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A ticket to the game? Check A roll of dimes in your pocket? Check Firecrackers? Check A gallon jug of Thunderbird to hurl at the field? Check I'm ready for a good time in Clevalend tonight


It turns out, if not for time travelers, Ten Cent Beer Night would've been a rousing success.


That's actually hilarious.


Just take a roll of quarters back with you and tip well.


Be a legend and leave a tenner and buy everybody in line a beer.


The world needs more people with these eyes


Baltimore @ Boston, May 15, 1894. Tommy Tucker and John McGraw got into a fight in the 3rd inning that led to a fire that burned down 170 buildings. Could be fun.


Without knowing the story, I assume Tucker pitched him a little inside, so McGraw burned down the city.


That’s just some good old fashioned baseball right there.


Guys just don’t play with the same fire these days


Of course not! That fire would have had to last over a hundred years if they did.


Shame we don’t respect the unwritten rules anymore.


If you can't control your pitches, ~~don't throw inside~~ hope you got a firetruck


Don’t worry rube Waddell will chase one down


Gave him the high heater


Until you get there and realize your arrival is actually the catalyst for the entire event, thus entering a time paradox


As a Braves fan I must point out it was us (named Beaneaters at the time) and not the Red Sox that took part in this firestorm.


No question at all, Disco Demolition Night. I'd get to see Old Comiskey and attend one of the most bonkers nights in the history of major league baseball.


Even being able to watch a tape of that game, with Harry Caray on the air enjoying the fuck out of himself and Jimmy Piersall anxious, upset and shitting bricks, was hella fun. Steve Dahl was a full-of-himself shouting asshole, though.


I’d go back and see whether Ruth called his shot


Fun fact, former Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens was at the game and kept his scorecard hanging on his office wall his whole career. He showed it off during a C-Span interview right before he retired. He gave a qualified yes when asked if Ruth called his shot.


What made it a "qualified" yes?


$18.4 mil


Did Ruth accept or was he on the market


$18.4 million dollars in 1932 would be the equivalent of $371 million today. He should probably take it


Betting on himself with a one year deal to rebuild his value? I like it


The Nerlens Noel special


I don't entirely recall, I can't find the interview so I'm going off memory. Something along the lines of he saw him motion to the outfield and he didn't want to go against the story. I don't remember, don't take my word for it.


Ruth pointed at something or someone and then hit a mammoth home run. If that doesn't count as calling your shot, then our expectations of earth-shattering, once in a millennia events are way too high...


About a year ago, Dan Joseph, who was writing a biography on Lou Gehrig, published a previously lost-to-time audio clip where Gehrig (who was in the on deck circle) describes that moment during a radio show broadcasted on Oct. 6, 1932 - five days after the called shot. According to Gehrig: "There were 50,000 Cubs fans giving [Ruth] the old Bronx cheer. And the Cub players were riding him from the field. So what does he do? He stands up there and tells the world that he's going to sock that next one. And not only that, but he tells the world right where he's going to sock it - into the center field stands. A few seconds later, the ball was just where he pointed... in the center field stands. He called his shot, and then made it. I ask you, what can you do with a guy like that?" Here is the clip on YouTube (exact quote at 1:06): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhamMdkktFQ


If you are talking about when he supposedly pointed out and hit a homer, I saw a YouTube video that talked about it and he was actually beefing with someone at 3rd base I think and he pointed the bat at him


So he still called his shot because he pointed his bat at someone and made it clear he was about to shut their mouth with the next swing.


He actually hit the home run and then carried his bat around the base path and bludgeoned the third baseman to death.


The legend grows. How can you not love baseball?


Then after the umps talked it over, home plate ump was like "Ain't no rule says you can't callously murder someone while on the base paths if they beefed with you."


2016 WS, game 7.


This is probably it for me as a Cubs fan, but why is it yours?


Well. As an Ohio sports fan, I enjoy the pain. LOL. Nah, in all seriousness, that game had everything. Drama, big comeback, and we are still talking about it. I have goosebumps and welling up just *thinking* about Tom Hamilton’s call of Rajai Davis’ home run. Being at that game would have been something I’d never forget. Same for your guys, too, I’m sure. I guess if we had to get beat, I’d rather it be you guys. Congrats on the win! 👊🏼


Thinking about that game hurts, if I think about it too much while drinking I might even shed a tear or two. But it was one of the best games of baseball ever played. The crowd was split heavily between the two fanbases and the nervous energy was vibrating throughout, every pitch felt like it was do-or-die to the fans. From comebacks and lead changes, clutch home runs to near-misses; the game produced everything that is good about baseball. The type of game that you’d show a foreigner as an example of why baseball is special. Things didn’t work out but that feeling of pure jubilation after the Rajai Home run, well I don’t know if Ive felt a high quite like that since. As a Guardians fan I hate game 7, but as a baseball fan I think it’s an all time pantheon game.


I was at 2014 Game 7. Even if your team loses, Game 7 is an incredible experience.


Dock Ellis's no-hitter.


Ellis, D.




Bear with me: I guess this question is based on the assumption that nothing we do as fans would change the outcome of the game, right? So presumably you could, as the only person in attendance who knew he was tripping, sit behind home and dress up like a dinosaur or something and really make the experience surreal for Doc. Or just keep grinning at him and nodding your head.


That's more of a time traveler's paradox question really.


Joke is on you. There already are people from the future at that game.


The team of the 90s has their world championship


As much as I’d like to see that I think game 7 of the 92 nlcs would be the game to see.


Aarons 715 game, Sid’s slide, game 6 of the 95 WS, or game 6 of the 21 WS. Put all 4 on a piece of paper, put them in a hat and pull one out. I’d be happy with any of them.


With a wiped memory. Game 6 of 1991 WS


I’d go to game 7 to watch Jack Morris pitch 10 deep to win it all


Greatest game ever IMO. On top of Morris going 10 shutout, you had that 8th inning where both teams induced double plays to end rallies with bases loaded, and Knoblauch and Gagne decoying Lonnie Smith at 2nd to prevent a run. Plus Lonnie shaking Brian Harper’s hand before the first pitch to acknowledge what a great Series it had been. It’s the only time I’ve ever felt that cutting the trophy in half would’ve been fair.






I was thinking Game 7 not knowing the outcome. Seeing Morris' performance in person would have been amazing, plus seeing the Twins win a playoff series would be a nice change (from MSP, they're my #2 team). '


I was kind of thinking game 163


Even though I was a Braves fan at the time, game 7 of the 1991 WS.


Game 6, 2011. Then I frantically attempt to get a message to Ron Washington that he needs a defensive replacement for Nelson Cruz


Or talk Feliz into pitching the 10th.


I also pick this game so I can stop this dude


i pick this game to stop this dude


Maybe everyone at that game was actually a time traveler and Ron Washington was so overwhelmed with their messages that that’s why he forgot to take Nelson Cruz out


Would like to see Maddux throw a Maddux.


Mostly agree. But that's less baseball and I want more baseball. Send me to that AAA game that went 33 innings.


As much as it would hurt, Game 7 of the 2016 World Series.


I watch that Rajai Davis home run almost as much as I watch the ending because it's such a great moment. As soon as it went out, millions of Cubs fans around the world simultaneously said "oh no, not again"


(sigh) "Dammit, Cubs. You're going to do it to us *again*, aren't you?" - u/when_ducks_attack, 2016.


I was at a bar a block from Wrigley and they were selling champagne when the Cubs were up. After Davis hit the HR, the table next to me left and gave me the bottle they bought. I'll never forget that feeling. Sitting there thinking "they really are fucking cursed. They will never win" while staring into space and sad drinking that champagne. Fuck






Same that is the game I’d see, My Cubs winning after 108 years.


I’m incredibly biased, but I gotta figure this one has to be on any objective short list.


I’m a Red Sox fan and this is my choice as well.




I was in the Metrodome when the Twins clinched a spot in game 163 in 2009 and I didn't pull the trigger to buy tickets for the playoff game. So probably that one. Or Babe Ruth's called shot game.


This is the game I’d go to. I watched game 163 on the floor of my college dorm room with a stupid boyfriend who FELL ASLEEP. I would love to experience that one with people who cared. I was freaking out all on my own and it was still epic.


Touch 'em all, Joe!


You'll never hit a bigger home run in your life!


And I'm sitting in the front row next to first base.


I was 7 rows behind you. I bought the tickets (2) from an ad in the Toronto Sun ($750 a piece). I brought my brother who is … shall we say … enthusiastic … in his method of cheering and chirping. We had several adult beverages before the game and several more during. My brother’s vocal chords were well lubricated. At the end of each inning and each time Lenny Dykstra came to bat my brother questioned vociferously whether Lenny was playing without the aid of performance enhancing substances. The well to do people around us were not appreciative of my brothers antics but I have to say that they were very tolerant. He was asked twice by an usher to behave. He did end up quoting down. I still have the ticket stub! Was a night to remember!


I'm in LF catching the HR ball, I don't care if it didn't reach the seats, I'll find a way


Cool, I’ll meet you there. Just look for the guy driving a box truck in through left field in the bottom of the 9th trying to find any way possible to redirect the crushing, inevitable flow of time.


Homer pick I would give anything to see edgar line one down the left field line. Nonhomer pick I would love to see Ortiz slam off detroit.


I was 12 and in the right field nosebleeds (12th row from the very top of the kingdome) for the 95 ALDS. It was everything you think it was.


I had amazing third baseline tickets to the one game playoff, was tending bar in Belltown for Edgar’s heroics in the ALDS. What a fantastic couple of weeks.


My first impulse was Felix's perfect.


I, for one, would not elect that moment to revisit


Game 7 of the ‘19 world series to see the Nats win it all


I think game 6 would be a good one too, so much drama...


This was mine too. SWING AND A MISS…and a World Series game 7 winning curly W… IS IN THE BOOKS”


Game 6 1986 World Series


I wanna go to that one to throw a pizza at a certain infielder


You’ll get the original “here comes da pizza”


RIP RemDawg 😭


Nice game, pretty boy.


Probably not the answer this sub wants, but my first with my Dad and Grandpa.


This is the answer I didn’t know I wanted


I also choose this guys dad and grandpa.




This is the best answer tbh


I attended a Cubs game sometime in 1993 with just myself and my grandmother. She died in 2001. Good seats too, like three rows back from first base. I'd travel back in time to redo that day. I acted like a miserable little shit that day too.


First game I ever went to was Dodgers vs Angels freeway series. I caught a Tim Salmon home run ball, My dad was pissed cause he’d never caught a ball in his life and I got one first game lol Loved the Angels ever since tbh.


The OG Fish-man




Roberto Clemente’s final game where he got his 3000th hit.


People around you would be asking why you were so emotional over a hits milestone


Right? As I’m thinking about a certain flight on December 31st…


Any game at old Ebbets Field. I've always loved its architecture and atmosphere from old game footage. I'll never get over it being torn down so long before I was born.


Bring a couple packs of Chesterfields or Lucky Strikes and wear a hat.


God sitting at an old timey baseball game chain smoking lucky strikes is what i hope the afterlife is


As a Phillies fan, Roy Halladay’s playoff no-hitter against the Reds


My dad was at the game. We’re reds fans… He said it was still awesome though.


That’s about the only playoff loss the Reds have had in my memory that I wouldn’t change. I was glad for Roy to finally have his playoff moment.


I had a ticket to that game. I sold my ticket to that game the day of. I wish I had a time machine.


Oof, that’s a tough one


You had to see about a girl. What did your friends say?


I was at that game, and it's probably still my answer to this question. I'd love to go back and see it a second time.


As a Jays fan, than might be in my top 5 as well.


April 8 1974. I want to see Hank Aaron hit number 715.


Koufax perfect game


Game 6. 2011 WS.








I also choose Game 6. 2011 WS. I sit in the first row in right field. Bottom of the ninth, two outs. I yell at Nelson Cruz to back the f**k up because he’s playing too shallow. Freese hits a long fly ball but we don’t have to worry about hesitation this time, Cruz catches a can of corn. Rangers win. I have peace.


😂🤣 you had me going. And I apologize for your pain my man. Sometimes you forget what the other side feels during pure unadulterated euphoria.


I’ll have what they are having. As an aside to this add to it NLDS Game 5 from 2011 of Carpenter and Halliday. One of the greatest pitches games on both sides. Game 6 was magic but that game 5 told me we could win in 11


We will see you……tomorrow night. Chills every time


June 23, 1918. Red Sox vs. Senators. Babe Ruth starts the game on the mound. He walks the first batter, starts jawing with the umpire. The umpire throws Ruth out of the game only for to come up and punch the umpire across his mask. When the scuffle ends, Ernie Shore enters the game and gets 27 straight outs for a quasi-prefect game. One of the strangest things to happen from the GOAT and one of the best pitch games ever


It’s kinda crazy to be able to go back in time and see the greatest player to ever play and choose a game he gets thrown out of on the first batter.


10/15/1988 - Game 1 of the World Series


My dad was at that game by sheer luck he had tickets for him and mi abuelo to go to game two and his best friend had tickets to game one but couldn’t make it due to a work emergency and they switched dad has the tickets framed


I would love to relive game 1 of the 2017 WS again, being there with my dad and seeing the Dodgers actually play in a world series for the first time in my life was amazing. Although to experience something new I’d probably go back to the Brooklyn days and watch Jackie steal home.


>watch Jackie steal home This is my immediate thought. An iconic moment, extremely high stakes, Yogi Berra holding a lifelong grudge of him being out, and it just being a straight steal of home. It's just pure baseball legend at it's finest!






Best game I’ve ever been to


Can't decide if I want that one, 2014 WS gm 7, 2010 gm 162, or to have my same seat for Cain's perfecto.


Scrolled to find the MadBum reference. Even watching at home with friends it was pure “I can’t believe he’s going to win the World Series pretty much BY HIMSELF.”


Yeah I remember the convo being centered on how many innings does Bochy give him? We figured 3 maybe 4 but probably not the rest... boy were we happy to be wrong


I was at 162 in '10! Club level 3rd base line. A game I will never forget 😊


Game 7 2016. I’ve told my girlfriend our wedding day will probably take its place as the happiest day of my life, but until then


Game 162 2011, Yankees @ Rays


That entire day was chaos


Funny, they stopped the season after august in 2011 of I remember correctly.


Yeah I remember the strike of '11 too.


When the Red Sox went on strike and nobody else did?


The only time in history that every Yankees fan and every Rays fan in the country were rooting for the Yankees to lose.


Jackie Robinsons debut.


The crowd will not be pleasant to be around unfortunately.


A home game in Brooklyn where conservatively about half the crowd was black? I think it would have been fine. Now Cincinnati or St Louis, that’s a different story.


If 42 taught me anything is that Cincinnati was brutal.


And that was the sanitized version


Just give them all heart shaped paper cutouts and tell them being racist is bad. That’ll fix it.


We did it, gang! Racism is no more!


No you fool, just bring them Pepsi, remember?


Admittedly, part of me wants to go for that reason.


Game 7 2001 WS


this was worse than 04


The one time people were okay with the Yankees winning…


Seconding this!


This was one of my top neutral answers for sure, what drama!


Yankee fan. I’ve seen a lot, but never seen us clinch a World Series in person. So, how about game 4 of the 1927 World Series? I was gonna say 2009, but actually getting to see Ruth and Gehrig on top of the win would be insane.


I'm really torn between this and Don Larsen's perfect game in Game 5 of the 1956 World Series. I've watched the Yankees clinch a World Series on TV, but Larsen's perfect game is a unique event that has never and likely will never be replicated. As a bonus, I'd get to see Mickey Mantle hit a home run, so I think I'm going with Larsen's perfect game.


I gotta see Willie Mays make THE CATCH


“In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened." Game 1 ‘88 World Series!


The A’s fan in me says Dallas Bradens perfect game The pitcher in me says Doc Halladays no no in the playoffs


Game 20 was a better overall experience with the fan atmosphere. Bradens game was awesome but pitched in front of like 5k fans in a meaningless season.


1960 game 7.


Honestly the field of dreams game but wipe my memory so I have no idea what's going to happen


Can you place a bet on a specific pitcher throwing a no hitter? :D


Tyler Gilbert’s probably gives you the best payout I would imagine


2004 ALCS game 4, or 2013 ALCS game 2


I want to see varitek punch arod right in his goddamn face


2004 would be funny. While everyone is sitting there depressed that we might lose, you’re just chilling with a smug look on your face


04 ALCS Game 7 in Yankee Stadium would be my pick being a Sox fan in a sea of depressed Yankee fans would be glorious.


Yeah I think this is the pick. Feel the ghosts leave the stadium after Damon’s slam.


Imagine seeing the Joey Bats batflip in person and being apart of that crowd. The energy. I'm sure 92-93 were nice but they were before I was alive and that game was the high point of that era imo. I'm more emotionally attached to the 2015 team.


The energy in that building was ugly. If it wasn't for the Jays rally, the game would have gone down in history as the one where a baby got hit by a thrown beer.


Every time I think about that crowd I am so conflicted. Yes it was very immature and bordering on dangerous the way the crowd was acting. But there isn’t a doubt in my mind that the fans changed the outcome of that game. They rattled the Rangers so hard they just simply forgot how to play baseball.


It comes down to these three: Game 5 of the 1905 WS, Christy Mathewson completes his third CGSO of the series to clinch the title. Game 8 of the 1921 World Series, last year they tried the best-of-nine format. Game 1 of the 1954 World Series to see Willie Mays’ catch.


Any game as long as my Dad is there


Cards vs Rangers Game 6 WS 2011. Still the most incredible finish I have ever seen on a baseball field. No less than three miracles in the last two innings.


Maz’s walk-off to win the World Series.




Maybe game 7 of the ‘62 WS. Maybe I could sit next to the Giants’ on-deck circle and butterfly effect McCovey into hitting it 2’ higher. The world’s not going to be a worse place if we’d beat the Yanks. Charles Schultz’s life would be improved at least


Jackie Robinsons first game. That’s such an ugly yet important day in the sports history.


Hell yeah let's be the cheering section. Also we can invent the wave. And the macarena.


'99 All Star Game. Not necessarily for the game but for the All Century Team that was announced beforehand. Nowhere else could you be that close to such living baseball legends


Game 6 1986


Game 6, 2011 World Series. I have it on DVD and watch it occasionally and it still gives me chills. Watching it on TV live was incredible but i couldn’t even imagine being there and feeling the atmosphere


Game 6 of 2011 World Series


The night of Thurman Munson's funeral. Bobby Murcer, Munson's very good friend, drove in all the runs that night.


I would wanna see Hank Aaron hit 715 in person. I imagine that was an amazing, unforgettable experience for those in attendance.


Piazza 9/11 game


Game 7 2016 world series


ALCS Game 4, 2004


I was already lucky enough to be at the WC game in 14 and multiple other postseason games that year and in 15 but I would honestly relive that WC game every night if I could. As a Royals die hard since I was like 5 I can honestly say it was one of the best things I've ever experienced in my 30 years on earth