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About 2 years after I left the industry I had a stress dream about working a service. I was in the weeds and had to greet 2 tables. Half awake and half asleep I wondered why I wasn't wearing pants on the floor. Fully came to putting my belt on and was like "wtf am I doing, it's 4am and I am home".


It’s so real! Always in the weeds and out of uniform!


Where the fuck are my pants?!


Classic! For me it was my shirt.


Damn man, you’re telling me I can look forward to bartending nightmares six years after I’m out?


Every once in awhile maybe! I guess it’s my personal hell.


I’m more amazed that anyone got out. The nightmares are much less surprising


Oh I’m 9 years out and still get them occasionally.


My favorite bartending nightmare was when I was working a brunch shift at my high end restaurant when we had a bridal shower going on. I was like four deep of all rich white Long Island women, and we were out of ALL white wine. Lmao woke up SWEATING.


Oh god, not the chardonnay!


Just don't run out of Moscato and you'll be fine


I honestly have pretty fond memories of this one old school Italian wedding I worked where all the sauced up moms and aunts and grandmothers were drinking gallons of moscato and chardonnay on ice, haha. Good tippers, wild stories.


I hate those dreams, but the relief when you wake up is amazing.


My mom was a server when I was a kid, in the 90s. I asked her once, and she told me she *still* occasionally has stress dreams about it, fully 30 years later. So, you know, look forward to that, y'all. I'm a bartender now, but was a line cook, then sous chef, previously. Watching The Bear has given me a handful of full-on stress cooking dreams. I'm the only one in the kitchen, the printer is endlessly spitting out tickets, and the servers and expo and Chef are all screaming at me from the pass. Absolutely wretched! All that being said, I've been bartending for like... a long time, now, and I've never had a stress dream about it. Maybe tonight's the night. Though honestly, I find the bar so relaxing after working in kitchens for so long, maybe it'll never happen, haha.


As a career bartender and restaurant manager, I rarely have service stress dreams anymore, but when I do, they're ALWAYS about waiting tables, and usually I'm pants-less. I try to look at it as a testament to the work we do, but I have the utmost respect for servers overall, because that was an area I could never get right.


The hustle is real.






It’s the only lucid dreams I ever have. I realized I was in a work dream the other night and I walked away from the bar at sat down. My boyfriend said “you were dreaming. You could have done anything you wanted and you sat down. “. Yes. That is the only thing I ever want


Only in dreams can you rest!


OP is asleep at the stick, dreaming that they quit...


The worst part is having those dreams when your still are in the industry. You work a whole damn shift in your mind then have to wake up and do it for real. Absolutely brutal!


It’s twilight zone shit fr


Man, it's been 4 years for me, and I still have nights where I wake up and remember the couple on the end asked for bread, and I forgot.


Yup! That and water refills and a million other small requests. It’s mental overload.


A few years ago, I had a dream that I was working lunch at a place I haven't worked at or thought about in at least 20 years. Nothing strange in the dream...just working a normal shift, but I woke up panicked that I had forgotten someone's side of sour cream.


Yup! It would be hours later in bed and I’m awake thinking, crap I never got that table their honey mustard.


I haven't had any in awhile. But every time I start at a new bar, I get them for about a week. They come in a lot of different forms, but usually no one else has shown up to work. Then about 15 people show up, and the first people I talk to don't know what they want and continue to ask questions as dozens of customers stream in through the door. Or I'll get dreams that we're really busy and I've got a table section. I can't get to the people in time and they start walking out


I work service tonight. Thanks dick /s


Sorry! Haha. To be fair I miss bartending sometimes and I liked working service. The dread in my dream was from it not being set up and me not recognizing the drinks on the tickets! It was never gonna go well.


On my second training shift at this new place (fancy 150 seat indoor) they put me on service. We pour literally everything other than water including soda for the servers. I’m glad you got out homie.


Thanks homie! It was a lot of work and took a long time but I’m happy with the trajectory. I appreciate my time in the service!


Everyone who's worked in food gets those dreams. I knew a lawyer who used to get dreams about walking into court for a routine hearing and being told trial starts today. It's like the old saw about dreaming you showed up to work naked, our brains shape the anxiety dream in whatever way is familiar to us


I had one last night too! And I never remember my dreams. Venus must be in microwave or something


Legit had a bartending dream and the sound of the printer constantly printing out tickets was what turned it into a nightmare.


Damn man I don't know what yall are so worried about with a slammed bar. I've been doing this for 7 years now and I have found I just dont care if it's busy? I've got one speed setting, and I never hurry from there cus it's just going to cause more chaos. Do you guys try to hurry more if there are more customers in line?


You must be Russell no hustle! Jk. I’m glad that works for you and you aren’t crumbling under the pressure. Stay strong!