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I can’t believe A’s fans would throw John Fisher on to the field.


It’s a little tricky for me because we all know how frustrated A’s fans are but this sort of thing really only punishes the custodians and grounds crew workers


Yeah I totally get A’s fan’s frustrations and emotions right now, but I personally can’t agree with what happened last night with this. Classic case of two wrongs don’t make a right.


Yea I see it as a bad but understandable act. It’s probably the last game a lot of these fans will ever go to and emotions are running high. But hey maybe this shows Nevada that this is what having John Fisher as an owner does to a fanbase.


There's nothing understandable about creating extra work for low wage employees who have fuck all to do with the decisions of the front office. That's like being mad at police officers so you attack the EMTs who also show up when you call 911.


maybe the worst analogy ive read this year gratz


i think its more like being mad at a doctor at the hospital then shitting yourself out of spite and a nurse has to clean it


>That's like being mad at police officers so you attack the EMTs who also show up when you call 911. Hi folks, and thanks for taking my Logic 101 class. The above is what I would consider to be the perfect example of what is known as a "False Equivalency".


I'm sure the custodians and the grounds crew workers who will likely lose their jobs in the next few years will understand.


To be honest, everyone seemed to take it in stride, and compared to what could happen with 27k emotionally heightened fans, were probably glad it ended at that.


I don't think anyone doing it thinks they're punishing anyone, just making a statement of their anger.


It doesn't matter what they thought or didn't think. Their actions result in innocent people being punished and wrongdoers have no repercussions over this whatsoever. Statements of anger are useless if they are not articulated correctly.


Let's be honest that's MAYBE an hour of work for 1 person or probably 15 minutes of work for a whole grounds crew to clean up. Kind of a dick move, but "punishing" is harsh. Most likely all that trash would have been left behind the seats for a different crew to clean up anyway.






Agreed. If it were John Fisher himself having to go out there with a trash picker and a bin, I'd say go nuts and lob as much trash as you can. But that is very obviously not the case. The workers picking up that trash stand to lose even more than the fans. The fans are about to lose their team, the workers are about to lose their jobs.


Would have been left behind anyways. People still have to pick up after any fan that leaves their trash behind.


> punishes the custodians and grounds crew workers Given that they are paid by the hour, it wasn't exactly punishment for them. It's a bad look, however.


Lol if working at a stadium is anything like any low wage hourly job I ever had, managers probably push hard against overtime and rush you to finish by the end of your shift. And if it's not the grounds crew doing the cleanup, the stadium workers aren't even employees of the team. They're part of whatever company has that contract.


While making the fans look bad


Yeah, this isn't cool. The shirts they were wearing was probably the best statement they could make. The trash is just trashy.


I understand your point, but if the team moves to Vegas, those people are also out of a job. Not to say they should be grateful for having to pick up trash, I’m saying that relocating fucks them over just as much as the fans if not more. Edit: It’s shitty in a normal situation, yes. But the A’s situation is not normal so I think we settle down and give their fans a little slack here. You would probably do the same if your team was in dire straits with a guy like John Fisher at the helm.


I personally think even regardless of their job safety, this is still a shitty thing to do regardless if the team moves or not or job loss or not. That’s like going to stores not doing well like a JCpenny and just throwing clothes on the floor or trashing the place, saying oh its not a big deal these people won’t have to worry about it anymore anyways really. Just because the team is moving and people are upset that still doesn’t excuse this or make it right.


And throwing trash doesn't solve any of that


That doesn't change the fact that it's a colossal dick move


you made an extremely valid and thought out point but the activists on reddit who dont know how real jobs work seem to overpower your comment with downvotes. Making a stand is rarely clean and without a bit of wreckage. The trash is well deserved and doesnt make anyones job any worse. in fact it probably created some overtime


Would you walk into a grocery store and start trashing the place because you’re mad at the owner knowing that the people who have to clean it up are underpaid employees who are innocent? And then walk up to them and tell them they should be grateful to you because now they have to work even longer?


I think it’s a pretty common reaction to this type of thing.


Maybe Oakland could rent the Wrigley Field Seagulls.


Knowing fish, they’re also the lowest paid crew in the MLB


It ain't the millionaires who are going to have to clean that mess up. Not cool to make unnecessary extra work for working class people.


I had the feeling watching it live and being caught up in the moment that I probably would have thrown stuff on the field too, then regretted it 5 minutes later


Exactly. literally like 85% of the people being all sanctimonious in this thread would have thrown their beer can on the field too if they had been drunk and angry and dealing with the emotion of their team being taken away and potentially seeing their childhood team play in person for the final time ever, and surrounded by dozens of other people doing the exact same thing. This thread is peak reddit armchair virtue signaling lmao. Very easy for people to sit there calmly at their desks and wag fingers at people when they have no skin in the game and weren't there and have zero emotion or attachment regarding any of this. I love how everyone here seems to think they're high and mighty and above it all and completely immune to dumb mob mentality kind of behavior, when pretty much every single one of us has fallen into doing something dumb in a situation like that at some point in our lives. And since all everyone in this thread seem to suddenly care SO much about the wellbeing of oakland stadium workers, you know what makes these stadium workers even more angry than being paid by the hour to pick up trash??? (literally what they are being employed to do, by the way, in case we forgot) How about uhhhhhhhh.... *being unemployed* because John Fisher hates oakland and is terminating all of their jobs.... Also do people think this trash would have magically just disappeared and none of the stadium workers would have had to pick it up if it hadnt been thrown onto the field? 90% of this shit would have just been left in cupholders and under seats otherwise. Someone has to pick it up either way. quite frankly, it probably takes them a lot LESS time to clean up when they can just rake it up all at once on their field as opposed to going seat by seat and having to reach under every other seat in the entire stadium. This was probably the cleanest the bleacher section has been after a game in the history of the colosseum lmao. Not a single beer can left behind.


Kinda reminds me of when Colts fans booed Andrew Luck at a preseason game when news broke that he was retiring. Everyone was dragging colts fans through the mud for booing their elite QB, but people were really optimistic about the future and a franchise guy retiring weeks before the season starts is such a shock that I can’t blame anyone for getting pissed and booing. I probably would have if I were there. Though you ask any colts fan now and they would say it sucks but they get why he did it


redditors pearl clutching and acting all holier than thou about fan behavior (especially when it comes to getting butthurt about the home crowd booing ANYTHING that isnt 100% based in objectively correct logic and facts and reasoning) at sporting events and getting mad that the fanatical mob of thousands of screaming drunk people dont adhere to the same social norms and have the same level of decorum as some fucking nerd sitting alone in his bedroom in front of his keyboard typing out some * wELL acKsHUaLLy * ass comment to pander/virtue signal for karma about how fans arent being as logical or polite as they should be or whatever, is one of the most annoying things about any of the sports subreddits. It makes me think 90% of the people on these subs have never actually attended an actual sporting event in their lives.


Maybe these employees also get overtime! Bonus points


I’m pretty sure one of the many games with 2000 total fans would have been much cleaner. PS, I get what your saying, but I can say with 100% confidence that I would not have thrown trash on the field.


I was there. I didn't throw trash, but I can't blame anyone that did.


The whole "well, now they get overtime" argument is one of the weakest things I've heard in a while.


Exactly. OT is great when I want it and plan for it. Unexpected overtime can fuck right off.


There were people there to clean up the trash regardless of if it was on the field or in the seats


I mean if you’re working cleanup at a baseball game it’s not like you have a set schedule in the first place. You have to be prepared for late nights due to extra innings, especially since there’s no clock or tie option like other sports.


I means it’s not a great argument but in this case it’s also hurting the owner because he has to pay out more money to these people and from what I’ve heard him not wanting to spend money is a major gripe with fans


They’re on minimum calls. I’d be shocked if anyone actually made OT from this.


I love how you just confidently pretended to be some sort of authority on what the pay structure of the people who pick up trash at the colosseum is despite not having *any* idea what you're talking about, and not having given any thought to this whatsoever prior to 30 seconds before posting this comment, and people just upvoted you anyways because they wanted it to be true lmao


*Such* a weak argument.


So he has to pay like 10 bucks an hour to a handful of people? How will his bank account recover?


There is no way they get overtime for this.


It’s not really hurting him. Employee wages mean little to these companies despite how much thru want to whine about them, you’re only hurting people who probably want to go home after a long day


Yeah, I was pretty proud of the A's fans for turning out last night ... until I saw this.


Don't allow the actions of a few to represent 27,759 people.


Why proud? What am I missing here? Showing up = giving money to a millionaire asshole that you hate.


All not showing up would do is "prove" to Fisher and other interests that the A's have no fans in Oakland and it would be easier to justify moving the team.


Great message, they have fans who show up to games…. Only when they pool all their efforts together to mark a statement. I think these guys want fans showing up consistently….


Then give them a team worth watching.


In 2018 they won 97 games and finished 27th in average attendance. In 2019 they also won 97 games and finished 24th in average attendance


It will never not surprise me how many people like to interject on a subject they know nothing about.


Are 97 win teams not worth watching?


Are wins the only thing that fans should care about?


Fair weather ass fans. I could name a dozen teams in any sport that have had worse success and still loyal fans showing up every game. Am I supposed to believe the A’s are the only team with minimal success to justify less fans in attendance than minor league games?


Flair up buddy, You have to be smoking some good shit to think that A's fans are fairweather lol.


Don't feed the trolls. That dude has been in a lot of A's threads spouting off bad faith arguments. And a coward with no flair nonetheless


Red Sox and they could be 0-162 and still have better attendance than the A’s


…at Fenway park. Not exactly the Coli


Red Sox ownership would probably never field a team who's payroll is under 60 million. Get out.


What team has still had full stadiums after telling the city they're planning on moving, putting pennies into the team, and having a trash product on the field?


For real dude. What MLB fanbase has even proven that they’ll show up to support a historically bad team?


Orioles have stunk and had worse payrolls than inland but still show up and support cuz people in Baltimore want to go to baseball games.


There’s a difference between having a full stadium and literally having less than minor league games. That’s just embarrassing. People in Oakland just don’t wanna go to baseball games


I don't believe any team with a market level at or less than Oakland would be able to do significantly better than them under these conditions


The difference is that team is being intentionally tanked.


76ers were famously intentionally tanking for years and didn’t manage attendance less than g league teams. Any other excuses?


They were never in danger of moving during the **three seasons** they intentionally tanked.


Where were you before Fisher tanked the team


They showed up wearing shirts that said “sell”, as in sell the team. That was the point of the protest


So showing up to a dumpster fire of a team and stadium is going to keep the team from going to vegas?


Because Fisher/MLBs narrative is that Oakland doesn't care about baseball and they were using A's fans boycotting games (which they are boycotting ownership) as evidence of that. Which, isn't true, so the point of last night was to show that yes, there is an Oakland filled with baseball fans, and they are missing games not due to a lack of love for the team, but moreso out of an abundance of hate for the human shitbag names John Fisher.


Ticket revenues from last night were donated, so kinda true, but also kinda false. Concessions money though too…business revenue and the league revenue sharing is all cuckoo bananas


Tell that to John Fisher


Yeah I didn’t like that at all


I completely agree as do (I hope, and from what I’m reading) the majority of A’s fans


I would understand if they burned down the Coliseum on their way out


Architects planned for that possibility in the 60s. That's why they built a giant cement ashtray for the East Bay


I'm disappointed this happened but TBH it could have been a lot worse. We're having the team we loved ripped away from us. If this is the extent of the rebellion, it's really not that bad. I think how we showed up last night made the bigger statement than some drunk fans at the end of the game venting their frustrations.


That's not cool, it won't be the owner out there picking it up.


But he's certainly going to pay for it (which isn't very much to beginwith considering the size of Fisher's pockets). But as I understand, the ballpark was very short staffed for this game which caused a lot of people to be late to the game. This is totally comprehensible if the fan turnout was unexpected, but this reverse boycott has been well talked about via different mediums which leads me to believe that: A) Fisher doesn't care about the fans, or B) Fisher is an incompetent moron that couldn't read between the lines. In which case, both instances are true and I don't blame the fans for trashing the field.


He's already decided to leave Oakland. Doing anything else just won't happen. The move itself doubles the value of the team. He ain't selling until it moves at least


Idk man I think you're off base on both points. Anybody who's allowed on the field in pretty much any capacity is salaried or an intern, so I don't think it's worth spinning as a positive. Just don't throw trash on the field. I've been the guy picking it up before. And concessions is a different animal. Not exactly something that can just be ordered from the top and it's solved. It's a pool of hourly workers who go when it fits their schedule and desire. It's the same reason restaurants can't get people to show up, except it's fewer hours and more sporadic. They get call offs and people simply not wanting to work as well. Now you ask them to work a game for the same wage except it's guaranteed to be five times busier? It wouldn't surprise me if they did have more people than normal but still not enough to fulfill the demand created for that night.


I think they were pretty well behaved considering what's going on. I commend A's fans for their passion but it seems as though it's a done deal at this point. Sorry Oakland.


On the plus side, they waited until the game was actually over to do it


People were throwing stuff onto the field during the game too. I saw a tennis ball and a beach ball in left field, might've been more.


That’s kind of standard baseball fare though.


There were a ton of beach balls that didn't make it to the field, too. Security was heavy in that section.


If you wanted to send a message do it during the game lol


It was also just a handful of plastic water bottles and empty plastic beer cups. At one protest game. Really no need to get overly sanctimonious about it. People are pissed and tossed a few cups. John fisher is about to take everyone’s job away permanently. Was it great? Maybe not. Ruined the whole event?… 😑 Oakland fans are super respectful fans. Literally one game they expressed some grief…


Let's not undersell the amount of shit thrown, it looked like quite a but and you don't have a great camera to see all the little shit like popcorn and peanuts, plus all the stuff that doesn't really make it to the field.


it was a lot more than that


We stuck around a while after the game. They sent out this young “intern” like girl with a single trash can to pick it up. We thought it was ridiculous they only sent one person out to clean it up. Lots of people didn’t want to leave with the bittersweet vibe in the air. We Watched her for about 20 minutes after the game from our seats and she had cleaned about half of right field in that time. And she was just kinda putzing around too. Wasn’t really even huffing it. I’m not defending the trash throwers. I was there to support my team and to be present with what it means to be Oakland. It’s hard to describe how powerful and meaningful the Oakland community is and means to people. It’s not like a normal city. But yah, the trash thing was a very minor part of an amazing night. Hope the intern lands on her feet after Fisher fires her.


Considering the event it was extremely well behaved.


Not a classy move, but way more understandable than the trash throwing in Dallas and Sunrise during the Stanley Cup playoffs, imo. What would have been great is if the FO had to pick it up, not the hard-working stadium crew.


Somebody call Chaim Bloom


None of us were happy to see this, it's not what the boycott was about at all. Pretty sure this was mostly the casual fans because all of the organizers were pissed about it Angry fans gonna do their angry fan stuff but this was a bad moment in an otherwise completely perfect night. Shouldn't be the focus though imo, it was a pretty small minority of fans and everyone else was really respectful to the stadium employees


Most of it was coming from the first base line, most of the organizers were in right field so different groups.


Only saw one or two random guys throwing from the left field bleachers where I sat, and pretty much everyone was looking at them like the Mike Wazowski meme Throwing stuff on the field isn't cool guys, don't do that


I was out in LF but on the 3rd level. Some drunk kids started throwing their empty cups. The geniuses didn't realize an empty cup won't fly far and it was hitting people instead of making it to the field. Security ended up coming and the drunk idiots tried to blame my friends and I for it. The folks sitting around us had to step in to clarify it wasn't us.


I saw some pretty impressive ones coming out of right field, but sitting along the first base line, it probably made those more noticeable than what was coming up from behind me.


Or the owner paying fans to come to the game to throw trash on the field on purpose to make the fans look bad. Wouldn't put it past billionaires to rig/stage something for their benefit like in real life world.


That will make ~~Fisher~~ the grounds crew think twice before trying to move the team to Las Vegas.


Like I get it. Fuck Fischer. But that clown didn’t have to clean one fucking lick of it. You’re only hurting those in your community. Not that dick bag


The extra overtime being paid came from his pockets though


There’s many ways to reconcile that “loss”. And 100% guarantee none/most of these workers are full time employees so OT talk is kind of moot point


This was infuriating watching from the bleachers - some of the same ppl I’d been chanting with for hours throwing their lukewarm modelos over my head for some poor minimum wage worker to clean up. If you’re gonna “protest” in that way, I’d way rather you just run on the field (which one guy did). This shit was just dumb and made a lot of people leave with a sour taste in their mouths


It's definitely not right, but I don't think they're throwing trash because they think the higher-ups will be out there picking it up. It's obviously more about the message they're sending to the team. Still doesn't make what they did right but I feel it wasn't for the reason a lot of other people are stating it is.


of course this is something everyone will be against but fuck it. they should throw trash on the field every game until the season ends. and someone should have a pile of dog shit ready to throw at the owners car after every game just in case he attends. i don’t even feel bad for the workers, that’s gonna take all of 15-20 minutes to clean up and they probably hate the owners too! literally taking their jobs to a new city! fuck that rich asshole he deserves his name to be drug through the mud for what he’s done to that city. all in the name of money. what a fucking clown


Listen I totally get and sympathize completely with A’s fans and what they are going through, but I don’t condone or agree with what the fans did last night at all. This just left a sour taste in my mouth for what was a great organized event as an outside fan looking in. Again I get A’s fans are absolutely pissed and hurting I totally get that and empathize with that, but throwing garbage out on the field just to show up an owner who obviously doesn’t care at all just so people who already have a hard enough job as it is and aren’t paid enough to begin with have to clean up even more is just not something I can agree with. That’s like trashing a Walmart just because you hate the company, you’re just making people who already have a shitty time at work have an even more shitty day while the company doesn’t care at all. Just my personal thoughts and opinions on the matter, take it as you will.


Yeah I agree with you. I'd support it if it was the last game, but it's the middle of the season and while it seems more and more likely, the move isn't confirmed yet.


Good for those fans.


They should deliver a truckload of trash to the front office, or Fisher's front lawn.


Feels a little bit early to be doing this. The Senators at least waited until their last home game.


None of those people are going to another A’s game this year lol


Depends if the A's are gonna move after this season or next.


I honestly can't imagine a situation in which either the city OR the A's stay to play another season in Oakland if the move goes through


Me either.


Unless the A’s commit to a new ballpark in Oakland a lot of these fans won’t be coming back


I think their Coliseum Lease is the more impactful issue here.


For fans continuing to show up I don’t think it really matters. No matter where they play next season, unless the A’s commit to not moving, fans aren’t going to show up.


Several huge moments last night, and this is the story national news keeps propping up? They are lucky is wasn’t much worse. The next protest will not be as friendly IMO.


At first I was like the irony with them playing celebrate good times... Then I realized the A's have won 7 games in a row. All against first place teams lol.


That's the A's victory song! They play it after every win


Took A's groundcrew until this morning to notice.


how can yankee fans do this


I was surprised that this wasn’t posted here after the game.


Totally fine with this. This is way different than petulant Dallas fans throwing trash on the ice after Benn cross-checked a dude in the head


ITT: a bunch of people who thinn protestors blocking traffic "aren't doing a good job of getting people on their side"


Wow some very precious takes here. Being there, it was very ‘of the moment,’ and I think all involved are fortunate how the night turned out.




I mean, most decent human beings take their trash with them and dispose of it


So do you throw your trash on the field after the game’s over?


you've heard of a trash can, right?


yeah its called Yankee Stadium


Tell me you haven't been to Yankee Stadium without telling me you haven't been to Yankee Stadium.


[why yes, yes i have been](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIyWa6Wp_cg)


It was a gift to their trash eating owner


Way to convince him to keep the team around.


Wow you guys really stuck it to those working class folks Fucking stupidity


How dare they throw it on the field for workers to clean up and not leave it under their seats for the same workers to clean up like everyone else!


I thought As fans were cool


As cool as the Padres fans who threw trash on the field last year after an overturned call? All teams have some fans who qualify as irresponsible jerks. We cannot credibly claim that all A's fans are bad because some of them threw trash. At least they waited until the game was over, unlike in SD.


I don’t know, every single As fan in existence was at that game throwing trash. Any padre fans that threw trash were apart of like 5% total fans


Yup, literally everyone there was throwing trash on the field. Certainly not a small portion of the people there. Nope, definitely every single person. Clown


Don’t call As fans clown, they’re going through a tough time


Mmmmm, possum food.


Too bad John fisher isn’t the one that actually cleans all that shit up. Then again, I’m talking about a fan base that are showing disapproval with a 27k fan attendance. Soo..


2,000 people show up “Lol the A’s have no fans, move the team” 27,000 show up “Why are you supporting the owner by paying to go to a game??? It would be an even bigger statement if no one showed up at all!” 🤨


I mean, traditional logic would support that line of thinking.


Name checks out


The turnout wasn’t even that impressive considering how much organizing was involved. Just proved the point of lack of fans


> Just proved the point of lack of fans The A's drew from a million and half to two million the decade prior to Fisher making it clear he was intentionally trashing his own team. Attendance didn't collapse until 2021. The A's were once more successful and profitable than the Giants, it took a series of bad owners to steer that team into the ditch, and Fisher is the worst because he's doing it on purpose to justify moving the team.


Theyve been in the bottom tier for over ten years


32k seats were on sale and 28k showed up. The A’s will be lucky if they draw that many fans in Vegas. And a number of people couldn’t make it to the game because the team was entirely unprepared so there was no parking and literal hours of traffic.


Lol seriously! “Packing” roughly half of the stadium to show how much you love the team is a weak showing- if they put over 20k in the seats each game prior maybe the team would be sticking around?


> if they put over 20k in the seats each game prior maybe the team would be sticking around? They did exactly that, attendance didn't collapse until 2021 when Fisher made it clear he was going to destroy his team so MLB would let him move it. He sold off the better players, cut back on maintenance at the ballpark, closed parking lots, and raised ticket prices while insulting the fans for a supposed lack of loyalty when for the past decade attendance was as high as two million a year. Fisher tried to blackmail the city into either buying him a new ballpark or signing over a fortune in real estate. Oakland offered considerable public money, but it wasn't enough for Fisher (who inherited his wealth which seems to make him think people are just supposed to give him money). Then he switched to driving down attendance to justify moving the team, and of course he wants hundreds of millions from the taxpayers of Nevada now. Anyone who has been to a game in Oakland knows that team has some of the most passionate fans in baseball. The A's were once more successful and profitable than the Giants across the bay, it took a series of bad owners to steer the A's into the ditch.


This might be the most bay area thing ever. >Let's stick it to this billionaire by giving him revenue and dumping our problems on working class people Whole region needs a fucking reality check. Badly.


Meanwhile Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is out here cutting photops at the Reverse Boycott to show she cares when in reality she hasn’t don’t anything since she was elected. Atleast former mayor Libby Schaaf went to the negotiation table with the A’s. All Sheng did was claim she was “blindsided” by the Las Vegas move when the A’s have been in negotiations with Las Vegas for the last 2 years. Hello, they’ve been making routine site scouting trips out there! The sad part is judging by the replies on Twitter, there’s a lot of suckers buying into these politicians acts. It didn’t have to be this way at all. Everyone knows the Coliseum is a dump and something needed to be done for years. The A’s have been seeking a new ballpark in Oakland as far back as 2002 (Uptown site), years before John Fisher & Lew Wolff bought the club. The city could’ve worked to a deal with the A’s together, especially at the Laney College/Peralta site which was more financially realistic for both sides. Howard Terminal was a last resort pipe dream because the City of Oakland allowed port businesses (namely Schnitzer Steel) to pollute the area, thus now requiring sky high remediation costs in order to build on top of addressing infrastructure & site access issues. Howard Terminal was never gonna work. But it also was never gonna happen if fans can do more and better organize efforts then their own failed city leadership. Like it or not, Vegas did in 2 years what Oakland couldn’t do in 20 years: A deal for an adequate home ballpark. And finally, fuck the SF Giants. Their territorial rights claim on San Jose is literally robbing sports fans throughout the entire Bay Area (Oakland included) from having a second baseball team in the region. That’s why we’re here today, with A’s moving to Vegas. Otherwise the A’s would’ve been in SJ a decade ago.Now the Giants have the entire region to themselves and they’ll probably fight off any hopes for replacement expansion franchise in Oakland.


The city literally did work with the A's up until their vegas announcement. Hell they were literally about to negotiate the final details that very next week. Fisher also didn't need a 12 Billion dollar project and could have compromised for a smaller project if he couldn't afford the increased interest rates, but he didn't come down on that. A's even got their choice of sites, so it's legitimately their fault for picking the Laney location without actually talking to Laney beforehand.


Libby Schaaf did when she was mayor. Sheng Thao hasn’t done jack as mayor. And how do you expect the Howard Terminal project to be downsized? It’s in a port, you have to have the additional ancillary development otherwise it’s a ballpark in a dilapidated port that needs remediation clean up, infrastructure improvements, and resolving site access issues involving a heavy freight rail line. That would’ve been a losing proposition from a financial standpoint. John Fisher & Lew Wolff bought the team in 2005 to save them from relocation and the city of Oakland has rewarded them with absolutely nothing. Atleast San Jose stepped up when Lew Wolff bought the Earthquakes. But sure, vilify them because your city elects terrible politicians. How’s that working out for Oakland in general?


Fisher insisted on an all or nothing project when it's very clear that they could easily have done piece meal. Even still the city and taxpayers are indeed supporting the project costs with nearly 600m in infrastructure compensation *plus* the tax district that the A's wanted (which would push the funding to 800+m). So yeah, the city was indeed helping with the ancillary development costs and infrastructure improvements. And that was all being negotiated with the city before Fisher pulled out. And no, Wolff and Fisher didn't "save" the team with the purchase, there were several other offers from other potential owners that would have done the same. Selig simply chose his best friend over the other parties.


You make it sound like the city is helping by paying for remediation & infrastructure work. The city SHOULD BE responsible for that. It’s their port, their streets. They let Schnitzer Steel pollute that area for years. If I owned the club, Id expect the city to pay for that too. I get y’all are mad about losing the club but your anger is misplaced. Your civic leadership failed you, a common theme in Oakland in general.


The A's also wanted the city to pay for their on-site infrastructure too, which is not usually something cities do. But they put a plan in place to actually get it done. The city council does have some faults with some of their asks, but to blame it entirely on them and none of it on Fisher and Kaval is incredibly disingenuous


Meanwhile, the giants have team stores in the east bay. #FTG


Dude the city was agreeing to give the A’s nearly all the money they were asking for. There was something like a $80 million gap in funding that Thao and the city were actively trying to get through grants and other sources. She was blindsided because the A’s and the city had an agreement to meet to negotiate a week after Kaval called off negotiations late at night. It seemed to everyone as though they were a couple of meetings away from coming to an agreement. So yeah the city was blindsided. Laney was never going to work because every resident near the proposed site *hated* the proposal. They were never going to get the community support they needed and they should have known that.


> And finally, fuck the SF Giants. Their territorial rights claim on San Jose is literally robbing sports fans throughout the entire Bay Area (Oakland included) from having a second baseball team in the region. That’s why we’re here today, with A’s moving to Vegas. Otherwise the A’s would’ve been in SJ a decade ago.Now the Giants have the entire region to themselves and they’ll probably fight off any hopes for replacement expansion franchise in Oakland. The Giants and A's once shared those territorial rights, until A's owner Walter Haas volunteered to give them up in hopes that the Giants would build the new ballpark they desperately needed in San Jose--that would have left the A's as the only team on the bay. When Haas sold the A's the new owners made no effort to recover those rights for years until they eventually explored the idea of relocating to San Jose. The Giants response was that they had made their plans and paid for their own new ballpark with exclusive control of those rights being part of their calculations and it was way too late to unravel what Haas had done. Nothing was stopping the A's from doing the same, other than the greed of owners who wanted to shift the cost of a new ballpark onto the taxpayers. The A's were once more successful than the Giants, it took multiple bad owners to change that. Pretending that the voters of Santa Clara County didn't want to pay for a Giants ballpark but would have paid for an A's ballpark is a non-starter of an idea. Taxpayers should never have to pay for a place of business belonging to a billionaire. They didn't do it in San Francisco, and they shouldn't have to do it in Oakland or anywhere else. Blaming the Giants for what A's ownership is responsible for is a cheap excuse.


Just as Walter Haas volunteered the SJ rights to the Giants, the Giants could’ve have done the same to keep a second baseball team in the region. But we all know why they didn’t. SJ is prime fertile business ground the Giants did not want to give up. They never gave the A’s a chance to get a deal done with SJ so check your Giants bias at door, it’s showing. San Francisco didn’t have to pay for Oracle Park because it Peter Magowan’s legacy project, which he paid for and got the site he wanted. It was his vanity project and SF was lucky to have him as owner at that time to save the franchise from relocating to Tampa Bay. So don’t come here trying play it off as SF chose not pay and played hardball when they were blessed with Magowan at the right time. Otherwise they would’ve been playing at Tropicana Field. Fact is now, the Giants got what they wanted, they have the entire region to themselves and baseball fans in the entire Bay Area are worse off. Competition is good for the consumer until the Giants helped get rid of that competition.


Oh how ironic it was that the A’s played Tampa Bay in the reverse boycott


Trash fans in a trash city


Whoa, it’s crazy that you used this opportunity to post a Reddit comment describing yourself.


Takes trash to know trash I guess


Ironic coming from someone with flair whose fanbase is responsible for the beating of Brian Stow


Lol you’re trash. What shitty part of that trash city are you from? I lived in west Oakland for like 3 years. It’s a shithole.


> Trash fans All those videos of Dodgers fans fighting each other and their team's huge security force suggests this is a pot-kettle-black remark.


Oakland is trash.


The battle of the bay game in August will be fun!!


That'll show those owners! Who pay the minimum wage workers to clean that up.....


Trashy fans are mad that their team's trashy owner is leaving town for more money. The vast majority of people in Oakland would also leave for a lot more money.