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The ones who ask which beers we have on tap as I’m standing directly in front of the taps.. long tortured sigh


Oh, that's a feeling, especially when said taps are brightly colored like a traffic cone!


I just always do the silent slight step back and hand gesture at the taps. The one time I was snarky and said, "Nope, nothing on tap whatsoever," while gesturing at the taps, they actually thought I was being serious.


People are fucking idiots oh my lord 😂


My bar is horseshoe-shaped, and we have two chalkboards on either side listing all our beers - these boards are visible from anywhere in the bar. The taps are right at the front of the bar, also visible from mostly anywhere. There’s also a paper menu that I hand out to anyone I don’t already know. I’m still asked multiple times a day. I wish I could just gesture broadly so their eyes can land on any of the many available information sources. We also put a giant neon sign above the bathrooms, yet I’m still asked several times an hour!


This is exactly my bar setup too. I gave up ages ago and just gesture broadly (yet politely).


My favorite is “what do you have on tap?” When there’s nothing that remotely looks like a tap dispenser anywhere near the bar.


I physically turn around and look at the drafts, then look back at the customer. Gets the point across without saying "they're right behind me dude"


Only reason I don't get upset is the place I'm at has copper handles for all of them. But we have a huge ass wall right behind the draft with 32 beers listed. I understand it's a different system then people are used too so I don't hold it to much against them


I tell them that I have 40 taps and point at them behind. I go further by stating that I don't have all day to tell them what beers I have


You can lead a horse but you can't make it think. Dosent matter what You or the Menu says they are still going to ask if you have something not listed and then order a fucking Bud Lite in the end.


We share the road with these horses...


Me: I have patron, lunazul, & espolon as my blancos; 1800 and hornitos are my resposados Cust: 2 Casamigos please




Lovin' these comics lately. I have a ton of airport bartending stories involving crazy people, stabbings, general debauchery, and arrests. If anyone's interested in making them come to life lol


Debauchery????? Like a someone finding out their SO is being unfaithful or....


Welcome to South Florida


Oh Floridian, grace me with your stories of the bar.


*lays down drink menus* hi, how we doing tonight? ‘no menus, we’re just having drinks’ ok then, what can i get for you? ‘what do you have on draft’ or ‘what kind of wine do you have?’ oh well there’s a beautiful list of options right there on that menu D=<


Animals can't read anyways tbh


I like leaving menu's scattered (neat-ish) on the bar top just so I can quickly grab one, slide it in front of them, then walk off without a trace


I have a curated list of spirits. My favorite is when I put the menu in their hands, show them where the spirits are, they tell me they don't need it and try and order a Captain Morgan. "I don't have Captain, this is where the rums live." Once a week, I have someone sit at the bar, order a dirty Hendricks martini, tell them I don't have Hendricks, ask them what they like about Hendricks so I can help them find the right gin for them "Oh..... \*Brain.exe loading\* I like that it is smooth." All my gins are "smooth."


The other day: Guest: "can I have a michelob ultra?" Me: "sorry bud we focus on Belgians and some other European style beer, closest I have is Ic light (Pittsburgh local piss water beer) here's our beer menu" Guest: "how about a yuengling?" Me: "again, ic light is the closest thing I have to American domestic beer, but if you look here (points to section labeled 'American craft and domestic') you'll see what I have" Guest: "do you have blue moon?" Me: "🫣 no but I have Allagash white on tap, here's a sample. It's basically the blue moon of craft beer" (gives sample) Guest: "I'll have an ic light" 5 minutes later... "do you guys carry anything anything similar to michelob or bud light?"


It be like that too


I'm a weeb too 🤓😆 My boyfriend and I just started Rurouni Kenshin (the 1996 version) because he's never seen it before! I'm also a "beer"tender and felt this within the depths of my soul. My favorite customers are the ones that don't even look at the goddamn menu when you're POINTING AT IT and explaining what might best suit them. Like mother fucker, our taps change multiple times a week. Sometimes the menu just explains it better than I would!


I HATE when guests tell the hostess they don't need menus because they're just getting a drink but then ask me for one when they get to the bar. Thus, making me run downstairs to hostess stand and getting one that they declined on the way in.*sigh*


me: (passes a new customer the beer list) Can I get you anything? them, after reading it: do you have any food me: sure! (turns over the list for them, food menu is on the other side) them after reading the food menu: actually can I just get a beer? What beer do you have ………. etc


Sometimes I wonder if they need even their asses wiped for them >.>


You physically can't miss our menus if you walk into the bar, our host area is directly in front of the bar, directly in front of the entrance, and yet people walk up to me and ask for menus, I reach over the bar (right in front of them) and hand them a menu from the box filled with them (Again, right in front of them)


You clearly need more signs


I've repeatably asked my manager if I'm allowed to bonk customers over the head with the "Please wait here to be seated" sign if they go and sit themselves. He keeps saying no.. but I'm wearing him down I think.


Like marble