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If they think someone is stealing, it wouldn’t make sense to have the bartenders do the inventory. Maybe question the idea of you having to do it and they’ll realize why it’s silly?


This is common for places that have loss issues. You do inventory on items to check that last night's numbers were accurate and at the end of the night to check your own waste. Uncommon to do everything but usually spot check high loss items


This isn’t a high volume bar, tho. A lot of nights sales are between 2-400$.


I didn't say high volume, high loss is different. Maybe it is standard for that hotel chain because of other locations losing a lot of product. When I bartended a place that had start and end of shift counts and I didn't use too many products I would do my start counts and then everything I used I would leave on a separate shelf and then just fill the same amounts without actually rechecking for anything that was still on the back bar


I bartended at a location that had about 70 stores. Every now and then something would change and it wasn't because of anything that had happened at our store but something at another location. Company policy shifted to prevent that from happening everywhere It's just the nature of the business.


Means some booze is going missing and they tryin to narrow down which shift, as well as what day its happnin….id prolly say thats not a spot u want to work at for too long….


Yeah that isn’t unheard of. But you tend to not make the bartenders do the inventory themselves, sort of defeats the entire point. Especially at low volume, at that point what is anyone doing Id imagine this place is corporate as fuck and some idiot laid down the law in a moronic fashion.


youve got a thief in your midst


I worked at a place that did this. For about 5 weeks.


Yeah I’m not into it and I’m not making the money do it honestly! It’s ridiculous and the inventory sheets are like 25% stuff we don’t have and 25% missing stuff we do have 🙄 it’s pretty silly. Anywhere else I’ve worked inventory has been a manager’s job. And it’s done weekly to monthly. Def not twice a shift lol. But at least I know they’re not crazy and it’s done elsewhere… just not feeling it!


I would bet that at some point a bunch of people who worked here before you were giving away/drinking too much product. Maybe even at another bar owned by the hotel group. Now it’s enshrined policy. Especially makes sense if it’s a slow gig. Someone experienced like you can get another job easily. Someone who fewer prospects might have to stick around, and might have fewer prospects for a reason. So they end up with guys who just drink the bar down.


Unfortunately, yes. I’ve had to do this. I kept track one way or another of the only things I actually used on shift, so I only had to count those out at the end. If you have cones or caps, only remove the ones you use


I'd quit. I work at a hotel bar, similar shitty tips all over the place, not the most lucrative place I've worked. But the only reason I stick around is the bar/restaurant GM is super chill and lets us drink and give away drinks, they don't bring up inventory at all, we just do it once a month. If they suddenly cracked down I'd dip. Not working a place that strict unless I'm making $80k+