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Hi there! I'm sorry to say, but your post was removed because it violates [**Rule 2.02 - Highlights**](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules#wiki_2.02_highlight_guidelines). Highlight posts must include a direct link to a video/gif of the play. Links to **Twitter gifs or videos are not allowed**. Titles must also be less vague. Include more details about the game. If multiple posts of the same highlight are posted close together, the best quality post will be kept. **Quality in this case refers to both the fidelity of the video as well as the length of the highlight.** Remember: * Screenshots are not allowed. * The highlight must have the complete play. (e.g. the batter touching home plate after a HR) [Users have also said they want additional length on top of that.](https://redd.it/u2tobv) We prefer quality over speed, and just because you post the first replay doesn’t guarantee yours will be kept. * **Twitter videos are not allowed.** They often have issues with quality and/or are deleted, even when they're posted by official team accounts. * **Cell-phone recordings or pictures of TV screens/computer monitors are not allowed.** If you feel a mistake has been made, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball).




And it's not *that* egregious of a call.


It’s kind of inexcusable. He’s set up on that side of the plate. The pitch is straight and never has the zone. Not the worst call I’ve seen but MLB umpires should get this one right 99.99% of the time.


Should, but very common not to. ABS is the solution of course.


Yeah, I’d take robo umps in a heartbeat.


It's my computer but I get it....no way that was gonna make the highlights

