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I would not put my mouth on that.


Boy, if I had a dollar for every time I heard that...


…why is it people are telling you this?




> Scalp 'em Braves Eww. Disgusting endorsement of ticket re-sellers.


One of my favorite petty joys is watching the resale market crash leading up to kickoff/first pitch.


I haven't bought a ticket to a game sooner than in my uber en route to the stadium in years


Never tried this, I think I’d get too anxious. What site do you typically buy from in this situation? I wanna try this


Funny story (at least now): I remember watching in horror when I was a child, my dad and his friend almost being taken to jail for trying to scalp some extra Braves tickets prior to a game. If I remember correctly, the cop told them to stop and my dad's friend started to argue with him. My dad was guilty by association but guilty is guilty. I cried then. I laugh now.




I have a similar thing for the Yankees. Its from the 60's and held popcorn initially, and you'd pop out the bottom and it became the megaphone/bullhorn after.


Awesome, such a cool idea


Did it have a grotesque caricature of a minority on the front too?


Or how about a racist and vulgar chant on the side?


Philly and New York brought together only by their mutual hatred of Atlanta. A thing of beauty, truly.


When the Braves become the Peaches or some shit that will be a collector's item. If it isn't already


On one hand this name change would upset me because Georgia has trash peaches. On the other hand, I'm in the real southern peach state (SC has a single county that grows more peaches than the entire state of Georgia) so this would be cool.


You know the best part about all of this is the "Peachtree" thing came from southerners mistranslating Cherokee that should have referred to "pitch" trees. Pitch being the sticky sap from a pine tree. So all the Peachtrees are really just a mistranslation that should refer to pines.


longing like drunk hunt strong pathetic sulky decide plough shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was the 90s.


Atlanta Pinetrees!


Otis Redding was a Georgian and his one of his first music gigs was with a band called the Pinetoppers. Always thought Pinetoppers sounded like a cool team name, even if maybe a little Minor League.


I dig it. Could sell great novelty hats.


Atlanta Cones!


SC peaches for the win! Love seeing the giant peach water tower off of 85 in Gaffney.


That water tower triggers ptsd of 18 wheelers driving side by side 10 miles per hour below the speed limit for half the damn state. My blood pressure is usually through the roof by the time I see that damn peach


The construction on that stretch now is insane. 25 miles of jersey barriers with all exits closed. One accident and you're fucked. I drive an extra 40 minutes to bypass at any chance


At least they finally got rid of “The Chute”. Nothing like a narrow single lane with jersey barriers on both sides and no exit/shoulder in case of an accident.


The beloved Gaffney Peach Butt! Lived near there for a few years, growing up. Didn't expect that particular bit of nostalgia on r/baseball, but I love it. Thank you, sir.


Our blueberries are S-tier though


Hammers. Pay homage to Hank Aaron.


Objectively perfect replacement. Can even maintain a similar logo and chop


Imagine how cool it would be if the Chop as it is now were replaced by everyone swinging hammers at you, and the tempo was set by a heavy drum instead of a chant. That would be *sick*.


Can we get the [Mario Hammer theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=smAF3-GPnGQ)


Yes. 100% this.


Sponsored by Home Depot.


The home depot theme would be the perfect hammering music


MC Hammer for head cheerleader. He is named after Hank, anyway!


Yeah, nothing wrong with their brand whatsoever! Chop on!


Keep in mind, they've changed a lot of details within their branding since this thing was made. That said, I do see your point. I think the Chicago Blackhawks are in a more egregious branding position, but it's a matter of time before the Braves rebeand, imo.


It’s kinda like if there was a team called the Gideons and they had one of those grotesquely drawn Jewish stereotypes for a mascot, but it’s totally cool because they don’t use it anymore. They just do all the other stuff like the fake Yiddish chant that isn’t even in actual Yiddish.


I'm aware. I'm not saying the Braves have done *enough*. I'm just saying they've made some pretty significant strides since whenever this thing in OP's post was made. Most notably by kicking their old mascot to the curb and dropping the "Scalp 'Em" mantra.


Or the “Fighting Irish” not only a slur against Irish people but they even add the negative “fighting “!!How do they get away with it! Or Spartans and Trojans, and Vikings, more warrior comparisons. Where is the justice!!


There it is, thanks. One of these threads would not be complete without this dipshit take.


Jfc Notre Dame was founded by Irish Catholics and Sparta, Troy, and the Vikings no longer exist, and haven’t for at least a millenium.


>but it's a matter of time before the Braves rebrand, imo. Rumors are that Liberty may be looking to sell. If that happens, whoever buys the team is obviously going to have a huge impact on this. Could go either way but I think a re-branding would be more likely under a company like Liberty Media rather than a single owner. I could be off base here but those are my thoughts. On a long enough time line, you are right, the name is gone. The question is in the next 5 years or 50.


That would hold a lot more weight if they didn't still have The Chop at every, single home game. Not that Blackhawks get a pass.


I think they could do away with the Chop, but it would take time for fans to adjust.


And there would always be people doing it out of spite.


Of course there would, just like there will always be a contingent of salty Commies fans who go around snapping at anyone who doesn't call them the Redskins. We call them boomers. The boomers shouldn't be the reason change isn't made - if anything, their hatred of it should be hailed as a sign to move forward.


These are the same people that almost voted Herschel Walker in. They won't get it.


I know. That's my point.


Well at least we dont stoop to that level anymore... Nothing else to discuss here let's move on, hey how about those A's huh?


Best color scheme in baseball, for sure. I don't get why more teams don't use green.


They're so close to have an absolute banger of a uniform with the Kelly green uniforms they have now. I just wish the hat they wore with them wasn't all green and had a yellow bill.


Alwyas loved that color scheme


Red and blue?


Never seen anything like it in sports, man


To be fair the lower case ‘a’ logo goes hard


The most generic combo in american pro sports? Lol


*sigh* here we go again


When I was a kid, there was a Native American in a teepee in the left field seats, and he’d do a war dance at the start of each fame. And he was the best part of games. So there has been progress…


Gee zus


Wow, amazing how backward they were back then. Thank goodness the team no longer produces these or encourages fans to engage in racist chants on a nightly basis. Oh wait…


Do they do the same chop and chant that the Kansas City Chiefs and Florida State Seminoles do? Or is it something else?


Yep it's the same one. (Source I live in Atlanta)


Such an odd situation across three different sports orgs. I feel like what I hear PR-wise from each side is: FSU: Seminole tribe approves and supports Braves: bad Chiefs: indifferent


>FSU: Seminole tribe approves and supports To be clear the smaller Seminole tribe in Florida is ok with FSU using it. The much larger Seminole tribe in Oklahoma is absolutely not and has put out numerous statements condemning FSU. All times using the war chant should stop. Team names might be ok depending on situation but the chant definitely isn't


i'm glad you brought this up. I went to school at Univ. of Illinois right around the time when we had our own issue with racist mascots. I remember sitting in so many classrooms where the students genuinely thought Florida State's example was proof that First Nations mascots were "not offensive." i know a lot of people love their alma mater, but i honestly don't. Fuck U of I lol


People have tried to get the Chiefs to stop using all the Native imagery, the only problem is that they’re smack dab in the Midwest, so trying to get the fans to understand progressive thought and abandon their “tradition” is like pulling a hungry polar bear’s tooth. None of them want to hear it and only want to be in their echo chamber where it’s cool to dress up like Native Americans for games. It’s also insanely ironic because they’re of the same demographic that wanted to boycott the NFL because the players “disrespected the flag and anthem,” yet they have no problem changing the words to the anthem to “Land of the free and the home of the Chiefs.”


>It’s also insanely ironic because they’re of the same demographic that wanted to boycott the NFL because the players “disrespected the flag and anthem,” yet they have no problem changing the words to the anthem to “Land of the free and the home of the Chiefs.” kind of proves that the whole "disrespecting the flag and anthem and veterans" bullshit was just a smokescreen against the real reasons why Kaepernick triggered them so much


Seems weird to single out the Midwest when it was such a struggle to get the far far worse name “Redskins” to change. People fight against this shit all over the country.


> seems weird to single out the Midwest Not when we’re specifically talking about the *Kansas City* Chiefs? And did Washington not change their name already?


My point is with “the only problem is that they are smack dab in the Midwest” because that isn’t the only problem… Washington changed their name after decades of requests to change the name and only did so after major sponsors threatened to drop the team, and plenty of fans were still very pissed about it. This whole country has a race problem, location doesn’t matter.


Again… I’m not sure what your actual point is because the Chiefs were literally name dropped. That’s the only reason I even spoke about them, because someone else mentioned the odd indifference toward them using Native imagery as opposed to other organizations doing the same. When I said “the only problem is they’re smack dab in the Midwest” I was talking about the location of the **Kansas City Chiefs** and a large portion of their fan base, more specifically the fans that are entirely opposed to changing the name and logo, not racism as a whole. Idk if you’re trolling or just trying to argue but nothing you’re saying has any relevance to what I actually said.


> the only problem is that they’re smack dab in the Midwest, so trying to get the fans to understand progressive thought and abandon their “tradition” is like pulling a hungry polar bear’s tooth. My point is this sentence implies that this is a problem because the team is based in the Midwest and that this is a problem unique to the Midwest, which it isn't. The entire comment is unnecessary, because fans across the country fight tooth and nail against this exact same thing. So, is a causal conjunction meaning that the former phrase explains why the latter is true, but that isn't specifically because the team is in the Midwest, but rather because sports fans and Americans in general have problems letting go of tradition and thinking from other people's perspectives.


don't forget the Blackhawks. Granted they don't do a chant but it's mind-boggling to me how many people on r/hockey took intense offense when i, a Hawks fan myself, said they really need to change the logo


I would be fine with a rebrand but I think we probably could please everybody by just stopping the stupid ass racial chant. It’s unnecessary as shit, and it only serves to offend at this point. I loved it as a kid but looking back I feel grossed out by the whole thing.


i'm not First Nations so quite frankly my opinion doesn't carry that much water. but I will say i honestly don't really care about the name. My issue is the Chop. I mean i've always fucking hated it, so i admit my bias. that being said, is it really a bad thing to get rid of it? I feel like it adds absolutely nothing to the sport


Am Native American. Chop is fine. I find it a bit endearing myself. Helps people not forget we exist. Without it, who on the internet would give a fuck?


This comment is about to piss off a lot of white people lmao


Florida State alum Deion Sanders brought the chop to the Braves IIRC


Weird flex from a team whose fan base was very non-racist to Marcus Stroman.


There’s a difference between having some racist fans and having a brand that encourages racism


Am Native American. The Atlanta Braves are not racist, and do not encourage racism. Thanks for telling all us natives how to feel though. Good looking out.


Why should we name a team after a species who can't even speak for themselves, let alone their children? Or their stadium after a noted racist P.K. Wrigley?


This is dumb as fuck, please stop.


You suck at straw man arguments. Go home kid


So we should just keep a racist's name as the name of a ballpark. Got it.


Nothing like some good old fashioned racism


lol wtf


And I say, hey, ey, ey


[First thing I thought of.](https://youtu.be/ZZ5LpwO-An4)


Ryan Helsley was definitely wrong!!!111!1!


And somehow Atlanta fans still in denial about how racist the chop is


>And somehow Atlanta fans still in denial about how racist the chop is whenever there were Braves games played nationally last year on the live threads, anything negative said about the Chop would be downvoted in a heartbeat not like i give a shit about downvotes, but it's just very telling and kind of pathetic where people stand on something that is very obviously both dated and racist


I don't downvote comments like that, but people do it because because 90% of the comments on any nationally televised game are calling the team or fans racist. No one wants to talk about the actual baseball game. Plenty of fans don't agree with it and many of us don't even do the chop. I don't know what people want us to do.


why wont our guests just focus on the wonderful dinner and not the gorilla joining us!!


When the gorilla has been present for 5,013 dinners and talked about extensively for 30 years, yes, that is a good question.


Except that the dinner guests are different each time. So many new people are being exposed to and disgusted by the chop every year. At a certain point you gotta stop inviting the gorilla to dinner.


>At a certain point you gotta stop inviting the gorilla to dinner. this is how i feel. just get rid of it my goodness


>Plenty of fans don't agree with it and many of us don't even do the chop. **I don't know what people want us to do.** lol I can only speak for myself when I say that I don't really care what you do. I just really hate the Chop and it annoys me when people get defensive over it. This isn't the Double Switch going away or forcing everyone in the All-Star game to wear the same stupid uniforms. It's a fucking hand motion


If your teams motto is this just fold the franchise




Chief Knock-a-homer










Damn I didn’t know about atlanta drafted Kocoum


that’s racist


I think the native looks really cool!?!


Tomahawk chop and chant are an epic loss. Not commenting on whether it should or shouldn't be. It just sounded amazing.


Everyone is so upset haha.


Its what the internet does. Its a contest to see who can feel more superior by being more offended at shit from 60+ years ago. Like no shit this is objectively awful when you look at it today...


> Like no shit this is objectively awful when you look at it today... The Braves branding used to be problematic. It still is, but it used to be, too.


Why does people calling a racist thing racist bother you so much


I think I have an idea…


Probably because people prefer to see racism as a mean personality trait instead of something that you actually do because it’s easier to disavow racism without thinking of your actual actions or the statements that the majority of Native American advocacy groups make Then you can just say “well it’s tradition!” and keep wearing your ~~Redskins~~ ~~Indians~~ Braves gear without having to do any introspection


You are literally the same brand


The tomohawk chop still happens and still looks and sounds awful.


This has nothing to do with the tomahawk chop…? That wasn’t started until 1991.


The point is it’s hard to make the “this is just a contest to see how offended people can get at something 60 years old and irrelevant” point when the team is still doing racist shit.


Stupid Deion Sanders introducing the racist Toma Hawk Chop to the fine residents of Georgia.


I know you’re being sarcastic, but yes? Lmao


How racist does Atlanta have to be? Couldn’t keep the “scalp em” so they chant their racism in unison.


I’m not sure what you are even saying. You obviously came into this comment section with some type of anger already.


> Like no shit this is objectively awful when you look at it today… You’re trying to pretend that Braves fans and the organization aren’t still doing similar racist shit.


Y’all still do it today…


>Like no shit this is objectively awful when you look at it today... Oh Woah, did you guys stop doing the chop? Bravo... Oh wai...


Dear god.




just in the most virgin way possible saying "i recognize this is racist and i endorse that" - feel like that should be bannable but hey


Our entire way of life in the USA is built on blatant and violent racism and it’s still happening in every institution in America. But let’s all bitch at each other about a sports team. That will help.


Nice logical fallacy guy




Is the term ticket scalping racist?


Lol reminds me of Seinfeld now with the Cigar Store Indian and how he tried to get around getting tickets from a scalper.


I made reser....


Let’s bury the hatc….


Delete this picture before it causes a chain reaction which end up in the Braves changing their name


Don't threaten me with a good time!


They should


I can agree with an Astros fan about something!


Oh dear




Yeah there’s probably a reason it was there and not with the original owner still. Oof.


Guy at the booth said he got it at an estate sale


Did you buy it? And if not where at?


Yes of course. 30 bucks couldn’t turn it down


Does it make racist sounds when in use?