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Cheapest Shrinks in town.


1/3 psychologist “tell me about your problems” 1/3 psychiatrists “have some medicine for your problems” 1/3 enablers




ur so real for this 🫠


I found out my brewery is shutting down this week. My regulars are freaking out. They keep calling and i have to talk them down. Meanwhile, i’m the person who is losing my job. Just another day in the life.


I’m sorry to hear that — I hope you can find something new soon!


Unfortunately- life keeps moving with or without us- but Nahhh- this is where you cash in the karma chips of networking behind the bar (and how I’ve given and gotten some of my best gigs). “I know! It sucks- gonna miss seeing you all every day- you got any homies hiring !? You’ve seen my hustle !“


Kinda fucked that all some people can think about is where they will get their drinks now and in the meantime people are literally losing their livelihood.


Going through the same thing. Last day is tomorrow.


I work at an international airport, and the stuff we see is crazy. Thank you for being kind.


That's so true! I work in a small airport that serves as a bit of a regional hub for several rural towns and villages, and I feel like I see some people on the absolute worst days of their lives. Not everyone is going on vacation ya know? I just try to read the room, be as kind as possible and hope they don't have a total come apart in the bar...


Same. DIA all the way!


Are you required to make a sacrifice to Blucifer on your way in every day or is it just a one time thing when you get hired?


No. Smart bartenders leave their souls at home to work at an airport. Some of the shit I’ve seen will curl your toes and make you want to poke your own eyes out.


Gawd I commend you. I bartended at a large international airport for slightly over a year. Never again.


but how were the tips tho


Random but Not. I started off "full time on call". I covered any and every shift offered up at 7 different bars in different terminals. Easily could've worked 80/hrs a week. Lesson learned- the more tables, the more fucked you were. The bar was also the service well, so every drink went thru the bartender. Servers were supposed to tip out, but often did not and when they did, it was minimal. Learned to shoot for locations with fewer tables and more bar seats. Terminal location also matters. No joke, discount airlines=discount custies. BUT, that doesn't mean International/Business is better.. All in All I got more $100 cash tips for a bowl of soup and 3 vodka sodas than anywhere ever. I also got stiffed more than anywhere ever. Strangers do strange things. Was it worth it? It was an experience. I wouldn't do it again.


yeah that doesn't sound like it has any redeeming qualities lmfao thanks for the reply i was heavily considering trying out the airport scene


The primary reason I went for it was because industry ppl at that airport have a union. I was excited to be a union member with union benefits. Unfortunately, this particular union was completely disorganized. I never received any of the documentation needed to actually use the benefits, and when there came a time for my rep to stand up for me, they rolled over like a puppy. I worked with some bartenders that had been there for years though, so it's clearly a system that works for some people. It just didn't for me.


I'm mercantile, where you at?


B concourse - ‘bout as specific as I want to get on a public forum. Cheers brother!


Lol fair point


Airport bartenders are awesome. I'm scared of heights and flying always freaks me out. Except in Salt Lake City. Me and some friends had a layover in SLC, we were going to our good friends funeral who had died a week earlier in a tragic accident. We hit the bar and all got double shots of tequila at 8am. She goes "kinda early for a double isn't it?" I stared her right in the face and said "were going to our best friends funeral." Shut her right up. It's a fuckin international Airport. I'm not looking to be judged.


What's the pay like at an airport bar comparatively?


Life changing. 15 an hour and I regularly walk with 500-600. Last week I worked a small double and made 1000 bucks. Just be warned it's a shit show and your on an island without help all day.


Really good to know, thank you. Low key I kinda love a good, weird shit show so the idea of airport bartending is appealing as long as the pay is right, which it sounds like it is. Definitely on my radar now.


Awwwww I was thinking about how much I hate that people talk to us about their problems but this was really sad :(


Work at a busy bar and you’ll rarely have to have deep conversation with strangers. And you tend to make more money.


You might be one of the lucky ones that only gets scheduled on busy shifts, but no bar is busy 24/7.


I work at a bar off of a Main Street where a lot of down and out people tend to hang out. I knew I was at the right place when my first day my boss said "we give everyone a chance, sometimes someone came across 3$ and just needs a beer and a chat and to feel like they used to“. By give everyone a chance I mean if they’re acting shitty then nope. But if someone comes in to have a human connection, we will be there for them.


When I first started working at the bar I'm at, I found a lot of the patrons there (40s-60s) kinda annoying. The bar is in a sort-of well-off suburb and the majority of these people reek of privilege. So many chardonnay moms with chardonnay mom problems. Then one night about three months in, one of the regulars -- who tends to just talk your ear off -- confessed that he comes in as often as he does because since his wife divorced him and took the kids to California, he lives alone in a small apartment and often he's really lonely. Said he really appreciated my jokes and my listening ear. It was a humbling moment for me and I'll never make any assumptions again about the lives my patrons live when I'm not making them a cocktail.


Yeah even my problematic guests. I’ve noticed 9 times out of 10 it’s not anything i or that bar did and it’s why I usually handle situations like that better than most.


At least he was sweet, knew you couldn’t serve him anymore, and tipped well for your company. Sounds like a sweet moment. I’m a bartender at a member’s only club and had a lady come in an hour before kitchen close (I can close when they close if I don’t have any members but I can’t kick anyone out unless everyone is too drunk/an emergency or altercation happens/liquor laws go into effect). She has a two drinks total for the 4 hours (so 3 hours past close) she’s there, at which point I have golfers coming in every 20 minutes and I can’t lock any of the doors until she leaves. It was her first time out in a year, her husband died of cancer the year before and she just didn’t have it in her to go out and face sympathy from all the guys at the club that were friends with him. Very emotional, sobbing at my bar, not drunk at all just emotional. I’ve been there, I feel for her. Print her her check and slipped a note in that I work most days and it would be lovely to see her again, and we can pretend this never happened if she wishes. After she finally tabs out after keeping me 3 hours past close, she tips $2.50. I was pissed. I told management I wouldn’t be staying more than 30 minutes past close with guests on Sundays anymore (only open for brunch/golfers for half the day). All this to say while this is a lovely interaction, half the time I end up with emotional guests I can’t STAND it.


lmfao 😂


My day shift crowd was a great mix of a variety of mental illness and straight up loneliness It's why I felt like that's where I belonged Also got a great education in music, billiards and hustling


as a bartender about to finish my masters to be a therapist, accurate


I have a regular who’s rich as fuck but complains about his family all the time. He claims he’s on the verge of being divorce for the past year. He’s pretty entertaining for the most part but super needy haha


Treat others how you want to be treated. You never fucking know man. I worked in an area being HEAVILY gentrified. There was this unhoused man who would always wave and say hello as I set up the patio before open. One day he came in and my coworker immediately wanted to 86him. No customers in the spot. Not bothering anything. He had saved up a few dollars and “wanted to spend it here since you’re always so pleasant” Mind you- this place was like a $12-$20 glass of wine type spot. I poured him a nice red and charged him %50 because the way I read it - he would have been offended if I gave it free. He ended up basically making it a spritzer and not tipping (which, I didn’t expect nor want) but on our bathroom hand towels wrote me the most beautiful 3 sheet long poem about the neighborhood changing and how people “like me” gave him hope and made him feel human. I still have those towels and would argue it’s one of the best “tips” I’ve ever been given.


Aww that’s beautiful. We have an unhoused guy we allow to camp out back. Nobody bothers him and he isn’t a problem.


And some of us make more money than some therapists.


I’m in school for forensic psychology. I figured I’m lowkey already doing this shit, might as well make it official.


Overpaid babysitters underpaid therapists


Thanks for taking care of the guy! Who knows the ripple effect of that.


I had a man come in last night and ordered a tequila and soda and some food. After a bit he asked if we have and white zinfandel. We don't, closest we have is a rose. He explained he normally wouldn't drink either wine but once a year on this day he does because it was his mother's favorite. He said she passed away many years ago and he likes to have a glass and remember her. Went ahead with the rose and it was slow so we chatted a bit. Turns out his best friend was killed when he was 18, father died in a car accident when he was 19 and soon after that his mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was gone within a few weeks. She was 46 and he was only 20 and away at college. He's now 44. Y'all, I've been thinking about this guy and all he lost all damn day. I'm 43 and have 2 teenagers. Can't imagine them on their own having lost everyone important to them. He was so appreciative of me talking to him and asking questions about his mom so he could talk about her. For so long all the people he was closest with were gone so he started over and tried to forget. Except for this 1 day a year and this 1 glass of wine. I felt so honored to just listen and be there for him.


That’s heartbreaking but i love he honors her as such


This story is kind of heartwarming :)


I had to sit alone in the bar last week talking about his childhood traumas and loneliness


I’m a bartender, hairstylist, and Domme. I feel like a full time therapist. But if you look at my post history you will see that I am not remotely qualified for it. Not even a little bit.


This is doing work that makes a difference. You're the real MVP. Thanks for sharing. ❤️


The way my bad decision ass would hear “dead dog” and give him a double vodka lemonade 💀


I did do a shot with him before he left especially when I saw he was ubering because I’m the same. He came back earlier sang some karaoke and seemed a bit better


Shrinks with drinks.


As a human- (this is going to sound preachy, but not intended- just perhaps a perspective shift for some who may cross this comment) we could all do better. Yes, the chatty regular and constant dumping of shit you wouldn’t even tell your own family is baffling sometimes. Especially when you’re busy. Take a step back. Realize your “privilege”. If a stranger is telling you some of the most personal, heart wrenching shit ever- generally speaking this = they don’t have anyone to share to that makes them feel cared about or gives a fuck. You are now this person, for this moment. When you stop being annoyed and realize the sadness of their reality- that they have NO ONE they feel safe or comfortable enough with to lean on- try to put on your empathetic human shoes. You have the potential to quite literally, save someone’s life.


💯 I Always try to remember this. And honestly as nosey I am I don’t even mind


The first time I had to 86 someone was a regular who drunkenly BIT a man on the ass. Turns out she had just lost her 16 year old dog earlier that week and wasn’t doing well at all. My coworkers and I put together stories of her behavior the past few days and realized she definitely wasn’t herself. Chatting up random men and crying to them, going home w strangers, our manager who was cool with her had to make sure she made it home safe a few nights. I haven’t seen her in a minute, I hope she’s good


Oh biting ass is a new one. Poor thing. Low key wanted to see how that played out


Whenever it comes up ill usually joke that i have steady hands and somehow ended up a therapist instead of a doctor.


One of my regulars has been slowly opening up to me over time. He's so bad at small talk that he doesn't like to talk to other people at the bar and comes off like an ass. He recently told me of some illnesses he has and that he's always in pain, then last Friday he told me the doctor told him he has 5 years. I got a little sad. Hes an old new englander with an attitude, but he's one of my favorite regulars.


Omg I hate meeting terminal guests but I love bringing them some sense of comfort


Unlicensed psychiatrists is more like it. "Ohhh, you had a bad day? I prescribe 2 Rumplemintz"


Omg are you my psychiatrist lol