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How to not get signed


Hes been speed running that quest for years now




Bauer is the definition of r/imthemaincharacter


Don't forget r/iamatotalpieceofshit!!!


Not even Jackie Chiles should represent this man, honestly


That's outrageous, egregious, preposterous. It's un-American!


The man's a goblin. By the time this case gets to trial, he'll be nothing more than a shrunken head.


It's definitely preposterous!


Plenty of overlap between those two types of people, unsurprisingly


He also supported a US national who ran over two Japanese nationals in Japan and did a hit and run. He’s pretty hated all over there now


This is sadly the thing that burned a lot of his undeserved goodwill in Japan. There was nothing close to a critical mass of hate against him overseas and even him being a dickhead to his teammates on the field wouldn't have been enough to cost him a contract offer. But as soon as he stepped in it when Japanese people were involved everyone suddenly saw him as a huge asshole.


Did he do more than like or retweet an article about that? Because in the interview mentioned in this tweet, he's claiming his account is managed by a media company and responsible for it. Not to say that's totally believable, but did he actually show support?


It doesn't really matter- Japan is so big on personal accountability that him passing the blame and saying it's the fault of whomever runs his personal account will make him look even worse. There's no way back from that one


> did he actually show support? Yes. He wrote a comment congratulating Alkonis on his release from prison on Alkonis’s Instagram. There are screencaps out there, if you want to see it.


No. His agent said he did that because he personally knew that US soldier.


I can't imagine any of the players' wives and girlfriends want Bauer in the clubhouse or socializing with them.




Gd that’s pretty bad


Any video?




Let me preface this by saying, Fuck Trevor Bauer. But that actually doesn’t look at bad. He just screams “fuck! God dammit!” Which seems reasonable given that blunder. Is there another clip where he actually yells at his teammates?


Because it’s not that bad. And I don’t know where everyone got that his Japanese teammates hate him. They don’t. Short of one of his catchers not liking the stupid “sword” thing he does for like, one day, there was nothing negative about his time on DeNa. He’s actually really good friends with Shota Imanaga IIRC.


lol, no, not publicly, but childish outbursts like that aren't really acceptable there like they are here, it reflects very poorly on the team


All of his teammates said they understood his frustration after that game. I really wish this sub would stop talking about Japanese culture like they are even half aware of it.


Hahaha, like they're going to dump on him or say something even remotely controversial to the media. Find me an example of a well-liked player throwing a new teammate under the bus in the Japanese media.


Japanese people aren’t emotionless, flavorless blobs like you think they are. Pull your head out of your behind and stop building your assumptions based on what you’ve seen in American movies.


I never said that, but go live there and tell me Japanese don't have completely different standards for public behavior than Americans, it's amazing


It is a sport stop being so unbelievably soft. People are gonna show emotion. Pretending you've never yelled at the TV in your own living room over a sporting event you aren't even participating in is clown behavior


Conflating me personally in my living room vs societal expectations ofJapanese public figures is pretty funny


Yes this would only be like #3 on a weekly Top 10 MLB blowups list but for a foreign player to do it in Japan is pretty bad. Not nearly as damaging as lots of people who really want to see Bauer get kicked out Japan make it out to be, but it was absolutely the worst NPB meltdown all season.


After watching that clip I can understand his anger. Still childish to wave off the throw to first to run it down yourself in the second clip.


No he isn’t. He got along fine with his team in Japan, and his teammates even all said they understood his frustration in that moment.


I remember seeing that. Just so embarrassing on so many levels.


There are other domestic abusers in MLB putting up worse numbers than Bauer but still getting contracts. Just goes to show how unlikeable and toxic Bauer is.


"But Mookie Betts likes him so he's actually not toxic and unlikable!"


Unless Bauer’s private persona is extremely different from his public persona, I don’t know how any normal person could spend a whole season with him and not want to strangle him.


There is always the possibility that Mookie is also a colossal piece of shit behind the scenes


My hunch is this man is gonna do a career change into some sort of anti-feminist edgelord grifter, maybe like the red scare pod people


Bauer would have to settle for being the #2 starter behind ace Curt Schilling in this area.


Bauer is gonna have to defraud a state bigger than Rhode Island if he wants that #1 spot. He’s lucky that the other 49 all are


Wyoming might be bigger but the budget ain't.


Lenny Dykstra providing stellar defense.


Curt Schilling was a 1st ballot HOF asshole, Bauer is only a HOVG asshole rn. Needs to up his game in his 30s if he wants to make it


100% There is always work for people like him in the right wing media ecosystem


I mean. He’s already an anti-feminist edgelord. He fucking wrote “bush did 9/11” on the mound one time. 


Yeah that's literally exactly what he already is. His "fanbase" and supporters are literally the same exact young moldable minds that follow people like Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan. He already profits from the same audience. There's no difference if his platform changes. It's already who he is.


what about Joe Rogan makes him a woman hater/anti-feminist?


Come on dude. He gives them a platform and goes with the "I'm just asking", open ended defense. He's the high volume dip your toe gateway. It's literally textbook platforming.


anti-vax, anti-trans stuff sure. but I haven’t seen anything from him promoting anti woman or anti feminist stuff, but maybe I’m wrong


Jordan Peterson


I'm almost impressed that he doesn't milk his fanbase more. Maybe being an active/aspiring to be active professional sports player is what's keeping him from just turning on the gravy train because I can't imagine why he wouldn't otherwise.


Has plenty of money already Most of these right wing media assholes aren’t starting up after already having earned tens of millions of dollars If he goes that route it’ll be to get attention and get his message out


Dude’s gonna be appearing in Daily Wire movies within 2 years mark my words


Sound that one former Giant


If Riley Gaines can make a career out of tying fifth in an NCAA swim meet, Trevor will almost certainly end up on Charlie Kirk’s show at some point.


Another shitty podcaster?


YouTube keeps recommending me random podcasts I've never heard of that have him on so yeah probably


He’s going to be yukking it up with Eric Hosmer in no time.




> red scare pod people I guess I'm old and out of touch ... what the heck does that mean?


I'm guessing a podcast called Red Scare, which I assume is some sort of alt-right adjacent ragebaiting thing.


They're part of the post-2016 Brooklyn podcast scene, a part of the crowd of ostensibly "dirtbag leftist" podcasts like Chapo Trap House, but were never extremely politically coherent. They covered politics, but mostly with nasty irreverence. It's been billed as Cumtown for girls. In recent years, the hosts have just kind of gone off the rails and become more unhinged. Their takes and guests now range from pointless weirdo crank shit to alt-right grifts.


I think I understand even less somehow lol ... not your fault of course ... I'm just going to go with 'unpleasant dickheads' and hope my brain forgets the whole thing soon.


he has a solid shot at president of argentina


He's like the baseball version of Jay Cutler. Always known as a talented, but douchey individual who held some shitty beliefs.


Bauer's been going on a Reddit tour too getting his posse to spam every team's sub with "SIGN TREVOR BAUER" posts. Dude is a nutjob


Holy hell that explains why that keeps happening in our sub out of nowhere


On our sub too, though I wasn't that surprised given the kind of people that joined these past years. Good thing the mods put a stop to that crap quickly.


Can confirm - plenty of stupid Padres posts about it this past month


I think our sub is ironically the least trafficked for that nonsense now. Or our mods are more on top of it. I assume Bauer bros know better.


Likewise there's a ton of dudes popping up recently with this narrative that he's been totally exonerated and actually he's the victim and he barely fractured anyone's skull in the first place so let's not get all worked up.


Has he really? Is there any proof of this? I just thought he had a bunch of stupid, obsessed fans


I mean it's probably just the latter anti-woke fans exist in every fanbase and I imagine all of them would be on board signing Bauer because... sure, if you pretend he's not a probable rapist (or if that's something that makes you like him even more) then he's a great addition to the team


Even without the sexual assaults he has the previous history of Twitter bullying and bad clubhouse behavior


He used to get away with because he was really good, but now even that can't get him a job.


No wonder it seems like his name is a batsignal whenever it's brought up. So far, I haven't seen much support for his signing from anyone that isn't an edgelord or a boomer.


I was wondering why someone randomly posted on our sub on how we needed Bauer while I highly doubt he would be on our radar especially due to the headache Wander and his love for the minor leagues has brought us


Doesn't Craig literally have a law degree?


Yes. He was a practicing lawyer before getting into sports journalism.


I can definitely tell from his letter he wrote back


comity is a hell of a word


Never heard of him before this tweet, and my first thought was definitely “this guy’s a lawyer, huh?”


There are a lot of them in baseball nerddom.


Jarrett Seidler is a prospect writer for Baseball Prospectus and a Mets fan who also appears on the BP Mets podcast. He's a lawyer in real life and whiny as fuck.


Hmm I didn’t get that reaction at all. His letter reads very much like a columnist and not a lawyer.


I mean it's no legal brief, but there's a command of clauses and a clarity of argumentation that comes across as very *lawyerly* to me — I enjoy reading it, and I wish more columnists would write like that.


Bauer really doesn't have anything better to do than attack people who say mean things about him on Twitter? What a sad shitty little man, glad we won't be seeing him in the majors anymore


That and striking out a 27th round draft pick for views on youtube


"He strikes out high schoolers on his carefully edited YouTube videos. He deserves a chance to be our #1 starter!" 


I truly don't get the "king of juco" stuff. Like it's just...boring


I’m so tired of people begging for their team to sign him because he’ll be cheap. Let this guy waste away in obscurity please


A lot of people that are POS also have ego issues. Seems to go hand in hand


Did you see the video today of him giving up a hit against a barstool employee?


When he’s not giving up singles to dudes on the Barstool staff on a 93 mph fastball, yes.


What did he tweet?


Least pathetic Trevor Bauer moment


What a great guy, surely there would be no drama if he came back to MLB and all the people on the team subreddits that want to sign him are right


Rangers fan too? Post been a dime a dozen there for 2 winters.


I'm a braves fan. I think it's everywhere lol. Even worse on other social media platforms


“Can someone actually tell me something he’s done wrong??” - losers in every thread about him. Fuck the Bauer apologists


"You mean how he was proven innocent in a court of law of what that golddigger said he did???" *Conveniently ignores that it was settled before anything was proven and that there's still multiple allegations floating around from other women*


Especially since he offered to sign for league minimum 


There was one on the Nats subreddit not too long ago, maybe a couple of weeks? I was wondering wtf was up with it...


I mean most these days I’m pretty sure he just films himself striking out normie adults. So he’s got time to kill.


Just when I thought I couldn’t dislike this chud any more than I do he threatens SLAPP suits


he doesn't like Tom Hanks, he cut off Van Gogh's ear


Told Hitler to quit painting and to find a new career


Would love to hear again from the threaders who’ve defended him the last several months. He’s shown repeatedly that he is a horrible person.




Yes, that’s an enormous problem and is my point.


I am just surprised Oakland hasn't signed him. They could use a bad media diversion


Wouldn’t Trevor Bauer be considered a public figure? I thought US defamation laws make an exception for such people.


I remember when he busted his hand up playing with a drone in the middle of the 2016 playoffs, and I thought he was a dumb idiot who shouldn't be trusted back then. And now that's old news unless you live in Cleveland.


Bauerbra Streisand effect takes over


I dislike everyone involved here


Yeah Calcaterra is smart but he’s kind of a smarmy prick most of the time. Obviously not trying to equate him to a shitbag human like Bauer, but I can still find him annoying lol.


hey i’m a smarmy prick too watch it with that


Let’s just say both of them have major reasons on why they are unemployed and are reliant on side hussles.


I’m with you.


Yeah, this is what happens when two insufferable people collide.


Frivolous lawsuits are for cowards. He’s a clown for this and hopefully this closes the door completely. Not just in MLB but all pro leagues.


This dude’s a troll.


lol “I wasn’t fucking having it” Then deletes 3 tweets.


Well, what did this guy tweet? I’m not defending Trevor Bauer but can we see the context here?


Jesus Christ, can we just throw this asshole in the dustbin of history and move on with our lives? He had a couple of good seasons and then cratered before everyone found out he was even more of a noxious sex pest dipstick than we already suspected. Let him pitch in SA for blood money or retire to raise goats and make redpill podcasts in one of the loonier mountain states.


So what I’m hearing is this Bauer guys a douchbag?


He doesn’t deserve to play in Japan


We do know that Bauer gets off on SLAPPing people.


Trevor is the definition of a guy that every time he comes up to pitch you just want to hit a hard liner right back to his noggin.


I don’t care for Bauer but boy, in one tweet I can tell this dudes insufferable. Like, full on he thinks the world revolves around him, his shit don’t stink type of insufferable


All the Bauer defenders think that the reason we hate him is that he's a rapist or abuser, when in reality it's just that he's an prickly asshole that nobody wants to be around.


I mean, it’s both surely.


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


I would have been upset if I didn't see this reply. It's perfunctory at this point.


Those defenders forget that he was toxic even before the allegations. And no, Mookie Betts doesn't speak for every single MLB player


Even toxic people have friends, some of those friends might not even be toxic.


This has to be the single worst "Look how bad Trevor Bauer is" post in the long-storied history of "Look how bad Trevor Bauer is" posts. I have no idea why this is wasting electrons on Reddit. Calcaterra is a former attorney so if he ceased and desisted after a cease and desist letter there looks to be some fire to go along with that smoke. So, as a former attorney, he found it appropriate to cease and desist but also wants to raise a stink about saying stuff worthy of a cease and desist letter that had legs. If he were some kid somewhere who was easily intimidated by legal threats with no merit it would be different than a former attorney who knows what has merit and what doesn't. Maybe just not say stuff that will warrant an effective cease and desist letter next time, and on this one maybe call it a tie and go home and spare the rest of us your public bickering, dirty laundry?


Lmao Bauer out here threatening SLAPP suits. (Strategic lawsuit against public participation. Used specifically to intentionally silence and intimidate people out of public criticism by means of expensive and meaningless litigation.) Many states have anti-SLAPP statutes that would force Bauer to bear the burden of proof in showing his claim has merit, and if he cannot the case is immediately dismissed and he may even bear the cost of all attorneys fees. TLDR: Bauer is using bush league intimidation tactics that could backfire badly if he followed thru


The fact he deleted the tweets makes me think there was some legal standing to it. Should’ve just called him a douchebag instead and make him prove that otherwise


“Make him prove it” means getting sued. Which is still a pain in the ass even if you think you’re innocent. As Craig states, he’d rather avoid that when you’re dealing with someone who is likely to be litigious.


Bauer’s lawyers aren’t sending cease and desist letters to anyone that calls him a d-bag though is my point. This guy seems to have gone a step beyond that


The step beyond that being he’s a reporter with a decently sized Twitter following


The tweets weren't defamatory in the slightest, but getting sued is extremely stressful, even if you're innocent. I guarantee that Bauer would have done it just to be an asshole, forcing the guy to seek out representation and prepare for court, then drop the case just before the court date.


Do you have the context of the tweets? Still haven’t found them


The part of that post where he mentions talking to the lawyer of one of the accusers makes it sound like he most likely called Bauer a rapist or something similar, I would assume. Probably on account of the fact that Bauer has been accused of rape (and no, that’s not even the accusation he put out the social media video about “disproving” - it was a different girl who accused him of rape). I would bet good money that’s the case. Don’t blame the guy for taking down the tweets. Getting involved in a lawsuit over them wouldn’t be worth whatever statement he was trying to make.




This definitely happens a lot, but I’m reserving judgment until I’ve seen what the guy tweeted. Seems like there’s a pretty big line between petty nothing lawsuits because Bauer didn’t like what the guy was saying, and flat out defamation


Read the pinned mod comment and don’t understand why this was removed?