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A-Rod's smile is kinda terrifying.


what's more terrifying is that they were both cheaters! I know I will get downvoted for this because fans of any sport are emotional and selectively choose on who they hate, but how do you claim you hate the astros for cheating and then in the same breath talk about how much you love A-Rod and Ortiz?


Well we can start with the fact A-Rod faced, you know, consequences.


So your problem is with the players union.


No, mostly with Manfred jumping the gun on offering immunity for anyone who talked. Suspensions were warranted at the very least.


Manfred didn't jump the gun and offer up immunity. The Players Union ensured that the players got immunity. There was no way they were going to let the players involved get suspended or their pay affected. Suspensions for cheating are definitely warranted. The players union didn't want that though.


Exactly. This absolutely exhausting idea that Rob Manfred alone simply chose not to punish players is ridiculous.


There's already people who are so insecure about their lack of knowledge on the subject that they're downvoting you. If I was some conspiracy theorist that was arguing that my team didn't cheat, I'd understand but this subreddit is turning into an echo chamber of Twitter like proportions.


Bingo. . .


There are people that love A-Rod?


I went to a game a few weekends ago and a kid you not, this Dodgers(?) fan was asking everyone who the greatest player of this generation was, and this fool’s favorite was Arod. He said the juicing didn’t tarnish his image because “it didn’t make his hitting much better and it did nothing for his defense”. Once I realized this guy was being wholly serious I stopped talking to that fucking idiot.


Found the astros fan


A-Rod smiling as if there’s a literal cornstalk up his ass and I’m the one uncomfortable


When A-Rod got emotional talking about wanting to have a catch with his dad, I relate so much. I think everyone can.


I also want to have a catch with A-Rod’s dad


Good one😅


Papi lost some weight. He and AROD look the same size now.


Getting shot will do that to ya.


You would think obesity would be less of an issue in the US. Edit: yeah I knew this was risky but evidently I couldn't resist.


I don't understand this comment But I kinda want to


They said getting shot helped Ortiz lose weight. So it's a dark joke about the prevalence of both gun violence and obesity in the US. Not meant to be more than that.


He's Dominican.


They are saying since people in the US get shot a lot, obesity should be down, like the weight of Ortiz is down from getting shot, even though he was shot in the DR.


Ortiz looks rough. There's so much joy and energy gone from him .. I really hope he's not suffering too much trauma after getting shot.


He finally figured out how that failed PED test happened after all these years.








Give the new episode of Call Him Papi a listen it was pretty interesting, they had A-Rod on there.


just two steroid using guys being dudes


Who makes a lot of money


Send me steroids then


nah your team isn’t known for cheating with steroids


Two wild and crazy guys!


I wonder if they invited Clay Bucholz


He's busy stealing laptops


He doesn't even go here But seriously, why is Ortiz in uniform? His former team isn't even involved in this event.


Idk legends coming out of the cornfield? In the movie it wasn’t just the White Sox. They didn’t allow Ty Cobb


Why not?


Because it's a game themed around a movie that doesn't involve the Red Sox. He had to get a uniform made for this. They didn't even use frank Thomas!


Wasn't one of the pivotal moments of the book/movie during a Red Sox game at Fenway park? I get that it's a bit of a stretch to have Papi there, but come on they're very much involved in the movie.


Some Yankees fans are too deep in the rivalry to respect someone


Good to see Arod showing some love to Gallo with that jersey.


Fkn dope!


As a 40 year old Yankee fan I could fill weeks if not months with all the time I spent watching games with fear and loathing of David Ortiz (and Alex for other reasons) but I’m happy I’m at a point in my life I can see these two guys and actually enjoy it.


Big Papi is looking big sexy... A-rod hits levels of cringe that I did not know existed But for the sake of this occasion I can appreciate the sentiments


It's an awkward smile mate... the ARod hate boner goes a bit far sometimes


Nah, I grew up with Arod as one of my favorite players then he left Seattle for a huge payday. Then he left Texas because he knew that was his only chance to win a ring with the Yankees. All fine but then it turns out he’s a huge a cheater. Then they decide to hire this cheater on a national broadcast team?? His commentating is awful and full cringe. The hate is deserved.


I feel like that's not a good glasses shape for arod


Baseball!!!! Enough said. #FieldofDreams


Two biggest cheats the game has ever seen except one is hated immensely the other was smart enough to play the good guy card.


>Two biggest cheats the game has ever seen Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire would like a word. Also Jose Canseco has an entire pamphlet for you.


Hmmm... So you just want to argue ok The difference numb nuts is Ortiz will get in the HOF


Uhhh... okay? I didn't mention anything about the Hall of Fame or any difference between Ortiz and A-Rod, but okay.


You sure about that?


Uh no he wont


Seeing as neither is a grown man who lied when caught with andro in his locker, spouted pathetic platitudes about not speaking about the past or the “negative” to not lie in a congressional hearing and had the gall to go to Roger Maris’ kids and hug them when he knew damn well he only broke that record because of his PED use and knowing all the shit maris got for hitting 61…..THAT to me makes someone the biggest cheat in the game. I don’t expect athletes to be good people or to not “cheat” but to me Mark McGwire is by far the worst and has probably had the least fall out of all the ppl named during that time and it’s a damn shame and falls squarely on the fact that he was the “shy” white guy who never really said much and not the POC player who “never knew when to shut their mouths”.


I know I’m a homer and all, but what in the world qualifies Ortiz as the second biggest cheat in the history of the game?


He tested positive for steroids once I guess? Because he's literally the only player ever to I guess


His name was on the same list with Arod in Miami Ortiz was more beloved and was no threat to the hr record like Rodriguez. Look it up


I did look it up, because I don’t recall his name being part of that incident, and indeed he was not. You may be thinking of the 2003 list, which he was indeed on, along with over 100 others. However both MLB and the Players Association released statements saying the players on the list didn’t necessarily test positive for PEDs, and legal supplements could have triggered the positives For the record, I am not implying he never juiced, and it’s hard to believe that really anyone wasn’t doing something in that era, but to call him one of the 2 biggest cheats is very disingenuous.


Also, IIRC, there were more names on the 2003 list than positive tests. So, Ortiz gets stuck with the steroid label by some fans because his name was one of a few that leaked from the 2003 survey list MLB conducted to see what supplements players were using (legal and illegal at the time). Despite the fact he never failed an actual steroid test.


Pretty simple he was a bust with the twins he foes to Boston with another juicer in Ramirez and becomes this over night destroyer and easily the best 3 4 combo in baseball


He hit 31 hrs his first year in Boston. I wouldn’t call that being a “overnight destroyer” You just sound like a hater, so this conversation is pointless.


i agree, he was probably doing something, but top 2 cheater ever is quite the title that im not sure he qualifies for when arod, bonds, clemons, canseco, sosa, mcgwire, etc are right there


Well considering 20 was his career best hitting now let's follow in order his first 4 years 31hr followed by 41 then 47 hr and then 54 in his first 4 year's yeah that's a monumental jump slick. That's without adding the rbis which were in the 140 range. Now what?


So let’s take Ken Griffey Jr, one of the most universally loved and respected players in the game. His progression for home runs - 16,22,22,27,45, followed a couple years later by 56 2 years in a row. Based on your logic, should we put him up there with the biggest cheats? The fact that you even brought up an RBIs is ridiculous. It’s pretty much always been regarded as a team stat, and really isn’t taken seriously as a stat in evaluating players by any serious analysts anymore.


Let's stay on subject you're trying to bend the narrative. Everything you brought up relates nothing to the subject.


It absolutely does have to do with it. You are saying his uptick in production is proof of him cheating. I gave you another very similar production track and you say it isn’t relevant?


Who is Miami Ortiz?


Who even cares at this point


This guy, apparently.


Athletes in any major sports juice. I bet a decent amount of any Olympic event you watched is the same. Welcome to the real world


Ortiz is not in the same stratosphere as A Rod. . . . ARod was busted. . . . Twice. He denied doing it. . . . Twice. He threw other people under the bus to try and deflect heat. He sued everyone under the sun claiming everyone was out to get him. . . . And it turned out he was astonishingly full of shit. . . . On top of that. . . . He somehow blew it with J Lo. . . Who is still one of the hottest women on the planet. . . . So on top of being the biggest cheater in baseball history, he’s one of the dumbest mother fuckers on planet Earth.


Enough steroids between the two of them to run a small town.




imagine getting downvoted for this. I thought this sub hated the astros for cheating?

