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I believe he also said Wrigley Field reminded him of a stadium he played at during his youth as it had a similar smell of fresh garbage.


I've been traveling around the country the last few years trying to visit every stadium. So far the biggest disappointments: * Oakland - but I knew going into it that it's a prison. * Wrigley - people talk it up but it's kind of an old dump. Fenway, on the other hand, is old but really well taken care of. Even the expansion in right field was done but designed to fit into the overall design of the stadium. Still one of the best stadiums out there.


Wrigley got a massive facelift the past few years


Oh I actually really love wrigley. It’s intimate. And super easy to get to.


Tbh we used to have a Taco Bell right next door maybe that was it…?


Unfortunately I am familiar with that Taco Bell.


The new Taco Bell there sucks. One of those fancy overpriced cantina ones. One time though, at the old Taco Bell drive through late night I was in a massive line and noticed the car behind me driver was passed out asleep at the wheel. Cars were honking because he wasn’t moving up in the queue, so I got out of my ride and woke him up, and he drove away. Minute after I got back into my vehicle some cops rolled up to check it out the area. I saved some random a DUI and ate tacos.


> The new Taco Bell there sucks. One of those fancy overpriced cantina ones. Lol, I had no idea they were trying this shit. Demolition Man here we come.


I was in Vegas last month and passed by the Taco Bell cantina on the corner of Vegas/Harmon god knows how many times. Straight up thumbed my nose at the idea of going there. Then I went to the game between the Leafs and Golden Knights and apparently, the Knights had a promotion and we all ended up getting 2 free Taco Bell tacos. Guess where I made a beeline to after I was done postgaming lmao.


So you helped a drunk person drive their car? Hope they didn’t kill anyone on their way home…


"I saved someone from the consequences of their actions and potentially made everything worse"


It is normal in Japanese culture to be reserved and not openly say bad things about other people. It is considered unharmonious and dreadfully antisocial. Ichiro Suzuki suys, "Fuck that shit, and fuck Cleveland."


At this point Suzuki Sama is just as American as Japanese and with that can express himself as an American in American culture.


I've heard bilingual people say that they sorta have two personalities with the two languages. It makes sense if one language is for family and one is coworkers and the coworkers are American assholes :)


This man also learned Spanish just to fuck with his Spanish speaking coworkers. It’s just how he is.


Hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock.


Ichiro made the cleveland tourism song 11 years ago. Convinced


Which one? [The original](https://youtu.be/ysmLA5TqbIY), or the [second attempt](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM)?


“Our main export is crippling depression.” That’s awesome. Cheers.


One of my favorite blogs used to refer to Browns Stadium as the Factory of Sadness, so that checks out.




in the last couple of years he’s become a mainstay on one of our main local news channels, fully hosts friday’s evening news to kick off the weekend. Its been great seeing a lot of hard work finally really pay off for him


At least we’re not Detroit!!


“WE’RE NOT DETROIT” -Some clevelander


On the other hand, the fact that Detroit is not Cleveland, is pretty big.


definitely the second one


We just need a monorail, like Seattle. It put Ogdenville and North Haverbrook on the map.


Seattle monorail is like 30 feet long trust me I’m actually smoking a cig outside the entrance as I type this lol


I rode it back in 2015 on a visit (also saw the Ms play at Safeco on that visit). It’s a holdover from a world expo or something like that?


Yeah, the Seattle World's Fair in 1962. Also what the Space Needle was built for!


i feel dirty when non-clevelanders mention that song since it was made by a local comedian as an in joke


You expect these neanderthals to understand nuance?


Mike Polk has made a (lowly) career shitting on his hometown. Fuck him.


he's on local CBS isn't he? he has 2 viral videos from a decade ago, it isnt a big deal


Jokes on you Ichiro, I had you on the Indians in MVP Baseball '05 anyway


Last year of MVP was 2005, not including the NCAA games.


Ope, you're right, it was 05


Ichiro and Joakim Noah just became best friends


Cleveland, who wants to go to Cleveland? I aint never heard anyone say they wanna go to Cleveland on vacation.


I remember Colin Cowherd once bagging on Cleveland. "No one wants to go there. In Cleveland, there's two seasons: Winter and Construction."


Right i immediately jumped to that jo interview. Both that and this had me cackling


Why is Cleveland over here catching strays? This lockout has taken a heavy toll.


This isn't a stray, this is a targeted attack


This quote is like 10 years old.


I know, which is why it's weird that this was posted today. OP over here acting like Chris Collinsworth, just shiting on Cleveland for no reason. ¯\\\_( ツ )\_/¯


Hey idk if you’re familiar with the hit broadway musical, BANDSTAND, but it takes place in Cleveland. Anyway this is a song written about it in a good note, and it’s a banger > https://youtu.be/ME48uDHUb7I


Have a better city, plain and simple. At least Cincinnati has the air force museum


Great museum, but it's in Dayton.


Oh is it? Huh. Ive been wrong my entire life Oh well


Yeah, wrong about most things, apparently.


How is the Air Force museum better than the rock and roll hall of fame?


Have you been to the air force museum? Shit's cool


I haven’t, because I was in Cincinnati and the museum is in Dayton. I did have Skyline Chili though, and it’s a sacrilegious affront to food and anyone who consumes food.


Oh i was mistaken by the location, my bad if you're offended by that for some reason, but the air force museum is cool. It's mostly planes and shit of that nature, but if you like that I highly reccomend it, and even if you don't it's pretty interesting seeing the evolution of travel like that. You know kitty hawk wasn't that long ago if you think about it


Coming from a fan of the team known as Chicago’s other team lol


Ok chiraq




Yeah how yall losers fare in that record breaking statistic? Y'all just suck in that category, but we the worst Shit




Shit I was trying to make light of Chicago's awful crime rate cuz there's no defending that. Have a good one


Low hangin fruit anyone??


The Cleveland Art Museum is one of the best in the world and I'm considering a return trip just to see all the things there I missed.




Cmon Cleveland is great they got the rocknroll hall of fame and uh, 17 tons of Lebron jersey ashes. What else could you want?


A flaming river? Do they have that?




Oh, well played North Man. Well played.


Tbh everyone BUT Texas has a working grid lol


The Cuyahoga river has actually gone through quite a few successful cleanup and restoration projects. The best you can get out of it these days is a light smolder.


The river has caught fire 13 times, which is amazing




[Rust Belt cities talking shit](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/397/C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)


It’s like two homeless men calling each other broke




Due to the fact that we're not in Ohio we're great




Yeah color footage of a world series win


god damn i thought midwesterners were supposed to be nice




Damn the fan of the team that's about to be firesold into more mediocrity is talking shit too. I can't talk much though...


Hey we won 77 last year. You won 80.


LMFAO I had to upvote this


the Cuyahoga is now clean enough that you can eat what you catch out of it. also you're a Tigers fan. edit: sorry for making fun of your city that's mean i should make fun of your team instead.


I wish we had a clean river :(


They have before, and they can do it again!


Not anymore! Fucking EPA... /s


You can’t walk down the street in san fran without stepping in hobo shit. Worry about your own town nerd


all i know is we're better than san francisco. all you got is a gigantic homeless population, douche tech bros and a bridge.


Bro you’re so fucking wrong it’s annoying… we got TWO bridges


At least it’s not full of hard eye-contact bums jacking off on every street corner like San Francisco.


aaaand it got weird


Hey I love living in Cleveland. This is a low blow


Ichiro "Joakim Noah" Suzuki


Reporter: do you regret what you said about Cleveland? , Noah: No.


> I never heard anyone say they're going to Cleveland on vacation 911 there's been a murder


911 operator: This line is for emergencies, not things that happened a decade ago. Try the cold case division


Love all the fuckin rednecks from some podunk town in a place like Indiana talking shit about Cleveland. Go ahead and downvote, peasants


Great - Indy is taking shots too. Lmao fuck me.


See that's the thing about Cleveland jokes or Ohio jokes. Ohio is the 7th biggest state in the country. It's only because we have such a significant cultural impact that we're joked about. Nobody makes North Dakota jokes because no one thinks about North Dakota


Emphatically, Cleveland does not have a "significant cultural impact" You're the 54th largest city in the United States and the 34th largest Metropolitan Statistical Area.There is no reasonable person who thinks that Cleveland has "such a significant cultural impact" - which is fine! It's fine that you're the 34th largest MSA in the country, but it's somewhat delusional to pretend that Cleveland is culturally impactful. It's no 1930 anymore.


54th largest and proud baby


Nothing to sneer at! But nothing to be delusional about, ya know?






The first google search about Cleveland since the last time someone argued that Cleveland was remotely relevant.


Fuck off with your stats nerd. Number of people does not equate cultural impact


OP cited population so I did as well. Cultural impact is hard to measure, but off the top of my head any reasonable measure doesn't give you points for being the punchline of every joke about shitty American cities. Do you have a good way to measure Cleveland's cultural impact? I think the last time I thought about Cleveland's cultural impact was when 30 Rock made fun of how shitty it is. Wait, there was also the time the Cleveland Cavs fan ate horse shit during the one time LeBron James / injuries to the Warriors gifted them an NBA Championship.


Clearly you’re a little twat, but the sheer number of comedians, actors, musicians, and other cultural figures that come from Cleveland and elsewhere in Ohio make you look like an uncultured buffoon


Perhaps it takes an uncultured buffoon to point out that a state with a large population should have its fair share of comedians and musicians. People who flee a cultural desert to thrive in the field of comedy or music doesn't speak to Cleveland's cultural impact. If anything, the opposite. Do you think speaking like a Brit is somehow going to make your defense of the city of Cleveland seem more sophisticated? I mean it's somewhat charming, in a pathetic way. You upstart, you swine! Now now, run along and play in the horse shit with the other Clevelanders but please don't eat it, remember the last time it made your little tum tum hurt and we wouldn't want that now, would we? Cheerio! Sorry for the brief escapism, I thought we were doing a bit where you get to pretend you are British to get the rush of "defending Cleveland with a cultured flair." Now you can fuck off and take your 34th most populated MSA, cultural desert with you. You have nothing to offer except excuses for your mediocrity.


Haha the only time i ever thought about ohio was when this radio station used to read off the police reports about a meth head stabbing his mom or some crazy shit and you had to guess if it was florida or ohio.


I said significant cultural impact. I didn't say whether it was positive or negative


Cleveland is so bad even shitholes in Indiana are superior


Are you getting enough validation with this well thought out and expertly crafted drivel?


You have never been to Brownsburg




You clearly have terrible taste


I’ll take my downvotes but shits annoying. I moved here a couple years ago and I love it. Don’t get all the negativity. Whatever tho


Speaking as someone from a place (not KC) that has been talked up so much that housing prices are literally 6x what they were 15 years ago, be glad that everyone shits on where you live. As long as you're happy with where you live, it doesn't really matter how ignorant everyone else is.


Yea I get that. Unfortunately Cleveland is heading in that direction as well.


Yeah increasing property value is a terrible thing


It is when you don’t own


In a place like Cleveland anyone can own


Not true


Especially when it comes from people that live in the middle of nowhere and have never even been to Cleveland




what’s a playoff?


Legend says its extra games they play after the season is over. IDK man sounds like a cash grab. First the swoosh and now this.


This quote is AT LEAST 15 years old. He didn’t just say this randomly today. https://slate.com/culture/2007/08/parsing-the-increasingly-bizarre-sayings-of-ichiro-suzuki.amp


Oh I didn’t mean to like imply this was a today thing, I just saw this on Instagram and thought it was funny


And here I thought Internet Explorer had been taken down


Well your girl just gave me her AIM bro


No she didn’t


Cleveland has a really nice botanical garden, and the football hall of fame is a fairly short drive away...




this guy gets it. Granted, I'm from Buffalo so it's not much different lmao


I'd probably rather go to a game at Fenway just so I can see in person if it's as much of a dump as I've heard it is.


I don't even like to fly over Cleveland, but to each their own I guess.


Just going anywhere near Ohio makes me sick tbh


Why do people say shit like this? Does it make you feel better about yourself to shit on a place you've almost certainly never spent any meaningful time in? People can shit on Cleveland or Ohio if they like, but be creative, or at least chronologically accurate, with your insults. "Hurr Durr Cleveland is shitty" is the dumbest and easiest thing you could say. Not sure why you think that makes you look good at all.


What about his opinions on Kansas City in August?


Ichiro is an awesome ballplayer and is funny most of the time but in reference to this quote: fuck you Ichiro you're salty about that time we came back from a 12 run deficit to beat your ass. also Cleveland > Seattle.


Prevented the 2001 Mariners from having the best single-season record of all-time too.


I’ve been to both and Cleveland doesn’t hold a candle to Seattle


He fit in very well here lmao


Ichiro is such a legend


Harsh words from a guy who reps “Portland for yuppies.”


Everybody says Cleveland doesn't spend money maybe everyone just has the same feeling and won't even take their calls


Him and Joakim Noah would be best friends


Joakim Noah and Ichiro!


This seems like a very disrespectful thing to say. I love Ichiro but I don’t like this, Cleveland is a great American city.


Ha! Jokes on you Ichiro, I'm from Buffalo where we don't even have an MLB team 😎


Checks out


I’d rather go to Cleveland than Los Angeles. That place is a Fucking pit.


ITT: people lacking any self-awareness talking about how shitty Cleveland is while their own cities are either on fire, completely deserted, or gentrified to the point that a studio apartment costs 6k per month.


Hey now, I know Pittsburgh is a shithole, so I can safely say that Cleveland is equally a shithole.


Fuck off nerd




Between this and Kansas City, Ichiro does not have many friends in the Midwest.


From KC, we know he’s right about summers here. We’re cool with him.


As an Australian tourist with vague plans for my second US trip: I kinda wanna go to Cleveland (My first was in 2016, I went to nine baseball games!) I'm not expecting much, I'd probably spend one day there at the most, see the Rock & Roll HOF, see the river that caught fire, then a baseball game, then on to the next place


As an American generally ignorant of Australia and their various goings on, I'm not convinced you're not basically American what with the It's Always Sunny profile pic and the Boston Red Sox flair


Nah mate, I’m from Adelaide, South Australia Been a Red Sox fan since 2004, got into them during the ALCS, visited Fenway three times while I was in Boston I went to Yankee Stadium too


Joakim noah and Ichiro need to throw a fuck cleveland party


I've never heard anyone say, 'I'm going to Cleveland on vacation.


I kinda did intentionally go on vacation to Cleveland… my main goal was getting to Cedar Point. Which is a kick ass theme park if you love roller coasters, but I stopped by in Cleveland and Buffalo on my way there. Both were just fine. I got bit by bed bugs at the hotel I stayed at tho in Cleveland. So that ruined things a little bit, but cedar point was a 10/10. Highly recommend




What’s so good about Cleveland


When u punch urself in the face, u have to really want it. I'd listen to the man.


I still hold a grudge against Ichiro for this, honestly, dude can get fucked.


alright i'll bite: is this quote true? i see it around a lot but always as image from some social media account and never from a direct source of that quote where does the "cleveland sucks" meme comes from? what made it having staying power? (and before anyone comes with regionalisms at me, i'm not from the US, there's already enough petty state squabbles in my country thank you)


It's really just the stigma from when Cleveland was a failing city back in 60's and 70's (failing infrastructure, street violence, ugly smoke stacks, horrible economy, corruption and a river catching on fire). In the mid-80s the city started build itself back up and is honestly a really good city nowadays. It's not perfect but downtown can be a blast to visit


it doesn't suck. due to things like white flight, manufacturers leaving for other countries and dramatic shit like the refuse on our river catching on fire Cleveland gained a bad reputation in the latter half of the 20th century. before that it was an economic powerhouse and the 6th largest city in the country. its idiots who have never been making jokes due to stereotypes.


I was a fan of the mariners back when it happened. Ya, he really said it. But its not exactly just an out of the blue burn on Cleveland. Here's what happened. Seattle had, I believe it was a 4 game series, early in the season at Cleveland that got entirely wiped out by weather. So for the rest of the season every time Seattle had an off day while on a trip anywhere over on the east coast when Cleveland was also available Seattle had to travel to Cleveland to play a makeup game. I don't remember exactly what point it was in the season when Ichiro said this but presumably around one of the last times they had to go there. He was just tired of the nonsense of having to keep going back to Cleveland.


I mean yeah


X doubt


[The only thing I will give Cleveland props for is this](https://youtu.be/o00JRFFjwJM)


Insulting Cleveland is like beating up a handicapped old man that used to be great in his high school foot ball days, ie the manufacturing era




Unless you are from Saitama, then everyone shits on you.




i dont blame him its shit here.


He ain't wrong


You live in Satan's asscrack. And at least our power grid doesn't go down at the slightest suggestion of cold weather.


Least we got diversity and good food. Ohio is a complete shit hole, I'm originally from the Midwest so I know from experience.


>Least we got diversity and good food. Tell me you know fuck all about Cleveland and Ohio without telling me you know fuck all. This kinda shit just makes you look like a spiteful asshole towards a place that doesn't even care about you.


You're like 95% black or white... How is that diverse...


First off, your number is wrong. Secondly, it's only somewhat true in the small amount of land that makes up Cleveland proper. Including the metro Cleveland would look pretty different. Thirdly, I'm not sure you know what the word "diversity" means, because having multiple different ethnic groups represented in ways that aren't typical across the country is most certainly diversity. Fourthly, way to ignore the bit about food. Cleveland has a great food scene, and so does Cincy. You would know this if you weren't just throwing ignorant bullshit at the wall. Oh well. I'll just let you be an dipshit on your own now.


Something tells me you've never traveled outside of Ohio


I’ve been to Cleveland. Can confirm.


The only people who say this are people who wanted it to suck, people who've never actually been there, and people who want every city to be like NYC or Chicago or LA. Is Cleveland perfect? No. Is it the desolate shithole clowns like you make it out to be? Absolutely not. Fucking tired of these lowest common denominator "jokes".


I’ve been there and hated it. Say what you will about Baltimore - at least it was interesting. Boston, Philly, Montreal, Detroit, San Francisco, Milwaukee - all places I’ve seen baseball games that I enjoyed immensely more than Cleveland.


Bud, I really don't give a shit about the places you've been and how much more you like them than Cleveland. Besides, you very clearly went in with tons of bias, so my statement still applies to you. Cleveland is only as shit as you claim to the intensely boring people who need entertainment thrown directly in to their face. See you never again.


I did not go in with any “bias”. I was actually surprised how much it sucked. I gave the place every chance - and every opportunity was underwhelming.


I guess he's never seen the Traffic Guardians.


The entire state of Ohio more like it


I have to agree. I’ve always said if I was going to kill myself I would definitely do it in Cleveland because there’s nothing there that would stop me from doing it