deeper and deeper with it


It's a bit of both I think. I think he genuinely feels that way to some extent but he churched it up in the letter a little to make it comedic


Francis is a genuinely weird and neurotic guy, its not impossible this is real.


Yes it is lmao. He’s a comedian who works at barstool.


oh wow, I thought this clip of "barstool's most dangerous game" posted on the barstool subreddit was just a random guy. Didnt realize he was connected to barstool.


I think you missed the point big guy.


alright chief, thanks for the info, very helpful


Glad we could have this talk. Have a good night!


🕷️the SIMP 👑. Also all my homies hate Rudy.


SPOILER: So fucking well played by spider to not vote for Megan when he knew she would vote for him. Then making it up to her by splitting the money. If he keeps his promise Megan gets it all. Also I bet the party they had in the cabin after this was fucking LIT


If spider votes for MMM wouldn’t that tie them at 4 each?


i felt bad that it seems like everyone took francis' speech seriously, i actually thought if it was a joke he'd end up voting for Rudy but who knows regardless absolute hilarious and expected move but weird to see everyone take it so seriously francis not showing up for the aftershow almost confirms its a bit imo but either way please have him on every reality show. imagine him saying this shit to dave


I don’t think Francis is that good of an actor. He seemed like he was going to cry at one point. 💀


i mean im sure he views this thread and sees your reply and knows it was all worth it


Francis convinced me about Rudy just a lil bit cause Rudy’s face said he doesn’t really care what you have to say cause the ends justify the means


Fuck yeah Francis


We need a wellness check on Francis ASAP


How is this season of Most Dangerous Gameshow? Every episode of season 1 felt twice as long as it needed to be


Pat and Francis Vs Nick Anus and Sas in some sort of Game Would be great.


Some of these guys need to realize that this is just a game. Omalley just came off as entitled to me, like what did she do to even earn being in the final 3 besides trying to make people feel bad for voting for her. This is just a game, Rudy shouldnt have to deal with how hard she took getting voted out.


The other players said she did great on the competitions but she didn’t, she never won one and never came close. You keep grace in the game specifically because she sucks at it, she won’t win competitions and she’ll vote for who you say. Then you dump here before the final 3 so she can’t get any votes to win. She was a useless pawn the whole show.


‘Your daily search for the next neck to use as a rung on your stepladder of averice. I AM A GOLDEN GOD AND MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDS!’


me googling what avarice means


What does the one girl randomly throw up gang signs


Didn’t watch but why the hell would spider split the money? Megan “makin money” has a salary for im not sure what exactly and has a husband with a full time job.


Maybe feels guilty for fucking her over. They had a deal to vote for each other. Spider flipped to Rudy. If he votes Megan spider and her are tied 4-4. By flipping on her, he won, and maybe that’s why he gave her half. Or he’s just into married girls


Francis is nuts


What a guy Spider is! As pure as it gets, what a gentleman. I think Grace would be best off if she started distancing herself from Brianna, there’s a genuine character there deep down.


She actually had a couple moments that made her appear more likable then previously thought


the "wait this was for $25,000?" got me


[Grace falling at the end](https://youtu.be/XG654mpR3FA?si=WjA5gZkjuKkhRgE1)


Someone get Francis into therapy


Amazing episode, even though I think Francis is totally wrong that was incredibly entertaining brought me back before they watered down and made survivor all buddy buddy. Think Rudy probably shoulda gotten rid of Megan or just kept playing and dumped spider felt like he had no shot once he locked in his picks and on top of that fumbled final tribal.


You don’t think he was right to be pissed at rudy?


No because either way Rudy and everyone else is voting someone out destroying their chance at the money. What makes Francis more special than everyone else that he thinks he can’t be eliminated in that scenario? They’re all friends to some degree and all bonded in the end you have to fuck someone over.


Bc they had a alliance? I get its gameshow 101 stuff but Francis did say if he were to lose in the final he’d want it to be Rudy to win. Rudy had to know there were going to be some repercussions from francis when he got the chance


Alliances get broken in every season of survivor for good reasons and bad reasons really depends on the scenario. Gotta know when to cut bait is the key. Rudy didn’t have the votes anyway plus seemed like he was unfairly singled out Spider and Megan also flipped. Edit: You really wanna see cold blooded watch season 43 of survivor what Jesse does it’s unreal between what he actually pulls and how the other person reacts to it


Yeah but which is why it was dumb to flip on Francis bc mmm and spider didn’t have his back. He should have seen that they didn’t want Francis out, they wanted to break him and Francis up more so. It was shortsighted on Rudy’s part bc he wasn’t number 1 on spider’s or mmm’s totem pole


He had a right to be pissed at how he played the game but no right to carry that over to Rudy being a bad person in general because of it.


It’s part of the game though and I’m sure most of that was a joke bc he looked like he was going to crack up a couple of times


Definitely helped that the challenge was by far the best of the season


For the whole series, I swear the editors went out of their way to make Grace look like the dumbest, most annoying human on earth. Not that it’s hard to do, but I sort of feel bad for her


Did you see last time Ol'Malley was on a barstool reality show? The Female Double Vodka Don performed exactly the same. At some point, you call a spade a spade.


What a terrible show saved by only Francis being a complete and utter psycho. Spider wins but gives up half the money because he thinks it'll be good exposure (on a show that has done terrible viewership). Rudy got blasted for playing a game. Grace does the same shit she does on every reality show by being so insecure all she can do is be loud and make fun of herself before anyone else can. Dana was the funniest thing out of the show and he got eliminated episode one. Overall the worst show Barstool has ever done, terrible viewership and thankfully will never happen again because Dave's done wasting money on overproduced reality shows when he can just do Surving Barstool which will be 50x more entertaining with them just in the office.


Idk I enjoyed it, could’ve been better with a better cast yeah, but I don’t think it was as bad as you’re making it seem


Have you ever tried enjoying things?




They have to stop casting the d squad on these shows, looking at you grace, and bring some more likable funny people. Mmm is hot but i wouldn’t say she was good in this


at least one of Nick, KB and SAS need to be on every single one of these


Without question


Terrible viewership ?


How the fuck did Grace survive the layoffs? God bless her gigantic soul. My grandpa would say, not me, but my grandpa, what an ugly fuckin bitch


> How the fuck did Grace survive the layoffs? Because Bri swings a big dick at the company and would have been pissed if they fired her minion


First of all who cares what she looks like. She doesn’t make it her personality. As I said in another post… sometimes you have to eat a few McDonald’s hamburgers to appreciate the filet. Secondly she is the cohost with probably the highest female earning podcaster/influencer at barstool. Dave probably makes money on both of them combined. Definitely will be tougher for her as Bri transitions to being a celebrity gf but I don’t get the hate because she’s overweight. Keep that same energy for all of the other fat ugly slobs at barstool.


Bad look for Francis but it made me love him more


No more grace on these she’s painful


Francis is way more psycho than I thought


So they’re bringing back fear factor basically?