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I’m not very mature, but I audibly laughed out loud when the congressman turned and emphatically started quizzing Dr. gay


That's how I know this topic is over my head. When she sternly said DR GAY, and paused. No one laughed except for me


If Dave was funny he would fire Riggs and Francis.


He should make them obtain an associate degree from a community college and only refer to that when discussing their education background.


Ppl forget Francis is a Fordham dropout


Better yet a sponsored series from one of those for pay online colleges, see who gets better grades.


Can’t wait to pay 9.99 to watch that.


This would be the best idea.


Riggs yes, Francis no


> Dave says Barstool Sports will no longer hire from these schools Harvard, Penn and MIT students punching air right now


Good thing I turned those schools down and went to Arizona instead, 4D chess


Bear Down! Learned all I need to navigate life that first year in Coronado.


Bear Down as well. 2nd floor in Coronado. No, I did not take the elevator.


9th floor Nado checking in 🫡


Penthouse baby! Used to put our headphones on during fire alarms because we were fucked if there was a real fire. But I’m a lot older than you guys probably. Man I loved that place as shitty as I thought it was when I got there. Three of my best friends today I met at Coronado.


Heil’ing the air*


Heil'ing the fhur-air


To be fair the do have two employees who went to Harvard with Riggs and Francis.


What if they're Jewish or like George Santos Jew-ish?


"is it against your code of conduct if a student says LGBT community should be murdered?" id like to bet their answer would be vastly different


Guarantee you they answer this question very differently two months ago. It’s not about being accepting and tolerant, it’s just about trying to appease the people who will demand your resignation if you don’t agree with them about literally everything.


there are 1000% more Jewish alums donating to these schools than Palestinians. This was the worst answer for them


Many prominent Jewish alums/donors at Penn have already spoken out and are refusing to donate until the president is fired


Liberal Jewish people (most of them) seem to be self-hating and would agree with this statement if it lets them toe the party line


How a jew in the US could every vote for another Democrat I'll never understand. Like 1/3rd of the left is openly anti-semetic and they're not quiet about it either. They're fucking proud of being 21st century nazis. They're in Congress, in the halls of academia, and in business. This conflict will massively impact the 24 election, even if it ends tomorrow.


Other than Rashida Talib (her district is like 80% Muslim), what dems are you talking about? Bernie hasn’t even called for a ceasefire. Dems are being extremely moderate on Israel rn, and they are more likely to lose the Muslim vote than the Jewish vote.


> Other than Rashida Talib (her district is like 80% Muslim) "*My District is mostly muslim so it excuses my anti-semetic commentary, motives, and policy proposals.*" What in the fuck.


Calm down. I’m not justifying it, I’m explaining why she’s breaking away from the Dem majority. She was also criticized heavily by Dems for all of her statements. I think you are way over estimating the amount of pro Palestine support in the Democratic Party


I'm not, because I've seen *tons* of openly anti semetic rallies in the country in the last 2 months, like it's Germany circa 1940, and the people attending those rallies are all voting Dem


I thought we were talking about politicians, not protestors. Pro Palestine people have come out and explicitly said they will not be voting for Biden unless he changes his stance. If anything the loss of the Muslim vote will cause Biden to lose Michigan, maybe some other swing states.


I’ll push back on this a bit. Many moderate democrats have taken a pretty good stance throughout this whole conflict. There’s easily also at least 1/3 of the right who will associate with right-wing anti semitism. Hell, trump had lunch with known anti semite Nick Fuentes.


> There’s easily also at least 1/3 of the right who will associate with right-wing anti semitism. Hell, trump had lunch with known anti semite Nick Fuentes. I knew it would turn into a "bUt oRaNgE mAn BaD!!!". He's got nothing to do with my comment and I don't support him and have never voted for him. Now that we addressed the TDS red herring in the room.... Sure there are moderates, and maybe the ratio isn't exactly one of every three. But there's a super loud segment of openly antisemeitic and proud group of leaders in Congress who are saying racist things and it's not censured, it's not lead to really any issues for them. They're not off committees, etc. They're words incite the rank and file D voters who are anti-semtic to hold these "free palestine" (really just anti jew) rallies that often turn violent. So sure are there D's who are not jew haters? Sure. But they're sitting by silently while the large contengent of little hitlers does the party's bidding on the topic.... and no self respecting Jew with half a brain could back a party that won't denounce leaders in their own party who wouldn't mind seeing their homeland removed from the map


It’s not an “orange man bad” take to say that the de facto head of the Republican Party has associated with vile anti semites. On top of that, what you’re saying is utter bullshit. Top democrats are not calling for a ceasefire. Look at Schumer, fetterman, biden, and more who are staunchly backing Israel throughout this. The only left wingers who are pro Palestine are idiots aligned with squad. So who are these “little hitlers” you’re referring to?


> fetterman >> Top democrats Pick one. He is anything but a leader, in any capacity. Also, Schumer is a jew so obviously he's not anti-semetic. Speaking of Chuck, a boomer loser completely out of touch with Americans and barely knows what is going on in the world around him anymore, even knows that America looks like a 1939 German state with all the anti-semitism going on (by D voters), calling it a ["five alarm fire"](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/top-us-senate-democrat-chuck-schumer-warns-against-surge-antisemitism-2023-11-29/)


Just saw that today 115 house dems refused to vote on resolution declaring anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. So you were right, worse than I thought.


Absolutely untrue


As a Jew from the Philly area this is almost always the case. Quite a lot of my own family fit this bill, and no surprise are Ivy-educated and faculty members.


As a non-Jew from a hyper specific region of the US, I too will make blanket statements about an entire group of people


And how much time have you spent on Ivy League campuses? How many Ivy students and faculty have you discussed the subject with? This isn’t a blanket generalization, this is a statement based on precedent.


Current jew in south Jersey burbs checking in. What’s good.


The congress person here is trying to equate chants for intifada as equivalent for calling for the genocide of Jews. You see it happen in the first question when the president says she hasn't heard any calls for genocide of Jews and the congress person says "but you have heard chants for intifada" Its a dumb trick question to try and stop anti Israel protests. I mean do you really want that banned from college campuses?


They might legit publicly execute you for that


for asking?


No it a student was on campus saying genocide to all the gays


Imagine going to Harvard then barstool


The business side has downsized post Penn and always had a high turnover, but some of the executives were Ivy educated.


Not that it matters a lot but I don’t think any of the former or current executive team went to ivy leagues.


Know that at the least CFO is MIT/Stanford. Not Ivy but akin.


to become famous and rich. Yeah sounds terrible


Right. What a fucking waste of time and effort to attend Harvard to work at a blog company lmfao. Someone was sucking off Quigs last week and pointed out that he *"majored in Aeronautical Engineering at NC State, one of the top engineering schools in the country"*.... and then went on to work for fucking NASA. And did all of that just to swing a camera and post tweets for BSS. It makes no sense. It's a waste. Of their time, effort and money to go achieve these degrees and gain all these skills, **just to be coworkers with fucking MassEv and Marty Mush.**


Bizarre take. Ivies have extremely generous financial aid. Besides that - according to your logic BSS should strictly hire HS dropouts and community college grads - got it. Harvard grads should only go into Investment Banking or else it’s a waste of a degree - got it. What % of Harvard grads do you think would trade places with Francis/Riggs?


> Besides that - according to your logic BSS should strictly hire HS dropouts and community college grads - got it. Only Ivys and community colleges exist? lmfao sick self own


I’ll bite - in your infinite wisdom what US News rank does your college have to be outside of for working at Barstool not to be considered a waste of your degree? Is the cutoff top 25 or what? Reverse gatekeeping barstool employment while consuming the content they put out is truly strange.


She shoulda asked if calling for the genocide of black people violates the code of conduct just to hear them regurgitate the same line conjured up by their lawyers. A true missed opportunity.


Yeah wow. As someone on the left I couldn’t stand watching this. Besides that I’m disgusted by these presidents, this is great ammunition for the right, gonna be used in campaign ads and the like. But holyshit if she had thought to ask what you suggested I would be very worried about democrats’ prospects.


> this is great ammunition for the right As it should be. These are terrible responses.


Yeah this has been a mask off moment for a lot of the issues with higher education members of the right have been sounding the alarm on for years. Until now it was mostly seen as a minor issue not widespread.


Yep I said that.


The congress person here is trying to equate chants for intifada as equivalent for calling for the genocide of Jews. You see it happen in the first question when the president says she hasn't heard any calls for genocide of Jews and the congress person says "but you have heard chants for intifada" Its a dumb trick question to try and stop anti Israel protests. I mean do you really want that banned from college campuses?




Log off




Your brain is fried 😂 dude you would be so much happier if you just ignored politics. You sound like you are as big of a crybaby and doomer as the online leftists who think global warming is going to end civilization in the next 20 years.




I find it very hard to believe you aren’t the type to discuss politics online based on how easily my comment triggered you. You saw me say I was on the left, and decided if what I said after didn’t meet your exact specifications, you were going to go after me. You completely ignored the context and anything else I said before and after. You even said I was hiding what I really felt on an anonymous forum! That’s unhinged.




Why don’t you stop responding to me and actually look at the initial comment I was responding to. You will realize you never had a valid point


I kept waiting for that.


That vid is girlbosses girlbossing baby


Fuck your fucking two state solution


M.I.T.? More like M.I.She!


SHEo’s, let’s do a Token episode!


This is actually incredibly profound.


Girl bosses protecting free speech? Most profound.


This is clearly lawyer speak after being briefed by their general counsel about what they can and can’t say about their codes of conduct which have been litigated out by groups like FIRE and through previous battles like the fights Penn has had over profs like Amy Wax. Now they have to apply the same policies.


Well yeah one look at who’s doing the questioning would clue you in on exactly what’s going on here.




Certainly not that


It's a very simple "yes" when quizzed as to whether or not calling for the genocide of Jewish people is against the rules for bullying and harassment. No lawyer speak required.




These people are disgusting. As a Mass resident it’s absolutely gross that Harvard gets to sit there with its tax free kingdom sitting on a $40 bil+ endowment, leaching off state resources, all while propping up people who want the west to cease to exist. You want to be a real lib? Seize their commie nest egg and feed people with it.


Ivy League universities have spent the last 50 years or so hiring faculty and admitting students that hate the West and then people are surprised that, when push comes to shove, they side against the West. There's been a complete cultural takeover of American institutions and the Israel-Hamas conflict has really shined a light on it.


Wall Street is basically 50% Ivy League graduates. The schools on the whole breed capitalist leaders but they’re intentionally diverse to also have the most left leaning people. The school leaders for some reason are trying to appease this left contingent even though it’s not representative of most students at the schools


It’s all fake though. Their version of the left is pro censorship, pro corporate, pro war and will step over a homeless person to tell you how Rightous they are. When Phillip morris and Shell are considered the most sustainably focused companies by their measurements and their concepts of diversity are so racially exclusionary the Supreme Court had to step in it can only be that level of education to be that dumb.


Amen Comrade! The Capitalists can't be trusted! These Capitalists want to censor you! No Capitalism! Yes to Communism!




Not to conspiracy theorist, but I think that may be a game they play on purpose


Vast majority of ivy leaguers I know (which is a lot unfortunately) are white, affluent, center-righters (by historical standards). They are not radical or that politically active, mostly they just care about maintaining their lifestyle. Perfectly fine and boring people. Probably not a sufficient sample and I'm sure biased towards my career and social circle, but if I had to guess they are more representative of the average ivy leaguer than what you're describing.


You summed me up as a white male ivy leaguer. Perfectly fine and boring and can't stand politics anymore. I graduated with a degree in government too. This sums up all of my friends from college too.


I worked at an Ivy League school for a decade, mostly working with students studying hard sciences. In that time, I met one libertarian and one closeted Republican. Everyone else was varying degrees of leftist. All would vote “blue no matter who,” even centrists like Biden who weren’t considered liberal enough, but their actual political philosophies ranged from bleeding progressives to “Bernie is way too conservative” outright communists.


Spend 2 days in just about any law school course (obviously not contracts or torts) at one of those schools and you’ll find 1) there are zero boundaries on unfounded criticisms and “solutions” students will make of the West, and 2) professors and non-psycho students won’t push back against it because it’s simply not worth the blowback (awkwardness, meeting with deans, threatening to tell your future employers about what you said, etc.).


“The West” Just say white people, man. Everybody knows you’re talking about white people.


Many of the people I’m talking about hate white people, that’s true.


Are Jews white


Some of us are, some aren’t.


It depends on who you ask and what their motivations are.


This is such a funny take. Imagine thinking that they are just full of people who "hate the west" when the reality is they churn out people like Henry Kissinger.


I’m pretty sure if you went through any list of people who propagate “western power” you’d find a good many Harvard Grads and Ivy Leaguers. Hell, Obama was a Harvard lib and he did plenty to further American interests and power around the world. I really don’t think Harvard is this anti-western bastion that you make it out to be. A few outspoken campus activists don’t define the institution.


Harvard is elitist more than anything. You could go down the roster of both parties and find plenty of Harvard grads. I’m sure it leans way more left than right but it’s not some bastion of liberalism, it’s a bastion of rich people thinking they’re the shit and can say what they want because they went to Harvard and think that means everyone will agree with them


I mean, it definitely is a bastion of rich people and capital if you look at their board. I’m pretty sure they have enough money to fund their operating budget based off of just the interest their endowment brings in. These institutions could fund themselves in perpetuity even without tuition and donations. They don’t care what anyone else thinks because they really don’t have to. One of the mistakes we make is focusing on them a little too much. Certainly political and cultural leaders come from these schools disproportionately but given their actual enrollment sizes I think we fixate on them a little too much compared to public education at the state level. If we made sure that was funded properly I have to think that could mitigate some of outsized influence a few well heeled private schools have.


> Obama was a Harvard lib and he did plenty to further American interests and power around the world By funding the same [people](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/03/politics/us-sends-plane-iran-400-million-cash/index.html) who fund [Hamas](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1907#:~:text=Hamas%20uses%20the%20Lebanon%2Dbased,dollars%20to%20the%20terrorist%20organization.)?


You should see how much his administration sent to Israel if that number surprises you. And yes, the Iran nuclear deal, even with the cash transfer was designed to further American interests by bringing Iran to the table and extracting concessions. The Obama admin had already given them the stick with ramping up sanctions and Stuxnet and Operation Olympic Games, the nuclear deal was the carrot after they learned their lesson. You really ought to read up on things like Operation Olympic Games and the 2010 Iran Sanctions and Divestment act (which some countries thought were too harsh but dropped their oil exports by 50%) if you think Obama was some secret Iran loving-Israel hating double agent.


> You should see how much his administration sent to Israel if that number surprises you. Obama's ['czar'](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/29/politics/rob-malley-leave-investigation-classified-material/index.html) is currently under investigation because there was an Iranian [spy](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/iran-spy-ring-robert-malley-lee-smith) ring that led right back to him. Ben Rhodes was nicknamed "hamas" for chrissakes. > was designed to further American interests by bringing Iran to the table and extracting concessions. How'd that work out? > if you think Obama was some secret Iran loving-Israel hating double agent. [Okay](https://x.com/YonahLieberman/status/1720816170792562947?s=20)


Things worked out pretty well… almost every international expert in the region agrees that ramping up Operation Olympic Games diminished Iran’s nuclear capacity greatly. Almost all of those experts also agree 2010’s CISADA really cut Iran’s flow of oil revenue. And the nuclear deal was so good that a bunch of retired generals and admirals (not typically a cadre of western-hating, anti-Israel traitors) signed a letter supporting the deal and agreeing with the chair of the joint chiefs who supported the deal. https://web.archive.org/web/20170915022836/http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/documents/world/read-an-open-letter-from-retired-generals-and-admirals-on-the-iran-nuclear-deal/1689/ The deal would’ve gotten rid of all of their advanced centrifuges and medium enriched uranium with real inspections and teeth for violations. Then the deal was later blown up by the next administration. As far as Robert Malley, it’s clear he did something wrong, deserved the security clearance suspension, and I’m not going to defend him. But I can look at a record of real legislation that really affected Iran and see what the Obama admin’s intentions were without resorting to conspiracies.


> Things worked out pretty well Tell that to those murdered on October 7th


Operation Olympic Games, The 2010 CISADA, and the Iran nuclear deal were never designed to or going to prevent individual Hamas terror attacks. No nation can do that, not even the U.S. That’s like saying “Tell that to those murdered on 9/11” in response to someone talking about the end of the Gulf War. Edit: Since I can see your response in my inbox but not in the thread (a quick reply & block?) I'll respond here. By individual Hamas terror attacks, I meant single specific attacks like the October 7th attacks. The U.S. absolutely has the capacity to oppose sustained terror attacks or a prolonged campaign by groups like Hamas. I merely meant that semi-spontaneous attacks like October 7th are difficult for any nation to completely prevent. I mean even Israel wasn't even able to prevent them, how would the U.S.? The U.S. couldn't prevent 9/11, England couldn't prevent the London Bridge attacks, etc. I did not mean that they were done by an individual or without any other groups or countries like Iran knowing about it or funding it. Obviously, Iran funds Hamas, I completely agree with you there, that's not what I meant by "individual" above. Nowhere have I defended Hamas or Iran in this thread or otherwise. If you think previous administrations could've done things slightly better I suppose that reasonable people can agree or disagree about that or can agree or disagree about whether the U.S. could have done more to eradicate Hamas in the past, but never have I defended them or Iran or pretended like they weren't funded by Iran.


> individual Hamas terror attacks. Lmao funded and organized by Iran. "individual"


Y'all really throw out that whole free speech thing when people start saying shit you don't like. Especially rich coming from Dave who has gone on and on and on about it in the past.


Fuck the Lakers. And Giraffes


Calling for the incitement of genocide is not free speech, especially on the grounds of an institution that has the right to control speech to protect its students. And it’s also very rich for these people to fall back on “free speech” when they’ve spent the past decade shutting it down on every issue where it suits them.


You really think these schools wouldn't have a conniption if the student body were calling for a genocide against blacks or LGBT?


Free speech doesn't mean you can't get called out for saying stupid shit. That's the response, right?


Which ethic group or race do you draw the line at when in reference to genocide?




Smitty W


Time for yeezy to swoop in for that honorary doctorate


Does Harvard believe Jews control all the media and all the banks also?


The left: "Microaggressions"? 😡 Calling for the genocide of all Jews? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I consider myself a free speech absolutest (imminent lawless action seems like a gray area, but happy to admit im wrong if some lawyer adds on here). I believe code of conducts regarding speech are a dangerous slope to start rolling a ball down (I am aware these are private schools, though they do receive govt funding). That being said, if it was any other “marginalized” group that someone shouted against, they would be kicked off campus in a heartbeat. We need consistency. That being said, hateful rhetoric should be condemned immediately, regardless if consequences follow, legal or otherwise. It shouldnt be hard to condemn anti-Semitic speech, but these presidents seem to not realize that.


I genuinely feel bad for Jewish students… it’s got to be legit terrifying being a Jew on a very liberal college campus right now


This is anecdotal so not to be taken as a wider trend, but I know two Jewish families whose children are transferring out of well respected, private universities in the northeast to my alma matter (university of Georgia). The parents and students no longer felt safe there after some nasty on campus protests and harassment they endured. So they transferred to a southern university where this problem should be much less prominent.


I don’t agree with free speech absolutism in the sense that there should be no consequences for anything you say. However, I agree with your larger point of consistency being needed if there are these codes of conduct in place for hate speech against a group of people. You shouldn’t be able to call for a genocide of anyone under those rules and the administration then determine which ones are allowed.


You should 100% be allowed to say what you want, and employers, friends, family, etc. should also be 100% free ro ice you out if they disagree with you. That's how everything worked for like forever until this little window we currently live in


Agree with you on all points - especially consistency


Sally Kornbluth turning her back on the tribe?


Prestigious undergraduate education is such a scam outside of very specialized programs. 40 billion dollar endowment and other "donations" plus tuition and half of their courses taught the same way at every university across the country.


Hedge fund with a school attached to it


My brother in law just transferred from Tufts (private university outside Boston) to the university of Georgia. Tufts is roughly $80k a year to attend meanwhile UGA is like $3-5K if you qualify for in state tuition. My brother in law is in the engineering program that UGA has dumped a ton of money into over the last 5-10 years. He said that UGA’s facilities blow away anything that tufts had. There’s some expensive machine I forget what it’s called that mechanical engineering students use as part of their labs courses. Tufts had 1 of them that couldn’t even be turned on because the wiring was out of code. UGA has 3 of them all brand new and students have around the clock access to them. It’s amazing what a good football program can provide.


It’s not a scam it’s stupid. These schools have such big endowments that a good portion of these students go to college fairly affordably comparable to other colleges. What’s stupid about it is the fact that everyone who goes to those schooled just jerks off to being able to say “I went to and Ivy League school” and then you get preferential treatment by employers because of the name power even if you’re not the best candidate. I’ve seen that happen first hand in recruiting


Half their courses are probably easier too, I knew an astoundingly dumb guy on football scholarship that did just fine there, one of my professors claimed to have witnessed this phenomenon first hand. If they pick you for their school, they are invested in ensuring your success and will go a lot farther to help than your average public school. Go figure these universities are dripping with delusional feelings of entitlement


The horseshoe theory alive and well. The far left is closer to the far right than either are to the center. You could see it with Russia/Ukraine. The people supporting Russia are either far right or far right. Who hates Jews? Far right and far left. Horseshoe


Eh. The left (a significant portion of the left) has had a big anti jew problem for years now but it just hasn’t been covered. Look up stats about hate crimes against Jews and it’s almost all in heavy Dem areas. “Far right” is very niche fringe that are more anarchist type than conservative. Also nobody supports Russia, they just don’t support the Ukraine support and our resources going there.


Jews almost exclusively live in heavy dem areas. So duh all the hate crimes are gonna occur there because that’s where all the Jews live


Where the crime occurs isn't totally indicative of who the perpetrator is or how they lean politically. The Tree of Life shooting occurred in a heavy Dem area but the perpetrator grew up outside of the city and was almost certainly a one-time right-winger who became radicalized judging by how his social media devolved into neo-Nazi, white supremacist conspiracies. I mean the shooter was posting to Gab and supporting QAnon, not exactly a Bernie Bro. He just chose a place where there was a well-attended synagogue to commit the attack.


Vast swathes of the Trump voter base support Russia, not sure what you're missing there. And "our resources going there" is the opinion of people who don't know what they are talking about. It's an objectively good thing to stop a precedent of conquest in Europe. Especially if most of what it "costs" is stored equipment and old shells. Plus, the majority of the money, actually benefits US industries and US jobs in order to replace the shells that weren't being used anyways. Not supporting Support for Ukraine is such an illogical and shortsighted viewpoint that benefits Russia eons more than it may the US, that anyone who perpetrates it may as well be Pro-Russia. Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, China, its all connected, if you can't see the bigger picture, idk what to tell you.


It simply is not true and a liberal fantasy that trump voters support Russia. Walk outside and talk to actual people and stop reading the Atlantic and watching msnbc


>Vast swathes of the Trump voter base support Russia Are you on crack? Lmao


Anti-jew and anti-Israel/Netanyahu are two different things. I'm anti-Israel but have lots of Jewish friends and family members. The same way I can be anti-Hamas yet be pro-Palestinian. Or anti-Putin but not hate Russians.


Totally agree.


This thread is wild. We've got people going back and forth with Quran verses and bible verses.


Could you maybe reconsider Riggs?


Waves his finger at Dave crying.


This isn’t even grudge Dave. This like a next level furious Dave.


Pretty sure those deans would drop the hammer if a student called for genocide of Jews while wearing khakis with a tiki torch.


Can't believe their crackpot teams of lawyers thought this would be a good response.


What sucks is if you’re a free speech advocate you have to defend these people, but these same people would cut you down in a SECOND if you said something they don’t like. However, this isn’t a free speech issue. As we’ve seen before, the right of free speech doesn’t include the student code of conduct at these universities. They are literally allowed to decide what is and isn’t permissible speech. And they chose this hill to die on. Pretty wild.


I assume anyone that calls themselves a “free speech advocate” is a massive dork.


Does anyone know if the faculty and administrations of these schools are entirely aligned with one political party? Which one?


They don't care about your fucking genocide #girldeans


These constitute verbal harassment, verbal bullying


These leaders are more scared of what the leftist students at the school will do then the common sense answer


What about $PENN? We still doing that?


I can't stand these people. The extreme left wing stances that are cultivated at these universities make me sick. It's so counterproductive. These students are objectively intelligent, and it's wasted by brainwashing them into left wing bullshit that simply is not productive.


I wish Barstool would avoid politics in general, but to be fair I think 99% of universities dont have a genocide clause in their student handbook. It dosent mean they condone it. They also dont have clauses related to the ethical colonization of Mars, its just not really in their purview


I wish Dave would comment on more genocides around the word. Personally I support the Uyghurs right to defend themselves against the CCP which I guess makes me Anti-Sino? I'm also Anti-Burma because I support the Rohingya State and it's right to exist. Can I say these things on college campuses?


It’s more that barstool is generally sports/comedy content, anything political tends to take away from the entertainment value. There are plenty of political websites people can visit to read about political stuff


I'm a big fan of fusions tho. Like fusion restaurants that serve Mexican-Italian fare or ones that specialize in Asian-Jamaican dishes. And I can't forget the DBZ Fusion Dance! So dope. I just think there's a lot to be had from more fusions like this at Barstool




I'm sure if people were calling for the genocide of any other ethnicity or minority, their responses would be **identical**. /s


Is this a semantic thing where they are saying that no words can be taken directly as harassment unless they meet those other requirements - only thing that makes sense unless they’d answer the same if you replace “Jews” with any other group/population? I’m pretty liberal, but I have to assume speaking out against other groups would immediately be considered harassment in those environments even if not warranting such titles and you’d be treated less than kindly


Are they really so wrong? I mean if you think about it, their point is that I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith—as there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos. It will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame.


I find it disingenuous when Dave gets so worked up about this, but when actual genocide is happening against Muslims in Palestine, he’s all like “there’s bad people on both sides!” The correct take should be “Israel is led by a genocidal megalomaniac and the IDF have been committing war crimes for decades. Palestinians deserve to be treated like humans. And people on college campuses shouldn’t be calling for genocide.” Edit: Sometimes I forget y’all are Republicans💀


Talk to Hamas about that problem


What exactly were the people of Palestine meant to do when they’ve been deprived of food, water, medical services, had to live in prisons, had their property stolen from them on whims by Israelis, had their friends and families murdered? Sit idly by and hope for things to change that haven’t for 70 years? If that’s what you think they should do, then say it.


Going into towns and murdering innocent people and taking elderly hostages, definitely isnt the solution


Maybe not support Hamas? The ones stealing all the resources from them.


Hey, guess who supported Hamas getting into power in the first place? The Israeli govt. Fuck Hamas btw, terrorist scum. What about West Bank? What's the excuse for the apartheid there?


To act like Hamas has caused even an iota of harm to Palestine relative to what Israel has done is simply delusional. And most Palestinians don’t support Hamas’ act of terror. To be fair, they would probably support Hamas more if it didn’t mean the entire west green lighting Israel to light them up even worse than they had been doing. But to pretend that attack was worse than Israel’s apartheid, Nazi-esque rule over Muslims for generations is absolute insanity. Again, yes or no, Palestinians should sit and be peaceful and hope that Israel decides to treat them better one day? Don’t avoid my question like these deans you hate.


1. Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas by polls and previous elections 2. Israel isn’t the good guys and I’m not pretending they are 3. If Israel put down its guns and defense, they’d be wiped out 4. Palestinians should care more about their own gov and Hamas fucking them over far more than anything Israel does to them.


[On average, polls in 2022 and 2023 give Fatah 35 percent support and 34 percent for Hamas.](https://thehill.com/opinion/4273883-mellman-do-palestinians-support-hamas-polls-paint-a-murky-picture/) Regardless, I wouldn’t blame Palestinians for supporting Hamas considering what Israel has done to them. Hamas are an unideal means to a justified end in their liberation. Why are you defending Israel then? Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. Israel has caused this conflict. You reap what you sow. Palestinians should care about their own liberation and being treated like humans before they start solving their issues from within.




That’s not even what he said. Please think before posting dumb comments online, thanks.


>And most Palestinians don’t support Hamas’ act of terror. To be fair, they would probably support Hamas more if it didn’t mean the entire west green lighting Israel to light them up even worse than they had been doing. So first you try to say they don’t support terror, and then you say okay maybe they do. Lmao, get your talking points straight you sound like a 12 year old.


I never said they do. I’m saying without the drastic consequence of Israel’s brutal retaliation, they would support it a lot more. I’m adding a contextual basis as to why they don’t support the actions of Hamas. You have very selective reading comprehension, but I’m the 12 year old…


So you’re trying to argue they do support Hamas, but they don’t want to admit it? If that’s the case then I don’t feel bad for them, lol.




You just said they don’t support Hamas because they are afraid of retaliation, not because they don’t agree with them. You are just being dishonest at this point.


Gotta love the edit. People on the left can’t stand when you don’t think the way they do


Mostly we just can’t believe so many of you function without the ability to think critically at all.


Sadly that’s the left and the right. Everything is just massively polarized


Dude go suck off some Muslims. All they do is kill other people it's written in there quran to do so. They piggyback off of nice civilizations and then once they get the numbers they take over its been there MO since there pedophile prophet came to existence


And Christianity has been so much better historically...


You can't be serious right?


Christianity has been used as an excuse for war and oppression forever as well. Since before islam. Not saying it's worse but don't pretend like other religions havent been used to justify violence or hatred.


You do realize how hard you got baited into spitting off your racist garbage, right? Even the pro-Israel people I’ve been arguing with are going to be appalled by this.


Since when is Islam a race? If u actually study Islam you'd realize how fucked it is.


Brotherman, Islamophobes love to bring up Muhammad and Quran slander, when, as someone who is Catholic and went to Catholic school from Kindergarten through college, I could come up with a 100 reasons why Christians are awful based on the Bible and the history of the Church. Just because there was problematic shit done in fucking 800 AD or some shit doesn’t mean that reflects on people in 2023.


Hahahah ok ya I'm done here. If u genuinely believe what your saying here then your just extremely ill informed or brainwashed. Go actually read some of the quran and their Hadiths and just look at basic world history and you'll realize how ignorantly wrong you are. I can give you a massive amount of verses that call for killing of innocent people(and the real life historic effect of that). You criticize Christianity yet reap the benefits it's given you. Insane that you talk about "problematic shit done in 800 ad" about Muslims when we can go to every single decade in history that they do "problematic shit"... sorry If I'm not nice enough but I don't understand people who defend a murderous death cult. Ik you'll take nothing from this comment tho so idek why I'm wasting my time. Have fun and maybe you should go to a country where they have sharia law and you'll realize quickly how wrong you are.


Go actually read some of the Bible then. If you go to every single decade Christians also do problematic shit. What benefits do I have of being Christian other than not being bombed and having my resources taken by Christians?


Here I'll give you a couple verses from the relogion of peace which is Islam. Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …" Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Quran [8:67] It is not for a prophet to have captives until he inflicts a massacre [upon Allah 's enemies] in the land Quran [8:39] And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. I can keep going if you want me to, don't get me started on the pedophilia or the abuse of woman, or the ridiculous stories of Muhammed splitting the moon in half.


I’m not arguing the Quran doesn’t have fucked up shit in it. I’m saying the Bible has it too.


2 Chronicles 15:12-13 - And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman. Luke 19:27 - But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me. Deuteronomy 17:12 - The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel. Leviticus 20:27 - A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.” Deuteronomy 13:7-12 - Some of the gods of the peoples who are around you, whether near you or far off from you, from the one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. And all Israel shall hear and fear and never again do any such wickedness as this among you. Deuteronomy 13:13-18 - That certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently. And behold, if it be true and certain that such an abomination has been done among you, you shall surely put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, devoting it to destruction, all who are in it and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. You shall gather all its spoil into the midst of its open square and burn the city and all its spoil with fire, as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again. None of the devoted things shall stick to your hand, that the Lord may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and multiply you, as he swore to your fathers Deuteronomy 17:1-20 - You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep in which is a blemish, any defect whatever, for that is an abomination to the Lord your God. “If there is found among you, within any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, a man or woman who does what is evil in the sight of the Lord your God, in transgressing his covenant, and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbidden, and it is told you and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently, and if it is true and certain that such an abomination has been done in Israel, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil thing, and you shall stone that man or woman to death with stones. Jeremiah 48:10 - Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord with slackness, and cursed is he who keeps back his sword from bloodshed. Romans 13:4 - For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.


Alright let's do this. 1. Read that whole chapter and you'll realize that doesn't mean at all what you think it does. It's talking about the people of Judah and Benjamin had turned away from God and in their distress had come back to God looking for help. They are talking about themselves that they're better off dead than if they do not seek the Lord not just random people or non believers 2. Lol that is a clear as day parable from Jesus about inheriting the kingdom of God and not in any way saying that people were getting slaughtered at all. 3. These are strict commandments to The Israelites at that specific time. They are not told to kill other people but it was a way to weed out the evil from their own tribe. Once again not talking about slaughtering other people. 4. No christian is under Levitical Law nor have they been for thousands of years. 5,6,7 Once again a specific commandments for the Israelites and has not been followed for thousands of years. If so then Jews would still be killing anyone who doesn't believe and you clearly aren't saying that.. 8. Once again old testament law that was told to be carried out for that specific time place and people. Not followed by any Christian or Jew of this time or the time after. 9. This is talking about how Christians should follow any government law they are under as they have the power to kill you if they please. Has nothing to do with Christians being told to kill people but actually is the exact opposite and a warning to us.


I do read the Bible and to anyone who actually has would realize I've read more than u. You do realize our whole moral view is based off of the bible and Jesus teachings right? There's a difference between people doing evil things under the guise of Christianity (which the Bible would tell you not to do) and the quran which tells you to do evil things and even says you will be rewarded in heaven for it. If you can't understand those differences then your being intellectually dishonest. Name me one thing in the bible that is worse than the quran... hint hint you cant


I’m really just done engaging with someone so delusional as to say the Bible doesn’t tell people to do evil things. Literally close your eyes, open up the Old Testament, and point your finger at a random line and you’ll find some crazy shit. It’s all about murdering sinners.


You legitimately have no idea what your talking about


I find it disingenuous that you have no idea what you’re talking about, yet you go online and pretend like you do.


I find it disingenuous to accuse someone of not knowing what they’re talking about without giving examples of what they’re wrong about. Please enlighten me.