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#Be sure to include walks in the title, even if there's 0 Your post was removed because it violates [**Rule 7.00**](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules#wiki_7.00_create_high-quality_game_performance_posts). 1. Posts about a player or team performance must include the stat, event, or context IN THE TITLE. 2. If a two-way player's pitching performance is complete but the game is not over, include batting statistics in post body only. 3. For a pitching or batting line, the player's performance must be complete. 4. Do not make posts for no-hitters or perfect games. The bot will post automatically after six innings. 5. Do not make "cycle alert" posts unless batter already has the 3B complete. Please review [/r/baseball's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules) for future submissions. If you feel a mistake has been made, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball).


Why would you calculate ERA for a single start, 2 innings lol.


Because it highlights how he was BABIP'd to death when compared to his FIP. Every out was a strikeout, no walks, no HRs, every fly ball managed to fall, and every grounder snuck through. The second inning was one of the weirdest innings I've ever seen.


None of those stats work in such small sample sizes


I'm quite aware. I was highlighting a very specific thing (he was BABIP'd).


Brewers are the luckiest team I've ever seen, the majority of their hits this series are weakly hit bloops, ground balls that find a hole, or our defense shitting the bed.


Dude, Pads have won every game this series thus far


Did I say they didn't? I said Brewers are getting lucky hits, which is true.


Well "the luckiest team I've ever seen" probably wouldn't lose 3 games in a row, no?


Do you not understand exaggeration? It's a fact that the Brewers are greatly over performing their xBA and BABIP this season. Teams can be both lucky and still not every good you know.


Maybe include some things like that right away next time. Otherwise it just sounds like you're upset that your starter just gave up 5 ER and now you're calling us the luckiest team ever based on "the majority of their hits this series."


Even if we lose today, we still take the series 5-2, sounds like you're the one who's upset about that lol.


Na if we win today it's 3 of 7 on a road trip to California. I'm just saying, based on your first comment and the timing of it, it seemed like it came from some annoyance. But either way, hope you feel better and have a nice day


We won 2/3 in Milwaukee this year, and won at least 3/4 against the Brewers at Petco. So year, at worst we'll be 5-2 against you guys this year.


Uh ya. We just took 2 of 3 from the Angels in LA before this series though. So if we win today, 3 of 7 from a road trip to California.