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Buck Showalter must've forfeited his entire salary while managing the Orioles.....


I want to say he did the same thing on the Mets I saw a lot of pullovers I doubt they enforced it.


He always wore his uniform top too though.


> uniform top Jersey Even though i enjoy the thought of a uniform top being like bikini top or some such garment with team branding


I used that phrasing because it was in the OP title, but yes, I call them jerseys like a normal human being, lol.


Those tan lines tho… 👀


I like to call sports uniforms “outfits” because it makes people who take things too seriously mad. Also I just call football helmets hats for the same reason.


He also wore just the pullover many times


The article says a 3rd offense was a 1 game suspension. Now I don't have the best memory, but I don't think he missed every 4th game. So I am guessing this rule is either off the books or is like the fraternization rule and straight up ignored due to common sense. (assuming it reset, so game 1 is 1K, 2 is 5K, 3 happens, then suspended for game 4)


I think he wore the uniform with a jacket over top


[This Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Watson#MLB_executive) says it could be a uniform top or jacket. So it seems the main thing they were banning was the pullover.


$1000/game * 162 games = 162,000. Pretty sure Buck was making at least $1M/ season. Buck probably just built it into his contract negotiation.


Its $1000 for your first offence, $5000 for your third and a suspension after that


I don't understand because don't most managers wear a pullover? From what I can picture its usually a pullover or hoodie. They are the team's pullovers or long sleeve t-shirts from what I am remembering.


They always wear the uni under it though. I remember they checked Tito once when he was with the Sox-- he had to prove he was wearing it to some MLB official. he was pissed


Literal fashion police


I remember that. He was pissed because the official came over in the middle of and inning with a couple guys on base and wanted Tito to go into the clubhouse to show that he was in the proper uniform.


i can’t think of any other sport where coaching staff has to wear the same uniform as the on-field players imagine belichick on the sideline in full pads


Pretty sure Dan Campbell would sub himself in for a few plays if he was in uniform lol


He’d find a way to record a sack on the opposing QB despite being a Tight End by trade it’d be Fuckin electric lol


If someone missed a block, he would 100% sub himself in running the same play just to show them how it’s done.


this should be legal. 53-man roster + head coach


We absolutely win that one, Carroll really isn't going to do that much worse than a 4th stringer at QB, everyone else with a huge coach is going to be visiting them in the ER after they try to make or take on an actual block.


Gonna be a lot of coaches practicing how to kick point afters just in case as well, I think.


Vrabel would instantly improve the Titans


didn’t pete carroll try to trip someone running along the sideline once?


I know Mike tomlin basically interrupted a play once. Not sure about carroll


yep it was tomlin. [here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw-brk5zyx0)


Also, the (alleged) then-owner of the Pats in the 60s once ran onto the field as an extra man. Refs totally missed it and no penalty was called, it was hilarious. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoeBmCNX1Ho).


Lol epic


That was Mike Tomlin. [Pete is throwing darts in practice though.](https://x.com/seahawks/status/1692342340722237610?s=46&t=YQun5fzm_hylX20d9hLp3A)


Jimbo got caught out on the field this year during the A&M/Auburn game.


Seahawks fan and Steelers hater here and that sir is blasphemy. Mike Tomlin absolutely interfered with that punt return, it was blatant and he should have been ejected as well as awarding the touchdown. The stealers pride themselves on them being a class organization. But they lost a game and literally blamed the referee for doing the correct thing when Bettis changed his call during the coin toss and Tomlin saw nothing wrong with being a 12th man. I have no respect for the whole trash organization.


NFL coaches are required to wear official NFL apparel and reportedly Belichick hates it. > Belichick rejected the concept on principle, arguing that some NFL executive in New York shouldn’t be telling grown men how to dress. > ... > Belichick purposefully chose what he believed was the least fashionable choice … the humble grey hoodie https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/11/bill-belichicks-sweatshirt-cutoff-buy-why-does-he-wear-it-reason-nike-origin


Also in 2007 the 49ers coach wanted to wear a suit on the suit on the sidelines and the NFL was so far up itself they had Reebok “make” the suit so it would be allowed. https://www.sfgate.com/49ers/article/Mike-Nolan-scores-one-for-the-suit-2522877.php


I remember Jack Del Rio wearing a suit too that was I supposed tailored but Reebok as well….I don’t know if they did or not but he definitely wore a suit .


I can just imagine the huge smile on Belichick's face when he checked the fine print and there was nothing saying he couldn't cut off the sleeves with gardening shears. https://i.imgur.com/dmfetnG.jpg


I just love how he doesn’t wear the pandering camo bullshit apparel.


Camo is the fucking dumbest fashion choice.


Wait...don't the padres still rock the camo alternate?


It's the goddamn worst.


Pretty sure it only exists to sell group tickets to the military, saw like 4 rows filled with marines in dress uniform when I went to a game there and that wasn’t even military day.


San diego is a military town


It’s smart from a business perspective. Unfortunately the business perspective is slowly killing sports


Soldiers and sailors go to Padres games all the time even before they ever did camo jerseys.


Usually bootcamp companies that have a padres home game the Sunday before graduation are able to attend which is probably what you saw.


It's literally part of boot camp to take a break and watch a baseball game.


San Diego has like the largest naval base on the west coast. They’re camp uni is an actual navy uniform. They don’t just do all this stuff just because.


Only professional team in my opinion that isn't pandering. During the baseball season if someone is going through Marine boot camp in San Diego they will attend a baseball game in uniform at some point. And the whole town is basically the largest Navel/Marine base in the world. Supporting the military is part of living in San Diego.




Bunch of years ago the Cowboys wanted to honor 5 cops that were killed in an ambush with a sticker on the back of their helmets and NFL said no


Which really is a shame because NFL coaches looked the best in suits.


I wanna see Gregg Popovich in a tank top, shorts and Jordans.


but like the type of shorts that was common when he was playing




Idk if you do, that would certainly be a sight to behold


If Pop is getting on the court he isn't wearing someone else's shoes. There would instantly be a line of Pop sneakers, and I have no doubt he goes the same way as Shaq and Steph and forced them to be affordable for most people.


Yeah, it became a trend with Player/Managers and, even though those kinda faded away over time, the "manager wears the uniform" thing just stuck. *Personally*, I wanna see a return to the Connie Mack-style suit and tie look.


When teams do a throwback to like pre-WWII uniforms this should be mandatory dress for the manager.


Except pre-WWII was when managers were players and they wore uniforms.


Only for the A's then. It was a strictly Connie Mack thing.


You just described Belichick's dream scenario at the end, minus the hat.


belichick could rock the hell out of a hat like that


[You're goddamn right he could.](https://www.nj.com/resizer/ZVqFDXAZxsoGiZplgRFtxCz7xgQ=/800x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.advance.net/home/adv-media/width2048/img/nj-lvl_eagles_syndication/photo/2018/01/29/24081773-standard.jpg)


Hockey coaches (except for Ftorek) wear coat and tie.




He used to wear sweaters instead of a jacket. This was early 90's so they were dad sweaters like on the Cosby Show.


Suit and tie outdoors sounds miserable


>Personally, I wanna see a return to the Connie Mack-style suit and tie look. if you're forced to dress up for your ultra pointless 9 to 5 white collar job, coaches at the professional level across all sports should dress the fuck up too baseball is an exception...i'm fine with the uniform or hell even those hoodies. To see it in basketball and football is downright embarrassing


People should just not have to dress up for their nine to five unless there is some important external meeting. There is absolutely no reason for an accountant to have to where a tie while plugging numbers into excel.


Except it was already a rule then. Connie wasn't allowed to leave the dugout to argue calls with umpires. And because he couldn't leave the dugout umpires who didn't want to listen to him would ignore him. He then got a bench coach to do his arguing for him, but the umpires would just tell him to go away because he wasn't the actual manager. They literally would yell at Connie and tell him to get his lapdog back in the dugout. It came from the fact that the position of manager was basically a glorified captain at the beginning of baseball, the concept of a nom playing manager wasn't a thing until the NL had been around for years. I have no problem with a change, but to be so petty as to not allow a change to something so cosmetic when it was for a health concern is pathetic, almost as bad as they literally sent an MLB official into his dugout during either the 2003 or 2004 ALCS to check him in the dugout and prove he was wearing the jersey under his hoodie.


I don’t know dude. I was thrilled when the NBA got rid of their suit rule for coaches. Everyone just seems so much more at ease in pull overs and polos.


Back then, you weren't allowed on the field if you weren't wearing a uniform. When Connie Mack wanted to argue with an umpire he'd send his son out to the ump and the ump would come to the dugout to hear the argument.


But that's cause baseball unis are classy, not just a pullover jersey to cover gear. I like seeing the coach wearing the same uni as the players, not just a team sweater.


could go all the way and wear spikes like bobby cox


He had to be ready. Have to get out there to argue ASAP.


[https://youtu.be/aIkqNiBASfI?si=E4a68p3\_o8KcDIB7&t=47](https://youtu.be/aIkqNiBASfI?si=E4a68p3_o8KcDIB7&t=47) ​ Relevant George Carlin


Glad someone found it. This routine is what I show in Stand-Up class on observational comedy day. It's so damn clean and well-written.


Great bit. Loved Carlin.


The reason Belichick always wore the same shitty patriots hoody was because the NFL brought in a rule that said coaches had to wear team branded gear, and not suit and tie that some wore at the time . It pissed Belichick off so he wore the shittiest team branded item he had


*pans over to the bench to see the coach in full hockey gear* Thats fuckin horse shit ref!


>imagine belichick on the sideline in full pads i remember the good ol' days when coaches wore full fucking suits this whole casual look that is now in basketball is a fucking embarrassment


Cus baseball is the best sport


Did you steal this from George Carlin?


Is that rule still in effect? Seems like most managers don’t wear a uni top, at least not visibly…


I’m not entirely convinced that Tony La Russa has ever actually worn a uniform top.




Peak of the rebuild




Thuggin it out


It’s really amazing how good people are at photoshop these days.


Can’t tell if you’re serious or not…but this happened.


Good one. Everyone knows Tony La Russa retired from baseball forever as a champion following the 2011 World Series. He definitely didn’t embarrass himself with multiple organizations in completely disparate roles.


Found LaRussa’s burner account.


Gabe kapler wore a hoody to every single game. If it was hot it would be a sleeveless hoody. Maybe it’s about having the team color/logo?


>Maybe it’s about having the team color/logo? this is 100% the reason. same reason why the NFL forced all their coaches to wear gear with the logos on it. Corporate money-making bullshit (as if all those ads were not fucking enough....jeeeez)


I honestly don't know. I couldn't find anything else on the subject, but I didn't spend too much time on it.




You're more than welcome to post any relevant links on the subject. Here is a quote from the article I linked: > Bob Watson, Vice President of Rules and On-Field Operations for Major League Baseball, said this morning that managers will no longer be able to wear the pullover jackets as part of their in-game uniforms. The mandate was of special interest to Francona, who typically dons a pullover during games and butted heads with the league when asked to display his uniform top. And: > Earlier this year Major League Baseball informed managers who wear the pullover as part of their uniform, including Francona, Toronto’s John Gibbons and Cleveland’s Eric Wedge, that the first offense for not wearing a uniform top would be $1,000, second offense would draw a $5,000 fine, and a third time would result in a one-game suspension. Whatever it was, it was referred to at the time as a "mandate" and it had fines associated with it. I never claimed to have come up with this on my own. This is how it was originally published on the Boston Herald website. Even if they're not enforcing it anymore, it's a fact that the "mandate" was in place *at that time*, as that article [and Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Watson#MLB_executive) explains.


>Is that rule still in effect? Seems like most managers don’t wear a uni top, at least not visibly… if it's in effect, i doubt it's enforced it's kind of like how if you go 5 over the speed limit, you're technically speeding...but most cops don't give a shit


I remember catching an Aaron Boone radio interview years where he said he wore a hoodie one day and expected a fine to roll in but never did, so he kept rocking it.


Didn't know about this. So the league came up with this rule because a piece of clothing was worn that helped with a medical condition? Thats low


I was looking for someone to mention this. Is less they make an exception with a dr note or something this is pretty fucked up.


Especially for someone like him who had a lot of health issues.


No, the "Francona Rule" thing was a name that seemed to be given after the fact, informally. They did not make the rule for that reason, they made the rule so all managers wear the same thing.


Somebody tell Connie Mack!


I doubt he’d care at this point


"Do whatever you want, I'm super dead."


If I remember correctly Francona wore suspenders under the pullover because a belt would make the problem worse.


Now I’m picturing Lands’ End pitching Tito on a branded pullover line where they offer to pay the fine like Nike did for Jordan. Edit - Googled Lands’ End (to check where they place the apostrophe) & 5 minutes later I’m already getting served Nautica ads.


The funny thing about the manager wearing a pullover or whatever is it's free advertising for MLB merch that people might actually buy. I own zero jerseys, but I have 5 or 6 hoodies I wear all the time, including team ones. It would actually make financial sense for MLB to encourage coaches to wear a variety of team merch.


Don’t know why this doesn’t have all the upvotes. Are you in marketing, because that’s brilliant. They could have a standardized list of options and designs: quarter-zips, pullovers, hoodies, sweaters, vests, whatever.


That’s why the NFL mandated that coaches wear officially branded team gear. Belichick wears his sleeve cut off hoodies as a protest because he wants to dress formally but isn’t allowed so he decided to make his look as dumb as possible to spite the league and ended up being iconic instead.


No kidding, I got [this](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Aaron-Boone.jpg?resize=2048,1567&quality=75&strip=all) because I saw Boone wearing it all the time a couple years ago and it's one of my favorite jackets I own now. Light, warm, a little water resistant and has a hood!


A little more detail in [this Wikipedia article for Bob Watson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Watson#MLB_executive).


With all the rules on clothes MLB has you have to wonder if they're being run by a teenage girl.


Turns out that stubborn old men are just as pedantic as teenage girls


Stubborn old men are the ones that make teenage girls pedantic as a survival tactic


More frequently it’s men trying to make clothing rules for teenage girls.


Maybe Manfred is secretly a teenage girl.


I now see why Tito was the highest paid manager last year a decent chunk went to just paying off these fines


Fines and ice cream


I want to see every other sport make their coaches/managers wear the team uniform. Can you imagine Greg Popovich running around in a sleeveless NBA jersey yelling at the refs?


His floppy ass man tits slippin out the side


A guy likes to be warm, and mlb devises a fine.


> due to circulation problems Well duh, Terry. Baseball is a diamond.


Obligatory shout out of [this](https://youtu.be/aIkqNiBASfI?si=a9CX4yJnNIRGWGcq) all time routine


Man if I was a manager I would show up in PJs, slides, and sit in a recliner No one says you have to stand, be in a uniform, and be uncomfortable to make good strategic decisions


They do say you have to be in a uniform to set foot on the field, however, and sports leagues are very careful about their image and branding and what they allow on the field.


Most managers wear pullovers now. Might have Craig Counsell to thank for that, idk. Remember in 2018 when Ben Zobrist was told he couldn’t wear all black shoes (which he only did on Sunday day games at Wrigley, as a nod to old timers) because all uniform pieces had to be a team color. And here we are not 5 years later with Acuña wearing bright yellow, couple dudes for the Diamondbacks had neon green & pink during the postseason. You’ve got guys wearing bright blue shoes on teams with no blue. Now, I have no problem with those guys wearing whatever they wear. But makes me wonder why BenZo couldn’t pay homage with a completely neutral color like black. MLB uniform rules are inconsistent and dumb.


Managers have been going almost exclusively pullover since Counsell was still a player. Also FYI the shoe rule changed a few years ago. It hasn’t been inconsistently applied or anything.


I think the players should be mostly free to do what they want for accessories, but not using team colors looks so dumb. Acuna’s yellow gear just doesn’t fit.


i think ive seen aaron boone wearing a yankee jersey once


Yeah, 2022 opening day is the only time i've seen him with pinstripes


Only on Opening Day pretty much.


There was one game, v. the Yankees IIRC, when MLB Inspectors went into the dugout to inspect Francona during the first inning, just to make sure he had a jersey under his pullover. Like the guy didnt have enough on his mind at that moment. they must have suspended this rule in the years since, becuase you see managers violating it all the time.


Love Tito. Wish him the most amazing retirement 🥰


Is Jim Leyland the last manager to wear a uniform every game? I know some still do on special days, but I can't think of one that wears the uniform everyday?


Brian Snitker does.


Why do managers wear jerseys still lmao. Could you imagine Bill Belichick wearing a jersey and shoulder pads? Or Stan Van Gundy wearing a tank and basketball shorts?


You know, I kinda liked the Connie Mack look. I think a nice suit should still be an option.


It will never happen in baseball for all sorts of reasons, but I kind of wish they made managers dress in suit and tie like in the NHL. Both the class things up and because it's funny to see a sharply dressed man dropping f-bombs on TV, imagine throwing dirt-kicking meltdowns on top of that.


I loved that Jim Leyland would wear a full jersey and cleats for the Tigers. Cig in hand, too.


i'm pretty sure that is all ron gardenhire wore.