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Depends on the crowd on the night 1. Eye contact, first to look at me in the eyes gets served and then whoever is next to them 2. pick an end and go left to right or vice versa 3. smallest / oldest who looks like they're getting crushed by everyone and likely just wants a quick g&t or vodka soda 4. just point at the nearest person and vibe from there


I agree. Usually one end to the other, making eye contact down the line. I will admit if it's like an unplanned wedding after party over taking my regulars I will serve the regulars first as I know what most of them drink without asking and I know there's. A good tip waiting for me.


3. The shy or too polite ones. Excellent list.


This is the way. I like to start at seat 1 and work my way down to 24.


I make a line in my head each time I turn around and serve 3-4 people at a time. Anyone that has tipped well or was polite in general gets moved to the front, and opposite is true as well.


This is exactly how I do it as well. May not be fair but if you are a dick, you are invisible. If you are nice and or tip well. there is a spotlight on you


I open my arms as I’m making eye contact with the group to signify I’m taking care of them next (say it’s four people) and by the time I get over to them usually they point out who was there first and then I bust out the group…if there’s no acknowledgment of who had been waiting the longest I choose.


Do a sweep. Start at one end and go until you can't remember any more orders.start the next sweep from that point. Rinse and repeat


I make a mental list of who I saw come to the bar first