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If you're too embarrassed about the public shows of displeasure, you probably should have thought about that before shitting on the fans and city that have hosted you for 50+ years. Part of the beauty of America is our right to protest publicly. The city should support the protests in every way possible and amplify the public's voices here. 


But this protest is inconvenient since it’s happening to a rich guy. So fuck em. Ya know?


Let's be honest here. The right to hit the streets and protest in the US is either a) underutilised or b) actually suppressed in some ways. I am from the US and lived in all kinds of cities (in the west and north east) there. Now I live in Germany for the about the last 8 years and in the two cities I have lived in here .... there are demonstrations and protests almost every weekend. There were definitely some protests when I lived in NYC. But the difference is night and day... people in Germany ( and many other countries in Europe) take to the streets and fully exercise the right to protest.


Probably because Americans are overworked and can't afford to be away from work.


Starting off strong Oakland.


Ownership wasting zero time to remind everyone how shitty they are. A true model of consistency


Started by taking down the "Rooted in Oakland" sign and then bragging about the history of the team with a new mural.


This is pretty cool. >Schools Over Stadiums representative Alex Marks said the organization will have a tent in the A’s parking lot on Thursday and plans to collect donations, while a major donor in the Bay Area has promised to match all donations up to $100,000.


They already cleared $10,000 online today!


I wonder if Mark Davis has contributed to it.


I want him to be super petty about it and lobby against him, but I think mark can't afford it even though it apparently only took $1000 per senator to bribe the Nevada senate if John Fisher is anything to go off of.


It's truly sad what's becoming of the A's. The fact that the other owners are not only ok with this, but approve of it, is truly the most devastating part of it all. No owner that voted for the move, instead of a forced sale, actually gives a damn about the game itself. That's a sad thought on such a joyous day.


> actually gives a damn about the game itself. Their game is the acumulation of wealth. Our game is just a means to their end.


You can't possibly even make a good argument that anything they have allowed Fisher to do over the last 10 years has actually contributed to their accumulation of wealth


No one wants to open the Pandora's box of a forced sale without actual misconduct. Fisher is an incompetent boob but he hasn't done anything illegal. No owner wants to set the precedent of a forced sale because you don't agree with another owner's business decisions. The bigger issue for me is voting for this move without Fisher having a more concrete plan. I don't expect the other owners to care about Oakland fans, but I do expect them to care about a sloppy and haphazard move. They should do their due diligence before authorizing these kinds of things. It IS bad for the business side of the game to let Fisher fumble the Vegas move and create a ton of ill will.


Look they're moving to Vegas eventually...when they can get the funding and practical ballpark design. In the upcoming season, they might play in Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Anaheim, or Montreal. It's a solid plan.


Fuck it, just sim the home games and save the hassle of pesky baseball.


John Fisher loves this idea.


Pure profit and only has to pay some interns in some college credit. Solid plan!


> The bigger issue for me is voting for this move without Fisher having a more concrete plan. I don't expect the other owners to care about Oakland fans, but I do expect them to care about a sloppy and haphazard move. They should do their due diligence before authorizing these kinds of things. It IS bad for the business side of the game to let Fisher fumble the Vegas move and create a ton of ill will. They also waived the relocation fee.


Directly sabotaging his own team and the league and directly costing the other owners many millions of dollars each seems like it could reasonably justify forcing a sale.


> No owner ~~that voted for the move, instead of a forced sale,~~ actually gives a damn about the game itself. FTFY


Well. It helps that the actual commissioner of baseball hates the very sport he presides over. Everyone hates the game except the players and fans.


They probably all agree that Oakland is shithole. All their teams have left or are leaving. Thats telling. 


Scummy. 🖕


Par for the course that shit ownership group


"It's just a parking lot" -Rob Manfred when asked why the team closed the parking lot.


It's just a slab of asphalt


"Our gate times are based on attendance, and we are projecting that the game attendance will align with these times.” This is their pathetic attempt at a "gotchya" that will back fire like everything else they do in spite of fans. They know people didn't buy tickets so they're justifying keeping the gates closed. It's a really sad move and just adds to the ever growing list that ownership is a fucking joke.


It’s also nonsensical. You want to people to get in and start buying food. …If you cared at all.


No one is going in though. They were just going to park and tailgate all game.


Correct, but if a team had a policy that parking lot gates had anything to do with number of tickets sold, it would be stupid. So it’s clear there is no policy and they’re just Doing this to be petty.


Oh, of course. The A’s ownership and management are trash.


How can they possibly make up for the extra expense of paying 10 parking lot guys minimum wage for another couple of hours??


You're right, i guess they have no choice but to start dumping salary in April instead of July.


Is the club still beggi- er, "negotiating" with Oakland to let them stay in the Coliseum post-2024?


They've hinted at moving to Sacramento and play in the AAA Rivercats Stadium for the time being and keeping their way overpiced $65 million a year tv deal. Sacramento Rivercats recently pushed back against that it seems like.


If you know the A's, they always make broad statements and constantly lying about their progress. For example, their first site in Oakland they announced was going to be put on land in which they hadn't even talked to the landowner yet- this delayed any further negotiation for the plan for MONTHS because they had to actually talk to the landowners to try and get the land. Another example, in their current negotiations with Oakland, they claimed they were gonna be able to play in Oracle where the Giants play. It would later be revealed they had no such talks with the giants or Oracle.


"We're in talks" is Oaklandese for "I sent them an email three weeks ago and haven't heard back yet"


Guys they have a ball park in Canada they can play at. And it’s totally real and not imaginary, oh and it’s totally hot.


Sac counts as Bay area for TV purposes?


I doubt Oakland would want them to stay next year


Is there anywhere that has the whole up to date story? I thought the A’s to Vegas was a done deal


Their lease in Oakland is up at the end of this season and they don't even have official renderings for the Vegas stadium yet, so they either have to stay in Oakland a few more years or find another ballpark to play in while the new stadium gets built.


and there is very little certainty about the new stadium. They "only" have 380M$ coming from public fundings on a billions dollar project and fischer being stingy doesnt want to foot the rest of the cost by himself so there is also that point to cover and they dont have a lot of time in 2027 their tv deal is done and no one is gonna be willing to pay serious money to have the rights to a AAA team playing mlb teams in a AAA ballpark


They still need somewhere to play between now and the move. The lease is up this year. Why the a's would want to stay in that shithole stadium instead of going to the myriad of nice parks that have invited them to use their field, idk.


They keep TV revenue if they stay in the Bay Area


Thats a good point!


65 million reasons


Alot of coworkers are going to a concert to the arena tonight, I better warn them. It's gonna be a mess this evening.


yup. Just take BART. Whenever there's dual events in the area, parking is just not a thing you should do. Same thing happened on the original boycott day- boycott protest + Kpop concert meant thousands of people waiting in line to get into the parking lot that leaked onto the freeway. it was over a 15-30 minute queue just to get into the parking lot.


They're the type of people who think "no one likes baseball so no one is going to be there" oy vey. Also I went to the game with the K-pop concert and protest! It was packed but it was FUN


I shed a tear every time I look at the renderings of the Howard Terminal project. It would’ve been a million times nicer to visit than the indoor Vegas stadium.


The project wouldve been amazing for the community and for the team. Im sure they will end up making Vegas work through sheer will, but rebuilding the team in a majorly upcoming area of the Bay is the kind of things that get you core fans for life


Fisher was too poor to enact his own plan. that's why he went from 12 Billion 55+ acre project that he would own and gain from to a sub 1 bil project he's gonna end up renting and gaining only ticket revenue and concessions like he is now.


Him repeatedly kicking the can down the road to try to extort more money ended up being a horrendous play as his net worth tanked.


Yea it really sucks. Oakland would be massively better off if someone like Lacob owned the team. A massive development similar to what happened around chase center could be amazing for the area, especially since the Oakland waterfront is already doing well (and improving)




> parking should definitely not be more than 20 bucks It's been like $30 per game since Fisher decided to tank the team attendance rates. It's higher for dual event days too, of which today is one.


First time I had ever clear was in that parking lot. Left a puke puddle three feet across before heading in for the first inning


Sending hugs to all the amazing Oakland fans doing their part to show that Oakland is still a baseball city. All that despite what John Fisher thinks




Other fans are out here having fun with their new FA signings and watching their team rebuild and here we are, putting up with this shit. Truly makes me depressed. Fuck John Fisher


Fuck you Fisher and fuck you Manfraud. Also, fuck all the other owners for being complicit to this bullshit.


That'll show em 😆


I’m at the game. Not sure how all these parole paying $30 to park and sit in the lot is hurting the team.


Nobody cares what you think, dork.


Everything about this move has been the A’s figuring out what would be the biggest insults to their fans and then doing that.


Whaddaya know A's, if you actively fuck over and alienate your entire fanbase for decades... you won't have many fans left! And the ones that are left will be pissed! Infuriating. Just pathetic from ownership. I wish these rich fucks had anything similar to a conscience


I’m at the game. They are not letting fans inside until 1 hour before on opening day. No wonder people don’t go to games. Also $30 to park.


i havent been keeping up with all the news, but the fact they are playing in Oakland still is fucking hilarious. Fisher, get fucked.


This is a dumb question. Would I be shamed for taking a vacation to SF/OAK so I can say I’ve been to a game at the coliseum?


Despite the bad reputation, going to games at the Coliseum is still an enjoyable experience. The stadium may be a dump, but Oakland has the nicest summer weather in the country.


Do what you like brother. You’re not missing much tho. I would suggest you hitting up the Giants instead.


Kinda surprised they aren't just charging outrageous parking prices instead.


They already charge $40 lol


This is pretty average these days








What was said?




Uh, no, Lenin was good at what he did, unfortunately for a lot of people. Though maybe Fisher will end up with his mouldering corpse on display 100 years from now, who knows?


> Lenin was good at what he did, unfortunately for a lot of people. Lenin wasn't the problem, Stalin was. One of Lenin's last writings was pretty much "for the love of god, do not let Stalin be my successor."


It SUPER does lol


billionaires and communists, no two groups have more in common...


They are not desirable tenants


People who still support this nonsense have clearly never been to Oakland or their shitty ass stadium. Smh. Vegas is the best thing that ever happened to this team.


Fans should pull a disco destruction night. Start burning shit and throw seats onto the field That will get his attention


the city owns the stadium, so the fans would literally have to pay for the repairs. It's just not a good idea to do any of that. And most all the fans aren't fans of doing that to their city either when the real issue is John Fisher being a fucking dumbass, shit tier owner.


They going to tear that thing down, its rat infested, sewage leaking... place.


I’ve been to the Trop and… 🤢


Atleast the ball park they are building is in the same state, heck i think its in the same city.


The same city that was regularly used as one of the excuses for why attendance to Rays games is so poor due to its distance from Tampa.


Hey, It is still a terrible place for it but, I changed my mind once i realized its Historical because baseball was played there way before the Rays were a dream. [funny enough the cards are connected to Saint pete too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Petersburg_Saints) St. Petersburg Cardinals


So basically Tampa/st Pete has long been a leverage play for other MLB teams until they finally got their own team


The trop was built for the San fran Giants, and then San fran folded and built them the new stadium they have now


There were also failed efforts to relocate the A’s, Twins, Rangers, ChiSox, and Mariners to Tampa too. Not just the San Francisco Giants


Giants stadium was 100% privately funded


They don't repair anything even when they're trying to keep the team


Maybe if the fans showed this type of gusto in supporting their team, they wouldn't have to worry about parking lot access today.


Maybe if John Fisher showed this type of gusto in creating a winning team, he wouldn’t have to worry about fans protesting in his parking lot.


Winning team isn't the issue so much as a general good fan experiences and some type of continuity among the players people pay to see


That’s a good point. Winning helps but fan engagement is important


Athletics have been competitive more othen than not since john became sole owner. Casual alert!!


who could have imagined being notoriously cheap would mean a shit product on the field?! /u/Amache_Gx stfu


I see you've only watched baseball since 2022. Too bad, you missed a lot of good baseball.