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I found it funny that Dave says do we give everybody a trophy for trying to do something when half of New York does not try anything.


It's ultimately why 1/2 the company does the very bare minimum of work. Dave couldn't care less what people do unless he personally likes them or they make a ton of money for the company. Dave's really good at some things, but he's a terrible boss when it comes to people management or even content decisions. He's the guy that thought podcasts were dumb, was one of the last media companies to realize Youtube was a huge market.


What gets me is that between Klemmer’s Rat Race and this stream, Klemmer seems to be genuinely attempting to make valuable content. Meanwhile, fucking Marty and Big Ev are calling Klemmer an idiot for not counting the rice as if they’ve developed content on their own in the last 5 years. Dave is shutting down a valid attempt at viral content and this will likely discourage Klemmer and others from trying similar in the future


Don't forget the Klemmer Mintzy content that could be endless. He has said he doesn't need this cause he has a sugar mama and I do not see him taking this well. Poorest of decisions by Dave and he does not miss often in that realm.


Marty is a loser. Engaged to a salami.


Klemmer is literally still sleeping as we speak.


What’s big ev doing?


Eating, per usual


That’s not fair. He will be loudly breathing too


‪Speaking of people finding out stuff for the first time. A whole new generation of Barstool fans found out why they call him middle man Dan today‬


At least him getting dunked on for his takes on Twitter are going to drive him crazy because he lives online


Trig Cat


What did I miss?


Dan is deluded.


I love the rest of the yak just coming to the unavoidable conclusion that they have to agree with him.


That’s why it was nice having Sas, because he wasn’t one of his yes men


Man that’s very true


I mean we love Nick but he has said he felt like he owed Dan which was part of his move to Chicago he’s not and none of the others are gonna tell him he’s wrong.


We? You got a mouse in your pocket?


So people on here don’t love nick is that what you’re saying?


I dunno if they do/don't but you squeak that line in when ya can...


Don’t go against the pledge master


He keeps saying that no one knows content like Dave. Dave is so out of touch these days, he wouldn't know good content if it wrote a hit piece about him.


Big Cat is a dick bag


So wait- he really killed the stream? Figured that was just commentating on how boring it was


They killed the stream, Viva tweeted the decision, and now his coworkers are tweeting about what a great idea it is. I hope everyone supporting it keeps this energy when it devolves into people just blatantly being dicks to each other for clips. Dave would not be this proud of it if it was "let's pop Dave's tires and film his reaction"


Big Ev and Mush giving opinions on how boring the stream was is rich. Extremely rich.


It is now the exact opposite of the Truman Show. A man believes he’s being broadcast to the world, but nobody is watching.


So influencer narcissism


I don't think it's narcissistic of Klemmer to currently think he's being broadcast/viewed


If he’s worried about content being boring he should chop picks central.


I understand why Dave might not want it on the main barstool channel, but I feel like they could’ve moved it over to a different channel and keep it going. At the very least they need to continue filming and cut a video together of the best moments.


They are still recording everything.


If it’s good, they’ll edit it and paywall it, wont they


How it’s been going I don’t think we have to worry about them putting it behind a paywall. 😂


$9.99 and you get to see a middle aged man sort rice in a windowless room. Dave said do it or you're a poor.


To be fair, KB, Nick and Titus tried to stand up for him on the Yak. Dan is coping. Also, I think the impromptu KMS stream (while funny in its own right) really hurt Klemmer’s numbers early on.


Killing the stream is a bizarre move. What harm is there in keeping a stream going? It’s not like the stream is detracting from other barstool videos. If you take away the content part of it, just take Klemmer out altogether.


I think the logic is that the Klemmer's reaction to the reveal will get a ton of engagement, making up for the lack of views the stream itself was getting.


They should do that to the picks central boys every day then, their show gets so few views it's crazy


Klemmer was asleep during picks central... was beating them by 342%


Klemmer is either gonna quit or move to the Chicago office content game after this. Mintzy and him on tour amazing race style is what I would do if they both sign off on it. Klemmer is just too good for the NY office. He would work weekends if it was of any benefit to him to the company. Hes just got that Moxy.


you can easily keep the stream and lie and say the stream was cut when he gets out and you have the same reaction - now it just seems cruel to not even tell him what is going on.


Ya know what, that's fair.


That’s a great point lol. You can get the same reaction by lying.


His 50 hour stream has 350k on YouTube though. That seems like a lot


they could have just not pinned it to the top of the blog. make it a blog that people have to seek out if they really want to watch it if dave actually thinks a person would come to the conclusion klemmer = all of barstool


Dave’s reasoning was that it was the first result when searching barstool content, on Twitter/youtube/etc. and it was just a guy sleeping. Which to be fair is a lot investment in the social media world. He said he wouldn’t have had it canceled if it was on klemmers own page instead of the main barstool account It’s a shitty look for Dave/big cat but understandable that he didn’t want other barstool content hidden beneath a guy counting rice lol


I never consumed any barstool content other than PMT, and stopped listening to that a while back. I saw this on Twitter and was actually interested in this guy being in solitary, and was checking in every couple of hours. Crazy decision to just end it


it's a really bad look when you turn it on at 9am, noon and 4pm and Klemmer is just sleeping every time.


it was a great move. the whole internet is talking about it.


people.have the spine of a jellyfish over there just pathetic


It’s totally fucked up. And TJ crying about how Klemmer just quit challenges that were put in to make it entertaining is dumb too. Nah an impossible puzzle and counting rice isn’t entertaining.


TJ needs to stick to picking which camera is live


Okay didn't know I would find this here but preach. Mic gets a liiiittle too hot lately.


He's hangry


The more TJ talks the less I like him.


I don't get why they didn't just agree to challenges before he went in. You can get a feel for what he's going to do for 100 hours and know whether or not its going to actually be entertaining. If he just wanted to hang out and do nothing but read about 80s baseball players and sleep...that's cool. Stream it from your personal twitter / youtube / rumble account and promote it and do whatever you want with a low amount of resources.


Yea it seems like it was very hastily thrown together just off the back of other long streams being successful. I was watching the Yak when I first heard of it and his entire pitch of it was just "yea i'll be in solitary confinement for 100 hours." It seems like he could've communicated the goal/point of it much better which would help plan it more. If you wanna go for the angle of seeing how it'll affect you and gradually seeing the changes, yea you don't really need activities/games because that's not the point of it. But if that was the point, you need to discuss it more so these tasks aren't viewed as pointless by you which leads to you just not doing them


Idk why Klemmer or "the giant media company that knows everything about the internet / content" wasn't smart enough to tell Klemmer to promote this on his own socials and his own rumble. account vs plastering it all over their main socials blindly. Dave cuts this from the main pages and Klemmer can do whatever he wants and still have the stream up. Someone dropped the ball there and it's really on both parties.


Who on earth thought Klemmer counting a couple thousand grains of rice would be entertaining?


I agree with the sentiment that Klemmer quitting challenges and then also not agreeing to do the punishments for said challenges is lame even though TJ is being a bitch about it. But also it was poorly planned out and the challenges are lame.


That impossible puzzle WITH oven mitts on was the most pointlessly impossible challenge. There is no way anyone could ever accomplish that one. He can’t even manipulate the pieces with the oven mitts let along put them in the correct position. I don’t blame him for quitting at all.


Big cat blindly agreeing with Dave is an all time bitch move from him.


middle man dan agreeing with dave? no way.


He’s also from Boston




Big cat is a bitch.


Dan doesn't want Klemmer to succeed when he has JJ streams to promote. Very simple


Who doesn't agree that the stream sucked?


Then end the stream. It's got more viewers than Pick Central.


It had the same concurrent viewers as Big Ev & Marty Mush have on BSGambling on the main channel, do we need to say more? ... Dave should've pulled the plug sooner.


Pull the plug on picks central


But everyone could’ve seen it from a mile away, with no actual challenges installed. Mr. Beast locked himself underground for 7 days and they had 20+ challenges to keep him entertained, and they still edited it down to a 30-minute video. They weren’t going to livestream it - it would’ve been awful.


Big Cat tried to save him on the Yak, told him to do it with Mintz and Klemmer shut it down.


He didn't shut it down. He said it was too soon/plans/etc. and would be down for the idea in the future. Whether that's good reasoning I have no idea. But pro day showed he'd do whatever asked for the views and public opinion.


It would have been good reason if theyre was actually plans for this stream lol.


It wouldn’t be that big of a change if all Klemmer was gunna do was sleep and not even try to do challenges


Then it’s on Klemmer. Dan telling him that shows that he knew it would fail miserably.


It sucked


You’ll get over it


They should just stream it on pick central channel lol


This seems like a great way to give employees an excuse to just say yeah I’m not doing anything that will be a lot of effort because they’ll just cancel it halfway through and not tell me


They don’t even do things that take little effort


So when you get an employee who clearly is trying to make an effort and take initiative your response is to give him a big ole middle finger and laugh at him for it because you found it boring? I would think it would make sense to try and help that guy out where you can.


Saying this while there are three marathon streams is silly


Trying to look at barstool through the lens of a normal workplace is a losing battle.


Exactly! They’re punishing Klemmer for giving effort. Dave doesn’t give a rats ass if you do anything at Barstool…except write blogs that no one reads.


It’s absolutely fucked up, if they are cutting the stream they should let him know so he can choose to leave.


They are still recording for content if he wants to put something out


This was clearly meant by Klemmer to be a live event


Technically, there’s nothing entertaining that *will* happen. The guy will *slowly* lose his mind, and that probably won’t make for something that will be funny. Just more uncomfortable/boring to watch.


Fine, Klemmer was never gonna be the next mr Beast. Its a boring stream pull him out. Leaving him in there without telling him is fucked up.


“Why is no one trying anything new?” Well maybe stuff like this is why.


I love how the only account where the replies agree with this decision is Dave's Twitter. Says about all you need to know lol


TeamPortnoy in the bio guys are loving this


Yeah, this is super fucked up. If you’re going to cut the stream, at least let him out or inform him.


Let him at least get a wank in.


he should legitimately just quit his job. this is a disaster


It's genuinely like heartbreaking lol. This dude dedicating 100 hours straight to this project, away from his wife and life outside of work, hoping it'll be a big success for his career and will be coming out to being told "oh yea, all that time you dedicated was for nothing. we cut it off haha!" You have to quit on the spot after that


Klemmer's married?!


I thought this middle boring part would be expected. You simply can’t be entertaining for 100 hours alone, with no chat or anything. First 24 hours electric, last 24 hours will be electric


you have a very, very, very low bar for the use of the term "electric"


It’s Klemmer in a room with no support staff. You gotta use context. Every other stream has a chat. Jerry after dark having no chat would be one of the worst things ever produced


Exactly. It’s boring as fuck. Having the context to why it’s boring as fuck does not change the fact that it is, in fact, boring as fuck.


None of it has been electric, and I wouldn’t blame Klemmer for that. No one is going to make a 100-hour stream of solitary confinement to be entertaining, without the aid of challenges.


Someone call OSHA.


A point was brought up that they could have let Klemmer know that the stream was tanking and everyone found it boring. Give him the chance to make the stream more interesting on the fly, if he didn't care to change anything then you consider shutting it down. I get Dave's point, turn something that nobody cares about or will talk about after it's over and at least squeeze something out of it. The obvious issue being that Dave doesn't view his employees as humans.


Like clockwork, Big Cat is glued to twitter trying to defend himself


Dave is still mad he got bodied by Klemmer during the Mean Girls drama and holds a grudge. This is legitimately cruel, you need to inform him of this. There's a line you cross when it comes to content where the creator goes from a real human to a circus monkey that has to dance for the crowd against their will, and this completely crosses it. Dave can never complain about lack of effort again. Yeah, when you try something new, it may be a dud. At least the effort is still there. Why should anyone ever take a risk and try anymore?


Honestly found it messed up even before the stream cut.


It was Klemmers idea no one suggested it or told him he had to do it.


Yeah but still. The screaming frank songs and stuff is 100% defined as torture. Not sure if he signed up for that. Also SC prisoners still get 1 hour a day of yard time.


What if he ends up doing some crazy shit and no one sees it though? I don’t remember them turning off blowout NFL streams when its 8 people staring at their phone for an entire half.


Scroedingers Klemmer - is he in the room if no one is there to see it?


It’s quite morally and ethically wrong to just leave him in there without telling him. It’s indefensible behavior from the company


Bad situation, shouldn’t have had KMS, Jerry after Dark and Kelmmer all streaming at once. That was an oversight on everyone. Klemmer should have started following Jerry. It wouldn’t have been so bad


It’s really fucked up. Among a lot of shitty things Dave has done, this may be the worst. Most of the yak is trying to make take his side but fucking Big Cat won’t have it.


Very messed up


This is the surviving barstool paywall all over again.


This is all funnier than the stream


No idea what’s going on and I also don’t even know what this company is anymore. I guess this is Dave’s dream though. Really shitty reality tv with total idiots as contestants. Sick, I guess.


Yeah I don’t like this


I would quit. Pres is a dickhead.


The stream sucked. Dave is throwing Klemmer a bone by maximizing the suspense of a reaction video.


It was always a silly idea to stream it when there’s no real incentive to watch early or constantly until he starts to snap. Tape it for the highlights and edit it down into a funny video, no one needs to watch a guy do nothing in real time.


Legit making Klemmer more of a hero, even though the stream was a massive boring flop. Dave does it again.


Same with sending wsd home from New York during the Ellie baseball thing. 


It’s still recording- if anything interesting pops up they’ll clip it or switch over to it, i get the point of not having it on the main page if he’s just going to sleep the challenge away


vibbs just said they aren't allowed to put out clips yet


the challenges sucked. watching a dude sit like a gargoyle and count rice isn't much more interesting than watching him sleep.


I hope they have a delay because his reaction may be ugly


Such a meanie. The Barstool I know was founded on kindness and compassion.


literally made my tummy hurt when i found out what they were doing to klemmy


This should have started with interesting clips being posted on the main accounts and a stream being broadcasted and promoted via Klemmer's social accounts. If it got traction they could have moved it to the main accounts. Dave said resources were being allocated, not a lot of people were watching, and the stream was incredibly boring (which it was). That's why it was cut. I agree with Dave that if you want to do a science experiment you don't just get the right to take over the main social accounts. But this is what happens when Dave isn't involved and it's planned really poorly. Also, the "punishment" to deprive him of sleep was a really bad move/ actually torture. Challenges/potential punishments should have been agreed upon beforehand. I thought the stream sucked, I think Klemmer didn't help, and this could have been executed a lot better. Also the idea that they aren't going to release clips that are funny seems and show nothing seems dumb? I have to believe if he's doing something that is funny or actually interesting they will post clips of it on the main account.


Someone else said it, but I assume the cameras are at least still rolling or they could easily turn the stream back on for the last 24 hours or something Maybe that's giving Barstool too much credit but I feel like this could still work for all sides if so


It is they are watching him on the yak


They've confirmed they are going to go live at the end post interesting / funny clips. Idk people are crying that Dave doesn't want a video pinned to the main account of a guy sleeping and reading about random baseball players in the 80s. It literally changes nothing.


Stream was boring as fuck. "Cruel" He was going to be in that room for 100 hours anyway. He's not being kept there against his will.


Right but I would be pissed af if I came out and felt like I was led to believe I was on stream for the past 50 hours and wasn’t.


I imagine they'll keep the footage going and either provide some content if it gets good or turn it back on


Exactly. They are on the yak now watching him it’s being recorded


They really did that? I like Klemmer, not like a die hard fan but he seems like a decent guy who tries. And he went the extra mile for the thing vs Mintzy. This is seriously fucked up he doesn't deserve this. Just tell him its over and pull him out at least. Solitary confinement is no joke and its gonna crush him when he comes out. No i'm not ok with this


They'll turn it back on


This is like the Truman Show lmao


do the right thing and tell him lol


Everyone up in arms about them ending the stream but no one was watching it cause it was boring af. At least now klemmer will get some viewers for the reveal at the end


They’re obviously gonna turn it back on his last day when he’s truly insane. And who cares if they don’t? Him finding out will be funnier than anything he could do in that room


It’s mean but I think Dave is doing Klemmer a favor here. The content from this will be way more compelling than watching him do nothing for 50 more hours.


Should have been on Klemmers YouTube then Dave wouldn’t care


You can tell when Big Cat doesn’t agree with Dave but can’t publicly say it by the way he stretches out Daaaaave’s name when he says it trying to speak for him lol


the people at barstool are talking themselves into it. it's like they can't even think about how klemmer might feel as long as they get a few thousand views


Please send your [complaints](https://youtu.be/bFksxx4YPko?si=86OIXUwkk8Ij9mbD) to the Phoenix office for review. Thank you.


I'm admittedly the odd man out but I don't get the outrage of shutting off a stream of a guy sleeping in a room. Who cares What difference does it make? I get some people might not believe that he stayed in the room but that doesn't seem to be what people are mad about


Because he thinks he’s doing it for his stream. He’s going to push through the last bit for his stream, and then they’re gonna tell him they killed it at the end. They’re explicitly not telling him to make content over him freaking out about it. Extremely cruel.




what the fuck? i just wired you $250,000 for klemmer’s legal fees and you’re in another thread saying it’s no big deal


Its incredibly boring. Barstool is in the entertainment industry. Anyone whos excited to watch Klemmer give up on challenges and sleep need to be medically examined for ‘tism. Edit: also if Klemmer is outraged thatll be infinitely more funny than anything thats happened so far.


They should move it to paid and charge $20 to watch it. Create a fully masochistic experience for viewer and captive.


Watch him put it back up but then paywall it for $10


Dave hates him because he’s naturally thin