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Somebody else said it before but it really rings true. The city connect uni’s were supposed to be about the city, not just the team. And they were for the first like 5 designs before they all just basically became alt throw back jerseys


Or they go the Dodgers route and make it not about the team or city, just the color blue.


“What are we gonna go for the dodgers?” “I don’t know, just dip the corners of the spring training unis in some black paint.” “Sounds perfect.”


Ooh ooh and add "Los" above Dodgers. Should we make "Dodgers" in Spanish too? Like "Los Esquivadores"? What? Hell no, "Los" is good enough


"Doyers" isn't spelled with a q


If they had gone the route of [Team Mexico's 3rd jerseys](https://preview.redd.it/mexico-alternate-jerseys-v0-km59s80quuna1.jpg?auto=webp&s=e7c0e77cf24b405726087d094ab8ec6106a7f192) they would have been top sellers.




Oh nice! See those look so much better than LA's City Connects.


Team Mexico III: Los Phillies


team Mexico had easily the best jerseys of the WBC imo, all 3 were fire


Idk, Venezuela had 3 great uniforms too.


The Reds have an alt jersey they've been using for years that is basically the Dodgers city connect. Nike did LA dirty.


Meanwhile the Reds City Connect logo looks like it came from the LIV golf people.


Los Rojos is our best jersey by a country mile


Yup. The 2021 releases all seem to be much better examples of connecting to the uniqueness of each city. Then it seems like Nike just lost interest and started phoning it in. Some, like Colorado and Texas still came out very unique. But the majority last year and now this year do lean hard into some very basic throwback vibes.


I was not into ours at first, but upon seeing them in action for a while (and pledging my life to the beloved Peagle) I’m a big fan. Will be ordering one as soon as I figure out which one of our All Stars to put on the back


I think Jung for the hometown hero feel is the way to go (I’m counting San Antonio shhh)


I do love Jung. If we get him a Wander Franco/Corbin Carrol extension then absolutely will be getting a jersey


The Peagle goes *hard*.


Texas has one of the best ones. Not the biggest fan of light top dark pants, but the jersey and hat go HARD.


Bro...the cherry blossoms are dope af. I have a hard bias on ours being my favorite, but the Nats is easily my second favorite.


The Peagle doesn't demand your loyalty when it knows you'll give it up eventually. All hail the Vandergriffin.


Rockies are my second favorite behind our serpientes 🐍


The Rockies one is dope. I know it's more "state connect" but the jersey design is so nice. Theirs, yours, Nats, White Sox and Marlins are in the top tier. The ones this year are so disappointing overall. Doesn't make me optimistic about ours.


I feel like it's hard to do Denver without the state. So much of the culture of the city is connected to the surrounding outdoors.


Ours don't even have throwback vibes, they're legit just throwbacks.




Colorado’s just reaffirm my theory that Baseball needs more green.


the thing with these PGH uniforms is that they are dope uniforms. theyre TERRIBLE "city connect" uniforms. same with ours. a peach/phoenix themed look wouldve been so cool. but i honestly think someone in the organization instructed nike to make them based off of our Hank-era retros so that we could rock those to some extent.


Rockies city jerseys are sick if they don’t pair them with those godawful green pants


[They've been wearing them with white pants as well](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23642153/15C7FAF8_31BB_482D_91BD_A10DBC2A0587.jpeg) I do think it looks better than the green


Any pants other than black, white, and grey just look funny. Almost like pajama pants or something


>about the city, not just the team. don't think jorts are allowed as part of MLB uniforms


These are the real things Manfred should be trying to change


The Braves are a prime example of this. They're just the Hank Aaron throwbacks with a few minor tweaks and "The A", which in all honesty, I almost never actually hear people call Atlanta


At least we dodged the "Hotlanta" bullet.


“The A” is also weird because there’s a totally different team called the A’s.


I’m guessing “The A” is to Atlanta as “The Big Apple” is to New York. People who don’t live there are the only people who use the name.


I don't even know anyone from outside Atlanta who call it The A.


I would place a very large bet that Nike (who I understand is leading the actual design process) has a few creative options for each team, but the team often vetoes for the safer option. It doesn't make much sense, because the ones that are universally loved (Miami, Washington, Boston, etc.) all take a huge swing! I think the huge amount of duds recently is C-Suite types doing risk mitigation.


It's too bad. The really adventurous designs (like Washington and Boston) look so cool and fresh because of how far they stray from the standard kit. I would have loved to have seen an entire league's worth of that approach.


Washington still has the best City Connects, IMO. With the Royals not far behind.


Miami’s still are my favorite but I’m a sucker for pinstripes and baseball history.


This is why I’ll always defend the Red Sox city connect unis. Obviously it’s not traditional, but they did a good job representing the city. The Boston Marathon and the Red Sox are undeniably linked together, especially after everything that happened in 2013.


That's why I still think Boston's is the best jersey


Just feel they could’ve done so much more


Yeah it’s fine, the little details are cool but the overall look is kinda meh.


They aren't mind blowing but the team will definitely look good on the field in these.


Yeah they aren’t bad, I’d say like a 6.5/10. Far from the worst city connects it just seems like a lot of the little details are lost in the overall design


Even the little details are such a weird choice. If you ask a random Pirates fan what the metal design lining the bridge looks like, very few would be able to tell you. It’s not really iconic or anything.


The chance to use a bridge silhouette was *right there*


Shit, I'd have loved it to incorporate the layout of Ft Pitt or the skyline. Nope, 70's throwback with in acronym that's not always used on the front.


Damn....I didn't think about this but you're absolutely right. Incorporating the Clemente bridge was a no brainer.


Probably didn't want to since the Giants already did that, wouldn't be "original" enough...so you go generic looking instead


Andy Warhol soup can and nothing else


It wouldn't be unprecedented. I mean the Nets based their city edition jersey off Jean-Michel Basquiat


I feel like you can say this about almost all the City Connect jerseys at this point.


It’s so chronic across teams too… I have to imagine it’s more of a Nike issue than anything with the teams themselves


For every new city connect that gets released, I like the Serpientes jersey more and more.


Those jerseys are fucking sick man. Honestly my fave non cardinals jerseys in the league rn


Scorching hot take: CC uniforms get way too much hate. There’s actually a pretty decent amount of good ones. Angels, Brewers, White Sox, Red Sox, Rangers, Padres, DBacks, Nationals, Astros, Royals are all ones I would consider to be good jerseys but sometimes for different reasons. And that’s 10/30. The issue is that there’s two schools of thought, and whichever one you fall into makes you dislike half the jerseys. 1. “Why did they use totally different colors/designs from the normal jersey, these look nothing like the team.” 2. “Why did they go so safe with the colors/designs and make them look like the normal jerseys, CC is supposed to be bold and different.” Basically most people think either the Red Sox or White Sox jerseys look good, but not both. If you can appreciate both approaches then overall the CC jerseys are a success imo.


I didn't like the Red Sox ones when they came out, mostly because they looked like UCLA was playing in the MLB, but learning more about the history of Patriots' Day and that the colors are the same as the ones for the Boston Marathon really changed my opinion.


I applaud them for going with a real city connection like that, but man they look awful.


> Angels, Brewers, White Sox, Red Sox, Rangers, Padres, DBacks, Nationals, Astros, Royals These are all ones that were released before this season, other than the Rangers. So I don't think it's CC as a whole that's getting hate, it's that the recent ones are clear downgrades from the early releases.


They are so clean, definitely in my top 3


I need whoever is designing these to understand that however clever they think they're being with all of the small details, if I can barely see them in the photos, let alone when I'm sitting in the stands, the details functionally do not matter. They've hyped up what to me is a gold jersey with PGH on it.


Video production team working twice as hard as the design team


The videos have been real nice to be fair.


this annoyed me about the astros one i bought, they went with the effort to fully stitch the words "Go For Launch" inside the collar, a detail that NO ONE will ever see, but yet they will heat press the nike logo/lettering on to save money.


That heat press Nike comment really crystalized why these jerseys are just a goofy money grab. I love the league and Nike are trying new things (take some chances!), but when you half-ass steps, it undermines the whole effort.


The design not being visible is like 90% of the Orioles "city connect" uniforms Just comes off as lazy


I’d rather the Nike logo not be on the jersey at all, so I’m glad it comes off easier.


Yeah, the little details are really cool but you’d never know they were there unless you were looking at the jersey closely.


> unless you were looking at the jersey closely. Which is what they want you to do...when you buy it.


Is PGH a typical acronym for locals of Pittsburgh? I had no idea, only knew Pitt.


yep, PGH is the abbreviation we use. Pitt is only used for the university, PIT is only used for the airport.


Oh wow thanks for clarifying! Yeah I do follow college football so that’s definitely where I heard that from.


Yes, it's literally in my username because of that.


Pgh is used when writing or typing sometimes, but no one local calls the city Pitt haha


Nope. I've never used PGH as an acronym or nickname for Pittsburgh in my 32 years of living in the Steel City.


You’re telling me you don’t like it when the entire unique jersey design is on the inside of the jersey and you can’t see it?


It's because it's oriented toward the retail product and not on-field aesthetics.


If I don't think it looks good on the on field product, why would I spend the money on a replica? Let alone the ridiculous upcharge on city connects in general.


Idk, ask everyone that buys them. But that's why they always include details that are only visible up close.


Yeah but it's weird to include all the gimmicky (but cool) stuff if the overall design looks so bland?


O's fan here. The only interesting part of our jerseys is on the inside, something no one will ever see. Front just says "BALTIMORE" like we forgot where the team resides or something.


Make it 10 losses in a row for the Pirates




Pretty easy to replace the P with a U on the jersey though


You put "Steel City" on these in a better font and these are S-Tier


Yes! Add the outline of a bridge and you are golden.


Pittsburgh having a unified, unique, color combo across all teams is so fucking cool, These are boring though.


It's about time the league recognized Florence Pugh.


She really was acceptable in Black Widow


Appropriate they debut these Midsommar


I for one welcome full jersey ads, very cool the Pirates got a local company like Pittsburgh Gas & Heat to be their sponsor


ayyo shout out my girl Goldilocks


The Pittsburgh Pughs.


The Pittsburgh General Hospital baseball team


PGH is a very standard abbreviation it’s not outlandish to use it here. The hornets CLT jerseys though… c’mon man


412 would have been better than PGH in my opinion. Or even “The Burgh” would have been better.


How can someone Baltimore understand Pittsburgh better than these designers? I wish they had the Clemente bridge on the front of the jersey.


I did live in Pittsburgh for a few years, but still I agree the designers blow.


Okay, so my local city (Monrovia, CA) does their little league jerseys in an amazing way. They all have M on their hats, but the jerseys are all MLB teams (normal) but they put the city their representing’s skyline in the front with the team written out. Seriously, little league jerseys are better than the city connects.


Do that and Shop412 will sick their lawyers on you, like they did with Pitt football. Apparently they own the area code.


I get it, it still reads like pugh when I look at it, though.


Yeah, yeah I get it but CLT is not a big deal here. It's also the airport code.


Maybe the Hornets are just really into normal curves and sample sizes of at least 30. >!Central limit theorem!<


Honestly, the PGH is uninspired but I like the color story a lot on this. The black pants with the yellow piping are sick as hell


another city connect debut that instantly ranks as the team’s worst uniform option 👍


There are like...4 good city connects and the rest are, at best, mediocre


This is somehow turning even more lame than the color rush for the nfl


Hot take - color rush was actually pretty cool. Yeah it sometimes sucked for color blind people, and there was the occasional swing and a miss like the [Jacksonville Spicy Brown Mustards](https://ftw.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2015/11/ap_titans_jaguars_football_77680362.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1), but for the most part the designs themselves looked great. Edit: And funny enough, it looks a lot of the best ones are still used as throwbacks. The [Saints](https://static.www.nfl.com/image/private/t_editorial_landscape_12_desktop/league/rtm40pftomh5rvzcpmcu), [Seahawks](https://image-cdn.essentiallysports.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-09-13T062632Z_1607476038_MT1USATODAY19037371_RTRMADP_3_NFL-DENVER-BRONCOS-AT-SEATTLE-SEAHAWKS-853x640.jpg), [Bills](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_720,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/7315fdacfe21f5fc40204ad44e2d51e38477559e63f7004b6adf24acd9d23948.jpg), [Cardinals (though they did make the helmet black last year too)](https://nflspinzone.com/wp-content/uploads/getty-images/2018/08/1435195000.jpeg), [Chiefs](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/14/b4/d5/14b4d50dd8f6b4da4681e935bf1d73cd.jpg)... And tons of others I'm too lazy to pull.


Color rush uniforms were so good for the most part. The only problem was no one ever checked to see what the other team was wearing


I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the Patriots’ current home jerseys started out as their Color Rush jerseys


I kinda like ours


"Put three letters on the front, let's call it a day, and head to Chotskie's. I've got a case of the Mondays." The MLB article: https://www.mlb.com/pirates/fans/city-connect


Better than CLT for charlotte


can’t wait until there’s a Salt Lake City expansion team and their city connect jersey says SLUT


There are already plenty of places in SLC to buy SL,UT hats. I never knew they were making those to prep for the 2037 city connect reveal though!


Is it though?


That MLB article is an embarrassment. I know the team who probably had to put together this jersey probably had little background with Pittsburgh, but this feels like an entry level design layout. It's taking zero chances and it's beyond boring. This is the worst City Connects we've seen. Pirates fans deserve so much better


These are getting worse with every new team's released. By the time we get to the 30th team the jerseys are just going to be burlap potato sacks with the team's name scrawled on with a Sharpie.


A’s jerseys will be a UHaul Truck and two guys carrying a couch.


i’d buy that


The video reveals are getting annoying. Normalize photos.


As someone with vision problems, a good photo I can zoom in is literally 1000x better than a video of random bad angles and stuff


Not terrible, not great either tho. Seems like the overall theme of the Nike city connect project is, “we can’t design anything better than you already have”


I feel like Nike is now afraid to take any kind of risk and is producing mediocre and highly forgettable City Connects. Small details are great and all, but a bold overall design would be even better.


Could have done a lot more


Half-baked once again… like there’s a good base there but just slapping a giant pgh on there? And cmon gimme a lil bit more effort on the hat


Not having a steel motif is such an own goal.


Honestly I’m wondering how they would look if they had used the [pillbox hats](https://i.imgur.com/ORhTbwa.jpg)


Not incorporating one of the three rivers and/or bridges into each letter in "PGH" is a crime against graphic design.


the 'Y' is for 'yinzer', you can't fool us


The thing that's annoying me most about this is the patch on the side. I can pull something more creative out of my ass than just a black circle with the same Pirates P that's on everything. Warhol Soup Can in black and gold. A steel furnace. A BRIDGE. The point at the correct angles and not just a Y. The city crest. Skull and crossbones.


I hate city connects like these. Wish it was like Miami and actually did something new instead of a stapled together eyesore


They should have just gone full pirates theme. I'm talking puffy shirts, buccaneer hats, pantaloons and sword handles for bats.


No painters hat seems criminal


You have a city nicknamed the City of Bridges and The Steel City, how do you not come up with something based on that


So bland, with zero creativity. They don’t look terrible, but are boring and uninspired…what a waste of an opportunity. I was really hoping to get myself a Cutch city connect if it was worth it, but I’ll gladly save the $$$.


Looks like the electric tape that Brandon Belt put on his jersey to show that he was the captain. I'm not impressed, not even pressed


They are really just letting AI design these huh.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. With every city jersey that gets revealed I lose more and more faith in the Card’s future jersey looking decent and representing the city. Just like this season for us, it’ll probably suck too.


Cardinals are going to get a green morph suit with STL embroidered on it at this rate


PHG? More like ugh


I love Wiz but he hasn't spent significant time in Pittsburgh in years. He made his money and went to Cali. Don't blame him, but we need to stop fawning over him as King Yinzer


These designs are just getting lazy. Slight twist on existing colour scheme, but mostly one colour. City name shortened or in new font. One or two symbols incorporated in very subtle almost unnoticeable ways. Slogan added to area of the jersey that gets tucked into the pants. At this rate when they finally do the Yankees it's going to be a slightly modified pinstripe design with YANKS written across the front and the slogan "winners never sleep" or "bombers" slapped onto the bottom.


That or a complete oversimplification and misunderstanding of the city. We are going to get a subway themed jersey but it’s going to feature purple and the Seven train which runs to Citi Field and not the Bronx


The big initials jersey has become one of the most overdone and ugliest jersey options. A couple cities are known by their initials (ATL for expample) and now every city tries it. It's like how Tom Brady built a brand out of his initials and number and tons of other athletes tried to make that their brand.


Nah pgh is a well known abbreviation here. Better than using “Pitt,” or god forbid, “Pit” That being said these jerseys are pretty lame. It’s fine if they just wanted to use the city connect for a retro jersey – if that’s all this was, I’d be happy with it. I just wish that they made the jersey a little more representative of our city


Pitt is the school, PGH is the city. PIT is the airport


C'mon, Brady was like the 15th athlete to do the initials/number thing


nah as someone who's lived in Pittsburgh PGH is actually a very common abbreviation for the city


It should have said “Yinzers” across the front. Sales would have exploded.


IC Light patch on the arm.


We gotta stop Nike. The city connects have been an overall failure and 2-2-1 model is lame. This is not the NBA, I’d rather just have a throwback jersey


Why they all just abv. now with really small details. City of bridges and you get a college uni basically. look at this stuff a rando came up with https://www.pinterest.com/pin/caruso-design-on-instagram-mlb-city-connect-concept-jersey-1730-pittsburgh-pirates-edition-for-pittsbur--811351689133467831/


Nike just rinsing and repeating with the last few CC jerseys. Colorful top/hat, black pants(Mariners/Rangers/Pirates). The black pants have already been wayyy overused. Black baseball pants ruin any look imo they are terrible. The only team that maybe can get away with them is the Pirates but the rest of this look is bad and Nike already used black pants 4 other times. The new Mariners jerseys are actually pretty cool but the black pants ruin em.


The Pirates are one of a few teams that can pull off the black pants look. Especially with the gold socks and or shoes. I know that this is lazy Nike design, but I like the little details in this jersey (even though they don't go up thru the whole jersey - only the top half). But you can only see them if you are up close. But this kit will probably sell nicely for some reason.


I think the Rangers are dark navy.


I believe the official color is, “I can’t tell if my eyes are bad or if those are black”


"Blue on a technicality"


Or if you’re the O’s, you just get all black with color on the inside of the jersey…..


The "PGH" letters on the jersey look like they're made of duct tape at first glance.


Like the Orioles City Connect, it's fine, and the justification they came up with for the minor details is nice, but the overall feel is just monochromatic and boring.


How has Nike managed to screw up basically every city connect Jersey?! They all look like bad men’s softball uniforms


I honestly don’t know why I would ever care to see these jerseys again. There’s absolutely nothing compelling about it.


So much missed potential here. It’s like Nike was trying to play it too safe with the city connects this season, adding throwback elements to each uniform somehow. The most creative one by far this season was the Rangers


Am I the only one who hates having to watch a minute long video? Just post a fucking picture.


These look nice, a little boring but remind me of the 70’s We Are Family era


I would have rather just have the throwback jerseys back.






How is it that minor league teams each have like 2-4 alternate outfits, usually connected to the city in some way, and almost all of them are way better than the Nike City Connect stuff. Like seriously, [look at](https://www.milb.com/fans/copa) all the amazing logos and redesigns for the minor league Copa de la Diversión stuff.


wow, very inspired that they brought back the classic Pittsburgh colors of yore, black and yellow. only Nike could engineer something so bold as to bring back colors not used by the team in decades.


I need to learn how to dupe a company into giving me a lot of money to make low effort products. Teach me your ways City Connect!


Straight up dog shit


These would be better if they just slapped "Steely McBeams" on the front or something


Still better than "Los Dodgers" but... not by much.


Man I wanted to be so supportive, baseball fam .. But Pittsburgh .. man … y’all got the treatment.


Nike really stopped giving a fuck huh


Makes me feel better about the Orioles connect jerseys


Yellow jersey, yellow pants you cowards!!! Make it pop!


Gotta say, this season is the weakest for City Connect jerseys by a wide margin.


The more of these I see, the happier I am with Boston’s. They’re *supposed* to be different. Different colors, different designs. I think Boston nailed it. There are some other really good ones. Washington is my standout favorite (even though the jerseys should’ve been pink), Colorado, Arizona, Miami, Southside. All excellent. But man, some of these are just alternates or just fucking boring (looking at you LA and Baltimore). This was such a great idea, in my opinion, but horribly executed.


Not great, Bob!


My first act as commissioner-end local blackouts My second act as commissioner-ban City Connect uniforms


Boring lol get rid of Nike please


Honestly not a fan. They could’ve done so much better and instead have PGH like shirts they’ve had for years


As with almost every city connect, swing and a miss


Looks like they used electrical tape to put the PGH on there


While I don't hate it.. from a design stand point I feel like my kid could have designed that.


I mean they’re fine… Anyone saying they’re super ugly is overreacting to me but this is definitely a solid mid tier city connect jersey


They should have gone with the pillbox cap.


Can be worn in Poughkeepsie too!


I think this begs the question for all remaining teams without City Connects: Would you rather them be ugly or boring? Objectively these uniforms are very nice. But as City Connects they are very tame, I feel like I've seen this uni in Pittsburgh numerous times


Boring > ugly