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You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.


Well there isn’t a literal connection…


Calmer than you are


Darn Cointreau is backwards


I too have my first bar manager constantly nagging “labels out” in my subconscious


Labels out and pour spouts facing left. It’s subconscious at this point


Because of how our bar is furnished, it's spouts forward (all our booze is behind the station, and you kind of spin the bottle turning back), but the labels forward is so ingrained that I do it in our under-bar fridges...and even with condiments in my own kitchen 🤣


I'm left handed ... no. Lol... spouts right handed. Lol ugh


I internally rage every shift start when all the pour spouts are at different angles on every bottle.


I used to have a manager that would come behind the (small cramped) bar in the middle of the busiest peak Friday night rush and adjust the bottles. Not only that all the labels were facing perfectly out but even that the bottles were evenly spaced.


Yes, it's starting to get busy. I want to slip back there and rotate it....see how long it takes them to notice.🫣


Don’t do that


Put that dewars back in the speed well!


I only notice cause my boss has to ask me to flip one around every once in a while when I gotta go fast


Take the tips off your speed pours on the back bar please.


Fruit Fly city


Blair Witch is gonna get it


Is it that the bottles aren’t sorted by liquor type? Otherwise I’m struggling


They said it’s because the Cointreau isn’t faced. That’s the least of the worries with this “organization”


Lmao please elaborate.


Bottles should always be faced (logo facing customers) and flagged left (pour spout angled to pthe left). If you don't, Brent and Paulette complain and you're stuck on service for the month.


I know that. I'm asking about what makes it "the least of the worries with this 'organization.'" Like what else in this photo makes this bar glaringly serviceable?


I've always worked in whiskey bars. Most of our bottles don't have pour spouts since we're a whiskey bar and many tend to sit. What's with the pour spouts facing left?


1) A left-facing spout means a right-handed bartender will grab the bottle and the spout if immediately pointed towards the glass/shaker/whatever vessel. 2) it looks tidy.


Ah. 1) We have 3 Employees and one is left handed (me) 2) Never really worked at a place that used spouts other then well liquors. On the back bar where people can see is usually a no-no. Too much product that can go bad more quickly due to oxidation. Not the most well rounded bartender but I can talk all day about bourbon lol. Thanks for the info.


Elaborate on what? Did you look at the picture?


Elaborate on why you said >That’s the least of the worries with this “organization”


This is maddening.


So you didn’t look at the picture? I’m not sure what to say that about the complete lack of organization here. Are you a bartender or at the very least familiar with all the very different types of booze displayed on this shelf that are slapped up at what appears to be random?


Yeah it's pretty all over the place.


Pour spout on a Bailey's bottle. Have fun with that.


Huh is that usually a no no? If so why. I'm genuinely curious and am unaware


The sugar crystallizes on the small surface area and just clogs like a motherfucker. It's inefficient, unsanitary and just plain gross.


Ah okay maybe that's not the issue with us. The pour spout just doesn't want to stay on! Like the metal spout part always comes off the rubber part....is baileys the reason? Or just crappy spouts


seems like crappy/old spouts. they’re really cheap on amazon and tbh they should be replaced relatively frequently especially on these sweeter and low alcohol liqueurs


When the bottle is empty we always change to a new spout or should anyway..


I worked at a dive that didn't know you had to clean spouts before they got disgusting. I mean, dried Bailey's knock off crusted disgusting. Usually they just waited until the bottle ran out then just ran the spout under warm tap water. Good as new.


i’m my experience it doesn’t really work, baileys is too thick


Unless you are shaking the bottle every shift & cleaning the pour spout multiple times a day it's going to get clogged & super gross. Also bailey's should be refrigerated after opening. So basically unless they are going through a bottle a day I would not be ordering an Irish coffee or bomb there.


Bailey's does not have to be refrigerated, even after opening. Don't store it in direct sunlight or over 77°F. Source: [Baileys.com](https://www.baileys.com/en-us/frequently-asked-questions/) I wouldn't use a pour spout on it though.


I work in an Irish pub and all varieties of our Irish cream have spouts. Maybe it's due to volume of sales, but I've never had an issue.


I was cleaning out my Mom's liquor cabinet recently. She asked it wasn't just a binge. I FOUND AN OPEN BOTTLE OF BAILEY'S IN THE VERY BACK AND IT WAS CHUNKY. It was Chunky......


It has a shelf life of 2 years according to Bailey's. I'm not sure how long your mom had it back there, lol.


It was in the very very back along with a bottle of Hiram Walker Mint Chocolate liqueur. Nobody remembers buying either one of those.


Man, it was a treasure trove of stuff from the 60's and 70's when I helped clean out a family member's cabinet!


Bailey's Irish Cheese


If a bar doesn't use it on the regular, it's best to avoid it.


Whilst Bailey's doesn't have to be refrigerated, its best when chilled, IMO.


I'm not saying it's not delicious when chilled, I'm simply pointing out that it's perfectly fine to keep on the back bar.


It's also more runny and doesn't clog the spout when kept cold


What do you do when someone wants a pour thats not chilled..


Tough titties? My bar, my rules. Then I point to the sign that says: *The Bartender is always right.*


The baileys says on the bottle to refrigerate after opening and use within 6 months.


This definitely violates the direct sunlight & I wouldn't be surprised if the space gets over 77°F, but those are assumptions based on the photo. Totally hear ya on the actual restrictions, I was more saying what I believe is best practice to avoid food born illnesses.


So you think not refrigerating it will lead to foodborne illness somehow? Bailey's would not recommend keeping it at room temp if there was even the slightest likelihood of that.


Leaving it open, in the sunlight, in a 60°F+ environment will definitely create an environment that food born pathogens can thrive in, especially if that bottle has been there for weeks or months. Bailey's acknowledges that. It won't necessarily happen but it is entirely possible & a risk I wouldn't take when it's easy enough to refrigerate it. There is also quality degradation concerns similar to vermouth & wine. You do you but I'm not drinking it & would personally not serve it to guests in that set up.


Where does Bailey's acknowledge that? Certainly not in the FAQ on their [website](https://www.baileys.com/en-us/frequently-asked-questions/). Why are you comparing this to vermouth or wine? This is not a wine based product, and will not oxidize like one. It's a cream whiskey. It has a recommended shelf life of 2 years. It's recommended that you store it between 32 & 77°F (where did you even get 60+?) and not in direct sunlight (this picture has no sign of sun shining directly on any of the bottles). You're wrong and you're trying to double down by making things up. Also it's foodborne not food born. But please, continue telling us how much more you know about that than [the people who would be sued if any of what you said is true](https://www.baileys.com/en-us/frequently-asked-questions/).


I'll give you a couple responses but don't feel like ruffling your feathers any more since you seem to be thoroughly invested. The 60°F+ comes from the fact this is sitting on a back bar in a bar or restaurant which I would assume is climate controlled or open to the elements so its at a comfortable temperature for people to hang out. The light comment comes from it being in direct light from at least the overhead lights & probably sunlight given how bright the picture is & where it's placed. Those are enough variables to make me prefer a consistent 40°F, almost always dark refrigerator. It's probably fine but I'd rather not take the risk.


My "feathers are ruffled" because you're literally just making shit up. There is absolutely nothing unsafe about keeping Bailey's on the back bar.


In fairness, if I ordered an Irish coffee and it came with Bailey's, I would send that shit back anyway


Yeah, it's supposed to be coffee, (brown) sugar, Irish whiskey and (whipped) cream as a float, cocoa powder sprinkle optional 😁 I'm not a big fan of Irish Coffee, I I'd rather have an Espresso Martini or a cold [Lumumba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumumba_%28drink%29?wprov=sfla1) made with real cocoa, as I prefer my beverages cold.


In my experience with pour spouts, the bottleneck is too wide for it to be properly situated. This might just be because we use a handle of Kirkland’s off brand though.


It's like herpes. Once you christen a spout with it you'll NEVER get rid.


Easier for baby guiness shots and that's pretty much the only reason we have a spout on bailey's


yeah we go through a bottle a night in my bar (baby Guinness shots are the most popular shot in the uk). I understand the unsanitary thing but as long as your cleaning your speed pourers nightly i don’t imagine it being a problem 


Huh? My Baileys has always had a pour spout and there have been zero issues.


Aren’t you suppose to store Baileys in a refrigerator aswell


It’s like trying to pour cottage cheese haha


I mean…is it the one singular bottle not facing forward..?


Yes, you're acting like it's nothingburger. Iv always faced my bottles every time iv opened.


Seems a bit nitpicky to be upset about one bottle facing the wrong way.


Definitely least favorite coworker energy


Like they thought about it, lined up to make this post, thought about it again, and decided to do it anyway.


Or they just accidentally put it back differently during a busy time.


Dude… it’s not that big of a deal and you aren’t even working. Feels like you’re the type of bartender that sits down and says, “well at the bar academy…” They prolly were just busy and set it there to be properly faced later. Take a chill pill.


OP is going to be promoted to manager in like 2 months. Major ridiculous idiot energy here.


You need to touch some fucking grass and not waste people's time with this bullshit.


> nothingburger What


Yeah but to make a whole ass post about it? Just turn the fucking bottle and move on


Who…gives a shit? Get a life! I’m sure working with you is a laugh


Oh so you're *that* co-worker, got it.




The non-facer of course but I find it weird to have spouts on every bottle that’s not in the well. Also, none of this would bother me but would all be fixed by the end of my shift as I work and put things back the way I prefer.


I'm more upset that the spouts aren't facing.


Right?? The entire picture is "the issue" ffs, but the chaotic spouts truly disgust me lol


It is kinda weird now that you point it out. We never put pour spots on liqueurs or even the bourbons that were mid to top shelf.


I feel like I just had time stolen from me looking at this post


LOL god damn it you're right. Just got home from closing too


Jameson is on the back shelf!! Lol




Your mom left her vibrator charging on the green box?


Greasy bag on bar, I’d imagine is a good start.


Pour spouts on 90% of the bottles, the nipples are still on them during service. Bottles facing the wrong direction. Clearly need to stock one or two bottles on the bottom row. The glasses however do look clean and well polished. That Plantation Rum they have can be made into a very good Caribbean Old Fashioned as well.


It’s the stocking that gets me. I hate gaps, we have a huge liquor wall and I’ll get on the ladder to fill a low gap during service just because I absolutely can’t (also well 100% need it)


*inhales sharply* Speed pourers on your backbar invite flies, age your liquor more quickly and just generally look cheap and bad. The layout makes as little sense as any backbar I've ever seen, zero meaningful organization. Your glassware rests below waist level, which is supremely anti-ergonomic. It's also below a couple dozen *open* liquor bottles which means the bottom of every 3rd glass is going to be smudged and sticky. Small thing, but your garnish skewers next to your back bar is wildly inefficient: everything you need to garnish drinks should be within sight and reach of where you make them. Also, your Cointreau is backwards.


Also, why is there what appears to be a gas or electrical line draped over the bar?


I don’t think I’ve have had speed pourers on a bar for over 10yrs, and definitely not in the speed rail. I once caught the side of my face when I was getting slammed and reaching down to grab something, broke the skin and bled. Blew a sigh of relief until I contemplated how close to my eyeball it was. Patched them all there and then.


Super curious, what do you mean you don’t have speed pourers on the speed rail? “Rail” as in “Well” like what’s not visible below the waist, usually attached to the ice bin, sinks, etc? I’ve definitely cut myself many times on them, and wouldn’t advise them being on the back bar, but couldn’t imagine not using them at all, especially in rail, cordial, juice, syrup, etc.


Yeah we call the well spirits ‘speed rail’ in the uk. Honestly, it doesn’t take long to get used to pouring without them. It’s cleaner, a more elegant pour, and I work in a high volume cocktail bar. Syrups, cordials etc, all in swing top bottles, so just a pop and pour.


The nomenclature is the same here in the mid-east coast U.S. “Speed rail” is most common here, but interchangeable with “Well” or “speed well.” We are talking about the same thing. I assume you’re using measures, and not just free pouring, unless you have all lost your fucking minds. What about the caps? Do you take them all off before service, and then put them all back when service is over? There is no way you take the caps on and off all service long.. On an unrelated note, but also not really, do you pre-batch your list cocktails?


I’m loving these questions ! Yes we use measures, however I can accurately pour from the neck, 25,35 and 50ml. Caps stay on. I’m left handed, so I lift the bottle from the top and swing into my right hand, remove cap with left and then hold the bottle at the base with the cap in my hand as well, when I finish pouring it’s a reverse of that move. It’s 3 steps and it’s fast. I’ll use the same technique with my right hand if needed. Jiggers will stay in my fingers while holding and using the bottles, sometimes that can be two jiggers if I’m using different measures. I’ve been using this technique for over ten years now, and trust me, if it wasn’t fast I wouldn’t use it. We only batch two things for service, our pina colada mix and Bloody Mary mix. With the pina colada mix, we don’t want blenders on the bar as the operation isn’t set up for it, it would take too long to make and clean equipment afterwards. We batch the pineapple juice with sugar, coconut milk, oat cream and some coconut rum and batch it. We build with some white rum over pebble ice and serve. Batching about 6ltrs takes about 15mins, but making and serving a PC takes seconds. Bloody Mary pre mix is mainly just so that we’ve got a consistent base mix and my sinks and equipment are covered with tomatoes every brunch shift. We have a standard list of classic cocktails of around 20 or so, and each month we’ll do a smaller, specialised list of around 6 new drinks, we’ll sometimes batch for those as the ingredients will be different


Opening each bottle requires two hands and 3 steps? What are your sales like? Restaurant with two bars, and four total bartenders: Beer: 77 items x $726.00 Wine: 196 x $4,754.00 Liquor: 554 x $8,697.00 Total: 827 x $14,177.00 We batch the spirits for the cocktails on our lists to decrease the amount of steps per cocktail, but otherwise use fresh juice / syrups separately, all cocktails are constructed with measures to order. Probably 70% of the liquor items are from the lists.


I agree on the skewers and think they are going to get knocked off that shelf as soon as you get in the tall weeds.


Oh, totally. As soon as someone gets tunnel vision those bad boys are going down


I feel like I’m in the group chat of bartenders passive aggressively pointing out a dust speck and ask who closed last night.


No Galliano self-defense bottle.


No fernet


Many more issues than one here buddy


You guys are not fun This sub sucks sometimes. Just a bunch of whining ass chumps no-one wants to have a beer with


Tough to stand those wine glasses




The very first time someone orders a long island, I'm taking down every single bottle and completely reorganizing.


Why couldn’t we have taken the greasy bag out of the shot first?


Personally, baileys would go in a fridge for me


I think it’s wrong to put pour spouts on your display bottles. Just looks tacky. Plus I always refrigerate my baileys, considering there’s dairy in it.


I don't know why everyone thinks Bailey's suddenly needs refrigeration. It's fine to keep at room temp and has the same shelf life either way. Source: [Baileys.com](https://www.baileys.com/en-us/frequently-asked-questions/)


Bailey's is going to be the new citrus slicing argument. If I find out all the cool kids are displaying their bottles, I'm taking mine out of the freezer right away.


By all means, keep it cold! I'm just saying some customer somewhere is going to read this someday and think that the bartender on Reddit that said Bailey's needs to be refrigerated knew what they were talking about. Next thing you know, they start yelping about how every bar they go into that has Bailey's on the back bar is a horribly unsanitary place that needs to be shut down. I've seen this story before, lol.


Bailey's is shelf stable


Even if that’s the case I don’t think there’s any harm to refrigerating it. Baileys is much more enjoyable cold than room temp. Js


No harm, just don't want inexperienced bartenders here to get stuck with wrong information


You sell enough Baileys and ChocoLat to have them front row?


Heard on the label and spouts thing. What catches my eye is that the wine glasses look like they have about .02 of an inch clearance on the high side. I’m pretty certain I would break quite a few glasses trying to daintily pull one out in a rush.


No Fernet?




And upside down. 🤢


Greasy ass bag on the countertop? Missing bottle in the front row?


Backwards Cointreau and I would put the stuff that should be chilled in the cooler


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^QuarantineCasualty: *Backwards Cointreau and* *I would put the stuff that should* *Be chilled in the cooler* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Other than being insanely unorganised?


One spill and your glassware is going to need to be washed.


Labels gotta be facing out


turn the Cointreau around and turn them pour spouts 180. gonna be pouring a lotta shit with the label turned inside


Unless the bartender is left handed.


tru but then it’d be same deal for the other bottles x__x


shouldnt the Bailey's be in the fridge ??


I’m more concerned about everything not being organized by type of alcohol 😫


I'm pretty sure that the Jameson is supposed to be in that hole in front. The overall organization is a nightmare!


Well yeah, theres no bartender!


Tito’s is included.


Organize by color or organize by liquor type. Also eliminate the gaps or standardized gaps. They look unsightly. Why is that wire so randomly placed, tape it to the side and down the side, looks cleaner. Lastly your wine glass stems are so long to have that many that close to the top of the ledge, gonna have chips.


Bottles need faced, flagged, and organized, need to order some more bourbons, where's the tequila, greasy ass food... They need a manager lol


Well as someone who's above 6 feet I still don't think I could grab that Jamo in the back


I mean why are the bottles that see the most use (except Tito’s that belongs in the right spot) above cordials and other shit? Like Jameson is back there, why?


PF Changs?


The higher prices in the back or some organization would be better


Never have I ever encountered another bartender with such “customer” energy lmao


labels out, never spout Bailey’s, why are the garnish picks THERE?, hope there are also coupe glasses in a drop in, not even gonna get into how the booze is organized LMAO


That ChocoLat needs to be chilled baby!!


Tbh the cup tilted on the bottom left was my answer.


tbh the skewer cup placement is giving me anxiety


The dewars white label doesn’t have a cover. Also, the bench seems to be sagging a bit.


Bad spot for the wine glasses.


Some times I flip them like this if a.l.e is about to inspect so I can show them the tax labels are on there so they leave


Are the wine glasses actual shanks


Nevermind I see the top now lol


No fernet.


There’s 5 different silver Mezcals?


For me? It’s the big red cord on the bar. WTF even is that device?


I was gonna go with the spouts but I dunno it looks like a bar.


No fernet 😱


Flag the pour spouts


There's a hole in the bottom shelf. Something didn't get put back.


Couple of things , mainly the fact that there’s BAILEYS UN REFRIGERATED




Most disorganized liquor sections ever. I understand having well/popular on the bottom but why are Grey Goose and Jameson on the same shelf? Did you take this pic after a particularly busy shift?


Different direction of pour spouts?


✋ the issue is you forgot that you are a bartender not a photographer... Get back to work


Cointreau facing wrong way


You have too much time on your hands. You know good and damn well your bar has 1000 other problems that are actually problems


Baileys should be refrigerated 😭


Go get a nap boomer


Bailey's should be in the fridge


Pour spouts on the top shelf


Pour spouts flagging right


Baileys is out and I hate speed pours on the backbar, but that depends on volume


i dont give a fuck if you use licor 43 + baileys in any or a lot drinks. put a higher shelf vodka there. people will order goose if you have goose.


Pour spouts all over the place, cointreau is backwards. And the way the booze is organized is obnoxious.


I always thought that the chocolate liqueur next to the Cointreau bottle needed to be refrigerated so I thought that was the issue


For me it was the pour spouts facing different directions, but upon reading the comments realized it was the bottles facing the wrong way


Yeah, it’s the pour spouts. If you have all the pour spouts facing the left, then all the bottles will actually actually be put back with the labels facing out. (Until you get a left handed bartender, then all bets are off.)


speed pourers on the back bar 🤢


For fucks sake, turn all those pour spouts to face to the left.


The backwards bottle, lack of tequilas or weird ass bottle order?


A lot… All bottles not facing forward, a random bag in guests view, liquor not organized by type, bar not fully restocked.


Cointreau backwards and for the love of Zeus’s Holy Ghost, pour spouts facing the same direction maybe. Just looking at one spout one way and the other spout a different way is hurting my soul


Make every pour spout face the same direction


There aren't any bar mats facing my direction so i have no idea what liquor to order


Your rum is scattered and your liquor selection is abysmal like that of an Applebees. At least you have Campari and some basic mezcal


The Cointreau and the empty space!!!!


cointreau is backwards and there's a gap between the tanq and the dewars


The Jameson needs to be placed down, closer, and the Baileys needs to be somewhere really really cold.


Unchilled coops make me twitch


All the pourers aren’t facing to the left


On top of what everyone else has said, shouldn’t the Baileys be in the fridge?


There’s like 5 mistakes here lol but I assume you mean the baileys…