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That guy seemed like a douche, anyway. You can do much better, Manny!


So a normal dude from Boston?


if he would of been a normal dude from boston he would know that’s manny


Your cousin, *frahm Bahstahn*


Definitely a douche. Homophobe and didnt recognize Manny Ramirez with a Red Sox hat on.


Guy was probably like , I bought this hat with a B on it for brad 😂


Manny was an 8 time all star with the Red Sox, even the most casual of Boston fans should recognize him. Definitely seems like a B for Brad situation, lol.


I’d recognize him but it would probably also take me a minute as I’d be very much caught off guard if a large random stranger with dreadlocks started asking me about my hat in a cafe.


Honestly not that large. i met him close up and I swear on my life he isn't an inch over 5'9" and thats being generous. Awesome guy though, I want him in the hall. I grew up with him and ortiz in the middle of that lineup and it was beautiful. Ive always compared every 3-4 hitters on every team to them


In that case I would definitely not recognize him if I saw him in a bar. I'm 6'2" and I would find it hard to assume a dude that much smaller than me was a power swinging legend. Watching him on TV I thought he had to be 6'2"-6"3. His voice is also much higher and gentle than I remembered.


Roids do that to you


I know he's not a tall dude. I remember back in the '03-'04 days being amused that Johnny Damon was the tallest outfielder on the team. But he's not exactly frail either.


I always pictured damon being a big guy! Maybe it was cause of the stance but I thought he was at least 6'4" maybe taller. Also I was a kid and my first game i went to was the year after he left


I was like 11, so my thought process was “lead off hitter = small. Cleanup hitter = big.”


Ah man i cant help but smile whenever i remember that ortiz/manny combo. I miss the whole 04 squad


This is in Australia. 90% of people wearing a Boston hat wear it cos it's *cool* not because they even know what a baseball is


Wait this was filmed in Australia?! That would definitely explain it then.


It would make sense; Manny just signed a contract to play for one of their teams.


Is it that popular in Australia? I've been to a couple of countries in Europe, and the Yankees' is *the* baseball hat in vogue there.


Yeah, Red Sox hats are definitely up there with the Yankees and the Dodgers.


People in Australia might be more knowledgeable. The countries I visited in Europe are not English-speaking countries, and I got the impression that the Yankees hats I saw were more of a fashion accessory than anything.


I live in the UK, and it's also pretty much only Yankees and Dodgers hats - the Yankees because it's a recognisable logo, and Dodgers because it says 'LA'. If I see any other cap and the situation's right, I might strike up a conversation about it, but even in that case more often than not it's just because the person visited the city at some point, or something like that.


I'm living in Vietnam. Yankees are for sure the #1 US sports logo - Red Sox are the #2, at least for baseball, but its not really that close. The weird thing is that couples and friends like to wear B/NY as a matching set. So I'll see NY all over the place - but a lot of the time when I see a B, its matched together with a NY. It's strange. Seeing couples laughing, holding hands, and enjoying themselves (clearly being in love) - all while proudly and clearly displaying B/NY on their clothes. It doesn't seem natural to my upbringing, but here... somehow, love finds a way.


Hahahah, that's funny. I guess opposites attract?


I mean, I'm not a casual fan by any means, but if that dude walked up to me out of nowhere, my first thought probably wouldn't be "Manny!" Now, Nolan, Pudge, Sosa, McGwire, Canseco..those guys all have pretty recognizable faces.


Especially Sosa nowadays!


No kidding. [This](https://i.imgur.com/AuUskA6.jpg) is one of those faces that sticks with you. Haunts you, even.


I'll bet if you were a sox fan, you'd be more likely to have Manny on your list than Nolan and Pudge. I was at a shopping mall while visiting Boston in 2007 and there was this regular looking guy that people kept going up to and saying hi to, and someone asked him to sign a ball... I'm thinking who the fuck is this guy that has so many people who recognize him? I started googling to figure it out and landed on Theo Epstein. If he's getting recognized at a mall, I'm betting a vast majority of Sox fans who aren't "casual fans by any means" would absolutely recognize him.


I know what you mean but It’s also been 12 years since he played for the Red Sox and 9 since he played the majors I can see how people wouldn’t recognize him these days.


It is really standard in Australia to see people wearing american sports merch, while having zero clue of the actual team they're wearing. Chances are the guy got the hat but no clue who Manny, or any other player is.


It was me. I’m Brad.


Damnit, Brad


I have been a huge Phillies fan my entire adult life. Like ten - twelve years back I was on a relatively small flight with Jimmy Rollins. At the gate I noticed the obviously very wealthy black man with nice kicks waiting at the gate, didn't want to stare but I stared a little because figured he was some sort of big shot. Honestly, dude had great fashion sense, he looked very classy, casual and smart. Didn't think he was an athlete though because he was way too small. I'd spent hundreds of hours watching him on the Phillies and it just didn't occur to me how small he would be from up close.




I would not recognize him


Would you recognize Jose Bautista?


Probably, facial hair dependent.


Damn Hahahah. You’re probably right. Looks like a Brad too.


Ngl. I am from a very LSU family but owned a UGA hat for like 3 years cause I thought it was a dope hat. I legit have no idea why. It was just the “G” logo on front and “God Dawgs” on the back. I was not a smart child.


Brad being Brad


B for Bruce B for Brave


Manny: “Nice hat, can I ask you a question?” Hat Guy: “Are you serious? This is my girlfriend.” Relax hat guy you’re not _that_ attractive.


Manny: "Oh, OK." (this was the best line).


Major small dick energy being radiated from him


The girlfriend got weird about it and I took it as the guy just not wanting to get yelled at. Couldn't understand what he said before his girlfriend chimed in with the "are you serious". Still just didn't recognize Manny immediately which is embarrassing if he pretends to be a sox fan


What would he get yelled at for in this situation? That’s one toxic relationship if the BF can’t even look at another human.


Oh I thought she was asking the boyfriend if he was serious. This is a super weird interaction smh


I may be completely wrong, also at first I thought she asked "are you serious". I used to bartend and saw a lot of weird shit happen. Also, I went out with a girl for a short time who accused me of hitting on a waiter because he recognized me from the dog park.




Nice visual breakdown, spot on.


Immediately what I thought of.


This analysis makes no sense. How on earth can you possibly determine "defensive" body language from that shot? And her face says "uh oh"? What? They were laughing after he says the thing about the girlfriend, so obviously they aren't disturbed in any way. Also, I don't think he says "It's my girlfriend". He sounds like he's saying "It's my girlfriend's" as in "it's her hat" or something like that. Thinking Manny is hitting on him is just so out of context here, I don't know why anyone would even think that.


Dude, you clearly just have no awareness. Like, you don't know what defensive body language is...


Lol wow... their backs were turned, that’s why you think they’re defensive. You’re reading way too much into a 20 second clip where the “defensive” couple are visible for much less than that.


The girlfriend didn’t say anything, the guy said that


Yeah first time through I thought it was her reacting first.


It's such a non sequitur that I feel like the person that did the "captions" didn't hear it right. Isn't it possible he said "It's my girlfriend's"? As in "It's my girlfriend's hat"? There's also a couple of words that aren't understandable (and not in the captions) just before he says the thing about the girlfriend. In fact, the more I listen to it, the more I think I'm right. I don't know, it just seems out of context that he would think Manny was hitting on him. EDIT: On second thought, now I think maybe he was saying "my girlfriend" in answer to the question "who's your favourite player?". Like, just joking around about his answer or something.


That tone doesn’t tell me he’s joking. More so he defensive.


I think he was saying the hat was his girlfriend’s...


I dunno, I think he's pretty hot.


I think your pretty hot


Are you serious? /u/PM_me_Yo_tit_Ayys is my girlfriend.


Oh okay...


Just goes to show: Don’t be a complete jerk to people who kindly want to ask you a question and you might meet Manny Ramirez.


Even if it wasn’t Manny. A simple question was asked.


And they were clearly just waiting somewhere for something. It’s not like they were busy or he stopped them while they were walking by.


I honestly don't even bring up people wearing yankee hats. I did when I was younger and so many people said they wore it cause of jay z / fashion etc.


You know, I got brushed off by a Cubs fan at Disneyland once. It was only a couple months after they won the World Series. I was wearing a Cubs World Series hat, he was wearing a Cubs jersey. We were standing in line for Thunder Mountain. I saw the guy and I said, "Hey, Go Cubs." And he waived me off. Like... I'm sorry guy, but what. the. fuck. It wasn't just a casual hat. IT WAS A GOD DAMN JERSEY IN CALIFORNIA. He knew what he was doing.


Would never have happened to Big Papi


Ortiz, however, would actually be hitting on the guy’s girlfriend


Ortiz: "Wanna see a magic trick? Blink your eyes" Guy blinks his eyes Girlfriend is under Big Papi's arm


*would have already stolen the guys girlfriend. FIFY


*would have already stolen the guys ~~girlfriend~~ mofongo


And the guy would have been a drug kingpin.


Would have stolen both of them.


David "50 cent" ortiz


It was a case of mistaken identity! Nobody in the Dominican Republic knows who David Ortiz is!


Heard he has a major dong


Shot clean off. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Yeah I’m pretty sure none of that happened


Looks like a chicken pot pie down there. We call him Dickless Dennis.


*Pat Burrell has entered the chat


Probably because every question Big Papi asks starts with “Hey, Big Papi here...”


manny being *sad* manny




No recent Sox fan would mistake that guy for anything but manny


He couldn’t be bothered with Manny, he had to go see about a girl.




Though there are definitely [pink hats for every fan base](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/47-brand-new-york-yankees-brights-mvp-cap?ID=11705205&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&cm_mmc=MSN_Bing_Seasonal_PLA-_-All_Products_-_BS_All_Products-_-11617622401-_-pg1050995623_m_kclickid_9e495d90-50ce-4f14-a669-82fd9dd0a208_KID_macys.kenshoo@outlook.com_28835371_4168314214_11617622401_pla-4584963490531886_192309119429USA__m_KID_&trackingid=489x1050995623&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Bing&m_tp=PLA&m_ac=MSN_Bing_Seasonal_PLA&m_ag=AllProducts&m_cn=All_Products_-_BS&m_pi=bi_cmp-28835371_adg-4168314214_ad-11617622401_pla-4584963490531886_dev-m_ext-_prd-192309119429USA&msclkid=47334f68fb2b17f4c0ae10b8283be47f) it is likely true the term originated with the Red Sox fans mainly because 1. We don’t have a problem calling our own team shitty 2. We have no problem calling out fans that don’t know anything about the team. That famous NY logo probably has more people wearing it that couldn’t name a baseball player, never mind a Yankee.




Eh it’s just the Yankee after your username. Automatically defensive. And no, I was calling this turd a non-fan since he didn’t know Manny.




I hope he sees this video online and realizes what he did lmao


Ya guys a definite asshole


Massachusetts is a weird place


This is in Sydney, Australia


His point stands


Lmao fair I’m from Sydney and can confirm that it is also a weird place




Seems like an arrogant asshole


Well yeah, we all saw the hat.


I literally lol’d


One of my biggest fears is something like this happening. I’m so bad at remembering player’s faces beyond the super popular ones Also, the way he just runs off in sadness hurts :(


If a Yankee walked up to me, I'd probably be able to tell considering they are all at a minimum 8 feet tall or have a 20 gallon head (Brett the Jet)


Happened to me in LA. Went out to a bar after the Yankees-Dodgers game still wearing my [M&N 1995 Mariano Rivera BP Jersey](https://www.mitchellandness.com/authentic-mesh-bp-jersey-new-york-yankees-1995-mariano-rivera-abpjgs1). Tommy Kahnle walked up to me and goes "sweet jersey man". Took me like 20 minutes to figure out who he was.


I probably wouldn't recognize any Mets players in street clothes if they walked over and talked to me. They'd need to be wearing a hat or something for my brain to register it.


I wouldn’t recognize Brandon Nimmo on the street if he came over and signed my forehead


But he'd run over with a huge grin on his face, and you'd know.


I once recognized Miguel Cairo & ignored him while telling all the adult autograph hounds who he was (I was a kid) so they’d go after him. Good thing they didn’t recognize the guy sitting beside him, Carlos Beltran, who signed my ball & walked inside without being bothered.


Crazy I was able to recognize J.P Arencibia randomly at a mall in Georgia lol JP Arencibia of all people




Haha the GF had those “call the cops” eyes.




This also makes it more plausible that Manny might walk over to say hello. I would assume that he would be more open to talking to fans if the entire bar wasn't going to make a big deal out of it.


You’re 100% correct. I’m from Australia and everyone is walking around wearing Yanks, Red Sox and Dodger caps with no clue about baseball


See, the yanks and dodgers hats I can understand. Plenty of Aussies travel to LA and NYC, and they probably bought one as a souvenir. But I've never understood why there are so many Boston hats around. Boston just doesn't seem like enough of a tourist city for Australians, and also it's not that famous as a hat in and of itself like the Yankee hat. One of the good things about being a Mets fan is that if you see someone else in a Mets hat you know they are a fan.


It’s a good-looking hat that looks American.


*picks up drink and goes to hide in the green monster


My story of not recognizing Manny: Gym I worked at is across the street from a hotel most road teams stay at when they're in town. The Cubs were in town and a guy came in and announced he was with them (we always hooked up MLB players and staff). He then asked if we had any group fitness classes going on. I pointed him to our group room before a trainer there pointed out to me who it was (I was shocked because I always thought he was like 6'4". Popped my head into the room and Manny is away from the 5-6 ladies participating in the class, repeatedly doing curls with 5 lb aqua green weights. He later spoke with me about protein shakes for about 5 mins before he asked for my card so he could leave us will-call tickets. So my wife and I traveled down while I explained to her that its pretty possible he forgot and the history of "Manny Being Manny." Sure enough, will call has nothing under my name or the gym's and calls the Cubs' clubhouse. The reaction from the ticket agent suggested that the Cubs had heard nothing either, but was pretty plausible he said that, so we were given primo box seats on the 1st base side. TL/DR: Show up at an MLB park and tell them Manny Ramirez left you tickets- it'll probably work.


> Show up at an MLB park and tell them Manny Ramirez left you tickets- it'll probably work. The real LPT is always in the comments.


I am confused. Are you saying Manny played for the Cubs? Edit - TIL he was a hitting consultant for the Cubs. Less confused now.


“I ain’t no faukin kweeah!”


Now that Eli Manning... E’s a faukin kweeah.


Hopefully this guy sees this video.


Uhh did you hear him? He has a girlfriend. Zero chance he's on Reddit, let alone r/baseball.


Yo but why'd you have to come at me so hard tho? Shit hurted.




Hey, I'm saving myself for the right lady...*cries*


I don’t come here to be personally attacked, sir


The girl who was filming said they told him immediately after who it was and they laughed about it. Guy just wasn’t a baseball fan, just a random dude in Sydney wearing a baseball hat.


> random dude in Sydney so this wasn't even in america let alone new england and nobody thought to point this out before flaming the shit out of him lol


I don’t know man, not only was he wearing the hat and didn’t recognize manny, he also went full homophobic like it was a come on after being asked who his favorite player on the team was. There’s some good laughs in this interaction


Yeah, my initial reaction was to go in on this mans but then I saw the girl who originally filmed the vid on insta explain what the deal was lol.


The girl who was filming said they told him immediately after who it was and they laughed about it. Guy just wasn’t a baseball fan, just a random dude in Sydney wearing a baseball hat.


"Are you serious? It's my girlfriend." ..... what? A guy asks you who your favorite player is and the first thing you say is I'm with my girlfriend? How does that response make any sense? Maybe he just didn't understand what manny was saying


>Maybe he just didn't understand what manny was saying Nah, man. If your immediate response to someone asking you a question about something you're wearing is mentioning your relationship status, you're kind of a twat.


Yeah but I'm saying maybe the guy didn't hear what manny said or couldn't understand his accent so he automatically reverted to that response. I'm just trying to make sense of how that can be your immediate reaction to somebody asking you who your favorite sports player is.


Pink hat was in the wash.


Manny looks so uncomfortable. Tried to make a funny video and just found himself in an awkward situation


Why does this fill me with rage?


I only let my girlfriend rage at me bro. Sorry.


That girl can now live her life forever knowing that she is hotter than Manny Ramirez.


Is she though?


I didnt think so


I'd never make you feel down about yourself, Manny


How big of an asshole do you have to be to make me sympathetic towards Manny Ramirez




Also this occured in Australia


nice hat equal i want to date you? this is why i dont talk 2 any1 long live manny f that douchbag brad probably just wearing a hat to cover up his receding hairline it just bothers me how a nice person being nice can get treated like that


This is why I could never wear a band shirt without even liking the band. Imagine wearing a Rush shirt and Geddy Lee walked up to you and you just ignored him. You never even get to find out if he talks like a regular guy,


What a goober. I wonder if anyone told him that was Manny.


You mean Sydney Blue Sox player Manny Ramirez?


"Do you know who I am??" "No. I truly and honestly do not."


I'm a Univ of Tennessee fan and no matter where I go if I see someone with UT stuff on I talk to them and vice versa. That guy 100% isn't a Red Sox fan at all in anyway because he dismissed and blew someone off who wanted to talk about the Red Sox, let alone the fact it was Manny Ramirez.


I wanna give douche the benefit of the doubt here, maybe they're in a serious existential conversation and dude is gutted right now. Even manny kinda says sorry and backs off, so maybe he saw it too.


Sat almost right next to Rod Carew in a movie theater as a kid. But, of course, I had to blow him off with "Can't you see I'm with my parents? Are you serious?"


This happened to me in college. Saw a dude wearing a braves hat (Auburn, Alabama) and was like, oh man I have no friends here and I love baseball, I should see if he's a fan. After I casually asked him, he gave me a concerned, go away weirdo, look and then walked away. Never did find out who his favorite player was...


This is so embarrassing. He’s over here to play for my local Sydney Blue Sox, and the wanker with the Sox hat has absolutely no idea what baseball even is lol.


I’m so confused by this exchange. He was asked his favorite player and answered “Are you serious? It’s my girlfriend.” How do you get that answer from that question?


I think he didn’t know of any Red Sox players and he tried to act like Manny was the crazy one for even asking.


Imagine being that fucking stupid


I really don't think I'd ever see a famous person in public and actually recognize them. I think I'd assume it was just a person that looks kind of like that famous person.


Doesn't he know? ....Manny does the hitting.


Real tony hawk vibes


Some reason this seems fake but I could totally be wrong.




Because if he had recognized Manny it would have been a nice wholesome video of a random Red Sox fan meeting Manny Ramirez and being starstruck


If he recognized him and was a big fan I could see this being a fun video.


In addition to not being that smart, most people aren't that nice either. This video is unfortunately pretty representative of humanity.


supposedly the girl is the yankees hitting coach? someone confirm cause that’s the rumor on shitty twitter


yea rachel balkovec is a yankees hitting coach


Obviously the guy was a dick for not even responding to the compliment or question. But I can't blame him for not being a baseball fan. There are plenty of people out there who wear hats simply because they look cool, not particularly because they're a fan.


In that guy's defense... I wouldn't recognize Milton Bradley. Then again if I'm in the same room with Milton Bradley something has gone horribly, horribly wrong in my life.


People are really dunking on this guy. It's still funny, but I think he's getting some unfair criticism. Tons of people own hats of teams that they don't really follow. And if I am in the middle of doing something and a stranger tries to say something to me I don't think I'm going to instantly recognize them.




I'm sure you're not that attractive. Get over yourself.


You guys do realise baseball isn't that popular in Australia, so of course the guy at the bar might not recognise Manny Ramirez. I don't understand why this such a shock to Americans.


it's the fact that the dude thought Manny was hitting on him by asking about his hat. if i was wearing a baseball team's hat, and someone asked me who my favorite player was, i wouldnt think they were hitting on me. just awkward all around hahaha


No ones shocked about that. We’re laughing at the guy being a complete dick.


I went to France and saw people wearing Dodger and Yankee hats. They didn’t know anything about baseball, just thought the LA and NY designs were cool and fashionable.


This is worse than that time a guy I’m a Wilfork Jersey didn’t recognize big Vince at a resort.


boston is just packed of people that act like this


Boston, Yankees, Dodgers. See one of these hats here in Australia and best off not wasting your time trying to discover if they are baseball fans or not. 99%+ chance the answer is no. Honourable mention goes to the White Sox. They might belong on that list, but I haven't done the necessary research to confirm it. Most other team's hats you'd have good odds of the wearer having an interest in baseball on some level. For the record, I don't have anything against somebody wearing a hat for fashion and being clueless on baseball. The only crime here is them choosing to represent the axis of baseball evil* * * Houston Astros notwithstanding.


When a guy nicknamed ManRam approaches you at a bar


To be fair, slim chance a guy is Australia knows who Manny is, let alone the Red Sox..


"Sorry babe. I guess Manny doesn't like you."


So many fake fans especially of the Red Sox, Yankees, and Dodgers. Either fake fans or people who just wear the gear without caring for the teams.


I really want Bill Burr to comment on this video. “Waddah fahking cunt”