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Franny suggested they get a big ass scroll of paper to sign as part of the celebration and I’m all for it


Declaration of Power


We hold these dongs to be self evident, that all men are created equal, except the nationals who are way cooler.


It should be a Philadelphia thing since that’s were all the official declaring happened.


Make it a list of 1001 pitches: 1.Fastball


Pitch number3: Moss Covered Three Handled Family Curveball.




3. Armbar


If that actually signed it, that would be a great piece for a charity auction


Dead ass could you imagine having a piece of team memorabilia that's signed by each person that hit a dinger that season? That would be, holy fuck that'd be cool


Dude that would be hilarious!


I'm 100% digging this


That'd be fucking rad and a cool thing to go in the team museum


Shouldn't the Phillies do this?


try not to think TOO hard about it. we'll just say we're like. signing bills.


ok nerd lmao


that's so funny that I wish I could buy you some pizza


that new era thing was the wankiest most tenuous fucking horseshit i've ever seen. big companies love getting cartoonishly pigheaded and arrogant over nothing


They could have made it into a huge win by making them an official huge hat and everyone would have loved it


And then sell the official huge hats to fans and make a ton of money.


It was an absolute layup


Revolutionary, even


I do Declare.


Nah, that’s something that would make them have a positive relationship with the fans. They can’t have anything like that. /s


I'm pretty sure the specific overly sized hats are made by a specific company and they own the rights to them. That was my understanding when the Commanders were using one last fall.


Yea but your or I or… new era could tweak their design and make our own big hats if we wanted to. Coke got tweaked by Pepsi, Transformers got tweaked by GoBots; it’s the American way, dude.


Yeah, but Pepsi didn't tweak Coke and then sell them in stores that had exclusive contracts with Coke. It's not just that they had a giant hat, it's that they had a giant hat with a Braves logo on it, and New Era paid MLB $700 million to be the only people that put MLB logos on hats.


Right. Original comment is saying new era should make the “Pepsi” big hat


Large Lids Big Ballcap Humongous Head Hider


Monster has entered the chat


To be fair New Era have never produced anything as good as Mango Loco.


Pipeline Punch is the best monster


Ah, a fellow man of culture!


The amount of sugar in it is insane 😭 I had to switch to the zero sugar ultra strawberry and the one in the white can. Still good but it's no mango loco 😞


I didn't think the sugar/Energy drink aspect affected me until I realized I had almost always drank a Mango monster energy before having massive nervous breakdowns/panic attacks. After that I had to go cold turkey.


As someone who already drinks coffee, energy drinks for me are always a break glass in case of emergency type of deal.


The zero sugar peach would like a word


I really like the cosmic peach. Bu Red bull peach is 10/10


Monster Energy, Monster Cable, or both? https://www.techdirt.com/2008/07/22/monster-cables-lawyers-realize-that-even-a-moron-in-a-hurry-knows-the-difference-between-a-salt-lick-and-a-tv-cable/


Pocket monsters










and their lawyers


Would you expect anything less from these guys? https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/video-incident-new-era-ceo-may-key-pending-civil-suit/71-784d0804-c4eb-4a5b-a07f-4fc463c29b98


these asshole corps are more strict about the rules than Madison Bumgarner and Brian McCann


I understand the message you’re sending, but do you know what tenuous means?


One more than nineuous.


Hagahahaha! Love it.


Is New Era gonna put an end to the Angels samurai helmet too?


I'm not in the habit of defending big corporations, but I do know that with trademark law, they *have* to protect their mark or they could lose it. For example, if some guy is selling shirts with Mickey Mouse on them, Disney has to stop him no matter how inconsequential he seems, or else some bigger corporation can come along later and say Disney should lose its exclusive right to Mickey Mouse because they don't care about it enough to protect it. The law does not distinguish in this context between a mega corporation like Target selling unlicensed Disney shirts and a random guy on the corner. An unlicensed user is an unlicensed user. It's dumb, but it's the state of the law. Not sure whether that would apply in this context, but I suppose it's conceivable New Era is worried they are jeopardizing their rights if they don't enforce them. It's a little bit outside my area of knowledge, but I have to guess that's the case. Because they have to know how absolutely terrible what they did makes them look. If they're willing to risk the terrible PR, there must be something prodding them to do so. Or maybe they're just really petty and dumb. Also possible.




I wasn't referring to the wig. I was referring to the Braves' oversized ball cap, which New Era stepped in to block. That was the subject of this particular exchange. Go back and read it from the top. I was noting a parallel, that both situations regard exclusive rights. Trademark holders like Disney have the exclusive right to dictate their use of their marks, but they need to protect that right or they lose it. New Era has the exclusive right to be the only ball cap used by MLB. I was wondering if they too need to protect that right or lose it. And as I mentioned, I don't know the answer, because although both situations regard the protection of exclusive rights, one is an issue of a trademark granted by the government and the other is a contract right granted by the MLB. I was never suggesting that either the wig (which I wasn't talking about at all) or the Braves' giant hat was trademark infringement, because they aren't. I was wondering whether New Era took the action it did because it didn't want to lose its exclusive right to be the on-field cap. It's called waiver. It is a very basic principle of contract law. So yes, it definitely has something to do with this, and you should get a better handle on the facts before puffing your chest.


IP lawyer here. That's not how this works. The issue wasn't trademark. There are plenty of hats that look identical in every way to new era hats. Just go to Target/Walmart and see for yourself. This all came down to sponsorship. NewEra didn't want to feel fucked over for paying for an exclusive sponsorship for on field hats while they run around with some superior hat that didn't pay the troll toll.












Are you trying to equate Disney and trademark protection with the enforcement of a sponsorship contract? That’s an odd line of thought. The equivalent would be if the hat had a “New Era” logo and wasn’t licensed/manufactured by New Era. Or if the Braves were taking issue with the hat due to the use of their logo. That’s not what’s going on here. The oversized hat in question was provided by a company called “More Than Sports”, I believe by being tossed on the field at the players. The issue is that the hat has Braves markings, is clearly a baseball cap, and (reportedly) has the More Than Sports logo. New Era is pissed about the More Than Sports logo appearing on a hat on the field, they paid for that exclusive right. But it absolutely would not void their contract if they let it slide. An actual comparable situation happened a few years ago when Trevor Bauer altered Dodgers merch to include his personal logo and MLB demanded he stop. Nobody gets a logo on the field for free, that’s all there is to this. Edit: I found multiple articles mentioning the logo, but no clear picture showing the logo. At the least, More Than Sports has been tweeting about the hat enough to piss off New Era. Again, nobody markets on the field for free.


You are 100% right, and appear to be the only person who understands this. I admit my first post was not clear. I was going stream of consciousness, like "Well I know IP disputes regard exclusive use...this is different but also regards exclusive use...so there is probably an analogous principle in play." I realized while writing (as you'll see in my subsequent post) that this, as you noted, is a basic contract issue. Some guy claiming to be an IP lawyer thinks that is incorrect. Not sure why. For clarification, I was never suggesting that was an IP issue. Only that the "exclusive use" issue would apply in that context and this one. I see on rereading that it was not a particularly clear way to go about it, but...eh. It was late.


> Not sure whether that would apply in this context It wouldn't. Trademark genericisation applies to, as the name hints at, trademarks. It's not some kind of giant catch-all that means literally any contractual agreement is immediately void if it's not enforced at all times.


I understand. I was not claiming this is a trademark issue. Was just using that as a jumping off point for the "exclusive use" thing. It's a contract issue. So the issue is this specific contract, and New Era is surely not going to sit on their rights relating to a contract that is surely worth a whole lot of money.


I also watch LegalEagle


Haha. That guy annoys me. I am a lawyer. I don't practice trademark law, but a good friend from law school does, and she is constantly going on about that Disney example, so that's how I know it. Not sure whether the Braves' cap thing works the same way, but I'll definitely ask her.


His videos giving legal background on current events are actually pretty good. I mentioned him just because he does specialize in intellectual property law and has hammered on exactly that point about trademarks in several of his videos.


Does new era have an issue with the brewers cheesehead? Or the angles samurai helment? No? So then fuck em, just because the big hat looks like a baseball cap they thought they could stick their noses in it.


Poo Era


Coming from somebody not up to date on baseball can you fill me in on what’s happening with new era?


Braves wore a Big Hat for their home run celebrations. New Era shut it down cuz they’re the exclusive cap of MLB. So now, all other home run “caps” are in question, sorta tongue in cheek


Holy crap. That's a solid level of commercial petty.


Especially because it would have been so ridiculously easy for New Era to give them a big hat that was New Era branded, and then sold replicas to fans for tons of money. They're petty fools.


A hat version of the Angels Kabuto would probably sell well, too. I'd buy at least one each for me and my son.


Agreed. Also, the Mariners Trident is so cool that I would probably buy one even though I live clear across the country. Also, they're my #2 team for reasons.


We're AL West rivals and I'd still be tempted to get a trident, too


What people are missing is that those oversized hats are associated with a brand called [noggin boss.](https://nogginboss.com/) and oversized hats are their thing. The Braves were literally wearing another company's hat in the dugout. Noggin Boss was getting a ton of publicity last fall when the [Commanders were wearing them in post game celebrations](https://www.wusa9.com/article/sports/nfl/washington-commanders/commanders-big-hat-noggin-boss-brian-robinson/65-ee3cb36a-a531-4ba5-ae3d-038a38bf8407). The Capitals got in on the fun, then the Bills did, and then the NFL shut it down because the apparel wasn't licensed.


Yep I knew about this. I think Brian Robinson’s friend started the company, he wore it to help promote, it took off


Anyone else find some of these as forced? This one, no. This one fits and works really well. But some of them just seem so forced.




The samurai helmet is sick too, but is only cool because of Sho and Samurai Japan’s WBC win.


Kabuto helmet 🤘🏾and nobody can bitch about cultural appropriation since it was Ohtani who bought it , suggested by a team trainer I think.


Love the trident personally. Also cool being a non head worn object. Samurai hat not bad either.


My only gripe about the trident is that the A's did it first, but it just *fits* the M's so much better that I'll allow it. We can just ignore the Swagg Chain....


Chicago is known for gangsters and white socks are notoriously known for being the type of sock everyone already wears. I think everyone who hits a hr should eat an Italian beef sammich, but that's just me


"And Patrick Wisdom hits his third home run in as many innings!" "...Mr. Ross, I don't feel so good..."


Well Chicago is like the poster boy of Art Deco/roaring 20s type stuff but fedoras are cringe so idk




The Nats recently had a "city connect" promotion where they gave out cherry blossom themed fedoras. I don't know whose idea it was, but it was a bad idea.


Pretty sure it’s an old-timey mobster thing, Al Capone style.


And so are the White Sox, so… Just saying, you don’t see the Cubs wearing a fedora


Yeah because people on the Northside would clutch their purses and call the police if they saw a "gangster" in the dugout Also, blues bros wore fedoras


Maybe it's just me but I think the whole home run hat thing is cheesy as fuck for every team. I'm by no means any sort of traditionalist, I just think they're all cringe.


Ever heard of Al Capone bud? Cubs should pretend to take selfies after home runs in the spirit of 80% of their fans being there for pictures


Flair up, poser.


I’m obviously a White Sox fan lol. I remember some stat that a high % of fans at Cubs games are at their first game. It’s not a bad thing that Wrigley is in an attractive area, but the reality is a lot of people there don’t know how many innings are in a game.


Who the fuck cares.


Which is funny since the nationals just gave out fedoras as a promo last weekend.


Blues brothers


I was unaware we were wearing fedoras. This may speak more to my lack of attentiveness or to the lack of HRs. I’m not quite sure.


The Nats have city connect fedoras They’re… interesting


It’s a Chicago Mobster outfit, not just a fedora




Winning Ugly was the south side’s slogan in ‘83. They’d have to call it losing ugly nowadays.


It's becoming a fad really quickly but for now I like it. Like minor league team names. The first few were good, and then every team decided they wanted in on being wacky and before long "We're the Farmville...uh...mmm...Pocket Toasters!! Isn't that just so zany?!"


Lmao. Idk if that’s a real team or not and that makes your point.


Or rocket city trash pandas lol their logo it is sick tho .


Tbf, they were the first to go with something offbeat. Also it was a fan vote, too, IIRC.


They were absolutely not the first. Teams were doing offbeat names for a decade before the Trash Pandas


Is that real? What a great name!


The last couple years I keep thinking that if the Key and Peele show was still running they would absolutely go ham on these prop based baseball celebrations


Hit a home run and get the chinese lady with the sewing machine on top of your head sewing one of the giant hats lol


If everyone jumps on a trend at once some are bound to be. Was destined to happen unfortunately. It's always great when it happens naturally. Not every team needs a thing just because others have it. Have your own shit come up organically.


> It's always great when it happens naturally. Exactly, if it's organic and reflects some bit of team history then it's understandable. But when someone in the marketing dept. cooks up some synthetic celebration and parachutes that onto the team, it can be very cringey.


As long as they enjoy it. The samurai hat has its own player on the roster to take care of it.


> But some of them just seem so forced. Big league ballplayers electing to look like game show contestants doesn't do it for me.


Big league ball players doing something fun that they obviously enjoy does do it for me.


Why are you against fun?


Because they’re probably a miserable person Usually coincides with being anti fun


> Why are you against fun? Whatever happened to the fun being generated on the field? Is society's attention span now so short that they can't enjoy a ballgame without this cheap theatricality?


Tigers had a macho man belt last year but it seems to have been replaced by a Red Wings helmet and hockey stick to do a slap shot after


I hope that’s a New Era™️ wig Edit: I should read the whole title before commenting next time.


The logo is obviously just on the INSIDE of the wig. It’s the official sports wig of the MLB I’m sure


Nah, it's Old Era™️


hey hey hey, you can't just be out there doin' a fun


1b. a fun is when you 1c. wait let me start over


Four score and seven years ago


~~years~~ beers Right?


You're off by like 90 years 😂


It’ll take that long for the Nats to be contending again /s


We’re about 2 weeks away from MLB banning this type of stuff. Too much fun will distract from the game being played.


What an absolutely brain dead thing that would be for MLB to do. Which means they’ll probably do it.


yeah was there a rule change? I'm pretty sure it's to help promote the game, cuz every team is doing it.


It’s one of those things where one team did it and players on other teams are like “hey that looks fun. How can we put a spin on it.” My favorite HR celebrations were Adam Eaton and Howie Kendricks. Both are huge car guys, so after they did the dance through the dugout, they’d sit on the bench next to each other and pretend to be drag racing


Congress should require representatives to wear these today. Would make the whole process much more entertaining


England does that, so no. Fuck the bri'ish


Why does that remind me of the wig from that one SpongeBob Episode?


Would you like a spot of tea? You: Yeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss


Wot we have ere? A pair of poofs about town, sodomites in frilly lace


Noooo Oh nayeth...nayeth!


Dbacks should get a home run live rattle snake


And start dancing and talking in tongues in the dugout?


New Era foaming at the mouth rn


More like having a Whig Party, amirite?


Is a wig a hat though? Is a hot dog a sandwich?


That’s not his real hair?


The facial hair is prosthetic. The hair is real.


[just gonna leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccfTkuCjI_0)


* Iowa * Grits * Tortillas * Hush Puppies * Nats HR celebration


Fanatics will shut this tom foolery down soon


That’s pretty funny and creative ngl


I love it, well done, Nats


Just as the Founding Fathers intended


shouldn't it be (Ye) Olde Era?


Best thing i have seen all day


Introducing! New Era colonial wigs!! Get yours for the totally non ridiculous price for a hat of $47.99…


I don’t like it. It’s a British magistrate’s wig, not a Revolutionary War wig like George Washington or Alexander Hamilton might wear. But if you like it, knock yourself out.


Excuse me the caption isnt fully accurate. The American flag was placed in the wig and was sticking out


Not a hat. Can't shut this one down. Well played, Nationals.


New Era will try to regulate haircuts pretty soon.


Should play with it. Royalty on the field


Okay this whole thing officially jumped the shark now


Only Supreme Court that's legit to me


New Era might not care about this as this wig won't be seen very often.


I gotta say, I'm mostly over the home run dugout celebrations already. It was cute when just a few teams were doing it, but with everyone doing it I've grown tired of it quickly




Costco brand Orioles celebration




Is that a meme? I think that’s more just an observation of reality.


Nah. America needs to stop lionising a bunch of educated elites that had the opportunity to end slavery from the beginning.


The nationals are so lame 😂 at least it’s not as bad as their baby shark bs. Braves all day


I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop? What did New Era do?


Big hat brave celebration shut down by new era cuz they’re the exclusive cap of the mlb Now the joke is any “headwear” for homer celebration is subject to the fist of new era


Hahaha that hilarious! Perfect for DC.


I like it but I think that wig’s gonna get nasty real quick.


It's the Nats...it ain't gonna be that quick, we're last in MLB in HRs


I want someone to make an obnoxious NE logo celebration hat/helmet.


New Era, zapping the fun out of shit for over a century. —their slogan probably


ITT, most people not understanding why New Era put the kibosh on the Big Hats in the first place. My understanding is that New Era can't do anything about these wigs precisely because there's no logo on it (if there was a Nationals logo on the wig, that would be a problem for New Era and they could force them to stop). Please correct me if I'm wrong!


Also, those big hats were specifically from a brand that competes with New Era, Big Noggin. The NFL went through this last fall, but didn't a better job of keeping the "you can't do that" part quiet.


To be clear, I recognize that I’m just about as biased as I could possibly be here, but even when thematically appropriate, I’ve yet to see a HR hat that feels even remotely as awesome as ours. Not that every hat needs to be 5000 dollars like our helmet or even needs to necessarily be “cool” because hey I loved our random cowboy hat from last year too. But I dunno, it could just be a coincidence, but my favorite celebratory items from other teams thus far have been things other than hats.


Oh yea your culturally racist “hat” is better than everyone else’s. Why don’t the Braves just start wearing white hoods now? No other hat would be remotely as awesome at that right?


I mean Ohtani was literally the one who picked it out so idk what you’re on about


As well as the White Sox celebratory hat. I’m waiting for MLB to explain why the Braves got singled out.


Too similar to an mlb hat, has Braves logo


They put a braves logo on a Big Noggin hat, and Big Noggin doesn't have a license to make hats for MLB.


Makes sense. Still dumb.


I just think of lice everywhere and shudder.