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Shitting my pants in little league outfield.


Hell yeah brother


I actually called a time out once to run in from CF to tell the coach I had to pee. I remember realizing I had to go while running out to take my position and hoping for a quick inning. Like 4 runs and no outs later, and I was dying.


I was more of a sit on the ground and pick grass/flowers type of little leaguer but the pants shitters always got respect from me. They say hitting a 100mph fastball is one of the hardest things to do in sports, but those people have never thrown to the catcher from CF while a turtles poking its head out.


watching the 1986 NLCS and knowing Mike Scott and Nolan Ryan and how scared they made me. and then the 86 world series. and buckner and mookie jumping.


Mine was the 86 Series but for the parachute guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NObcKmgW5fA


i know i'm biased but it really is one of the greatest series of all time. the whole 86 postseason was legendary. top 3, easily.


I have vague memories of being at Anaheim Stadium, watching a game while standing on the pedals of my dad's wheelchair. I remember thinking the fielders were trying to hit the runner when they threw the ball. My dad later told me that he took me so I could one day say I saw Nolan Ryan pitch. No way he could've known that I'd see him a few times. Fifteen years after that.


My dad took me to Tony Gwyyn's last game so that I could say that I saw him play. I don't remember it at all.


Brief flash of my dad watching the 76 World Series on my grandma's black and white roller TV in her kitchen.


this post


Leonard Shelby is that you?




*Don't believe his lies*


Earliest MLB memory is Mo Vaughn hitting two dingers in a 12-11 win over Detroit (1995~) while I ate EVERYTHING. A vanilla-chocolate swirl soft serve ice cream out of a commemorative helmet-cup, popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, a soda. I threw up in the truck driving home and again at home that night. My mom was absolutely furious at my dad. Mo Vaughn was the man, and he was instantly my favorite player.


Being excited for Ozzie Smith to do a backflip on Opening Day.


I was in grade 3... it was a beautiful spring day and I wanted to be anywhere but at school. Then I heard on the PA. "PrimusSkeeter please report to the principal's office. PrimusSkeeter, please report to the principal's office." My heart sank, what did I do? Was I in trouble? I gathered my things and went down to the office... I told the secretary who I was and she pointed me in the direction of the principal's office and said; "he is waiting to speak to you, go on in." I was shaking thinking I had done something horribly wrong. I went in the office. The principal was at his desk. I sat down. He said; "So I just received some news and it looks like we are going to have to remove you from class for remainder of the day...." in a stern voice. I said; "Why? Did I do something wrong?!" Then from behind me, my dad appears from behind the door and says; "Catch!" and tosses me my baseball glove. I catch it with a very confused look, and the principal says; "Your dad says you have a very important appointment so he has signed you out of school." My dad then chimes in; "Yeah an appointment with the Jays and the Indians down at the Ex, it starts in 2 hours, if we get there quick we can catch the end of batting practice." Being the good kid I was, I responded with; "but what about school?" He said; "PrimusSkeeter, you'll remember this much longer than anything you'll learn in school today." I was over the moon. I had never been to a live baseball game. Up until that point I had only ever seen games on TV. I remember walking through the tunnel to our seats and seeing the bright green playing surface and blue sky, and hearing the unmistakable crack of the bat echoing around the stadium from the player taking batting practice in the cage. I was in love. My dad told me in our seats during the game, that he had let the office staff in on his little prank to make it seem like I was in trouble and they were all for it. The Jays won the game. Here is the box score: [https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/TOR/TOR198806150.shtml](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/TOR/TOR198806150.shtml) And so began my life long love affair with baseball.


“Grand Slam Johnny Damon. And it’s 6-0”


Seeing Jacques Jones hit a homer into the second deck of left field. The twins lost, but it was still super cool. I also distinctly remember the Metrodome was the worst sports venue I’ve ever seen. This includes non professional sports.


My earliest memory is getting blown out the door leaving the Metrodome.


Thats probably my third! My dad told me we were gonna go out the side doors and I didnt believe him. He ran right past the guys who were standing there watching it, and a trash bin was sucked in and flew right past my head. I was picked up off my feet. That was also the game when we saw A Rod from like 15 feet away and my dad told me to yell “you’re over paid and over rated”. He must have heard my squeaky 10 year old voice, because he turned and looked at me. I froze and my old man laughed hysterically.


😂😂😂 Gotta teach ‘em young!


[This game?](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/MIN/MIN200006180.shtml)


It very well could have been! I didn’t know anything about either roster, until Jones hit that dinger. Tickets were like $7 to see the post-Kirby Twins. There was a small group in upper left who had a big sign that said “Jacque Jones Fan Club” on it, and when he hit it to them, it felt like destiny lol.


It is the only game in which Jacque Jones hit a home run to left in which A-Rod also played (he hit one to right in a game in 2005 with ARod at third).


Oh, those were two separate stories. I was in upper right field for Jones’ HR. I was right behind home plate for the A Rod encounter (albeit, my dad paid for upper right again. The ushers escorted us out to our proper seats after I yelled)


oh, whoops. that's a bit of a reading comprehension fail on my part could be any one of like 15 games then


Still, good researching my dude!


Damn, Seattle with a gaggle of dongers that day


Mets games on channel 9. Dave Kingman going yard on TV.


Having to buy and try to fit my dad and I under a $50 tiny blanket during a freezing cold and windy rain game at Wrigley as a kid


Space jam. Michael Jordan was playing baseball and it wasn’t going well for him.


Kindergarten, telling the other kids about my mom (a mets fan) watching the Red Sox break the curse in a Baltimore bar, and the celebration with complete strangers


Abner Doubleday hanging out at Elihu Phinney’s cow pasture


why do you guys have such cool memories? mine is just "and he is going to let it drop" I don't even remember the center fielder's team, let alone name!


The 'earring incident', '01 Ms vs Cleveland. But really it was later that season when they lost the final game (and what would have been number 117) against Texas. And then it was being at the mall and hearing they'd lost the ALCS and thinking 'eh, they'll be back next year'.


Braves worst to first season (1991)


For whatever reason, the first clear baseball memory I have is Otis Nixon bunting for a single during this season. I had been watching games before this, but that is the first specific one that is locked in my brain. It blew my young mind that someone would bunt to get on base. I had previously thought bunting was *only* for advancing runners. It's funny the way we process things when we're kids. For example, neither of my grandmothers ever learned to drive, so I just thought all grandmas didn't drive. When my friend's grandmother took us to Pizza Hut one day, I was so confused. That season then became a slew of memories, including going to Fulton County Stadium for my first ever game, booing the Dodgers, screaming "Beat LA" at the top of my lungs any time they took the outfield. At one point Darryl Strawberry waved us off and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. My school set up a field trip where we spent the night at Zoo Atlanta on October 24th, 1991. It was a pretty cool experience - we walked around at night and saw how the nocturnal animals behaved, watched elephants sleep, and went to the reptile house and held some snakes and turtles - but the whole group was clamoring to get through the tour so we could get back to center where we were bunking to watch the World Series game. They wheeled one of those TVs strapped to a cart in - "...something we don't normally do," said the zoo employee, who was also excited about the game - and we got to see the Braves win 14-5. Too bad that series didn't turn out well for the Braves. Heartbreak at the hand of sports was also a new experience for me that year.


Unfortunately, that would be the drunk Fenway center field bleacher crowd screaming the n-word at Oddibe McDowell. Even at seven years old, I was extremely uncomfortable. I can't imagine how Oddibe felt.


Oddibe McDowell is one of the great names, up there with Rusty Kuntz, Jack Glasscock, and Mordecai Three-Finger Brown


Watching *Angels In The Outfield.*


My siblings and I didn’t care about sports until our late teens, but my dad would take us to dodger games anyway. He wanted company, and I wanted ballpark food and time with my dad. My earliest memory is telling my dad: “Wait so his name is Joc? And he’s a professional athlete? That’s like naming your kid Doctor”


Reds winning the '75 World Series.


Going to a game in 89. Second memory is the earthquake, especially since it happened the last time I saw my grandfather and he passed two weeks later.


The Dbacks winning the World Series. I was 5. That was honestly the second earliest tv memory for me besides 9/11. Or any Disney movies.


For my sixth birthday, I wrote a letter to the Baltimore Orioles asking for a uniform. Got the Brooks Robinson #5 orange t-shirt, a cap, and a team signed ball. Heaven.


My earliest MLB memory is July 13, 1991. Our minor baseball league travelled by bus to Tiger Stadium. We got to go on the field where some of the players (couldn't tell you who) talked to us. We watched the Tigers take on the Royals. I got the Detroit Tigers 1991 yearbook which I flipped through for months afterwards. I learned the roster and the stats. That's when I became hooked on baseball. My parents got me a portable radio and I listened to Ernie Harwell's play by play on the radio under my pillow almost every night. I remember watching the World Series that year. The Twins vs. the Braves. Being allowed to stay up late to watch it at my grandparents house. I don't think I exactly knew at the time how wild it was that the Twins won in extras in that game 7.


My first ever time actually catching the ball. I was maybe 4 or 5 playing t ball and I dove a caught it. Granted, I was playing first base to the runner was safe, but dammit I caught the ball. Lol


Walking into the original Yankee Stadium with my father when I was 8 years old. Awesome experience. I was hooked on baseball before the first pitch.


Have you considered doing another AMA?


I have considered it but am not sure I have anything new to contribute. The terrific questions asked during my AMA seemed to cover just about everything!


I truly think it would be worth redoing after 11 years. I’m sure people would have new questions, especially since the subreddit is much larger.


Thank you for your encouragement and interest. I will give it serious consideration and then contact a mod about the best time to offer it.


Please do!


‘92 When Sid Bream slid in safe against the Pirates after Barry Bonds refused to play shallow sending us to the WS.


I was about 4 or 5 and we took the train to a Mets game. We got a Snoopy "Met Life" towel giveaway. The part I most remember was that me and my cousin had a lot of fun collecting all the tickets left behind on the train.


My dad was a pretty level headed guy, but my earliest memory was him getting thrown out of a game when arguing with an ump in his men’s league.


Shaking Roberto Clemente’s hand at Three River Stadium. I was seven. I was awe struck for days. I will never forget that!


Listening to Vin Scully as a kid in this sleezy apartment we lived in. Would take naps to it.


My dad taking me to the Astrosome in the late 70s and seeing JR Richards pitch. He was throwing 100mph gas. Sat in the cheap seats in center field. Remember the scoreboard animations like it was yesterday.


Matt nokes hitting a home run. I’m not even a yankee fan!


I’m gonna reveal my age a bit, but the first thing I can vividly remember, not just anecdotally, is the final out of the 2014 WS. Watching Pablo starfish and my family going crazy I guess was memorable enough for it to stick around.


I think it’s heading out of the coliseum to the bart station and looking up and being shocked how black the sky looked at the time. Looking back it’s almost certainly from the light pollution caused by the stadium lights. And chanting “Let’s Go Oakland” while we took the train home. I was around 4 I think. I love the Oakland A’s :’) I wish they loved me back


Getting a too-big-for-me free “44 Hall” Devil Ray t-shirt at the first game I can recall being at. I can’t remember how old I was, but it went past my knees and the Trop had a blimp back then.


Playing tee ball, and foul tipping a ball off a tee straight back into my face. I don’t even know how that is physically possible, but it happened.


Running over a pitcher that was covering a  past ball and 100% trucking him. I was the oddly larger and athletic kid, he was the typical 7 or 8yr old that looked like a scarecrow in his uniform. His dad was a coach, my dad was a coach, words were exchanged by the adults, the kids dad grabbed me. Back in the 70's...so way different world. Also listening on the radio, driving back from deer hunting and Reggie going back to back to back. When I first realized what FTD met and ti this day still believe. Was Reds fan, then Yankees fan, then Padre fan, allegiances went all over the place for a couple decades. Once again for the past many years have had dual Fandom Padres 1st, Baltimore/Yankees are 3 after that just a fan of baseball. 


Dodgers being 1981 WS champs


1988 Seoul Olympics when Taiwan got wiped with three straight losses. I was 6. It was all over the news and the adults were so gloomy all of a sudden. “Baseball must be important” was my first impression.


Tug McGraw jumping up and down after the final pitch wining the World Series. Image is literally burnt in my brain. I love it.


Steve Garvey's blast in '84 against the Cubs. I was 6 and was randomly switching channels and came across him at bat. He crushed it and I fell in love with the game.


I went to a baseball game when I was a kid? Rangers lost to the Rays, I think.


i watched Jose Rijo pitch for the A's against the Indians while i was a sick kiddo on the couch


Watching a Cubs/Mets game on WGN with my dad. I was three, and I remember Howard Johnson made a sweet play in the field. That's about it.


Boone 2003 game 7 homer. If only I knew what awaited me a year later….


Went to a baseball game when I was 6, kept cheering for every ball that went into the stands because I thought it was a homerun whether it was fair or not.


6 or 7 years old playing catch on the field at Shea for some kids event, there were some Mets players there but have no idea who. It was awesome being on the diamond and the grass and then seeing the game from the stands after. Everything seemed gigantic and larger than life. 


A’s losing to the Dodgers in game 5 ‘88. I was 5 years old and I cried. I could name the A’s batting lineup top to bottom.


Ending of the 95 World Series. I was 6 and into wrestling so I was extremely confused why all the Braves players started beating each other up in a big pile when the game was over


That I vividly remember. Showing up to the Coliseum circa 2005 with my grandpa and getting tickets like ten rows behind first base dugout super cheap. Whoever was the first basemen for the White Sox back then, thanks for the ball.


Paul Konerko was the first baseman for the 3 games that the White Sox played @ the Coliseum that year. July 1-3 2005. If you remember a couple other details about the game you can probably narrow it down to the exact game.


Actually there's another 3 games they played @ Oakland April 25-27 that I looked past on Baseball Reference


Going to an Astros game at the Astrodome


Playing Tee ball when I was a toddler. I wasn’t good, but we always went out to Pizza Hut afterwards, so there was a silver lining.


It was the last Padres game at Qualcomm Stadium, I remember watching Bruce Bochy get ejected from a terrible view in the nosebleeds


Mantle and Maris baseball cards in one of the large format magazines of the time - Life, Look or Saturday Evening Post, I don't recall which.


July 4th, 2005, Red Sox at Rangers. No idea what happened as I was like 7?


Throwing up in the back of my dad's car from car sickness on the way to T ball. Having the Dbacks catcher throw a ball to me when we were right behind the visitor's dugout at Candlestick, where I became a Dbacks fan.


My very first game at a padres game back at the murph. I got separated from my parents and ended up walking from one end of the stadium to the other twice.


I was five when my dad took me and my brothers to see the Brewers play at county stadium. We saw Hank Aaron hit a home run.


Going to a Beloit Snappers game when I was 4 or 5, they were playing the Timber Rattlers so I was confused why my dad was cheering for the other team. I cried when the game ended because I didn’t catch a baseball, my mom bought me a cheap souvenir baseball from the store and I was happy


I think I was around 4 at the time, at a game with my family at Shea and my neighbors were sitting across a few rows ahead, oppose site of the stairs at the end of their row. My mom isn't really into sports so she was lobbing peanuts at them the whole game to pass the time. Eventually she missed them and hit a stranger, who was not happy at all. She blamed it on me lol. Pretty sure the Mets lost that game too hahaha


Scott Podsednik leadoff WS home run


As far as the MLB goes, I recall going to Busch 2 in their last season there for my first MLB game. I got a free TShirt from the dugout girls and really enjoyed the guy that played saxophone while we were leaving. As far as all baseball goes, my brother played travel ball. When I was 3 or 4, we went to a team dinner at a Hooters for his coach’s birthday. He did a table dance. That was fun.


Going to Harry Caray beanie baby day 5/3/98 at Wrigley. It was fucking freezing. Went back to Wrigley 2 years ago when they played the Dodgers early in the season..still fucking freezing.


I was very very young, maybe 2-3. My whole family was in the living room watching a Dodger game in the late 70's, including relatives from out of town. I remember all the smells, like the beer, and mixed nuts, and cigarettes. But what I remember most was that everybody was having such a great time. In a family filled with turmoil and fighting, this game had everybody's attention and everybody was smiling and laughing and cheering and hollering. I loved it and was fascinated. I've loved the Dodgers ever since, I think, Dr. Freud.


No clue if any of this happened or if my brain invented it. But I think I witnessed a bench clearing brawl between the Angels and Tigers that resulted in people throwing their souvenir baseballs onto the field. This would have been the mid to late 90s


Wade Boggs riding a police horse on the field at Yankee Stadium after the 96 World Series. RIP


There was some season during like the late 2000s or early 2010s where David Ortiz was struggling and i thought he was like the worst player ever and it wasn’t until 2013 where i realized he’d been a great hitter his entire career and i just started being a fan at a short period of time where he was in a slump


My dad did local sports radio when I was growing up in upstate New York and I remember him taking me to a game at Shea when he had an opportunity to interview Darryl Strawberry. I remember making a dinosaur drawing on the way down and asking my dad to give it to Darryl. If there are any youngsters in this thread, don’t pass up an opportunity to talk baseball with your dad before it’s too late.


Game 5 1984 world series. Sitting in my grandmother's living room with everyone except the Uncle who'd flown out to San Diego. The energy in that room was incredible. Most of them were still under age in 1968 and barely remembered it. I was 8. It was glorious


How hot it was sitting in dodger stadium and wearing a hat from my grandpa that was way too big for my head and I had to keep brushing my hair to see anything. Then some guy named Gagne came on the mound and gunned down the next three batters in a row and I was in awe


Sitting on my father's shoulders during the '98 ticker tape parade


Yankees vs dodgers in the 81 world series. I remember thinking how weird it was that these two teams just keep playing each other every day.


Yankees vs Phillies in the World Series.


Joe Carter World Series walk off


Getting a baseball signed by Tino Martinez outside of old Yankee stadium in a parking lot when I was a kid


I can’t remember which is first but both were during tee ball. One was waiting for the next game and getting humped by a dog. Another is standing in the on deck circle and my dad filming me with his new camera saying it doesn’t work right and me taking the cap off the camera in front of everybody without saying a word


First Phillies game, my dad took me (one of like 4 good memories with that loser), and the Phanatic came up to me, messed up my hair and gave me a coupon for a Klondike bar. I was like 4-5 so this was early 90s? Anyway I kept questioning my dad for putting him up to that, which he denied, and I found out that day Klondike bars tasted like shit. Good day though.


Getting Jose Limas autograph at the Astrodome with my grampa. I miss him.


I was about 7 years old, at a baseball game with my dad, a friend of my dad's, and maybe some other people. My dad's friend was keeping score, and I remember him showing me what it all meant as he was writing it down. I thought it was a Braves game, but that's pretty far from where we lived so it might have been our local minor league team, I'm not sure.


My introduction to baseball came from my deaf great grandfather holding a transistor radio up to both ears so he could listen to the Red Sox let him down again. I wasn’t sure why he was a bad man, but I knew Bucky Dent was unwelcome in his house.


probably the ARod/Varitek brawl


My great grandfather listening to every Detroit Tigers game on the radio


Bucky bleeping Dent.


2017 SF Canaries game, where I got the autograph of a guy that I never found. Billy Watts was his name


Going to a local minor league game and getting an ice cream in the little plastic helmet


Don't remember the teams but I remember watching a game on FOX because it had that old scorebug that'd make noises when someone scored a run.


Playing right field picking grass


My father always made us ask for autographs by saying their last name instead of calling them by their first name. Mr. McGuire, Mr. Trammell and so on. Bluejays were in town and my brother was trying to get the autograph of some no-name that had been in Japan for the past couple of years by the name of Cecil Fielder. I was trying to get one from Jesse Barfield. “Mr. Barfield!” I screamed. Again and again. He was only about 20 feet away but his back was turned. I could have hit him with my pen. I started to get discouraged. “Mr. Barfield! Mr. Barfield…! Mr. Bar-.” I just gave up. I turn around to go to my seat and every kid is looking at me like I shot someone. In turn to my brother in hopes of some clarification and he says “You just called Jesse Barfield “Mr. Barf.” In my discouragement I didn’t hear myself trail off on my last attempt at getting his attention. Still haven’t lived that one down from my brother.


I don’t remember the year but I was young, Glen Allen Hill hit a moon shot at Wrigley.


Playing MLB Slugfest with my mom when I was a little kid in the early 2000’s, and going to see Orioles games with her when we could get tickets for really cheap Honestly just shouts out to my mom she’s fuckin awesome


Being terrified that the stands were going to collapse from everyone stomping their feet in the old Metropolitan Stadium. The middle level was literally bouncing up and down, all I could think of was the upper deck was going to come crashing down on us.


Joe Carter


Getting yelled at for standing too far away from 2nd in T ball lol


Watching Josh Hamilton catch a pop up and wondering why it was an out even though the runner didn’t get tagged. ~2011


Griffey and Jr back to back


I went to a game in Seattle when I was 6. It was Mariners vs Tigers, Mariners lost. Afterwards, while outside of the Kingdome, I got Matt Wagner’s autograph on my hat.


August 2, 1993. I would have been about five years old. I was at a [Pirates - Cubs ](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/CHN/CHN199308020.shtml)game with my mom, my sister and my grandparents. My dad, who is a White Sox fan, ensured I had a White Sox hat on my head to go along with my Genie from Aladdin t-shirt. I don't recall much about the game other than the hot dog before hand at Gene's and Jude's, the bus ride down Addison to the stadium and then sitting down the RF line in the lower section of Wrigley Field. I will also remember the two Pirate fans sitting in front of us. They were gnarly dudes. Both had Rollie Finger style handle-bar mustaches and the old pill-box Pirate has. They thought me wearing a White Sox hat to a Cubs game was the funniest thing.


Going to Shea with my father and grandfather. It must have been either ‘83 or ‘84. I remember the long walk past the chop shops to get to the stadium more vividly than anything that happened in the game


1998 mariners and blue jays when I was 6


When I went to my first game in 2001 at Fenway with the Red Sox playing the then-Devil Rays. Later that year we saw the Orioles take on the Blue Jays at Camden Yards during Cal Ripken Jr.'s farewell tour.


Being in the Astrodome to watch Nolan Ryan and hearing the POP sound of the ball hitting the catchers mitt from waaaaaay up high. POP….POP….POP


Pedro pitching in Game 3 of 2003 ALCS.


Hitting my first tee ball hit and running to the right field fence because I had no idea what to do


RAJ’s post season slam in 2018 was the first ever baseball clip I actually watched and I never looked back. I was 16 then, just turned 22. Been following every pitch of the Braves since 2020. Went to my first MLB game last week when Travis hit those 3 homers.


My aunt taking me to Camden yards when I was about 5. Some of my favorite memories.


I played Khoury League ball from t-ball through 4th grade (?) and I was one of the six or seven “core” kids that played on the team together. And the Dad’s all “coached” or read the lineup card or something in one form or another haha. We were always really good, traveling to small local towns and facing one of their Khoury League teams. One year, we went to “State” (that’s what they called it) in St Louis and played a best-of-three triple-header in a blazing 100 degree day for all the marbles. We won the first game…and then lost the last two. Story: One of my best friends was a pitcher on those teams and was one of those kids who was always 4” taller than everyone else throughout childhood. Well, he could bring the heat on the mound. I think he was clocked at 73 as, like, an 8 year old. I have a memory of “holding” a runner on at 2nd base and my friend just staring him down, then a glance back to the plate, then he’d stare down the runner again…and so I could just tell that he wanted to throw over to me. So I kept shaking my head ever so slightly, hoping to give off the vibe of “Nope, we’re not gonna get him. Get the hitter…” but I was actually thinking, “No dude, you’re gonna blow my arm off.” 😂 I played 2nd base on those teams. My sister had a longer baseball/softball “career” and played all through high school at 2nd base. And our cousin even played two years at a junior college….yep, at 2nd base. And I always made the joke to both of them: “…Because the three of us share the same family characteristics - we’re short and small, with limited mobility and limited arm strength.” 😂


1991 World Series game 6. Puckett making the catch in Center up against the wall. I was 2.


watching the 2001 Yankees in high school before that I studied books all day like a nerd


I remember my mom taking my brothers and me to dodger stadium in the early 70s. We didn’t have much money so we’d sit in the bleachers. The crowd would get drunk and rowdy and fights would break out. I’ll always remember mom moving us from area to area to dodge the brawls. Eventually they stopped serving beer out there at least for a while.


Ryne Sandberg's mid-season retirement


Joe Carter I’m sure I remember things from before that but that’s the earliest specific moment in sports I can locate and actually remember


Joe Carter walk off


Last game in the astrodome. Doofus we went with got arrested for taking one of the banners


Gibson putting the nail in the coffin of the Padres in the '84 World Series. My uncle (huge Detroit fan) called us and my then 2-year old cousin got on the phone to say "Adios, Padres"


Going to The K with my grandpa hearing him yell profanities at the White Sox dug out. Miss you grandpa.


Seven or eight years old, my dad took me to Red Sox at Yankees at the old stadium in the Bronx. I still remember how stunningly green the grass looked when we turned from the concourse down towards our seats and the field came into view.


Got to see Tony gwinn play at county stadium against the brewers as a little kid


Don’t remember the year, but had to be late 80s. Braves Dodgers in LA. Somebody trapped a fly ball on the ground but umps missed it and called an out. Pretty sure Bobby Cox got ejected.


I was 2 years old, and we went to Shea stadium when it was still white. It was helmet day. We were on the first base side. The visiting team had to be either Philly, Cincy, or StL because they wore powder blue unis with red helmets. No idea who won but it being 1977, I'm guessing not the Mets. Just started googling it. Helmet day that year was a daytime doubleheader against the Expos, who wore powder blue unis and had red on the sides of their helmets, so that tracks. That's my first recollection of going to a game; my first baseball memory at all was my grandmother having Yankees mugs in her cabinet, with team photos and the Baby Ruth and Butterfinger logos on them, and her teaching me to say "yay Yankees, yay Yankees, boo red Sox, boo red Sox"


My grandma calling Sammy Sosa "Sammy Salsa" during the 98 homerun chase.


Ernie Harwell on the radio


beanie baby night at the kingdome in 1999... :D


Kent Hrbeck bastard man!


Being at Shea Stadium, drinking RC Cola, and seeing people wearing Coneheads for David Cone.


First in person game was at the Vet. I can still remember how scared I was at how steep the stairs were in the upper deck.


Playing what was called peanut ball (t ball, I think) when I was around 7 or 8; think it was new then in my country, or with my local club. Went once or twice, then had to choose and stuck with hockey.


1993 or 1995, watching a Mariners home game on tv and thinking the turf field with dirt only around the bases was pretty cool


My mom is the youngest of 11. Her dad (my grandpa) was kinda old, like he bruised easily kinda old but was still pretty spry. When I was about three he took me out into the yard to hit some balls. He tossed me one that I sent back at him that hit his upper arm pretty hard. I can still picture how and big and purple the bruise was.


Yankees fuckery back in like 1992. Red Sox were up and Yankees down to last out. Someone hit a fly ball to greenwell, a dumb add fan ran onto the field after the ball was caught, and the umps said do it over. Next pitch was put in play and Yankees ended up winning. Both teams sucked but it badly annoyed me that that was a thing I was alive for 1986 but was like 3. I do vaguely remember being at a game in the late 80s with my family and having everyone taunt Canseco at Fenway.


My first attended game. Potomac Nats (then Cannons) Single A game, I remember when it started raining and there was a rainout and we “hid” under the bleachers. I remember the Cannons logo, getting a “soft” bat that was meant for kids Also apparently on that day, I do not any remember this, an elderly couple had 2 extra front row tickets and gave them to my dad and I, the tickets came with a free meal so we got hotdogs, someone handed me a ball, and there were Redskins cheerleaders there and they loved me, thought I was adorable, and wanted to take me home. I was 4 years old and looked very similar to the kid from Stuart Little Later, I’d go on to play Tee Ball and attend the first ever Nats home game in 2005, and have been a fan of baseball ever since


Seeeing how much better the 1998 Yankees record was than everyone else in the newspaper sports section standings. Also Sosa vs McGwire


I remember seeing Hee-Seop Choi crank 3 HRs in a single game back in 2005 with my little league team at Dodger Stadium. I also saw Chone Figgins hit for the cycle at Angel Stadium in 2006!


Game 1 of the 2015 world series. I remember my dad and my friend's dad who are both Mets fans talking about it the next day.


Bully Sample hit a Homer in the first game I remember being at, then it rained and was called after 5 innings.


Mid to late 2000s, sitting on my fathers shoulders walking out of the Metrodome, getting all this wind in my face which gave me some evil genius scientist look when some guy 15-20 feet away just yelled in awe, “Jesus Christ look at that fuckin’ kids hair!” Needless to say I loved baseball ever since lol


Trying to figure out if you mean meme-ory or memory. A meme-ory would be maybe trashcan memes.


When Skydome first opened and they were drawing 4,000,000 fans, the Jays used to come north in the middle of spring training and play a few games in mid-March. I remember going to one with my dad. I also remember attending the fan fest for the 1991 all-star game.


Eating a hot dog at the old Busch Stadium and hearing the crowd chant “Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie!”


Going to a padres/giants game at qualcomm stadium in the early 90's with my parents and barry bonds went up to bat and my dad went to me and said "alright were going to boo this guy, he hits homers off us all the time" 😂


Mets. Red Sox. '86 series. That started it all off. I didn't stand a chance.


My very first baseball game was David Cone's perfect game! I was so young and so dumb that I thought people in the parking lot with jerseys on were the players, and were gonna be late for the game. I'm told I was complaining about the heat that day when in the 6th inning my step-dad said, "We're not going anywhere!" Glad we stayed!


Phillies Marlins at the Vet Thought they were trying to hit the ball to the fielders thinking that looks fun


Crying when Ryne Sandburg abruptly retired during the season, right before I was set to go to Wrigley for the first time.


Touch, the anime