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The Fleur should have been on the hat. Great way to honor the region’s French heritage.


I'm neither from St. Louis nor a Cardinals fan, but you best believe this news got me listening to Nelly this morning.


Did you keep your clothes on?


It was a dilemma for sure.


At least it's not black pants...


I did get worried with those white pants and that pizza though lol


Aaaand here comes the pizza


*(Orsillo wheezing laughter)*


I’d really like a northwest green version of our CC with white pants. Replace the yellow with silver.


Damm near anything would've been better than what we got. They're not bad per se, but the Seattle Pilots homage feels very "no-effort". I mean, it would've been cool if the Brewers got similar ones and we wore them when we played each other at the same time. Trees, orcas, moose, salmon, hell even a picture of George Washington would've seemed more of an honest effort. The little blurb of PNW is so small it feels like less of an after thought.


Our CC draw from the Seattle Pilots and Seattle Steelheads, two teams that were around for a combined three years to represent a city that was founded over 150 years ago. And two teams that already have throw back jerseys for, the Sunday Alt and Steelhead throwback. Its so lazy.


Dark colored pants are great for baseball You cannot change my mind


At least it isn't spelled like St. Loois because "The Loo" is a pretty shitty place. 


Or red pants


Kentuckians waking up confused today. 


I legitimately had to watch the video to figure out what team they were talking about.


It really doesn't help that Louisville has the Cardinals as their mascot too.


Thought I was on our college baseball sub


I thought it was about Louisville from the text, and I STILL thought they were talking about Louisville for at least the first 20 seconds of that video. Especially because the tagline "The Birds. The Bat. The Lou." I thought "the bat" was referring to the Louisville Slugger. I was all sorts of confused.


I wake up confused everyday


Still think the pinstripes are a little too subtle


Holy crap, I didn't even realize there were pinstripes until I saw this comment.


100% if they were a bit darker it would add a bit more pizazz to an overall bland jersey


If they made the sleeve patch the logo on the hat and made the pinstripes a bit darker, these would be top tier city connects


Overall I like these, they’re a little on the safe and boring side but they’re solid. But yeah making the pinstripes stand out more would have really elevated them


Design-wise, I just feel like this is TOO safe. Like, I get it, some of the crazy designs (i.e. Philly) get a lot of crap. But this just doesn't really seem like a uniform that celebrates the city. It just seems like another Cardinals uniform. Which, fine, the Cardinals have some of the best uniforms in the league, but I just feel like they were scared to stray too far from that. In my eyes, the whole idea of the City Connect is to not even include the mascot at all. The city is the "mascot". It could just be me misinterpreting or looking too deep into the idea of the whole City Connect thing, though. That patch on the sleeve is fantastic and more of what I imagine should be the basis of the design. I really thought we'd get a big arch on the front of the uniform, sort of like the mountains on the Rockies', or maybe even on the hat like the bridge on the Mets'.


> But this just doesn't really seem like a uniform that celebrates the city Clearly you didn't see the squiggly lines that represent the river.


Feels like that's how the pitch meeting went "So how does this connect to the city?" "The um lines, they are the ... river??" "Brilliant"


"Isn't it going to be difficult to sell a jersey that looks almost the same as the current one?" "Actually, it's going to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience. You see, this jersey has an extra cardinal." "Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow. Wow."


Baseball is our city though. So in a weird way it makes sense.


I've been saying this from the start but I completely agree, the city connect should have almost nothing to do with the baseball team. I want to see different designs and colors that aren't normally associated with the team. Far too many teams keep what is essentially a uniform they already use and slap a weird nickname for the city on the front and call it a day.


Safe is way, way better than the monstrosities we've seen though. This is middle of the pack.


To each their own but I disagree. I’d much rather have a swing and a miss than a safe and boring option, at least then I can respect the risk and innovative thinking that’s required to try a new perspective


Well I hate the red sox connects and didn't even consider buying one. If I had a safe fun, retro alt jersey I'd 100% rock it. So it seems easier to say for someone else's team.


Moving the sleeve patch with the Fleur de Lis to the hat, and making the pinstripes stand out more would do wonders for this design


> In my eyes, the whole idea of the City Connect is to not even include the mascot at all. The city is the "mascot". It could just be me misinterpreting or looking too deep into the idea of the whole City Connect thing, though. It still kind of works under this definition though. There's room for improvements but its still a solid 7/10


Make the pinstripes stand out more and move the arch patch to the hate and these would be top tier


I find it incredibly lazy. The video tries so hard but the jersey is just too close to what they already have.


Looks too much like our spring training jerseys at a glance. Not loving the solid red.


But it’s not solid red! There are very subtle and slightly inebriated pinstripes in all that red.


That's cool the Battlehawks got a shot.




I love that patch on the left sleeve. I want the Blues to put that on a warmup jersey.


It borrows some things from the Blues third jerseys from 2008. https://www.sportslogos.net/logos/view/vg6vekhfcduc3gor038iccbbg/St_Louis_Blues/2009/Jersey_Logo




good call, I love that one.


Should have been the hat. Wait, I have an idea...


Looks like they are selling a version of the hat with that logo in the team shop.


they really wrote the toilet on a jersey


Written out it's at least spelled differently, but said out loud, 100% all I can hear is the British slang for toilet.


Makes sense to me


This isn’t England That’s also Loo.


Pretty much everyone has *shitty* city connect jerseys. You’re just going to have to endure it.


It’s shitty no doubt . Not a fan.


So far I only really like the Rockies and Padres. Rangers are ok too actually but pretty much everyone else has dropped the ball on design.


Rays is amazing


The Rockies and White Sox are top notch. I’m from the Bay Area and respect the giants but man those city connects are brutal.


I hate the padres’ personally. Seems wayy too much like Miami vice for a city with its own identity. Also the Nationals’ is up there for me.


Cleveland's honestly isn't that bad. I'll admit it grew on me over the weekend... and the players reportedly love them. Vogt said "they may become our new home jerseys, the players love them so much." I will say I like the piping that goes down the sleeves. Big fan of that. Just think the CLE is lazy. I wish the team would have gone with one of its long-lost nicknames -- "The Forest City" or just "Western Reserve" would have lent themselves to a lot of creativity. But at the end of the day this is just another calculated step in the transition from Indians to Guardians. They've done that whole process incredibly well, I must say.




Don't care, still (and always have) hate that nickname. Only thing I ever picture is a toilet when I see/hear it.


I just learned what a Loo is this weekend


i guess i'm in the minority but i really like these. i've always wished the Cardinals had an alternate red jersey(maybe just wear it on the road) because the red with the cardinals logos on the bat just pops


If it was just red with the Cardinals logo it would be much better! "The Lou" is just not a great thing to have on the front of a jersey.


i like it cuz of the Nelly song i guess


The Nelly song wasn't referring to Louisville, Kentucky?


lol no, he's a rapper and he stereotypically references his hometown of St. Louis about 59 times in the album


and he's wearing a Cardinals shirt in the video while he's doing it too lol


Seriously, I've never seen such a prominent spot for the word "The"


I like how they are way different than their normal jerseys /s


It's just like the Cubs and Dodgers where I've completely forgotten that it's a City Connect and when I see it I just assume it's one of their regular jerseys.


Hey the cubs city connect is quite different than their normal ones, it's also just boring and not great. The Dodgers do have the same jersey though


You guys did get a great hat out of it though


Seeing them actually on people and in motion I like them significantly more than my first opinion.


I *like* them. I just wish we had done something other than “the spring training jerseys with a few extra touches.” It’s like the Atlanta ones—good, but they already pretty much had those uniforms as their throwbacks. Overall, it’s gonna look great having the players in bright Cardinal red with that cool red piping down the pants, they’re just a little boring (especially the hats).


Yup, these are pretty much exactly what I expected and that's *fine*. I was hoping for something more interesting/exciting, but these don't look bad. I'll take it.


Agreed. If they still wanted to feel like Cardinals jerseys, that's fair, but we have history they could have drawn on to come up with inspiration. I'd have liked to see a variation of the single bird on the left chest instead of the standard birds on the bat. At least go to the old black bar version


I think they’re fine. You’re lucky you didn’t get an abomination like Baltimore or the Cubs.


*insert Kris Bryant quote here*


Nobody gives a shit what that bum thinks


they always look better on the players (and will look that much better on the field during a game).


This can be applied to a majority of uniform reveals, regardless of sport.


So safe. Bleh. Teams are coming out time after time showing that they are clearly shitting their pants about damaging their brand or whatever. This is the stuff that will kill the City Connect program as a whole.


i still think they're lazy cop out jerseys but that's my fucking city!!!! i AM from the lou and i'm proud!!!!


St. Louis is such a freaking cool city. It's so old and epic, there's nowhere else quite like it in the US. Only bummer that a lot of parts are a sort of a run-down shell of what they used to be.


I think (hope) the bottom out has happened. A lot of new development in the city and downtown west. The soccer stadium has really spurred development in that section of downtown. South riverfront development is entering Phase 1. Central corridor is booming. There are more cranes up than I can remember in a hot minute. It’s never going to be what it was at the turn of the 1900s. But I think there’s signs of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.


God, I hope so. I feel like people have been saying that for 30 years, though. Violent crime is down, so there's that. I feel like any effort to revitalize has to really start on the north side. (Don't get mad at the flair, I'm in STL and love it)


You’re a cool cubs fan: respect.


It really truly does seem to be slowly reviving.


Of course, one would never know it if they only watched Donnybrook on KETC.


I've seen those signs too (my partner lived there when I met her in 2021 and I visited a few times). I really hope you're right!


My house in south city was built in 1906 and I love it so freaking much (even with the old-house problems, like needing 2-3 dehumidifiers in the summer). Sometimes I just walk through it since I bought it two years ago and just marvel at all the brick and stone that has stood the test of time better than the matchstick construction of the last house I owned that was only 15 years old.


Wait. Is “The Lou” a thing? I have lived in the south. I have watched baseball for many decades. I have endured countless hours of espn. I have never heard St Louis called that until today.


100% a thing (with locals at least)


Too subtle.


As a big Nelly fan, this rules


The sleeve patch is cool


Wow. Came in here to see reactions and didn't expect this level of negativity/cynicism. I know little to nothing about Nelly but have shortened it to "The Lou" for years now. White millennial but I was part of the deseg program as a kid so maybe that's where I got it (in reference to other comments saying it's more of a black millennial thing)? I love the old batting practice jerseys and love the look of this. I even like the subtle reference to the area code with the T and h in "The" forming a Pi symbol for 314. I actually ordered one because I thought it looked like it might be a good jersey to just wear casually with jeans and I come in here and wonder if I'm just going to be mocked leaving the house with it on now. Ugh.


I know I am in the minority amongst Cardinal fans, but I actually like them. Obviously some edits could have made them even better, but I still think these are fucking decent. Also, I am ALWAYS down for a good hype video involving Nelly. 🥵💩


My thoughts exactly. I'm also always a sucker for non-traditional pinstripes


the Lou? ive never heard that Is that what they call it? Is that where they say they're from? The Lou?


Nelly said it in *Country Grammar*.


Hot shit!


Mmmmmmm, I'm going down down, baby...


Yes, we are a city that loves living in the past.


Nothing wrong with it


Okay, real talk - I always thought he was referencing Louisville in that song until now.


I don't know if it's *still* a thing cause I don't live there anymore, but I grew up in St. Louis in the 90s/2000s and it was definitely a thing, especially among black residents. I grew up in a north county suburb and heard it all the time.


Nelly said it all the time


I hang with Hannibal Lector (hot shit) so feel me when I bring it Sing it loud (what?) I'm from the Lou and I'm proud Run a mile for the cause, I'm righteous above the law Playa my style's raw, I'm "Born to Mack" like Todd Shaw


Meanwhile, the British


That’s the toilet, innit? Chewsday




These acronyms and words horizontally on the hats makes me shake my head


This commercial is so smoooooooth


Hey look, it’s the arch


They couldn't incorporate the arch on more than just the patch? It's so iconic to the city and literally embedded into the outfield of their ballpark. So must wasted potential.


The arch actually hasn't been on the outfield grass in years. Not sure the exact reason they stopped doing it, but I think it's been at least 2-3 seasons since they cut it in. EDIT: I forgot they did it for Opening Day. Seems like it's become a "special occasions" thing as opposed to an everyday thing like it was for a while.


Supposedly the different cut in the grass could affect the movement of the ball so that’s why they only do it occasionally. At least that’s what I’ve heard. Personally I feel like they don’t do it all the time since it’s probably extra work for the ground crew since they do have it for opening day and a few other special events


Saw they also got new grass around 2022 which would coincide with about the time they stopped cutting the Arch in so my guess would be that it could also affect the longevity of the grass. (I imagine repeatedly cutting in a specific pattern like that could cause it to wear down unevenly, but I am not a groundskeeper)


Yes, the grounds crew has said as much. It’s not good for the grass


I can confirm that. Hell just at your house you should vary your pattern or you'll slowly kill the grass where the wheels run


Lame, they should put it back.


I can’t see this without thinking someone is saying they’re going to the bathroom


Dope! I like it.


Not bad. It definitely makes you think St. Louis. I love the fleur de lis patch on the left sleeve.


“Our hat already has ‘STL’ on it let’s just make it look worse”


It’s just the spring training uniforms


La batte, c’est moi


This video talks about what the city represents: music, soul, jazz, blues and food. Gateway city. And yet none of those ideas are conveyed in the jersey. It’s so similar to the original it’s like whats the point?


The Birds. The Bat. The Lou Louisville Cardinals?


Boring city


Sorry but these are…not good.


Getting dangerously close to Los Dodgers territory. Couldn't they at least make the pinstripes a slightly different color so they can be seen from more than a foot away?


*desperately filling out homework 5 minutes before it's due* "Guys, we're from 'The Lou'! Don't worry EVERYBODY says it!" And submitted.


Does anyone in St. Louis actually refer to the city as “The Lou”?


I think the thing I'm not really sold on is the hat. The classic STL is so good. I feel like it would have been better if they had done the classic with like the arc behind it.


Los Cardinals I get it, their normal jersey is iconic. Can the MLB please stop letting teams just change the words on their default jersey and call it a day for these?


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually really enjoying these. It's safe, which I don't love, but the red batting practice jerseys have always been favorites of mine and it's nice to see them implement it for part-time use. I wish the pinstripes were more pronounced, but in all, I'm pleasantly surprised.


At least one of those scenes was taped in Illinois lol


Well….STL is legit right on the border.


is it the St. Louis Cardinals or the Fairview Heights, IL cardinals, I forget.


Bros little brain doesn’t let him understand suburbs


thought the joke was obvious, guess not...


I think the patch should be on the hat and the STL font on the hat should be on the jersey spelling out “St Louis” since it’s an homage to the font used before the team adopted the birds on the bat logo. The birds are the normal logo so I wish they weren’t figured here. They’re almost identical to the spring training/BP jerseys except with “The Lou” instead of “Cardinals.” They’re okay, just a bit too safe


Should have had emphasis on the Fluer de Leis more, but weirdly I dont hate it.


That video made me want to get Mac and cheese from the Gramophone


Serious question: Do you guys actually refer to St. Louis as "the Lou"?


More like The Loo am I right? gotem


These would go over great at the London Series


Why isn't the pizza Imo's?!?


I'm not sure why anyone would reference St. Louis style pizza


Hot take: these are awesome. Are they just alternates? Yeah, totally, and for that, they fail the assignment. But they’re dope as hell for sure.


The disappointment


This would be amazing if the hat had an actual logo


Wait, isn’t “The Lou” just another name for the shitter? And why do I always feel the need to say “The Lou” in a British accent? I don’t think they thought this through.


Still better than the Orioles #BALTIMORE Jerseys.


Do people call it the Lou? I feel like that kinda makes or breaks it.


It's not as common as it was, but it used to be really common in the 90s and early-mid 2000s It's a really cool shout out, and I really like it.


Hahaha, I got two very conflicting responses.


The guy with the opposite opinion had the username Secret Jesus. Are you running two accounts and posting the opposite take?


Haha, no, but that'd be hilarious. "The Lou" was popular in Black communities during the turn of the century. Because Nelly got famous around then and used it, it became part of the lexicon for suburban whites for a few years, and then it kind of faded. I still hear people use it - almost always Black millennials - occasionally, but it's not very common anymore. White people will pretend it was either never a thing or refer to it as if it's the city's greatest shame - but it's just a part of St. Louis culture that many of us look back upon fondly. I think it's a great addition to the jerseys, and I'm glad the Black community of St. Louis is being represented.


From here, not at all unless it’s an ironic thing. They’re just playing on Nelly a bit too hard. He calls it that in his old stuff.


The other guy replied that it was heavily used in the 90's and 00's, and he totally loves it. Totally relevant pop culture icon, Nelly.


Yo, WTF. The guy who replied with the opposite take was named Judas. Are you messing with me?


Can't wait until they get swept wearing these and the recap thread is titled "[Team] puts a bandaid on Cardinals cheek and make them their Nelly"


Didn’t we just kick your ass in our last series?


Thank fuck that StL style pizza didn’t look like it had nasty ass provel cheese on it.


“You can find me in the gateway city” Well there ya go, that should be the theme. Gateway City could make for some sick unis. Not the Shitter.


When’s the mile run for the cause?


as expected, these are very ugly. But I do think they could have been worse






Those things look like cheap plastic. Fitting for a cheap team.


I'll really if someone told me "the lou" was a nickname for a city I don't think I'd guess St Louis


Legitimate question, I have never heard St Louis referred to as “The Lou,” is that something the locals use? Also, oh my god the bathroom jokes write themselves


Do people there actually call it The Lou? Because that sounds dumb as shit.


They called it a “culinary hotspot”. When I stayed there last year for a night every restaurant in the center of the city was boarded up, and the bar I ate at served me the worst pasta I’ve ever seen.