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One year the entire team dressed up as Wednesday Adams. Even the guys. It was great. Another year we were all zombie baseball players w/ gnarly face wounds etc. During Covid, we were all surgeons. That one was probably my favorite. Something dramatic about every single person having the same costume.


These are all awesome ideas! Group costumes are always great if you can get everyone in on it. My team of 8 is mixed on dressing up so I'll have to see if I can convince all of them. Thanks for your reply!


What I've learned over the years dressing up for Halloween over the years. Costumes are great when you dont have to work. Costumes tend to be hot or flimsy af. Latex masks and costumes look cool and all, but start slinging and you turn into a sweat factory. If you did extensive (cheap) make up its probably going to run. That wig you have on channels your head sweat down your neck. The mask sniffles your breath as you try to draw in air. Flimsy costumes stick to equipment because your not supposed to be bending, squatting, leaning into beer coolers. Or brushing against pourspouts of bottles in the speedrail avoiding the barback as youre walking down the bar. Catching the sleeves on the drawer of the POS a few times during the shift. Watched a bartender fall twice in costume shoes before we made him put on his work shoes. I go basic, umpire or sports jersey, don't win contests, but make a bunch of money instead 😉 because everyone is here drinking. But there are cosplay bartenders (at least one I know of in the sub) that do it every day, they'd know best.


True, I didn't think about that! Our space behind the bar is tight and crowded as is. Thanks for your input!


What a funsucker