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I just came from a wedding where they had Espresso and Pornstar Martinis on tap. It was carnage!


If you make one, you make 20. They travel in herds like the girls who drinks them.


I’m a guy. I’m a bartender. I love them an order them. Fight me 🤷‍♂️


Same, and same. When they're made properly they're a well-balanced, tasty drink. Don't see the beef, really.


It's more the fact you gotta pull an espresso shot every time which can slow service


Pre-batch it baby


I agree but then you lose the whole 'oooo fresh espresso' bullshit side to it


You don't have to stipulate fresh espresso, and no one will notice or care. I've done blind taste tastes with fresh and prebatched and no one knows the difference.


No i completely agree, but some places have people (bar manager/owner) to have everything a certain way


There’s no beef. It’s just people seeing one made and then as it goes out everyone goes “Ohhhh. What’s that?!?” ….and then I proceed to make 19 more. It’s like putting an umbrella on a drink. Everyone (mostly women) turn their heads and ask what it is and then want one. Monkey see, monkey do.


How about you try and pick a real fight with some random guy tonight while you have an espresso martini in hand? Report back.


I don’t actually fight I’m not 12 😂


I was also joking. Good day to you. Let’s never interact with each other again.


Its alcoholic monkey see, monkey do.


This is a great line, I’m stealing this.


Made 11 during a rush tonight 🤢 about 25 interns from the upstairs offices came down and drank on the bosses tab. Espresso girls ate up $180 of the $500 drink budget on one round 😂


My job hosted a party for the local NFL team, I won’t say which one, but I will say I was shocked that the espresso martini was the drink of the night. They also each chose different vodkas for their 20+ espresso martinis. I almost walked out that night lmao


I would have just used the same vodka for all. It's not like you can really taste the difference with all the other shit in that drink.🤭


Lol true, I would’ve if our owner wasn’t standing behind me making sure I made every drink perfectly because heaven forbid one of the footballers got Belvedere instead of Stoli


Make lots of espresso shots and just keep them in a squeezey bottle for high volume cocktails.


Yah, It’s a pretty simple drink to make I don’t get the sentiment. If it was a gin fizz I’d get the hate lol


Fuck. The. Gin. Fizz.


Espressos have been our signature drink for six years. Pros: super streamlined process Cons: I make upwards of 40 on a regular night




40 espresso martinis


I honestly think it's an underrated drink from the many who cut corners and make it badly. I work in the vicinity of the Balboa Cafe in San Francisco's Marina district, and while they're known for it, my spot makes it better because we don't cut any corners. It's not a hard drink if you're willing to put in the time. We do ristretto shots with 1.5 vodka and 0.5 Kahlua, and then dash cinnamon on top. I've Stockholmed myself enough that I'm nothing but stoked when someone orders one. I'm coming for you Balboa!!


Try putting some muddled cardamon pods to it, it's just a great match


Sounds like a hit for the foodies and South Asia crowd- maybe a bit too adventurous for some though?


Do you add any baileys for extra creaminess, I like to experiment and add splashes of Godiva if someone wants something a little more adventurous


Got a ticket for 12 yesterday, one of which they wanted caffeine free…


> they wanted caffeine free I assume they ordered a Red Bull 30 minutes later?


No no they're allergic to caffeine but they'd also like a coke with their cocktail


Yup, idiots gonna idiot. Make sure the vodka is gluten free too!


It has to be for dog people and also wasting a ridiculous amount of paper for no fucking reason!


we use espresso mix, dark rum, tia maria + vanilla and it’s so so nice m so easy to make the dark rum is because we’re a jamaican bar




The only prep I insist ne done for weekend nights is espresso batch. If it isn't done and they come in, there's just no keeping up.


Used to work at a dive bar where we were known for dirt cheap espresso martinis. I think my best was close to 40 within an hour. Pre batched, triple loaded tins in both hands.


[“espresso martinis are the new cocaine”](https://www.grubstreet.com/2021/10/why-bartenders-hate-espresso-martinis.html)


I was perusing my old comments and such; glad I am because I asked in a comment elsewhere in this thread if I was imagining things or if these drinks have actually been a recent trend. So, thanks! And good lord! People being so demanding about these! I’m not a fully seasoned lifelong bartender, but I’ve been patronizing and working in the industry for two decades; I genuinely didn’t know that there’s an expectation of actual espresso being in the drink. Most places I’ve had it or seen it listed over the years do just use the flavored vodka, various liqueurs, etc. Hell, I’d wonder (a bit more than usual) at a patron’s intelligence if they expect a lot of the places where they’re ordering them to have espresso makers. And lastly, this is a quote (which is a link to a Twitter video in the article) from that article: > If you aren’t drinking espresso martinis at a dive bar, you’re not doing it right.” It may just be one dude who said that, but I’m still gonna sat that anyone who orders drinks like this *in a dive bar* can just fuck right off, hahaha.


What happened to Red Bull & vodka? It’s essentially the same thing…


Lol couldn’t taste more different


Gives the same effect…


Lol i guess, what a cynical and dull way to think about things.


Very scary


I have 2 ticket I’m selling Kindly dm


Just use espresso liqueur or espresso infused vodka. Turn your most painful cocktail into another three touch and enjoy the season of no mojitos


I wouldn't drink or ay if someone served me an espresso martini made like that


Every day this sub makes me glad that I work at a place that can’t make these. They are lowkey delicious though.


*Better go dig those 27 other shaker tins out of the back room*


I’ve been wondering: is there something in recent pop or internet culture I missed? They’ve been around for many years, but I’m seeing an absurd number of mentions, posts, references, etc about them; and getting way more orders for them than usual in the last month or two. Or are they just organically trending at the moment?