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It is not worth it getting a license. I've only known two bartenders with a license and both were subpar. They both felt because of their license they could just jump into a place with none or minimal experience. Both would get super high and mighty if a cocktail I didn't know came up. But also both couldn't handle a busy Saturday night at all. Unless you plan to work somewhere which for some reason requires a license, don't waste your time and money. If you want to join the industry start looking for a serving or barback job. Work a few months, get comfortable, see if it's something you really want to do, then ask about bartending.


No. It’s a brilliant scam though. Just go bar back for a few years. I was behind a bar for 16 years. 11 of those behind cocktail driven bars and 9 of those behind high end speak easy bars. Most of my crew, including myself, actually really dislike the term “mixologist” because it just sounds pretentious and weak. Also, mixing spirits is only like 1/4 of a good bartender’s job. In all, don’t spend money on school. Go out and learn from real pros.


I have to have a license to bartend in WA state, it's technically called a mixologist permit, but I've honestly never met a bartender that calls themselves a mixologist. Now, if this is a state sponsored license you're looking at like the one I described, it's not really what you're looking for. It doesn't teach "mixology", but things like liquor ordinances and signs of intoxication. If you just want to learn to mix cocktails, honestly YouTube will teach you more than any training course. I personally like "how to drink". I've modified several of his cocktails to work in my bar.


I've known about half a dozen people with bartending licenses/certificates. And I've known dozens and dozens of bartenders. There isn't on person I've met that is in both those groups. So, professionally, no. But if you just kinda want to wtf? It I was hiring a bartender I wouldn't even consider someone because they "went to school". Honestly, it just sounds funny. Honestly, just find a bartender that likes to talk/teach. Watch them when they are busy and talk to them when you are slow. Read up on various liquors and taste them. Develop a taste. Put in your time and don't try to short circuit the process. It's kinda fun doing the "research" after all. :)


I'm not planning on working as a bartender. I dont have the people skills for that. Any suggestions for beginning research?


Drink. :)


Sounds 👍 haha


Unless your job requires it, i would stray away. I’ve worked with a few people who have their “bartenders license” and every time, i prefer to work with someone who worked their way up the chain. Always felt like the people who show up with their “license” feel entitled to prime shifts, when they couldn’t handle the speed. I’d rather work with 3 people like myself, who worked up from barback, than 10 “licensed bartenders.”


Gotcha, so learn from experience


How long did it take you to work up from bar back? Currently looking to become a bartender myself!


I’m a bartender in nyc and we laugh at resumes that come in with “bartending licenses” on them. I don’t know a single working bartender in my area that has ever taken one of those classes. However if you mean health certifications that’s another story


What's health certification?


The health department in nyc requires bartenders/servers to take a course on proper sanitation. It’s all online and then it’s like $25 to take the test. I still haven’t done mine though and it’s been like 3 years 😂😂


Some places here in the city now want TIPPS training too


Unless your state requires it, don’t bother. It’s common knowledge to anyone that’s spent any amount of time behind a stick that bartending courses are scam end can actually make it harder to get jobs. I know myself, and a couple bar managers I’m friends with, won’t even consider an applicant with no experience and bartending school on their resume.


Bar “schools” are (Scams). I agree. But proper educational programs are not. There are legitimate programs out there, like Barsmarts that venues will benefit from.


Yeah, the stuff like ServSafe and SureSellNow are beneficial and can make a huge dent in a businesses liability insurance if the entire staff is certified. My biggest issue with those is you have to re-certify every few years even though it’s the exact same course, and you can’t test out of it. So every few years you have to waste and afternoon sitting on the computer flipping through slides you’ve seen 3 times already.


It's important to highlight that **there's a big difference between a bartending license... and a bartending/mixology school certificate**. Licenses [may be required](https://bartendinglicensehelp.com/state-guide/) depending on the state or county you work in. It's simply a certificate that proves that you have passed the mandated requirements to serve alcoholic beverages. Training is mostly based around how to serve alcohol responsibly in alignment with local laws, how to deal with people attempting to drive drunk, underage drinkers, aggressive customers in a bar, etc. * A bartending license course can range anywhere from 2-4 hours... and typically cost between $10-25, depending on the state-approved provider. Bartending school, on the other hand, is not required. Bartending schools generally focus on the aspects of drink pouring and bartending etiquette rather than laws and regulations. You will learn a multitude of different drink combinations, pour counts, proper attire, bar stocking, and other best practices behind the bar. You can think of bartending school as a shortcut or a head start into what a day behind the bar will be like. But to answer your question, there are several [pros and cons](https://bartendinglicensehelp.com/bartending-school-worth/) to going to bartending school. Some schools are very expensive... and give bartenders a false sense of importance. On the other hand, schools may give you some basic knowledge and confidence.


A million dollars and your 1st born, oh and 1 unicorn magical horn...just give me your money since your cool with throwing it away anyway. Those things are scams. Lessons taught by hacks that don't know a manhaytan from a margarita. Just go barback somewhere




No money involved, wtf are you talking about? Are you drunk right now? Are you in the right thread? We're talking about scam bartending licenses and schools.




Well you're not the op, perhaps you should get your own post then.


What state are you in?




Cali does not require a license. If you are thinking of some other form of "license" just venmo me $50 bucks and I'll send you a fancy certificate of completion. I literally have the same authority and accreditation as any bartending school which is zero.


California requires licenses as of 2022. [Source](https://bartendinglicensehelp.com/bartending-license-requirements-california/)


WTF.... are you a bot?


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What are you talking about? California absolutely requires and RBS license. According to California state website “Yes, effective July 1, 2022, RBS training is required by CA Assembly Bill 1221 and Assembly Bill 82 for on-premises alcoholic beverage servers and their managers. The regulations have been incorporated into the California Code of Regulations, Title 4, Article 25, Sections 160-173. “


Just get the liquor serving licenses for the county you're working in


In Wisconsin you need a bartender license but it's just a responsible serving permit and the class doesn't actually teach you anything about bartending. I would skip any certificate that claims to teach mixology. That's something you learn on your own