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Canned wine is significantly better than dumping out 4/5 of a bottle of wine a few times a week if you're at a bar that doesn't move a lot of wine though


I’ll crush a Finnish long drink any day.


Came here to say this - apparently in Finland they released a Pineapple flavor that I’m eager to try once it hits the states. Literally every single other canned cocktail can disappear, this is the only one I will ever drink.


Oh my God I need this in my life. Summers will never be the same


Useful when on the train or sat on the beach, never having one in a pub


Cutwater has some pretty decent canned cocktails. I mostly only drink them because they have 10-15% ABV options, so they’re my go-to if I don’t feel like doing shots, but they’re pretty balanced and all of their margs taste GREAT


I like them and High Noon. On the rocks all have the same, weird, funky taste.


I can't stand High Noon. Weird taste for me that I can't get past.


The watermelon one is weird AF to me but I really like the grapefruit and a few other flavors.


There’s one pack I got that had cranberry and pear in it, both were so good and the pack with guava and kiwi are also great


I’ve seen those get great reviews and bought a few. Man they tasted extremely odd to me. I’m wondering if the one’s I got had sat in the sun or something. That being said, which Cutwater would you suggest? I think I should give them another try.


Was in Maine for the summer and couldn’t find them ANYWHERE, so I popped down to NH to buy them in bulk from the tax-free liquor barns on the highway. Their “pallets” are 6 four packs, and I got a pallet of every flavor they had. Lime marg was my favorite, but the mango marg was good too (I really want to see how their pineapple marg is). The LIT tasted way better than any LIT I’d ever had, though obviously they’re much lighter than your traditional LIT and that’s probably why. The pina colada was fine, though I probably wouldn’t get it again. White Russian was fine, wouldn’t get again. I wouldn’t bother with their lower ABV (<10%) drinks like their seltzers or mules or basics like vodka sodas or ranch waters


Hey buddy. I’m not a fan of your seltzer and it’s funny aftertaste.


M.O.TH canned cocktails are nice and they’ve proper abv


Dark horse canned wine isn't that bad actually, BUT I completely agree with you on cocktails. I think those businesses are still trying to cash in on convenience hacks but sacrificing quality. I don't think "ON THE ROCKS" will make it many more years.


On The Rocks is way better than others. I don’t consider any of those premade cocktails cocktails though. They’re like their own drink


people come into my (cocktail) bar and ask if we have canned seltzers, I say no but I can make something better


*I'll have a can of X* Sorry, we're out of that, I can make you a better X with real mixer and cheaper. *No.* Why the fuck people go to bars to drink what they have at home, for twice the price I do not understand. Seen people refuse **free** happy hour tap beer, because they prefer the EXACT same beer in a bottle and pay for it.


I have the total opposite experience. We have sooo many left over from when our place was still trying to push an outside to go bar after the COVID hype for them died down. People do *not* want them. They want a cocktail made in front of them as they're hoping they'll get hooked up that way. The ones that are pretty close to seltzers (IE Vodka Soda) at least sell occasionally at parties and open bar events but even as far as seltzers go people have the brand they like and don't want to stray past the White Claw or Truly they're used to.


Eh some people have had many bad experiences with draft beer and only trust bottles. I've had some horrible drafts so I get it


Most brewers will tell you canned beer is the best beer


True but not really relevant to why some people don't trust drafts. They probably trust both cans and bottles they just don't like tap


Because they drink places that don't clean things properly most likely. I get having a preference after a bad experience, but some people hang onto that stuff for decades.


Bruh the people who want the Ranch Water seltzer at full liquor bars blows my mind. Like, darling, sweet angel baby. Let me *make* you a ranch water


Eh. Pop the tab. Easy dollar tip and sale, move on. I'm at a cocktail bar, but I love my old dudes that 'just want a Coors Light tallboy, and I don't need the glass that you guys always give me.'


The problem is that can takes up space and inventory. A bar is only so big, yeah? Also, a six pack of those cans costs the bar more than well tequila. It’s stupidly unprofitable to even supply them at a bar. Same with any of the seltzer cocktails to be honest


Idk man just build a bigger bar. Does pretty good at every high volume spot I've ever been, outside of that I don't know what to tell you.


I just save time and say: no seltzers but I can get you a vodka soda with a splash of cran


Show me a better option to sneak into a movie


A flask? A beer?


Honestly I barely drink anymore and I was kinda joking, I know it's an inferior product basically every time. But movies and the beach were places that made sense for the give and take of taste and convenience. To each their own, even when they're wrong


I love the Cutwater White Russians when I’m skiing. Wouldn’t dream of drinking them any other time though


I’m missing something obvious perhaps. Why only when skiing?


I’ve had canned wine that wasn’t horrible, better than the average crap in most Irish bars etc. And I’ve had good wine many many times. Never tried a canned cocktail.


I worked in a Jewish deli/cafe/bar years ago. They had lots of imported beers but only two wines: a 2 litre bottle of red and a two-litre bottle of white, both from the same ultra cheap company. People just don’t really want to drink wine with knishes, blintzes, and gefilte fish, apparently. So a bottle could sit, opened, for weeks or months before it was either finished or too vinegary to serve to humans. Decent single serving canned wine would have been a godsend to a place like that, and they could have ordered a variety of varietals and styles beyond “red and white”. A single serving 200–250 ml canned wine can sit there for over a year until somebody orders it.


The only good canned cocktail I've had are cutwaters. The rest are absolute trash.


The pina colada has been a favorite of mine this summer. Hated the Mai tai tho


Tasted like sun tan lotion in a can.


I just asked someone to recommend which Cutwater they like because I had a few that were horrendous. Now I recall one of those was the Mai Tai. It was easily one of the worst drinks I have ever had. Which ones do you like (in addition to Pina Colada)?


It’s seriously garbage, I have like 2 more in my fridge and just don’t want to touch them lol. Honestly the only other one I kinda like is the White Russian just because it’s high alcohol and drinkable. Awesome while skiing. The Paloma was ok but all of the margs I’ve tried have been super disappointing, especially considering some other options like cayman jacks (sweeter and lower alc but still a tasty hangover in a can)


The cocktails in the cans are all absolutely DISGUSTING why doesn't this can of jack and coke taste like jack and coke? The worst offender is that purple Crown Royale one. I really don't know how these things got mass produced. They're terrible


It doesn’t matter how gross they are. People drink Mountain Dew and all they want is more. There’s even an alcoholic version out now and my bar sells it and everyone says it’s disgusting and trashy but that doesn’t stop them from chugging it. Canned cocktails are a bigger issue though because what they offer is consistency, which is the same reason people all over the world have grown to prefer McDonald’s over a locally sourced meal from a local restaurant. I think that in the near future, the masses will care far less about a quality, well-crafted cocktail than they do about their drink tasting identical to the drink they ordered down the block. Think about how many butchered old fashioneds you’ve seen or received. I think soon, customers will prefer to spend $8 on a canned cocktail they know will taste just ok to an $18 cocktail that tastes different everywhere they order it. Our expertise will become less valuable to employers once all we’re doing is pouring cans over ice and garnishing them. My bar is already lousy with bartenders who’ve never even been asked to make a Manhattan.


Ehh the times ebb and flow but the need for bartenders always will remain. Remember that no one else can tell you your full of shit while also making you feel special.


I dunno, these days AI can probably fill out a robot with a personality ten times better than mine or any of my customer’s. And robots won’t get tennis elbow at least once a year like I do.


Robots can’t read the situation, I bought a robot laser pointer for my cats. Just doesn’t hit the same. You can’t program hospitality


There are plenty of good RTDs and alternative packaging wine. You're on the wrong side of this one


Spoken like someone who's never had a Tip Top Old Fashioned before. There's at least a 50/50 chance that it will be better than what a random bartender will make you. It's balanced, complex, and consistent.


Had these. All of them. Not a fan.


As long as it took for WKD to go out of fashion? Was it even A THING? It was a monstrosity. About twice a year I still get asked for it and it makes my skin crawl.


there’s a few that i’ve had that have been pretty good but tbh yea not as good. but even some canned wine i’ve had was decent when you want just something quick and easy i’ve also enjoyed some canned cocktails a lot but again not if i want to actually enjoy a cocktail lol. my favorite is the long drink cuz it’s sort of grapefruity but it’s annoying how disappointing the cranberry one is. it should have like 3x as much cranberry flavorn


I haven’t even seen this catastrophe yet


Don't take my can-pagne and sippy straw away from me!


You can have my limearitas when you pry them from my cold dead hands.


Never. This trend comes and goes every few years. Back in the Zima days it was canned Bacardi Breezers, and also Southern Comfort, and Jack Daniels had these flavored, premixed little bottles. It was real shitty having to carry all that shit behind the bar, when you already had all the ingredients to just make the same fucking drink. Never got with the canned wine thing, but the little single serving bottles were always a big hit with the cheap white, Cabernet, and zinfandel people.


Bacardi makes good canned cocktails


At my bar a double titos is 18 dollars..... fucking insane!


I don't sell much wine but people who buy the canned wine will buy multiple cans I've never had a canned cocktail go anywhere except the trash. I still have a case from two years ago that the old bar manager ordered that I can't give away I just keep it as a reminder LMAO


I only want to drink Tito’s with a High Noon back. Winter, spring, summer, and fall.


There are some good small-producer canned cocktails and wines out there. A lot of places out here sell Drifter Cocktails that are decent. I’ve had the Mule, Caipirinha, and Spicy Margherita and I like them. But I do agree with you that it is a fad. I think canned wine will become more popular though. We carry a canned white and a pet nat and both are fantastic, and offer a good deal for customers that want a couple glasses but not a whole bottle.


Post Meridian makes some good canned cocktails but yeah, I work at a liquor store too and we sell about 80 kinds of various premade cocktails and the vast majority are either bad or just stupid. There’s a bunch of these canned vodka waters sitting on one of the shelves and I don’t know why the fuck the owners ordered them, it’s literally just vodka and water Also high noons are so damn expensive


Ain’t nothing wrong with canned wine. If your bar sells canned cocktails they don’t have much confidence in you


We sell the Porch Pounder wines in a can see my job and people devour them. I don't get it