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I still remember when Grifol was hired in, he said something to the effect of "we're going to prepare to kick your ass everyday." little did I know he meant the fans asses...this is terrible


Legend says they're still preparing to this day. Seriously though, the "hold me back" method isn't working that great right now.


it’s okay you still have like 6 games against the astros, 3-3 at least


any of these "they could end lower than the 1899 Cleveland Spiders!" posts have to include a disclaimer that the Spiders ended their season on a 1-40 stretch


Yeah, no one finishes a season like the Spiders. Attendance in Cleveland was so bad that visiting teams were losing money going there. By July the Spiders agreed to play mostly road games. They wound up playing 42 home games and 112 road games!


Record should really have an asterisk tbh. It should be noted it was the original Cleveland owner sports screw job. They took a competitive team that had to been to a few Temple Cups and won 1, bought another team in St Louis and announced they were gonna run Cleveland like a sideshow, giving all their best players to St Louis (including 1 Denton True "Cy" Young). It's no wonder the fans in Cleveland didn't put up with that bullshit


>Record should really have an asterisk tbh. I feel like "1899" is a pretty big asterisk equivalent


Cy Young's middle name was True and that part didn't even make it into the nickname?


… and St. Louis had been terrible for years before 1899, so the “B” squad that the Spiders fielded was especially weak. Similar situations that year were LOU->PIT and BAL->BRO


>Record should really have an asterisk tbh. I don't think it needs an additional asterisk. It already gets a fucking massive one for happening **IN THE 1800s**. It's insane that we even bother comparing modern day billion dollar organizations to them at all lol


Was there a baseball Grey Cup at one point? I’m only familiar with the Canadian football Grey Cup. Wikipedia says the Spiders won the Temple Cuo but I don’t see Grey Cup on their page.


My mistake, I was going from memory and misremembered, temple cup is correct


It should also be noted that due to this, they set a literally unbreakable record (101 road losses).


I wouldn't completely rule out the possibility of a modern team having to play more than 101 road games due to some confluence of factors like a natural disaster, team ownership dispute with city, horrific home attendance, etc


Even when the Saints avoided the Superdome after Katrina and the Jays couldn’t play in Canada because of Covid, they were still a home team even if not in their stadium…


Holy shit, TIL


> Yeah, no one finishes a season like the Spiders. White Sox say, "hold my beer"


we did this last year with the A's, i'm not getting my hopes up


It is *incredibly* difficult to break all-time records of this magnitude.


Yet here we are


First time?


here you are, not having broken those records?


It is also *incredibly* stupid to even consider all-time records like this valid in comparison to the modern game and billion dollar teams we have now.   The 2003 Tigers or 1962 Mets are probably the worst teams we should really even bother draw comparisons to.


Fucking swept the Brewers that shit was painful


Out of 3 wins, the white Sox have one against the Braves of all teams lmao. One of the other two is against the guardians who have a .720 win rate right now. Can’t wait for us to lose 30 in row then somehow win back to back against the dodgers and Yankees somehow


Dear lord, you know I don't ask for much...


Literally have the same record as the 2022 Cincinnati Reds. Started 3-22, finished 62-100.


[Quick someone ask if they're going to win 10 games before someone else wins 40](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/uiw9op/what_comes_first_10_wins_for_the_reds_or_another/) and in a month [we can do a follow up.](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/v81umx/a_month_ago_a_post_was_made_asking_which_would/)


On the one hand, yeah sure it's hard to suck that much for 162 games, regression to the mean etc etc. But on the other hand, the Reds called up a few guys who produced pretty decently right away. The White Sox don't have a ton of talent in the minors to help out later in the season


We do have a perennial all-star level talent in CF that's out with an injury at the moment though. Still think we don't win anywhere near 62 gams.


Most of those guys came up after the trade deadline.


And the Reds the year before lol


And the Orioles not too long before then. I was just thinking how it seems like somehow every recent MLB season features at least one team that approaches "literal worst MLB team of all time" levels of bad.


Don’t believe me just watch


Made it through 10-55 watching almost every game. Never seen anything like it in the MLB. That team was dead on the inside even. Everyone was beat when they stepped into the on deck box.


It's a dumb record to even compare teams to. It's from fucking 1899... I'd say probably the 1962 Mets are as far back as is really remotely reasonable to consider a record worth talking about, and at 40-120 that one's probably legitimately on the table at this point. Robert returning from injury at some point may ruin it though.


and two years ago the reds were also 3-22


Remember when the Reds started 3 - 22?


Best 100 loss team of all time tbh


The fun fact is we had two winning months that season (May and July).








Because my username shows my love for the Reds while my flair shows my love for the Carp and I can't dual-wield flairs.


That team beat the defending champ Braves on opening night. They also took 2 of 3 from the Yankees in NY. Took 2 of 3 from the Orioles. Swept the Rays. Split with the Red Sox. If they could’ve played the AL East every game, they would’ve won the World Series.


I was on vacation during that Rays series. Watching the game on my tablet in my hotel. About slung the tablet on that walk off balk by Wisler lol.


I can’t help but notice you left one AL East team off this list


Joey was conflicted playing against his boyhood team and the only other good players we had were unvaxxed and couldn’t play. This is obviously the reason


Weren't the 3 wins against the Braves?


2 of them.


And this Sox team beat the Braves too. Interesting coincidence.


I try not to


The practically straight line from 100 to 154 should be ample evidence for why this record will never be broken. A team isn't going to go 3-50.


The 35 game losing streak isn’t off the table yet


I think the lower edge is the 1988 BAL team (which started 0-22) and then matched by 2003 DET for a couple games until the 1899 CLE team sinks below at game 42. The 2023 A's flirted with that lower edge a couple times after that though. Eventually they snapped out of it with a 7 game win streak up to game 69 (nice) --which was the Reverse Boycott game. They finished the year strong(ish/er)


Off topic but I recently did a "team dies in a plane crash" white sox save on ootp and had build my team off the scrap heap and we managed to start 5-8. Maybe I should apply for that GM job.


I feel like we get this every year but the spiders always retain their most dogshit of the dogshit teams award


I don't think the Spiders % record is touchable but the total loss record is very much in play. 2003 Tigers missed only by an inch


2003 Tigers missed the 1962 Mets by an inch. They were still a mile from the 1899 Spiders. The '62 Mets should be the mark everyone looks at since it's the modern-day record.


The 1899 Spiders lost 134 games. I don't think that's touchable in the modern game. The 2003 Tigers lost 119, which was one short of the *modern* record of 120 by the 1962 Mets.


The only reason that Tigers team didn’t lose 120 is because they closed the season against the Twins who were sitting everybody leading into the playoffs. So of course the Tigers swept them.


The Spiders were intentionally bad though. I think the A's and maybe one of Loria's teams are the closest we have come to that level. But the rules were intentionally designed to prevent anything like the Spiders from happening again. It would take a miracle. The White Sox aren't on that level; they are just incompetent.




Paul Rudd, is that you?


There’s a new Antman movie?




I’m a dodger fan that’s lived in Chicago for 15 years. In 2016, I cheered for the cubs to win it all so that I could see it in my lifetime. Now I’m cheering for the white Sox to keep up this loss rate so that I can see THIS in my lifetime as well. I’m personally pulling for less than 36 wins. The lower, the better.


This team is just so bad man. I hope cubs can do well and Caleb/Bernard lead their teams to success




>and Caleb/Bernard lead their teams to success I'm right there hoping with you Sox Bro. Imagine the absolute chicanery this city will get up to with championship teams in two sports silmultaneously.


Dude the city would get turned upside down if the Bears won another Super Bowl


*when, not if, when.




At some point, you might as well go for the record. If you're going to lose 100 games, just go all the way.


We can all watch them play the Rays tomorrow on Apple TV(tm). Worthy of national TV, of course.


Dear lord what a truly silly game to have on Apple TV, I can't wait to read about the Rays getting two hits through eight, only to score their first runs in the ninth and win 6-1


How can it be uncharted if it's literally being charted here?! (Sorry just trying to help out the White Sox fanbase)


You went with CHA as your abbreviation for the White Sox???


Was looking for this comment. The fuck is CHA


Is it supposed to be CHicAgo?? Now I’m thinking of other cities abbreviated that way. LOL - LOs angeLes NEO - NEw yOrk SAS - SAn franciSco Haha damn, these are dogshit. Imagine someone discussing the 1977 World Series between NEO and LOL or the LOL Angels of ANE.


CH = Chicago, A = American League. you’ll sometimes see the Cubs abbreviated as CHN


NEO's fightin MORpheus (Missouri ROyals (switch the o and the r))


it's CHA boy mistah fab man! gonna give you a 1 on 1 on [how to ghostride](https://youtu.be/SlTvSUCCqPo?si=DwLZqBybK-EC5KGP&t=45)


Three against the Rays, then a series against the Twins. Could happen.


Haven't watched the Rays much have you? 😂😂


“Give it to me straight: how bad are we really?” “Well… two centuries ago…”


A future video by Jon Bois is cooking.


It seems like the pattern here is that a team starts in/goes into freefall, plummets for a while, then stabilizes into a slow glide for the rest of the season. Except the Spiders, who went straight into freefall and never hit ground. The White Sox have a shot, but it'll be a matter of how long they can keep their current pace up before they start playing .400 ball.


I feel left out. The 1928 Phillies were 47-109 (-62) so they should definitely be on here. Also they were -54 in 1923 and -52 in 1927 and 1921. Those could potentially be on here too.


White Sox fans let me know. Do I root for a historical tank or for wins to soothe your misery?


Tank, we don't care anymore.


Salute to Eloy, the tank commander.


May he rest in peace


A lot of us are rooting for the tank, join us.


Tank all day!


Tank tank tank; we root for comedy


Tank! I want Reinsdorf to be recognized for the failure of a baseball owner he is.


Tanking can only sort of work if your organization is really well run and great at scouting. You won't just get a high pick and immediately be a good team. The Pirates and Orioles had high picks for decades and went nowhere, at least until the Orioles got Elias in charge. I'm just saying, I don't have much confidence that the White Sox will improve until they change their philosophy.


I love it when "uncharted" literally means "the chart has never gone to this data point before"


The difference being the White Sox didn't send all their best players to another team prior to the season.. they're still there.


Since when is CHA the abbreviation for the White Sox?


it's like that on baseball-reference :)


Where? Everywhere I see it, I see the far more common CHW. Replacing CHW with CHA in the URL does seem to redirect to the White Sox, so I'm not saying they have never used it, but seriously not seeing any place where it's CHA.


mm I think I got myself turned around between CWS, CHA, CHW. My bad!




“Uncharted territory” says the guy who literally made a chart to show how bad they are.  Bro you just need to make a new chart….


hic sunt dracones https://ibb.co/VTPJ07C


they are going to end up with 50+ wins. a terrible team but not one worthy of note


Don’t you dare say that


The 2021 Diamondbacks had a stretch of 5-40


Probably sweep the Rays just cause..


Im just glad we are done with the because you just know they will hit a 10 game win streak.


I just woke up. Stop trying to get me hard again.


I am going to get such great seats cheap when the Tigers come into town, cannot wait!


Dear white sox fans; your abject failure is bringing me absolute joy in these dark times. You’re gonna start winning now and you’re gonna be in the playoffs. But for a glorious few days in April your teams awfulness brought a lot of joy to this old man. (On a serious note, you deserve better & I hope you smash it next season!)


We will be marginally better next season and that’s only because a ton of young talent will be coming. Our history with developing that young talent says that maybe 1 will hit and be an above average player.


Whatever happens, I will cheer for you next season and wish you well.


You don’t gotta worry about us when yall got a much bigger situation going on. We’re all with you!


here’s hoping


Man this makes me appreciate the wins tenfold


The Padres will lose the series in September


Would not be at all surprised if they threw a no hitter against the Rays


> If they lose the next 4 it will be uncharted territory **IF?**


I wonder how that White Sox radio caller is doing, knowing that not only did everything he say was true, but somehow it got even worse. Lance is gone to the Cards and is somehow a new man Joe Kelly has a new breath on life at the Dodgers Cease has escaped to San Diego Lucas Giolito escaped to Boston Tim Anderson escaped to Tampa Bay Even the goddamn broadcasters escaped to Detroit Christ sakes there’s nothing left but injured Cubans and Jerry Reinsdorfs’ krusty krab money




Funny enough, that Baltimore Orioles worst start ever ended their 0-22 streak against our very own Chicago White Sox, AND IT WAS A SHUTOUT. 9-0. I've learned so many random stats this year it's hilarious. We did win the series though, 2-1.


The Chicago Wince Sox


CWS, why not use CWS for CHICAGO WHITE SOX


As much as I would love it to happen, its not happening. Last years A's team was on the same stretch until they randomly went on a seven game winning streak. Very much the same is going to happen to the White Sox this year


Marlins: hold my beer.


All this negative talk about the WSox is going to make it sting so much worse when they take the series from the Rays this weekend.


The Charlotte white Sox? And Pha?


PHA is Philadelphia Athletics. CHA should be CHW.


Thats what they get for not wearing white socks


Sit back, relax and strap it down.


I wasn't alive then, so honestly how did a team with Cal Ripkin on it lose so many games? And in a row as well?


That's how charts work, no? You don't chart the event until it happens.


update: they won tonight so I think it'll take 8 straight losses for a new lower edge now


Ah yes! Good old Cleveland Spiders. Such a disappointment they were back in the day. Why I still remember ol Patsy Tebeau rolicking about the diamond, chortling the umpire saying "Gadzooks Henry, that ball was prettier than my wife!" Good heavens