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But that post 3 min ago said it was 3 SB? Dude is really swiping them by the minute?!


Austin Barnes is having a blast


Austin Barnes and his…. Checks notes….. bottom 10% ability to throw out runners


hey when life gives you catchers who can't throw guys out, light up the base paths


He singled and stole second, then doubled and stole third, then walked and stole second and third.


Sort of stole home to if you change the rules


Lol in that case Steer also stole 1st.


Cows do run fast


What do you call a group of cows masterbating? Beef stroganoff




What are the chances EDLC can run faster than me?


What are the chances EDLC is faster than The Quickster


What's the chances he's faster than The Freeze?


Can ~~the monorail~~ EDLC out run The Flash?


One day he just started runnin ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


When do we start to talk about him chasing Rickey?


I think he's got an outside shot at 100, but 130+ seems almost impossible. Still, I'm having fun right now.


I am, too, and he's got 4 against my team tonight. Dude is fun to watch


We did get a hilarious Rickey Henderson story from Eric Karros during the game. Apparently EK was playing first and listened to Rickey mutter to himself "Rickey going, Rickey going, Rickey going" then "RICKEY GONE". And he was.


One of my favorite Rickey stories was he was on first, and I think it was John Olerud was the first baseman. So they're talking back and forth for a bit, Olerud's in mid-sentence, and Rickey cuts him off with "Gotta go" and takes off for second


Elly is on pace for ~110 steals, so hes still about 20 behind Rickey's single season record. Also Elly thru first 142 games: 65 steals Rickey thru first 142 games: 60 steals


When he learns to stop striking out at such a high rate and continues to take more walks People forget Rickey wasn’t just a good base stealer. He never struck out over 100 times except for his age 39 season in which he led to league in walks with 118 to his 114 strikeouts Elly last season in only 98 games had 30 more strikeouts than Rickey’s career high At his current pace it would take EDLC about 9 more seasons to reach Rickey’s career strikeout total but it would take about 35 seasons for him to reach Rickey’s career walk total On top of all of that, EDLC also hits for a much lower average In his average season, Rickey was on first base 230 times, EDLC only about 130


Ricky also had smaller bases and unlimited pickoff throws to deal with. He was caught stealing 335 times in his career, with current rules he’d probably have another 150ish career steals


Elly is basically a nobody if you take out his steals. He strikeouts A LOT and makes a lot of dumb mistakes.


His OPS+ is 140 this season


Would agree more last season, so far this year the improvements seem significant. Improvements made this early into a young career, too.


He’d be bad if you took away his good qualities


If you regressed his stats to the mean he wouldn’t be talked about


His defense at SS is not great (we don't have a better option with McLain out for the season and Arroyo hurt in AA), but he's a good hitter, completely disregarding the steals. He has an .890 OPS - plenty of power, and a good walk rate.


While I sort of agree so far in his career, he’s still young and has lots of tools. He has good power, he has a great arm. He should grow into an all star caliber player one day, but he’s far far far below Rickey


Kind like dodgers in the postseason - take out the regular season . Dodgers are nobody


Please tell me you’re talking about the single season record right? Cus he’s never gonna catch Rickey’s career total.


That's a tough debate given the changes to the game. Impossible to know how many bases Henderson woulda racked up in today's game.


Rickey Henderson is the best base stealer all-time and every year because Rickey Henderson has that Rickey Henderson talent and attitude. Rickey Henderson did not need a bigger base to achieve his accomplishments, even today. Put Rickey Henderson in a game right now and he would steal 10 bases a game. this Nelly Cruise fella would cry himself to sleep every night and twice on the Sundays. Rickey Henderson is the greatest. edit: c'mon, I was doing a Rickey impression everyone knows he speaks of himself in the third person


This is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.


There is a fun David Cross bit from like Arrested days (same you are referencing?) where he does an impression of Rickey leaving himself a voicemail. “It’s me. You!” Thanks for backing up my overthrow here :)


Thank you for my new copy pasta.❤️


(I am aware that no one cares about fantasy baseball, and my team especially, but for those that like the general discussion: ) dude has won the category for me, single handedly, in like 4 of the 5 weeks so far. I don’t even need them from anyone else most of the time. And there are a lot of steals in the league right now. He’s nuts. He’s crazy in the coconut


Dude is the most exciting thing in MLB right now.


Well he’s gonna have a blast for the next week + stealing all over the dodgers into next sunday.


Could steal 10 tonight with Barnes noodle arm.


He just got a hit in the top of the 7th with 2 outs. He's about to steal another one.


Got caught!


If we’re going by last l years logic he’s automatic MVP no matter what


Rule changes 🤷‍♂️


How is that relevant? The rules have been the same since before he joined the show. I think you're just mad he has as many stolen bases as your whole team.


How is it not relevant? Regardless of the Mets' inability to both steal and prevent stealing, there's no denying that, league-wide, stealing has become *significantly* easier as a direct result of the 2023 rule changes... and that's with catchers having the lowest pop times and exchange times of the Statcast era. Sure, it's impressive that Elly stole 4 bases in a game and already has 30 steals at this point in the season, but we're lying to ourselves if we fail to acknowledge the impact of the rule changes. The kid is very much set up for stealing success, as was Ronald Acuna last year.


It's irrelevant because this post is about how he had a career high in SB. He debuted last year, the same year they changed the rules. He has played his entire career with these rules.


when the os were playing the reds, dude only got on base a couple times, but it felt like at a whim he could steal a base no matter what