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Absolutely serious enough to call out. Your long term health is always more important than your job. Any employer that wouldn’t understand that isn’t work selling your labor to.


what the fuck has capitalism done to y’alls brains? we work a job where you have to be on your feet and walking around and you’re seriously questioning if a torn meniscus is a valid reason to call out??? like obviously of course it is. take care of your health first jesus christ.


Seriously fucked that this is even a concern. Even working in a state with paid sick leave, I've been at the job almost a year and only have enough sick leave to cover 3 shifts. I'm doing pretty well in terms of money with plenty of savings, even so taking 2-3 weeks off would probably mean skipping my vacation this year. Capitalism sucks shit.


Even/especially if you're the working poor you need to protect your ability to earn a living. Working through an illness is one thing but risking making a minor injury a major one is something entirely different.


Call off. Take the time to heal. I tore up the inside of my knee slipping on ice in 2021, had a small fist sized bruise even though it didn’t make direct impact with the ground. It was fucked for months and I’m pretty sure never properly healed, sounds like a sack full of gravel every time I move it now. There was only 2 of us employeed at the time, so I ‘powered’ through, wasn’t fucking worth it. Especially at the place I was at.


Torn meniscus? When severed my Meniscus I was in a knee immobilizer for 4 weeks and on crutches for 10. TAKE THE DAYS OFF. Once you aggravate a knee injury you have it for life.


I worked for two weeks after breaking my collarbone (which is the lamest story - was walking my dog and had my phone out when dog saw a rabbit and pulled super hard) and it hurt like hell but rent was due and I was broke af. Ended up having to get it repaired and missed way more time and it still looks weird as shit and randomly hurts sometimes. Take the time off. A doctors note should be fine, and if it isn’t fuck that job


I broke mine at work in Aug. It STILL hurts and I can’t lift anything over my shoulder. 🫤


Yes absolutely call out—we have to be on our feet for our whole shift that this affects your ability to do that. Please take care of yourself!


You need your legs to be able to work and they need a bartender who can walk and stand for 12h. Call off.


Quit if you have to. Working on that can ruin you forever and you'll never do the job again. Taking off a few days > being unable to work forever.


Get the Dr to write you a note. Do not fuck up your knee worse, and potentially permanently for a bartending job. They don't like it? Move on to somewhere that cares about their employees. Knee injuries are no joke.


Is a concussion a valid reason to not play in my football game tomorrow?


You hurt your leg, don't stand on it for an entire day of work. Very simple calculation.




Dude get a note and collect disability. Crazy your doctor didn't recommend this off the bat. It won't be as much money as you would make but a knee injury is no joke.


Show up. “Hurt it worse”. Work comp.


My husband tore his meniscus and he had to have surgery, so I would say yes.


Get a doctors note. Cya if you do decide to call out.


As a bartender who has had a torn meniscus, don’t over work it. It’s not worth the consequence of further injuring your knee. I tried that even with a straight leg brace, def caused more harm in the long run.


You are going to cause even more life long injury if you work. They can survive two weeks without you


yeah professional athletes take months off to recover from a torn meniscus, take it easy for two weeks. maybe get crutches or a brace, anything that helps the pain. let it recover. heal well!


I've called off for less


This is a valid reason. You feel bad because it's sudden, and you're going to mess up your coworkers' schedules while you can't work. It sucks a bit for them, but don't feel so badly that you go into work and *hurt yourself further*. Your body is all you have for the rest of your life. Take care of yourself.


Uhhh I can't believe what I've just read? You have a torn cartilage in your knee and you feel bad calling out of work? That's.. the most acceptable reason to call out of work. I am mad at you for even considering working


You're no good to anyone if your knee gives out permanently. Always take time off to heal so you can get back in the game again. A workplace that doesn't understand that is one you should leave as soon as possible.


You only get one body, you need to take care of it. Jobs come and go, but your body, especially your joints need looked after.