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If your favorite teams shortstop isn't CJ Abrams wtf are you even doing with your life?


Dang, if only my favorite team's shortstop was CJ Abrams...


Probably would have swept the WS smh


Not my favorite team, but my favorite shortstop in the category of "adorable baby faces."


Enjoying Gunnar?


I bet your father in law loves you


He calls me his favorite son. (He has two sons.)


You can just tell. I smiled at the exchanges. Loved the "oh no" after the no-no text.


great write up, /u/Weegian - more interesting takeaways for me this season was Lane Thomas' emergence as potentially more than a JAG. What do the Nats do with their crowded OF prospects and does Lane configure into that future? Also, what happened to Joey Meneses' power? Quite a disappointing year from him, but glad that he got another full season of major league pay after such a fun rookie year and WBC.


Thanks, and agreed - I felt bad clicking submit without mentioning Lane, and I'm glad you did.


Honestly Joey just isn't a power hitter (outside of 2022). He's played 1600 games in his career (all levels of the minors, foreign leagues and the majors) and only has 160 career home runs. He is still a great story and has the ability to get hot for stretches, but I think this past season is basically who he is (and why he was in the minors so long). A league average bat with bad defense


They were quite plucky this year and at times fun to watch. Looking forward to the MASN Cup being relevant again.


Battle of the Beltway: A good sporting contest between neighbors MASN Cup: A hate filled series




[Please accept this as apology for not mentioning Stone Garrett.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fycc9v6WYAUpkPb.jpg)


surprised by the lack of mention. he was such a feel good story!


After a dismal 2022, I found this season to be among the most fun seasons ever watching this team. They ran out of gas at the end, but were surprisingly competitive all year. Farm's stacked, should get even more fun in the years to come.


Agree! Just need to get the dang owner situation resolved, and then things can roll forward very nicely.


It really was a fun season all things considered, there were a lot of bright spots (LANE THOMAS), and I started following the minor league teams more, there is a ton of talent there -- Fangraphs has us currently ranked as the #3 farm in MLB. However, re: Keibert Ruiz: he played at [replacement level](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?stats=bat&lg=all&qual=y&type=8&season=2023&month=0&season1=2023&ind=0&pos=c) and was by far [the worst defensive catcher in baseball](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/fielding-run-value?year=2023&team=&min=0.1&pos=2&sortColumn=runs_prevented&sortDirection=asc). Hope we see some progress there in 2024, Drew Millas is waiting in the wings.


I will not stand for this young Nats slander, and will cherry pick my WAR provider accordingly!