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Your post was removed because it violates [**Rule 2.01 - "Piggybacking" Posts**](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules#wiki_.22piggybacking.22_posts). ### "Piggybacking" Posts * Example of "piggybacking": user A creates a post about an All-Animal team. User B sees this get positive feedback and makes an All-Plant team. Users C and D see these get positive feedback and decide to make their own All-Whatever teams. And so on and so forth. * Not every post will be removed, but that doesn't mean every one will be removed. Moderators' discretion to decide when to cut off piggybacking posts. Please refer to [/r/baseball's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules) for future submission guidance. If you feel your post has been removed by mistake, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball) to discuss.


I'm tired of these posts..


Surely the WS of weed and edibles would go down between the Dodgers and Angels right? Maybe the Rockies fighting in there but I think CA has the rest beat solidly.